Honestly, I can't say anthing bad about this game's graphics. Sure, it's no Crysis, or BF4 graphically, and it's textures in some places could have used some more attention. But overall, great performance, and it looks really good artistically, and passable graphics-wise. I'm talking the PC version, of course.
-2GB 670 GPU
-8GB ram
I'm playing at 1440p at 60. There are some FPS dips here and there when shit gets crazy, but if I were to drop it down to 1080p, then I'm sure I wont have that issue.
Titanfall further proves that that OTHER shooter franchise is on it's death bed. Zampella and crew have proven that they can not only make a decent shooter, but make one that plays phenomenally. I have fallen for this game, because of it's flexible charm. It doesn't re-invent the shooter wheel, but what it does is systematically break down everything you're used to with shooters all of last gen, and made them obsolete. It loses those small, crampy, symmetrical, flat, hallway maps and adds a level of diversity that hardly any multiplayer shooter has accomplished in my recent memory. I kept saying that I was sick of shooters, and I'm not the only one. But that's because we've seemingly been playing the SAME shooter more or less for the past 6 or so years. Titanfall is the exception. Sure, at it's core, it's a shooter. But everything else that's been thrown into the mix is refreshing and much needed in this genre. We've been sick of shooters because none of them, lately, have attempted to raise the bar. I believe that Titanfall has raised said bar, to the point of being mimic'd for the coming years.
"Single Player" is really weak, and has almost no context to it, but what IS there, is ok I suppose...
Yes, this game is worth the hype it generated. I look forward to playing it regularly, because it actually ALLOWS you to have fun. Lack of competent single player aside, there is enough here to warrant a purchase, because of the longevity that it potentially has.