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Titanfall |OT| Titan Online. Signal When Ready.

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Does anybody know a way of making your stats public or finding out the stats of other players?

I don't honestly care about K/D that much, I just want to bug a close, long-time friend who told me for months how he would own me at this game cause he's so much better at COD (while I, in turn, am a Halo guy and own him at those games). And I'm preeeeeetty sure, I'm killing him across the board, lol.

Just looking to rub it in a bit. :p

But did you not like it for the setting or for the mechanics?

At the end of the day, Titanfall is CODMW2 with superior mobility and scale options. There's nothing wrong with that, but if you hate the way COD plays, Titanfall isn't so dramatically different that it's going to instantly win you over. Titanfall is the logical continuation of the COD style of gameplay.

I agree with this when you're a pilot, but once you get into a Titan, it actually feels a lot more like Halo with the shield management, slower movement speed, etc. You actually have to be a lot more thoughtful and tactical in a Titan than you do on the ground, where it's pretty much 'I saw you first, you're dead'.
On PC, I unbound Sprint (because Delayed Auto-Sprint) and use Shift for Melee, and F for Grenade. What other custom keys are people using?

I was playing with a controller for a while but felt like I was getting stomped too often up close so I've been using kb/m again. I should get a mouse with more buttons because I'd assign ordnance to a mouse button if I could but I set mouse 2 as aim modifier (disable aim toggle), mouse 1 to fire and mouse 3 for melee.
IMC Campaign done...Militia to go

~quietly weeps to myself because it's only halfway over"

They do have some interesting things that happen in campaign but you don't get any time to actually focus on them sadly. On the plus side I actually got my first "punching a pilot in mid-air as a Titan" kill. Felt nice...lol


The only one I ever enjoyed was World at War and I didn't like that very much. I am a Halo guy.

The game feels like halo when you are in a Titan. Big old slow robot man that is trying lower another robots shield so they can punch each other until one of them dies.


The Cryptarch's Bane
Bumper Jumper Pilot is another control option.
So wait, why are the people saying the stuff about the vortex shield being an issue not just using that?
But did you not like it for the setting or for the mechanics?

At the end of the day, Titanfall is CODMW2 with superior mobility and scale options. There's nothing wrong with that, but if you hate the way COD plays, Titanfall isn't so dramatically different that it's going to instantly win you over. Titanfall is the logical continuation of the COD style of gameplay.
Well, um, the setting and tone of MW couldn't really hold my attention, but as far as gameplay is concerned I guess it's just a matter of perspective or difference of playstyle or whatever. The xp progression/unlocks of CoD just aggravated me, but it doesn't seem nearly as onerous here. And I don't consider the stuff you can do in Titanfall to be merely "superior mobility options," it completely changes my entire approach to engagement and combat at all times. I don't know how exactly to decide what the logical continuation of the COD style of gameplay would be, but it's funny to think you'd just eventually arrive at sci-fi tech free-running with double jumps and giant robots :p

Playing through the tutorial with no preconceptions, it indeed struck me as so dramatically different that it instantly won me over. Anyone's mileage may of course vary.


IMC Campaign done...Militia to go

~quietly weeps to myself because it's only halfway over"

They do have some interesting things that happen in campaign but you don't get any time to actually focus on them sadly. On the plus side I actually got my first "punching a pilot in mid-air as a Titan" kill. Felt nice...lol

I do like the idea of you not being some big hero but just an above average boot on the ground being in close proximity to the big hero/s (and battles).
Please, tell me honestly; is this game worth buying an Xbox One for? I've wanted a PS4 since the beginning and finally have a preorder for the inFamous bundle (inFamous 1 and 2 are 2 of my favourite ever games) But I'm thinking of temporarily cancelling and getting the Titanfall bundle. Somebody make me see sense...

It's a good system but TitanFall isn't the must have game imo. It all depends on taste, if possible try a friends or one at a retail store.


Wait so can you configure it to chance just your pilot controls or not? :-/

I don't like Call of Duty at all and loved Halo 1, 2, and Reach.

There is another option that does bumper jumper for pilots but leaves Titan default. I like all of those games, but much prefer Halo.

