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Titanfall |OT| Titan Online. Signal When Ready.

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That was my fault. By the time we noticed this bug, it was outside the category of severity that we were still fixing for release.

It will be fixed, but in the mean time many a rare pack will be left unclaimed. I was watching a Gen3 co-worker play, his deck was full of amped RE-45s and whatnot with only one rare. He has probably missed out on ~40-50 rares because he hasn't been discarding enough.

That's cool that you guys are addressing this so quickly.

So what's the optimal usage of burn cards to make sure you don't miss out? Should you really be using 3 per game?
Something is up with the leaderboards in-game. I killed about 6 players aka Pilots but on the board is says I only killed 1.

I know I got more than 1 since it's easy to spot who you kill with their name being gold rather than blue/white.

Just had a similar experience.
Looks like we have several spreadsheets going on. Can we decide which one is boss and post it to the OP?

Why not both?

Although HelloMeow has said that he preferred mine since Origin/XBOX IDs are kept separate. I kinda agree in terms of ease of viewing.

I've created 2 google docs for people to share their Origin/Xbox GamerTag in:

PC/Origin: http://tinyurl.com/lkuc8hg

Xbox One: http://tinyurl.com/kw75uvv

Same as the BF4 spreadsheets, pm me for any corrections.

Edit: You have to refresh after you fill out the form to see your information show up on the spreadsheet.


i just had to mute 3 idiots who were bitching at each other after a game.. saying to play me in call of duty and shit..

i prefer when people don't talk.
Something is up with the leaderboards in-game. I killed about 6 players aka Pilots but on the board is says I only killed 1.

I know I got more than 1 since it's easy to spot who you kill with their name being gold rather than blue/white.

I thought I was losing the ability to count so it is interesting to hear about other players that are getting issues. Last night my stats said I'd only killed one pilot when it was about 6 or 7.


That was my fault. By the time we noticed this bug, it was outside the category of severity that we were still fixing for release.

It will be fixed, but in the mean time many a rare pack will be left unclaimed. I was watching a Gen3 co-worker play, his deck was full of amped RE-45s and whatnot with only one rare. He has probably missed out on ~40-50 rares because he hasn't been discarding enough.

You guys working on a nice patch right now?
Ran into a gen 5 cheater last night called Maddenxoxo (on pc). He would just sit at the top of a level and wait for pilots to eject and lock onto them using what I assume was an aimbot. Dirty bastard


Just had a chance to read Eurogramer's tech interview. I'm almost glad to hear reported that the Kinect GPU cycles haven't been returned to developers yet.
Article said:
It's known that Microsoft is attempting to free up precious graphics resources. Last year, the Xbox One architects told us that the GPU "time-slice" - the amount of processing time reserved by the operating system for elements like Kinect - would be made available to game developers. Respawn confirms that this hasn't happened yet. Baker tells us. "It's not available for launch but we're definitely going to take advantage of that if they give that as an option. And the plan that is they will make that an option, so when it's visible we'll enable it for our game and we should be able to crank up resolution proportionally."
Glad to see that could result in either a slight resolution bump or more stable frame rates in hairy situations.


Matchmaking is based on hidden skill rank... think Bungie's Halo 2 visible rank... everyone in TF has one that cannot be seen. The rank you see is simply time in game. The thing about true skill matchmaking is it requires some time to "get going".

I think this is bs. I literally just came out of a match where we had all rank 40+ and one dude was prestiged 3 times and level 50 of that... I mean wth. Anyway, we had an obviously stacked team. The team we got matched with, I kid you not, not ONE of them was in double digit ranks, the highest was an 8. There's no way in hell there's any "skill" ranking applied here. It's basically "who has a pulse and has around the same ping to your data center".

We weren't partied or anything this was complete randoms.

I should have gotten a screenshot.
i just had to mute 3 idiots who were bitching at each other after a game.. saying to play me in call of duty and shit..

i prefer when people don't talk.

I think this is bs. I literally just came out of a match where we had all rank 40+ and one dude was prestiged 3 times and level 50 of that... I mean wth. Anyway, we had an obviously stacked team. The team we got matched with, I kid you not, not ONE of them was in double digit ranks, the highest was an 8. There's no way in hell there's any "skill" ranking applied here. It's basically "who has a pulse and has around the same ping to your data center".

We weren't partied or anything this was complete randoms.

I should have gotten a screenshot.


