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TITANFALL 2 |OT| Don't Misgender Tone.

Northstar rocks, she is my new girl. Tone is dumped.

One shot with the Plasma Railgun...
2 kills
Full Clip here


Yeah I got killed by that rail gun earlier today and the person didn't even hit me. The AOE damage is very high
Complex is pure trash. Nothing in this game gets me more frustrated than that level. Get screwed over by a nuke because of some planter structure BS. A bottleneck within a bottleneck.

The Dude

I think it's a narrow view to think of COD to be defined merely by its controls. If that were the case then there are a myriad of other games that control and feel similar, yet aren't exactly COD-like.

Controlling like COD doesn't make a game Call of Duty like, Homefront, Destiny, Singularity, Wolfenstein all controlled very similarly to Call of Duty games too but I don't think many would say that they're in the 'Call of Duty' family. Plus, if one spends about half of the time in a Titan, another quarter using the games mobility systems as a pilot, and only a third actually engaging enemies in pilot gunplay, how does that give the game a similar feel to COD, at all?

Are you playing pilot TDM perhaps?

What platform are you on? On PS4 it lists 20-30k players at the moment. That's not Call of Duty numbers but that's not low either.

Hopefully it picks up over the holiday period as people realise this is a great game, via word of mouth, reviews, and whatnot. I suspect this is likely to be the best shooter of the year, by quite a margin.

It's similar to putting Destiny's crucible in the halo family, that's all I'm talking about. People are taking it so literal, but just as crucible was great fun it had the feel of a bungie game, it was in the halo family even with titans, locks and hunters having their own skills. All that side stuff is what makes the game unique to the game itself.

Look I am definitely a tdm kind of guy, I personally find the new aversion people have towards it sort of silly but I don't always want to lock down flags or caps, of chase flags etc... I like to pick up and play, and just kill. Been doing it since it's inception via my 2400 baud modem.. And it's progressed over the years.. Team death match is important to me, always will be because it's a great filler in between other modes in shooters.

This game has two aspects, ground combat and mechs. In the mechs it feels like it's own game, same with the original. But the ground combats gunplay mechanics is built on cod. They've added to it obviously, but the core mechanics is spot on about the same feeling. Yes when you add the titans, the wall running, the sliding, it morphs into its own thing but there's still a certain style of play required that I believe is suited solely for call of duty. The way I play halo is different, the way I played Doom was different, battlefront, Battlefield, and the way I played call of duty is required for this as well.

But yes when you blend it all in, it's not "just like" call of duty, but it's definitely still inspired and vibing cod when you're out battling on foot. Not sure what else to say.
Now that I'm more used to this game, it feels just like TF1, but first impressions were very different. It's more COD like than TF1 but to call it "COD with Mechs" isn't fair.


I haven't used any titan but Scorch, and I can't bring myself to do so. All the traps and that shield just ruin people. It's the legit Titanfall 2 Kevin McCallister, taking down the wet bandit titans who oppose him.


I've played about 5 hours of multiplayer now, which I realize is not enough to know what to do, but these are my thoughts on the weapons I've used so far:

R201 - A good all-rounder at mid- and mid-long range. Good for defending a place from high ground. It's a bit boring, though, and just about useless vs. titans.

L-STAR - Great damage, but the slow speed of the projectiles means you'll need to fight at no more than 15 meters or so away from your target. Best for fighting indoors and for getting super fast amped kills.

SMR - A lot like the L-STAR, but its projectiles are even slower, so it's not as good against enemy pilots beyond 10 meters or so. The trade-off is that it does respectable chip damage against Titans and Reapers, especially when amped, and I believe the rockets have a small area of splash damage that can make really fast work of enemy pilots in close quarters.

Charge Rifle - More of a hit-and-run weapon vs. titans than something you'd want to mount an assault with, and next to useless against pilots. You'll want to use it at as long a range as you can comfortably aim, because the beam is basically a big "Hey, kill me right now!" sign for the enemy. Firing a couple of shots and then running back to cover is the only way I can use this productively right now. The Charge Hack mod lets it fire instantly for half-damage, and is good for distracting enemy titans, and probably has a higher DPS if you sustain fire for a whole clip. But in my opinion you're not going to be able to get off that many shots before you need to run away in most cases, so it might be better to just use the full-charge version.
Man it sucks that the community is already low enough that no one is already playing certain playlists on PC. I haven't gotten to try Free for All or Pilots Vs Pilots at all, and it seems like I probably won't ever get to if this is the state of the game two days after launch. How are numbers/playlists on console? This game deserves to be such a huge seller, it's amazing.
I haven't used any titan but Scorch, and I can't bring myself to do so. All the traps and that shield just ruin people. It's the legit Titanfall 2 Kevin McCallister, taking down the wet bandit titans who oppose him.

That's how I feel about Tone right now, but I think I might switch it up to Northstar soon. I wanna snipe Titans.


How does happy hour merit system work? Is it just that first match you play during the hour that you get credits or is it for that entire hour?


Didn't get the memo regarding the 14th Amendment
How does happy hour merit system work? Is it just that first match you play during the hour that you get credits or is it for that entire hour?

Just one match to get the maximum amount of merits (5) for Happy Hour.
Just hit level 38. Unlocked C4. Definitely putting that on every class, along with ordnance expert.