And I like have my bumper be my dash on my Titan versus the tactical ability.
I've created 2 google docs for people to share their Origin/Xbox GamerTag in:

PC/Origin: http://tinyurl.com/lkuc8hg

Xbox One: http://tinyurl.com/kw75uvv

Same as the BF4 spreadsheets, pm me for any corrections.

Edit: You have to refresh after you fill out the form to see your information show up on the spreadsheet.

Played a few matches of CTF this morning with a few gaffers. Had a blast. Bumping the spreadsheets.


You actually have to be a lot more thoughtful and tactical in a Titan than you do on the ground, where it's pretty much 'I saw you first, you're dead'.

When you play it like cod, then that's true, but when you start using your mobility it's completely different.

I'm getting a strong itch to make a video showcasing how to play as a pilot.
Finally got to load this bad boy up.
Played a couple hours and really really like it a lot. The verticality adds a whole new element that is really great. Visuals don't really impress but whatever I expected it. The skyboxes though...Damn you guys weren't kidding they might be better than Bungies.

Only disappointment is I thought I would have this thing maxed easily on my PC but I find I am dropping frames too often to do so. Kind of a bummer
Please, tell me honestly; is this game worth buying an Xbox One for? I've wanted a PS4 since the beginning and finally have a preorder for the inFamous bundle (inFamous 1 and 2 are 2 of my favourite ever games) But I'm thinking of temporarily cancelling and getting the Titanfall bundle. Somebody make me see sense...

Depends if you like some other games like KI,DR3,etc. Titanfall is great but i wouldn't say its Halo or Gears must have but its sort of close.


The Cryptarch's Bane
I should mention, I've heaped nothing but praise on the game so far because it gets all the important things right but I'll add my voice to the criticism of the "campaign." I beat the IMC "storyline" last night.... to my surprise. I had no idea I was at the "end" or that there was a narrative progression at all. Demeter was memorable, as was the decoy Sentinel ship getting 'spolded (very Halo moment), but other than that I have absolutely no idea what was going on, who was involved or why, or why I should care.

Crucially though it didn't get in the way of my fun, so it's not a big deal for me, but definitely something that "I must have a strong narrative" people should know.
Please, tell me honestly; is this game worth buying an Xbox One for? I've wanted a PS4 since the beginning and finally have a preorder for the inFamous bundle (inFamous 1 and 2 are 2 of my favourite ever games) But I'm thinking of temporarily cancelling and getting the Titanfall bundle. Somebody make me see sense...

based on the information you gave in this post that would be absolutely stupid.
Hoping to get in a few matches with people from here sometime. I've noticed I tend to get frustrated quicker when there is no one talking. The times where people are actually saying something I feel a lot more relaxed and just have a better time.

The Cowboy

Wait, is it true that you can have it set only for pilot controls, or not?.
There's 2 variants of bumper jumper.

1 that switches both the pilot and titans A button and left bumpers around, and 1 that switches only the pilots A button and left bumper around.


On PC, I unbound Sprint (because Delayed Auto-Sprint) and use Shift for Melee, and F for Grenade. What other custom keys are people using?

I use mouse button 4 that one is near my thumbnail to do mellee and grenade middle mouse button. I always do this in every shooter.


The Cryptarch's Bane
There's 2 variants of bumper jumper.

1 that switches both the pilot and titans A button and left bumpers around, and 1 that switches only the pilots A button and left bumper around.
Okay, the latter sounds perfect. Can someone explain why the people in these posts:
The only bad thing about bumper jumper is that it is harder to aim vortex shield, but I typically go with smoke anyway.
I picked bumper jumper first since that is my Halo control type. Then I switched to default when I realized you can't aim the vortex shield while in a Titan with bumper jumper.

Now that I unlocked the Particle Wall I like it way more than Vortex so I'm going to switch back to bumper. I am making it way too hard on myself, lol.
Heh, yeah. Thumb on A, and move index finger from trigger to right stick. I'm a pro at that now. Thought of switching it up, but then I wouldn't be able to coredash with the Styder.
...did not avail themselves of that option? Some variable I'm not getting?

The Cowboy

Okay, the latter sounds perfect. Can someone explain why the people in these posts:
...did not avail themselves of that option? Some variable I'm not getting?
It could be that they didn't scroll to the next setting thinking that only the standard version was available (both pilot and titan swapping).

