Shake Appeal
It's so ridiculously overpowered. I got like 10+ kills in a row in Hardpoint B on Fracture with it.I love the Map Hack burn card!!
It's so ridiculously overpowered. I got like 10+ kills in a row in Hardpoint B on Fracture with it.I love the Map Hack burn card!!
Is there a Titanfall gamer tag swapping thread?
I love the game, want to team, up, but I have zero xbox friends.
Is there a Titanfall gamer tag swapping thread?
I love the game, want to team, up, but I have zero xbox friends.
I've created 2 google docs for people to share their Origin/Xbox GamerTag in:
Xbox One:
Same as the BF4 spreadsheets, pm me for any corrections.
Edit: You have to refresh after you fill out the form to see your information show up on the spreadsheet.
It's so ridiculously overpowered. I got like 10+ kills in a row in Hardpoint B on Fracture with it.
Already surpassed my beta K/D. It's early days yet so it'll probably level out pretty soon.
Gonna try CTF soon, it's the best mode right?
There are Google Docs right here!
I love the Map Hack burn card!!
I've played a fair few games but am yet to play on the two I most want to try (Outpost and Boneyard) I did however start on Lagoon, go figure!
I picked bumper jumper first since that is my Halo control type. Then I switched to default when I realized you can't aim the vortex shield while in a Titan with bumper jumper.
Now that I unlocked the Particle Wall I like it way more than Vortex so I'm going to switch back to bumper. I am making it way too hard on myself, lol.
Already surpassed my beta K/D. It's early days yet so it'll probably level out pretty soon.
Gonna try CTF soon, it's the best mode right?
Had this hilarious moment where someone Titanfalled on my Titanfall and destroyed my Titan even before I could get in it. Respawn pls.
Rookie.All of my progress is gone, I'm back at level 1 from 40. Weird.
All of my progress is gone, I'm back at level 1 from 40. Weird.
Looks like this is quickly growing issue. respawn forum thread
It's push to talk with the [Z] button.So how do I get in game voice chat to work? I can't talk to anybody or hear anybody. It's really weird.
So anyone having the same problem? This is on PC btw.Ok I am now pretty sure this is a glitch. I keep disconnecting when I play with my brother (he lives somewhere else). If I play alone the connection perfect. The only difference is that I am playing with my brother and using skype. This happened in the beta as well.
mega agree on all points except I haven't tried Last Titan Standing yet
Dat torch mode on your TV. The fuck is wrong with your colors.
I find Last Titan Standing fun because it's the most different from all the other modes, is round based with one life per pilot, and (this may be a stupid reason) it makes me feel like I'm in a mech anime or something (and I don't really like anime but it feels cool)!
Anyway, I say all that to say that you should definitely give it a try soon! Just make sure you prepare a Titan for it! =P
If you're playing TitanFall like CoD then you're doing it wrong.I played this more today a couple matches i just got spawned and Insta killed by a robot.. Shot a bot and cursed at myself then got killed by a player since i gave my position away.... still don't like it.. Then played call of duty.. because i haven't payed it In awhile and wanted to compare.. They really are tremendously similar.
If some one were to say this was a new call of duty game to a casual they would believe you. Anyways guess I'm just done with the call of duty shooters now..
Sucks.bf4 lags like ass.. No good shooters out
I dont have any interest in the campaign but I've decided I NEED the stryder titan. That's the first one you unlock right?
Dling TF when I get home. Soon . . . It begins.
The Stryder is so cool! And I have no idea.
But the Stryder is awesome, just wanted to say.
Use "Bumper Jumper Pilot" best of both worlds.
Hemlok BF-R all day everyday! God I love this rifle.
I'm also getting used to the Stim Tactical Ability, prefer it now over the cloak.
Fun game.
This game has by far the worst hip shots of any fps I've played ever. If you are using anything other than the smg or the shotty just forget it. You can empty an entire magazine with the reticle right on your target from 5 feet away and hit him once or twice. It's unreal. It's like your eyes go crossed. It's irritating as hell.
Just had to get that out.
Also, I don't care if I get hate for this. The dropkick is the jankiest shit since jank went to janktown.
Having got this today, I am absolutely loving it. 9 hours, level 34. Even better at Last Titan Standing in retail than in the beta, but goddamn, why can I not win Attrition?!
CAR SMG + Counterweight?
CAR SMG + Counterweight?
40 games played, top 3 in 37 of them, can't remember how many MVPs (worse than in the beta, as in win ratio). It's got to be my team, right?
This game has by far the worst hip shots of any fps I've played ever. If you are using anything other than the smg or the shotty just forget it. You can empty an entire magazine with the reticle right on your target from 5 feet away and hit him once or twice. It's unreal. It's like your eyes go crossed. It's irritating as hell.
Just had to get that out.
This game has by far the worst hip shots of any fps I've played ever. If you are using anything other than the smg or the shotty just forget it. You can empty an entire magazine with the reticle right on your target from 5 feet away and hit him once or twice. It's unreal. It's like your eyes go crossed. It's irritating as hell.
Just had to get that out.
Also, I don't care if I get hate for this. The dropkick is the jankiest shit since jank went to janktown.