Bounty Hunt, where it's really punishing if you don't know what to do, but is very satisfying when you do
gg was fun
Bounty Hunt, where it's really punishing if you don't know what to do, but is very satisfying when you do
Here is my late contribution for some clips. Northstar cleanup kills, me camping the bank and pulling off a sick holo pilot kill but at the end I fail to melee a Pilot 5 times in about 6 seconds or so.
I just unlocked the same one 👍No more ketchup and mustard Scorch. Zebra Scorch
Can they fucking nerf Tone's 40mm to Pilots already? Fucking ridiculous how large they are. I know you need an easy titan for people to play but this is fucking stupid. Like a fisher price babies first titan.
It's almost at titanfall 1 levels now actually. the fact that there's no dusting helps a lot though.
Exoplanet hardpoint
We have total control, and have a humungous lead. Our team gets titans.
Not a single flag is capturable by a titan. So the enemy gets total control and flips the game, all because we are in titans
This is the problem with some of these maps ARE allowed to get out of the Titans. They dont disappear...
With no Titan timers, if Titans could control points, than the first team to establish Titan superiority would win.
This game feeling more grounded is ultimately why everything feels so horrible to be killed by.
I don't think I ever raged when playing R1 when it came to specific kills.
I wish I liked Bounty Hunt, but I have too many issues with it. I don't like how the last hit gets a lot of the bonus from a Titan and going to the banks has been a suicide run most of the time.
Ok lets not get out of control. There were definitely things to rage about in the original game such as
And those are still present in the game right now. Let's see after all the tweaks, maybe a year from now or so, how Titanfall 2 pans out in the rage department.
- Smart pistol
- Arc mines
- Arc mines on flag that sometimes didn't go off with nades thrown at it
- Sachels
- Dusting from the 40
- Arc cannon spam
- Horribly uneven teams despite everyone consistently staying in the same room yet the game could not for it's life balance the teams out
- Burn card abuses where the other team would drop multiple titans at the start of a match
I never raged about any of those things. In fact, I loved getting blown up by AND blowing up people with Satchels (back when it was the meta to cap a point and rig it with Satchels while you capped another point lol).
Arc Cannon never bothered me, Burn Cards were fine (though it was a little annoying to discover that the MVP was a dude with Map Hack, but that isn't me raging when I die)...
R1 had a lot more freedom to it.
Smart Pistol in general weaponed a Pilot.
I hate getting Sonared and knowing THE ENTIRE other team can see me. Why in god's name can Tone do that?
There should be one titan point IMO
Now i know you lying
- Being smart pistoled at the very end of a perfect flag cap run when everyone else missed you didn't cause rage?
- Going into pull a flag only to be arc mined from something you thought you blew up didn't cause rage?
- Hitting a perfect 40 gooser only to see it dust didn't cause rage?
- Being in an LTS match and everyone on the other team switches to arc cannon because they're losing a la TONE didn't cause rage?
- Teams being even more uneven than they are now didn't cause rage?
Noob question. Is there any weapon that can penetrate Tone's shield?
Flame Core
Noob question. Is there any weapon that can penetrate Tone's shield?
That's it? Just flame core?
Ronin's arc wave destroys it one hit
I never raged about any of those things. In fact, I loved getting blown up by AND blowing up people with Satchels (back when it was the meta to cap a point and rig it with Satchels while you capped another point lol).
Arc Cannon never bothered me, Burn Cards were fine (though it was a little annoying to discover that the MVP was a dude with Map Hack, but that isn't me raging when I die)...
R1 had a lot more freedom to it.
Smart Pistol in general weaponed a Pilot.
I hate getting Sonared and knowing THE ENTIRE other team can see me. Why in god's name can Tone do that?
How can you hate some of the stuff in tf2 but be okay with bullshit burn cards??
Nah, some maps have some and some don't, I like that. It means you have to adjust the Titan strategy per map. It's totally your teams fault for not recognising that Titan's weren't that useful, and it's hard to believe that none of you got out when you saw yourselves losing all of the points.
Titan's have plenty utility without needing to cap the points. They control space between the points which is a big deal.
- Arc cannon spam
Man, fantastic night of PS4 Gaf trains tonight! Highlights:
Bounty Hunt win: 5,000 - 247
During amped hardpoint: "I AM SO FUCKING AMPED! AMP IT UP!"
"They're just camping in this building"
"Nah, they're spawning there, we just kill them as soon as they peek out!"
Rule #1 of skirmish when running with a group of tryhards: Never, under any circumstances, tell your teammates where the enemies are. It's the only way that you'll get any kills for yourself!
because he's a silly juniorHow can you hate some of the stuff in tf2 but be okay with bullshit burn cards??
I'm almost certain the arc cannon will come back in some capacity.If Respawn brings back Ogre from Titanfall 1 and have its weapon be the Arc Cannon, I will drop Scorch in an instant
yeah, it's not hard buddy. that's part of the reason it's Op as hell
Does hitting from behind give some sort of damage increase?
Does hitting from behind give some sort of damage increase?
That feeling when you buy Low Profile instead of Hover by accident...