Here's the 2 settings as they appear in game.



Didn't get the memo regarding the 14th Amendment
You actually have to be a lot more thoughtful and tactical in a Titan than you do on the ground, where it's pretty much 'I saw you first, you're dead'.

This really isn't the case. If it were then my K/D ratio wouldn't be 2.0. There have been plenty of times where other pilots have gotten the jump on me, but I've used mobility (and my tactical abilities) to get out of the way and either escape fully and recover or go after the pilot attempting to kill me. The parkour element is key in doing this though. It's a main reason why the pilot gameplay feels nothing like CoD to me (other than the core basic gunplay, but that was always a strong point for CoD).


The Cryptarch's Bane
It could be that they didn't scroll to the next setting thinking that only the standard version was available (both pilot and titan swapping).

Here's the 2 settings as they appear in game.
I'm really psyched about this... I've been making a big deal about how my Mirror's Edge instincts translated (gauging jump distances, wall-run angles, how to link moves three steps ahead to make it to a certain spot), but my muscle memory was invalidated because this game's default controls were very standard FPS versus ME which was tailored to free-running. Having it so that you can jump with your left index finger without messing with the awesome titan controls seems perfect...
This really isn't the case.
Yeah, big old "no way" to that "I saw you first, you're dead" business. I'd go as far as to say I might not even like the game if that held true to anywhere near the degree it does in CoD/et cetera. The maneuverability options you're afforded as a pilot change everything. I've been able to confuse and kill people who got the jump on me multiple times, or just get into legitimate standoffs by making it to cover or another story rapidly. I've also had a couple times where someone got the jump on me while my Titan was stomping around and instead of even looking for them I just beelined for it and got inside. So good.
This really isn't the case. If it were then my K/D ratio wouldn't be 2.0. There have been plenty of times where other pilots have gotten the jump on me, but I've used mobility (and my tactical abilities) to get out of the way and either escape fully and recover or go after the pilot attempting to kill me. The parkour element is key in doing this though. It's a main reason why the pilot gameplay feels nothing like CoD to me (other than the core basic gunplay, but that was always a strong point for CoD).

Fair enough.

There have been times where I've survived and killed a dude that had the drop on my, but my reaction has never been 'oh, I earned that' like it is in Halo, as much a 'oh, that guy's gonna be piiiiiisssssssssssed'.

Compared to the Titans, where I use the tactical abilities and the dash to use cover, and then reacquire and reengage when by shields go back up. Feels soo good. :D


The Cryptarch's Bane
There have been times where I've survived and killed a dude that had the drop on my, but my reaction has never been 'oh, I earned that' like it is in Halo, as much a 'oh, that guy's gonna be piiiiiisssssssssssed'.
Hmm, well, what's the difference exactly?
Compared to the Titans, where I use the tactical abilities and the dash to use cover, and then reacquire and reengage when by shields go back up. Feels soo good. :D
But they're part of the same game!


Okay, the latter sounds perfect. Can someone explain why the people in these posts:

...did not avail themselves of that option? Some variable I'm not getting?

I responded above, but think it got lost. It is because I would rather have dash there when in the Titan versus the tactical ability as I usually want quicker access to it. So I saw the option, but didn't go with it. It is kind of the trade off when using bumper jumper and jetpack in halo reach.


The Cryptarch's Bane
I responded above, but think it got lost. It is because I would rather have dash there when in the Titan versus the tactical ability as I usually want quicker access to it. So I saw the option, but didn't go with it. It is kind of the trade off when using bumper jumper and jetpack in halo reach.
Ah okay, thanks for the response. Dash on A feels good to me in a Titan, but I definitely enjoy the Vortex Shield too so it's even more incentive to keep it. I wouldn't mind trying out that smoke though, it's already killed me a bunch of times..


Could anyone who's had a go playing PC online, using a controller, give me a quick impression of how it is? Wanting to play compfy sofa edition, but I don't have an X1.
Hmm, well, what's the difference exactly?

But they're part of the same game!

The difference is, if the other guy earned the kill, it's a tip of the hat and a 'well done, I'll get you next time'.

