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Titanfall |OT| Titan Online. Signal When Ready.

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Hmm, that sounds like a pain.

I'd totally ignore it tbh if it weren't for the 2 Titans locked by the campaign >_<

It is a pain. I have no idea why they didn't include an option to let players select the campaign.

Or why they didn't include an option to let players name their custom loadouts, for that matter.


Wanna hear a good joke? Waste your time helping me! LOL!
Anyone having any luck with the sniper rifles? I usually don't use them and only tried the first one for a bit after it unlocked. Game is way too fast for them it seems, but then again I'm always awful with a sniper rifle, so it could just be me.


Ah okay, thanks for the response. Dash on A feels good to me in a Titan, but I definitely enjoy the Vortex Shield too so it's even more incentive to keep it. I wouldn't mind trying out that smoke though, it's already killed me a bunch of times..

Smoke works really well when playing hardpoint. You can always hold one of the points with a Titan and when some one rodeos you just pop smoke. I also use it when suiciding against other titans. Rush in when weak start punching, blow smoke and then eject with the nuclear option. Last game I just got lucky and got a triple.
On PC, I unbound Sprint (because Delayed Auto-Sprint) and use Shift for Melee, and F for Grenade. What other custom keys are people using?

Mouse wheel up/down for melee is the only change I made. I never used the scroll wheel to switch to my pistol anyway so I figured the wheel is perfect for melee, it's a big improvement to me.


Didn't get the memo regarding the 14th Amendment
Yeah, big old "no way" to that "I saw you first, you're dead" business. I'd go as far as to say I might not even like the game if that held true to anywhere near the degree it does in CoD/et cetera. The maneuverability options you're afforded as a pilot change everything. I've been able to confuse and kill people who got the jump on me multiple times, or just get into legitimate standoffs by making it to cover or another story rapidly. I've also had a couple times where someone got the jump on me while my Titan was stomping around and instead of even looking for them I just beelined for it and got inside. So good.

Yeah, if it was like CoD and the like then I couldn't see this game holding my interest for long. As it is now, this is going to be a franchise that will be one of my favorite franchises this generation. I can already see that based on my playtime thus far with TitanFall. It may not be a revolutionary FPS, but it definitely brings way more to the table than any other FPS like it by far.

Fair enough.

There have been times where I've survived and killed a dude that had the drop on my, but my reaction has never been 'oh, I earned that' like it is in Halo, as much a 'oh, that guy's gonna be piiiiiisssssssssssed'.

Compared to the Titans, where I use the tactical abilities and the dash to use cover, and then reacquire and reengage when by shields go back up. Feels soo good. :D

I think Halo still requires more skill in that sense (just because a player gets a drop on another player in no way indicates a kill for the first player) but I still feel like skill is required to get out of bad situations as a pilot. My deaths as a pilot have never felt cheap, even when I was the one who got a drop on a player and yet died by a pilot who reacted accordingly. In my opinion, TitanFall and Halo are perfect examples of great FPS games that don't really feel cheap.

With that said, I agree that the Titan gameplay is fantastic as well. Last Titan Standing is one of my favorite gametypes too.


There's just something that feels off about damage feedback. I generally know how many hits from the Carbine, CAR, LMG, etc to kill, but it feels like each time I use the weapon, it changes; and it will change by something as small as like 2 bullets. So I'll be shooting a guy with the CAR and I'll put the usual amount of bullets in and he isn't dead. If I die, I really feel cheated. Hearing and seeing weapons also effects things too. When I hear the Carbine, I know how many bullets I can take, but if they're using the burn card Carbine everything changes.

Also I've gotten caught on a bunch of crap on the maps. The worst offenders are the cylinders on Rise(?). I'll be in a firefight on the catwalks and I'll back into one. The change in mobility completely messes with you. Again, if I die in the situation, I don't feel outplayed, I feel cheated.

I understand Nuclear Explosion is supposed to be large. There was one time when I was pretty far away, had the shield core active and I still got killed by the blast.

I dunno, I guess I don't see myself playing this in 6 months.


Anyone having any luck with the sniper rifles? I usually don't use them and only tried the first one for a bit after it unlocked. Game is way too fast for them it seems, but then again I'm always awful with a sniper rifle, so it could just be me.

They're my preferred weapons. I like the last one much more than the first though. You gotta fire off your shots quickly to be effective with the initial one. The other, just gotta lead your target.


The Cryptarch's Bane
Yeah, if it was like CoD and the like then I couldn't see this game holding my interest for long. As it is now, this is going to be a franchise that will be one of my favorite franchises this generation. I can already see that based on my playtime thus far with TitanFall. It may not be a revolutionary FPS, but it definitely brings way more to the table than any other FPS like it by far.[/quote\

I think Halo still requires more skill in that sense (just because a player gets a drop on another player in no way indicates a kill for the first player) but I still feel like skill is required to get out of bad situations as a pilot. My deaths as a pilot have never felt cheap, even when I was the one who got a drop on a player and yet died by a pilot who reacted accordingly. In my opinion, TitanFall and Halo are perfect examples of great FPS games that don't really feel cheap.

