Though, I will say, I think an Invasion-type mode could do wonder for adding this additional layer if done right.
I agree. I think a co-op mode would work well too. they already have the AI so it wouldn't be hard to implement.
Though, I will say, I think an Invasion-type mode could do wonder for adding this additional layer if done right.
So there's that auto targeting system that's demonstrated in the tutorial. I wonder if someone figured out how to quickly hack that into being an aimbot during the beta?
So, remember yesterday when people were using a modified exe to play the game early...
On PC?
It's called the Smart Pistol and is a feature, not a cheat.
There appear to be separate aim it cheaters. They're not pistol users.
Nice! Always a rush when a match ends so well.
Are we lumped together by skill in the real MP? I've only played Campaign and it seems to be a free-for-all in that regard.
Uh, Boneyard really doesn't run that well on the bone. (Pun intended). That's a 60fps gif of the worst seconds that I had. Probably just due to some background loading, but the map was generally a bit sluggish. Seems to get worse when smoke effects are involved. I really hope that the patch will improve things.
I played the beta for a couple hours and enjoyed it; but didn't "wow" me. But upon the beta's close, I slowly found myself reminiscing about the game more and more - to the point of true hype. As much as I'd love to have gotten Titanfall on PC; I really need something to justify my Xbox One purchase at launch - and this seemed like the game to do it. As the release has neared, I've found myself increasingly more excited - to the point I went to the midnight release and even took today off work.
My impressions after about ~six or seven hours of playing.
It's totally fun. Maneuvering around the maps is a blast - really does feel truly fresh. The controls are tight - and while wall-running can be a bit wonky, I'll scratch that up to my inexperience. I imagine in a couple days, I'll be bouncing around like a pro - and I truly love that the player movement is an additional level of skill. Taking some of the skill away from just quick-twitch aim and instead into knowing the intricacies of a map and the jump, and being able to shave a second or two off your journey is something I absolutely loved in games like Halo 1 & 2, and while I was never good - Quake.
Which takes me to a comparison that's not truly fair - but I have to think to myself "how does this stack up against my favorite multiplayer FPS games? Which are, unquestionably, Halo 2 as an all-time favorite and Team Fortress 2 as a distant second. Both games run off teamwork - a good team - with good communication and an eagerness to help can overcome a lot of challenges. Additionally, everything is so layered - knowing the perfect sniping location, the perfect way to launch a warthog in a base, the perfect path to sneak a bomb to the assault location, where to hide with a flag, where to put up a sentry, where a medic can hide to heal his team; all of those things add so many additional layers to the strategy.
And that's where I think Titanfall will fall short. The gameplay is tight. The maps are surprisingly good - and there's a lot of them. The controls are nearly spot-on. The Titans themselves are a blast. There's a lot of action, and I'm having lots of fun. Totally worth the $60. But I'm already - on day one - finding myself realizing that every match is basically a bunch of people bouncing around shooting whatever rolls in front of them. The "strategy" is missing. And while that's not a bad thing, it's something that I would have really enjoyed. .. it just doesn't suit itself too well with this kind of game.
Though, I will say, I think an Invasion-type mode could do wonder for adding this additional layer if done right.
I played the beta for a couple hours and enjoyed it; but didn't "wow" me. But upon the beta's close, I slowly found myself reminiscing about the game more and more - to the point of true hype. As much as I'd love to have gotten Titanfall on PC; I really need something to justify my Xbox One purchase at launch - and this seemed like the game to do it. As the release has neared, I've found myself increasingly more excited - to the point I went to the midnight release and even took today off work.
My impressions after about ~six or seven hours of playing.
It's totally fun. Maneuvering around the maps is a blast - really does feel truly fresh. The controls are tight - and while wall-running can be a bit wonky, I'll scratch that up to my inexperience. I imagine in a couple days, I'll be bouncing around like a pro - and I truly love that the player movement is an additional level of skill. Taking some of the skill away from just quick-twitch aim and instead into knowing the intricacies of a map and the jump, and being able to shave a second or two off your journey is something I absolutely loved in games like Halo 1 & 2, and while I was never good - Quake.
Which takes me to a comparison that's not truly fair - but I have to think to myself "how does this stack up against my favorite multiplayer FPS games? Which are, unquestionably, Halo 2 as an all-time favorite and Team Fortress 2 as a distant second. Both games run off teamwork - a good team - with good communication and an eagerness to help can overcome a lot of challenges. Additionally, everything is so layered - knowing the perfect sniping location, the perfect way to launch a warthog in a base, the perfect path to sneak a bomb to the assault location, where to hide with a flag, where to put up a sentry, where a medic can hide to heal his team; all of those things add so many additional layers to the strategy.
And that's where I think Titanfall will fall short. The gameplay is tight. The maps are surprisingly good - and there's a lot of them. The controls are nearly spot-on. The Titans themselves are a blast. There's a lot of action, and I'm having lots of fun. Totally worth the $60. But I'm already - on day one - finding myself realizing that every match is basically a bunch of people bouncing around shooting whatever rolls in front of them. The "strategy" is missing. And while that's not a bad thing, it's something that I would have really enjoyed. .. it just doesn't suit itself too well with this kind of game.
Though, I will say, I think an Invasion-type mode could do wonder for adding this additional layer if done right.
Been playing for several hour this morning. Beat the IMC campaignm then went to Attrition. Not doing as well as I did in the Beta, struggling to get up to a 2 KDR. I don't know why, but if I don't end a match with at least that KDR, I feel really disappointed in myself.
Nice! Always a rush when a match ends so well.
Haven't had one quite so good, but I think it's mostly due to unfamiliarity with the maps and getting my groove back.
So for those who picked up a One with Titanfall's launch, are you satisfied/happy with the purchase? Any buyer's remorse?