When it's a matter of him screwing up when he had the kill in hand, or lag affecting his DPS, or what have you, then it's upsetting.

And yes, they are part of the same game, but are you really arguing that the flow of combat and tactics used in Titans are the same as when you're a pilot?
Could anyone who's had a go playing PC online, using a controller, give me a quick impression of how it is? Wanting to play compfy sofa edition, but I don't have an X1.
I played through all of generation 2 with one. Turn the sensitivity up and use bumper jumper and your good.


I dunno what happened...
Loved the beta, was decent at the game and had a lot of fun.
Picked up the full game today and absolutely hate it. I'm getting fucked up non stop.

Sadly I don't think this game is for me.
I hated COD and now I hate this.

Really disappointed because I loved the beta but I just suck way too hard to be able to enjoy myself.

Hopefully Destiny is more my thing.
Hit Gen 2 just a few minutes short of the 15 hours mark. I'm sure others have reached and will reach it faster, but that's the first time I've ever prestiged in a game of this kind. I love Titanfall. I will miss my C.A.R. and Triple Threat and some other cool stuff, but I will get them back.
I dunno what happened...
Loved the beta, was decent at the game and had a lot of fun.
Picked up the full game today and absolutely hate it. I'm getting fucked up non stop.

Sadly I don't think this game is for me.
I hated COD and now I hate this.

Really disappointed because I loved the beta but I just suck way too hard to be able to enjoy myself.

Hopefully Destiny is more my thing.

Meh, lots of new people in the game carrying over relatable skills from COD.

My advice would be to find a group of friends to play with, ideally those who are good at the game.

It's kind of like in hockey. When you play with better players, they naturally open up space for you. You get a bit more time and space to come to grips with everything, build confidence, and before you know it you're on a roll.


The Cryptarch's Bane
When it's a matter of him screwing up when he had the kill in hand
That's different than you reacting quickly and affecting the outcome
or lag affecting his DPS
that's really different
And yes, they are part of the same game, but are you really arguing that the flow of combat and tactics used in Titans are the same as when you're a pilot?
...no of course not, sorry for giving that impression. I'm saying the game contains both at all times and the complete package is better for it.


Can anyone detail how the 2 different campaigns work?

I've only played a couple campaign matches so far but I've always been IMC, is that just my luck or am I locked into IMC until I finish the IMC side of the campaign?
That's different than you reacting quickly and affecting the outcome
that's really different

...no of course not, sorry for giving that impression. I'm saying the game contains both at all times and the complete package is better for it.

I agree.

I just personally prefer the style of combat in the Titans. Probably because I'm better at it. :p


Can anyone detail how the 2 different campaigns work?

I've only played a couple campaign matches so far but I've always been IMC, is that just my luck or am I locked into IMC until I finish the IMC side of the campaign?

I believe you're locked on one side until you complete it, but it doesn't really matter since it's the same thing on both sides.
Can anyone detail how the 2 different campaigns work?

I've only played a couple campaign matches so far but I've always been IMC, is that just my luck or am I locked into IMC until I finish the IMC side of the campaign?

It's luck. I had to join and back out about 10 times before I got the Militia campaign, and then I refused to leave, even when friends were inviting me to play elsewhere. lol


Could anyone who's had a go playing PC online, using a controller, give me a quick impression of how it is? Wanting to play compfy sofa edition, but I don't have an X1.

it works well and is the way I like to play, just use a 360 controller. Can we just put that in the OP?


It's luck. I had to join and back out about 10 times before I got the Militia campaign, and then I refused to leave, even when friends were inviting me to play elsewhere. lol

Hmm, that sounds like a pain.

I'd totally ignore it tbh if it weren't for the 2 Titans locked by the campaign >_<


I'm not as deluded as I make myself out to be

How do we play this game if we have more than 6 people in our party? Impossible? No configurations work?

Does anyone else get regular problems connecting? Like sometimes I can't get past the main menu which just says "Play", I'll just keep trying connections for like 80 times before I even get into a lobby.

What's the easiest way to join friends games? Friends lists??


I keep getting 'Failed to get token from Origin' when trying to play the game (PC). It's been happening since last night. Any ideas what the issue is and how to solve it?
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