Skill ranking is happening according to Respawn. It's still super early games with true matchmaking always take a month or so before people begin to get matched up... too many brand new players etc.
I thought I was losing the ability to count so it is interesting to hear about other players that are getting issues. Last night my stats said I'd only killed one pilot when it was about 6 or 7.
I've wondered about this at times, then realized it was because I was "killing" them during the escape to the dropship, and they don't count then.

We have seen a few reports of invulnerable players but it is believed that this is a result of a bug, not a cheat. We're looking for repro steps so we can fix it.
Unless it's lag manifesting very strangely, I've definitely encountered one aimbot (on the death cam, I watched his reticle snap to my ejecting Pilot and trace a perfect parabolic arc to the ground while shooting the LMG). Username was fruitypebbles or something, I think.
Just once every 1,000 goes or so, you should try to use a Burn card, and it should put up "You totally suck... burnnnnn" on the screen. Childish, I know.


We have seen a few reports of invulnerable players but it is believed that this is a result of a bug, not a cheat. We're looking for repro steps so we can fix it.

Are you guys doing anything about the aimbots/trigger bots as well as the wall hacks? They're definitely out there and getting used.


The Cryptarch's Bane
Played up too late last night, but damn if it isn't addictive. My love of shotguns will certainly not be dulled by the EVA-8, and I'm cultivating my skills as a titan hunter. Taking one down unscathed as a pilot has to be my favorite thing to do.

All the complaints about a lack of content, no singleplayer campaign, lack of mode variety- sure, they're all well-taken. But ultimately, all of that stuff is the fluff in a game like this. The core gameplay balance is so consistently great that everything else only matters in matching up to that standard. The moment-to-moment experience of just playing the game is a joy, and that's what will give this one its legs.

I do have a couple questions about stuff I don't quite understand:
  • So I beat the IMC "campaign" last night and it "unlocked" the Stryder chassis... I don't understand though. Haven't I had the ability to pick it from the loadout screen the whole time? I literally used a Stryder in the final mission that "unlocked" it. What am I missing...?
  • What does one hack Spectres for? Other than the very sharp animation, what's the purpose of this?
So I beat the IMC "campaign" last night and it "unlocked" the Stryder chassis... I don't understand though. Haven't I had the ability to pick it from the loadout screen the whole time? I literally used a Stryder in the final mission that "unlocked" it. What am I missing...?
One of the default loadouts is a Stryder, yes, but the unlock lets you use the chassis in your custom Titan loadouts.


Are you guys doing anything about the aimbots/trigger bots as well as the wall hacks? They're definitely out there and getting used.

Not to be a dick, but this makes me glad I chose the XB1 verison.

Oh, and I'm Gen 2 lvl 27 and still haven't been on Lagoon, and couldn't shoot a damn ejecting pilot. Prestige 5 is the top. :/

  • So I beat the IMC "campaign" last night and it "unlocked" the Stryder chassis... I don't understand though. Haven't I had the ability to pick it from the loadout screen the whole time? I literally used a Stryder in the final mission that "unlocked" it. What am I missing...?
  • What does one hack Spectres for? Other than the very sharp animation, what's the purpose of this?

Preset Stryder and Ogre is available from start. But for custom classes, you have to unlock them.

Hacking spectres makes them follow/protect(?) you.
  • So I beat the IMC "campaign" last night and it "unlocked" the Stryder chassis... I don't understand though. Haven't I had the ability to pick it from the loadout screen the whole time? I literally used a Stryder in the final mission that "unlocked" it. What am I missing...?
  • What does one hack Spectres for? Other than the very sharp animation, what's the purpose of this?

1) Same as pilot custom classes. You had access to the Stryder chasis before, but you didn't have the ability to customize its load out. Now you can.
2)Hacked Spectres will try and follow you around as allies.


The Cryptarch's Bane
One of the default loadouts is a Stryder, yes, but the unlock lets you use the chassis in your custom Titan loadouts.
Oh! Makes sense that I didn't realize this then because... I haven't unlocked custom loadouts for titans yet. It's a little hilarious that you can do that.
1) Same as pilot custom classes. You had access to the Stryder chasis before, but you didn't have the ability to customize its load out. Now you can.
Not quite!
2)Hacked Spectres will try and follow you around as allies.
Hmm so, in Attrition would this actually be a bad idea then, because it would help more to get the kills from them?
So what's the deal with this...? I just pulled off a sick ass move with next to no health in my Titan where I cornered the enemy on full health, took his shit down and then stupidly jumped in to his nuclear explosion. So both last remaining Titans go out at exactly the same time and now we just have the rest of my team as Pilots running around doing their own thing with the countdown timer stuck on 0 and ticking away.