I only ask because I'm considering it. Been on the fence for a while now. Already have a PS4 though and certainly will spend most of my time there.
Turn off Vsync in game and use Adaptive Vsync in the Nvidia settings. It wont completely eliminate the tearing but will greatly reduce it. I have the same card and i rarely encounter tearing.
So for those who picked up a One with Titanfall's launch, are you satisfied/happy with the purchase? Any buyer's remorse?
I only ask because I'm considering it. Been on the fence for a while now. Already have a PS4 though and certainly will spend most of my time there.
Anyway to skip the cutscenes when you start up the game?
My third match into the game and I was starting to finally get kills and learn how to not die in Titanfall every couple of seconds. I get my titan, I take out 3 other titans which began surrounding me, take out a bunch of Grunts and Pilots, then an enemy titan rushes me and manages to take me out while the enemy team collectively fired missiles.Awww, yiss, no better feeling than ejecting your doomed Titan and shooting the dude who doomed it while falling.
So yeah, I dont care what anyone else says. I'm playing this game on my One and it is bloody beautiful. The maps, the scenery, the landscape, the skyboxes, the artstyle. Its all beautiful and I feel a constant urge to just look at the scenery instead of playing the game.
If you're in NA: If GMG still has that $10 off code, you could get the game for $50, then either get the season pass at full price for $25, or get it at GMG for 25 w/ $2 cash back or $4 store credit back. Still not too huge of a deal, but it's less than $80.neogaf pilots, where can I get Titanfall + Season Pass (PC) for cheap (cheaper than 79.99)?
Feels like the game is having trouble placing people into the campaign. Last 5 matches were horribly uneven the whole time.
neogaf pilots, where can I get Titanfall + Season Pass (PC) for cheap (cheaper than 79.99)?
Well isn't that something?
Someone tell Gies.
And that's where I think Titanfall will fall short. The gameplay is tight. The maps are surprisingly good - and there's a lot of them. The controls are nearly spot-on. The Titans themselves are a blast. There's a lot of action, and I'm having lots of fun. Totally worth the $60. But I'm already - on day one - finding myself realizing that every match is basically a bunch of people bouncing around shooting whatever rolls in front of them. The "strategy" is missing. And while that's not a bad thing, it's something that I would have really enjoyed. .. it just doesn't suit itself too well with this kind of game.
Do you have a decent PC? You can most likely run Titanfall no problem if so, just have to keep the resolution in check. You can find the game pretty cheap as well.
It is happening like that consistently, the G2A4 is the best gun I have ever used.
I don't like it. The match trigger removes 6 bullets from the magazine for some reason and it fires too slow without the match trigger.
In COD games strategy comes later it's always a shooting cluster fuck upfront. also play the capture point matches if you are looking for strategy. it's funny because I feel like all halo games even later in their life span are still just shoot and then run at them until their shield is down.
Kind of a side note, I never knew Origin let you customize your box art in your games list. I set mine to a GIF from True Detective, and it actually plays the GIF, lol.
I use the suppressor, Match Trigger is good when you are going to Rodeo a Titan however, but I haven't unlocked it yet haha.
Hey, you're right.
When you use it, you only have 8 rounds in your magazine, which makes it kinda useless against multiple targets.
I was looking forward to using it, but it just has too many disadvantages. It's perfectly possible to do well with it, but I feel I do much better with the carbine or SMG.
YesIs there text communication on PC?
Just saw it in pre-match lobby. Couldn't get into normal match, so I'm not sure about that, but there probably is (I think I remember seeing it in some screenshots or videos... or gifs posted around here).Is there text communication on PC?
I played the beta for a couple hours and enjoyed it; but didn't "wow" me. But upon the beta's close, I slowly found myself reminiscing about the game more and more - to the point of true hype. As much as I'd love to have gotten Titanfall on PC; I really need something to justify my Xbox One purchase at launch - and this seemed like the game to do it. As the release has neared, I've found myself increasingly more excited - to the point I went to the midnight release and even took today off work.
My impressions after about ~six or seven hours of playing.
It's totally fun. Maneuvering around the maps is a blast - really does feel truly fresh. The controls are tight - and while wall-running can be a bit wonky, I'll scratch that up to my inexperience. I imagine in a couple days, I'll be bouncing around like a pro - and I truly love that the player movement is an additional level of skill. Taking some of the skill away from just quick-twitch aim and instead into knowing the intricacies of a map and the jump, and being able to shave a second or two off your journey is something I absolutely loved in games like Halo 1 & 2, and while I was never good - Quake.
Which takes me to a comparison that's not truly fair - but I have to think to myself "how does this stack up against my favorite multiplayer FPS games? Which are, unquestionably, Halo 2 as an all-time favorite and Team Fortress 2 as a distant second. Both games run off teamwork - a good team - with good communication and an eagerness to help can overcome a lot of challenges. Additionally, everything is so layered - knowing the perfect sniping location, the perfect way to launch a warthog in a base, the perfect path to sneak a bomb to the assault location, where to hide with a flag, where to put up a sentry, where a medic can hide to heal his team; all of those things add so many additional layers to the strategy.
And that's where I think Titanfall will fall short. The gameplay is tight. The maps are surprisingly good - and there's a lot of them. The controls are nearly spot-on. The Titans themselves are a blast. There's a lot of action, and I'm having lots of fun. Totally worth the $60. But I'm already - on day one - finding myself realizing that every match is basically a bunch of people bouncing around shooting whatever rolls in front of them. The "strategy" is missing. And while that's not a bad thing, it's something that I would have really enjoyed. .. it just doesn't suit itself too well with this kind of game.
Though, I will say, I think an Invasion-type mode could do wonder for adding this additional layer if done right.