That with the Archer and I've been having a blast (no pun intended) hunting down titans.
Is anyone struggling with the 'become the master' trophy? Took me a few tries but I put the video of my successful run onto twitter.


Using the shotgun was a big help in regards to making the runs more consistent and hitting the targets, the grenades make easy work of the grouped targets and making sure that you slide at the end of your landings is crucial for retaining momentum.

I don't see myself getting it down below 25 seconds but I could definitely get it below 28 or so with a bit of optimisation of that run. I missed a slide, stayed too long on a few walls, and had some bad positioning at the end which would have shaved a few seconds off the clock.
I cannot find a reason to use any other gun than the R201. That thing is a beast. Accurate at all distances. Anyone have any other suggestions to someone like me?

I am also loving switching between the titans. All have their strengths.
I cannot find a reason to use any other gun than the R201. That thing is a beast. Accurate at all distances. Anyone have any other suggestions to someone like me?

I am also loving switching between the titans. All have their strengths.

I'm in the same position as you. I've dabbled with the SMGs but ultimately the assault rifle just feels better. It feels as though the time to kill is close to the SMG's but at it doesn't suffer from the mid-range drop off, giving it an adequate TTK at close range and a great TTK and mid to mid-long.

Ultimately it seems like so long as I'm not at long range and shoot first (and sometimes even when I don't) this thing always wins, and that's what I need, to win as many close-mid range gun battles as possible.

A lot of the other fully automatics just seem fine. Not awful, and very capable of killing within their designated range, but typically less versatile and the difference in TTK they provide doesn't seem like it would change the outcome of most encounters. I often go into close quarters with the R201 and kill multiple players who are using either shotguns or SMGs without issue, so why use anything else?

It's the gun that gives me the most agency to win as many of my gun battles as possible, others just limit me. 'Oh I can't win that fight because my gun doesn't work well at x range'. Not to mention the recoil is near non-existent.

I could be wrong though, perhaps there are assault rifles and LMGs that I haven't used that fulfil a similar role. The burst fire and semi-auto ARs aren't as suitable for mid-range, and I've yet to unlock the fourth.


So who wants to buy some gamer fuel and give me the codes? You'll get a 90% discount on poison

(I want double XP and don't trust eBay)


waiting on this to download on PSN...looks like the full game wont be done for another 7 hours but it will have enough data to start the application soon.

Will I be able to play Single player before the full application downloads?
This game is at its best when you try to go for something crazy that may or may not work. In my case it didn't work but it was so much fun that I can't be mad
It's similar to putting Destiny's crucible in the halo family, that's all I'm talking about. People are taking it so literal, but just as crucible was great fun it had the feel of a bungie game, it was in the halo family even with titans, locks and hunters having their own skills. All that side stuff is what makes the game unique to the game itself.

Look I am definitely a tdm kind of guy, I personally find the new aversion people have towards it sort of silly but I don't always want to lock down flags or caps, of chase flags etc... I like to pick up and play, and just kill. Been doing it since it's inception via my 2400 baud modem.. And it's progressed over the years.. Team death match is important to me, always will be because it's a great filler in between other modes in shooters.

This game has two aspects, ground combat and mechs. In the mechs it feels like it's own game, same with the original. But the ground combats gunplay mechanics is built on cod. They've added to it obviously, but the core mechanics is spot on about the same feeling. Yes when you add the titans, the wall running, the sliding, it morphs into its own thing but there's still a certain style of play required that I believe is suited solely for call of duty. The way I play halo is different, the way I played Doom was different, battlefront, Battlefield, and the way I played call of duty is required for this as well.

But yes when you blend it all in, it's not "just like" call of duty, but it's definitely still inspired and vibing cod when you're out battling on foot. Not sure what else to say.

I think the first example you used here is really weird. The difference between Destiny and Halo is night and day, if anything Halo has a distinctly better feel to its gunplay because it's 30 frames per second, but it also has so many core gameplay changes like the lack of pickups, focus on ADS, it controls and plays differently at its very core.

Halo is also not ads orientated.

I agree with you more on Titanfall, if we're just talking boots on the ground gunplay, then it has a rather similar feel to early Call of Duty games (control wise I feel that it feels like COD4). However, I do feel it's reductive to categories games by such a small component of their gameplay experiences. We can agree to disagree though, that's okay too. :)


I cannot find a reason to use any other gun than the R201. That thing is a beast. Accurate at all distances. Anyone have any other suggestions to someone like me?

I am also loving switching between the titans. All have their strengths.

Same here, it just seems like a great anti-infantry weapon at all ranges.

As for titans, currently rocking Ronin after Ion didn't click with me, and am I missing something about the melee attack? Sometimes I wreck others titans and other times I just feel like I'm flailing in ineffectualy.


What happens if I say "don't take the shortcut, BT" ? Because the first time I did the assembly line I said, "the shortcut is a great idea!"

There's no
thing that changes with the dialogue options.
You just however parkour with various different things to reach where you need.

How many ways did you find? What are they?

When you're in the sideways house and need to get up to the top, you can take another path where you climb the crane. Earlier as well there are other ways to get onto the moving bridges


I hope they do something about the player color/highlight. Just finished a map where the overall red/pink hue/tint made it incredibly hard to spot the enemy.
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