Video inccoming.
So guys, after a few days of play time what are your thougths on the weapons balance ?

Don't you feel that the RC101 is a bit too effective at long range ?


There is a tactical ability that basically is a wallhack.

This is quite a bit different. I don't want to foster any interest in them, even if we're in good company but think the tactical ability times a bamillion. Also, the ability to instantly snapshot anyone that is visible to you. Oh and it's optional so they can 'fake it' if you get on to them.
This is probably the first multiplayer shooter where I don't care if I'm winning or losing I'm still having tons of fun, I think part of that is u never quiet know how many kills where pilots, spectres e.t.c ure just glad ure contributing.

For that reason alone I think ill end up playing titanfall for a long time.some negatives though

- campaign was garbage, my intro story's where constantly starting half way through, no idea story wise what was happening because I was focused on not dying, constantly switching from imc to militia, and to top it all off lost my connection on the final cutscenes so not sure if I missed anything or not. Now it wants me todo it all again but as militia instead
- performance is terrible in spots, I thought giant bomb was exaggerating with the single digit fps but I actually encountered it myself on the Hammond robots map
KB/M felt off on the PC version. Not sure why.

Plugged in 360 pad and I'm doing better, it feels great and (surprisingly) doesn't feel like I'm at a disadvantage.

First ever competitive FPS I've played with a pad on PC. It's not that I'm bad with KB/M either as I'm a veteran CS player...
So what's the deal with this...? I just pulled off a sick ass move with next to no health in my Titan where I cornered the enemy on full health, took his shit down and then stupidly jumped in to his nuclear explosion. So both last remaining Titans go out at exactly the same time and now we just have the rest of my team as Pilots running around doing their own thing with the countdown timer stuck on 0 and ticking away.

Video inccoming.
So after about four minutes it turns out there was an enemy Pilot hiding somewhere.
So guys, after a few days of play time what are your thougths on the weapons balance ?

Don't you feel that the RC101 is a bit too effective at long range ?

Yup it's too good, and makes the other long range "accurate" rifles seem pointless. You can full auto while ADS and it's dead accurate with little spread of shots. The gun as such as effective at all ranges and the slower more accurate semi auto rifles loose any utility since they put you at a close range disadvantage in the game. Sniping for the most part is futile in this game with how mobile everyone is and few people stand around.

Of the two SMGs, the CAR is clearly superior.

Not too many weapons in the game, but it's sad that a good chunk of them are not going to get much use by the player base as it currently stands.


Is there something like a GT list for older players (let´s say, 35+) with slower reflexes going?
I love the game, but start to hate to get my ass handed on a regular basis... :p


Neo Member
Is there something like a GT list for older players (let´s say, 35+) with slower reflexes going?
I love the game, but start to hate to get my ass handed on a regular basis... :p

I think this game is one of the first that solves that problem for us ageing gamers. With weapons like the auto pistol and the highly effective shotgun, and the speed at which the titans play. I think they both are geared toward more tactical players instead of twitch. But at the same time twitch works too. I think it's a good balance.
Is there something like a GT list for older players (let´s say, 35+) with slower reflexes going?
I love the game, but start to hate to get my ass handed on a regular basis... :p

Sounds like a great idea, go ahead and start one... (and we can kick out anyone who's too good or who we suspect of being a young 'un)


I think this game is one of the first that solves that problem for us ageing gamers. With weapons like the auto pistol and the highly effective shotgun, and the speed at which the titans play. I think they both are geared toward more tactical players instead of twitch. But at the same time twitch works too. I think it's a good balance.

OK, you are not 35+, I can tell. :p As long as others can twitch-shoot, I´m hopelessly overwhelmed.

Sounds like a great idea, go ahead and start one... (and we can kick out anyone who's too good or who we suspect of being a young 'un)

LOL, sounds like a plan. New thread in community?


How is matchmaking supposed to work in this game?
I had loads of fun with the beta but am finding my first day with the retail version incredibly frustrating.

I seem to be matched up with people of far higher rank and far higher skill than myself. I've played like 20 games but my team have only won 3 or 4...

In the beta my win/loss percentage was around 50%
That to me is a sign of good matchmaking since sometimes I was matched with better players, sometimes worse players. At the moment I'm just playing people that are significantly better than me and it's making it hard to have any fun.

Just wondering how this matchmaking is supposed to work because it certainly isn't based on skill or rank.
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