With that said, I agree that the Titan gameplay is fantastic as well. Last Titan Standing is one of my favorite gametypes too.
mega agree on all points except I haven't tried Last Titan Standing yet


Wanna hear a good joke? Waste your time helping me! LOL!
They're my preferred weapons. I like the last one much more than the first though. You gotta fire off your shots quickly to be effective with the initial one. The other, just gotta lead your target.

Do you actively move around or do you hang back a bit? It feels so wrong to sit back with a sniper rifle to me.


Unlimited Capacity
Feels great to win a 1v1 titan fight, pop out and activate follow, run through a building and get a few kills then wall run out of a hole in the roof dropping right into your titan on the other side.

The core mechanics for both sides of the game are so good.
Sooo. Just started playing this and got a sniper rifle. I really can't see the use of it. The pace is crazy high to keep up with. Are they even viable? Have you been able to use one successfully? I can hardly get people with the carbine at times.

Oh well. Me and titan bro will just stand over here spraying bullets I guess. Guard mode FTW.
Please, tell me honestly; is this game worth buying an Xbox One for? I've wanted a PS4 since the beginning and finally have a preorder for the inFamous bundle (inFamous 1 and 2 are 2 of my favourite ever games) But I'm thinking of temporarily cancelling and getting the Titanfall bundle. Somebody make me see sense...

Got an XBOX ONE just for this game. And I have a great PC and a PS4. I need to play with the homies on LIVE.


I use mouse button 4 that one is near my thumbnail to do mellee and grenade middle mouse button. I always do this in every shooter.

Oh shit I forgot about that button. Hate c for melee but I'll try that, thanks. Is delayed auto sprint useful? I pretty much seem to sprint everywhere anyway


Can anyone tell me where Titanfall puts its game-save files? Are they in a folder, or saved to the all-powerful cloud?

Edit: Thank you, Krappadizzle!


Please, tell me honestly; is this game worth buying an Xbox One for? I've wanted a PS4 since the beginning and finally have a preorder for the inFamous bundle (inFamous 1 and 2 are 2 of my favourite ever games) But I'm thinking of temporarily cancelling and getting the Titanfall bundle. Somebody make me see sense...

If you like fast pace leveling system based fps, then yes....if you don't have a competent PC


I dunno what happened...
Loved the beta, was decent at the game and had a lot of fun.
Picked up the full game today and absolutely hate it. I'm getting fucked up non stop.

Sadly I don't think this game is for me.
I hated COD and now I hate this.

Really disappointed because I loved the beta but I just suck way too hard to be able to enjoy myself.

Hopefully Destiny is more my thing.

I realised pretty early on that I am simply not as good as many of the players - they play longer, have better reflexes etc. so attrition can be annoying. But I'm loving hardpoint mode. Have you tried all of the game modes to see if some click with you better?
Can anyone tell me where Titanfall puts its game-save files? Are they in a folder, or saved to the all-powerful cloud?

i enjoy just running around and jumping all over. i hope they update the private matches in soon. can't believe they didn't include it.
oh and fix the screen tears.
Does anybody know a way of making your stats public or finding out the stats of other players?

I don't honestly care about K/D that much, I just want to bug a close, long-time friend who told me for months how he would own me at this game cause he's so much better at COD (while I, in turn, am a Halo guy and own him at those games). And I'm preeeeeetty sure, I'm killing him across the board, lol.

Just looking to rub it in a bit. :p


The Cowboy

guys - any update on mapping the talk button to a button on the controller?
Try my earlier suggestion to tide you over (until Respawn hopefully fix it),

Use Xpadder (or similar app) and simply map the keyboards push to talk button to the right d-pad button, and that's it. You'll then have full game pad control with the ability to talk via your mic - fully tested and working perfectly..

Like so.


The Cryptarch's Bane
Try my earlier suggestion to tide you over (until Respawn hopefully fix it),

Use Xpadder (or similar app) and simply map the keyboards push to talk button to the right d-pad button, and that's it. You'll then have full game pad control with the ability to talk via your mic - fully tested and working perfectly..

Like so.
I'm throwing together a package to make this even more brainless... it works flawlessly. Will post shortly

This is a beyond-rudimentary solution, and it should be officially embarrassing that this was necessary. Sorry Respawn! Incredible product you put together here but I have no clue how this one slipped through the cracks o_O


The Cryptarch's Bane
Enabling Push-to-Talk with a Gamepad on PC

Download Here (File->Download)

All this is is a legacy (free as in beer) version of Xpadder, a profile for the 360 pad (should work with anything with a standard D-pad though), and a profile for Titanfall that maps Z (push-to-talk) to D-Pad Right.

1. Unzip to wherever you like.
2. Right click on Xpadder.exe and go to Compatibility tab. Set Compatibility mode to Windows XP.
3. Open either Xpadder.exe (should default to the right profile) or titanfall.xpadderprofile
4. Play

Just make sure you have it open any time you wanna be using voice chat with your pad and turn it off (or just create a new blank profile) for playing other games.
Alright about to head home from work. I added myself to the Google Doc for PC players but if anyone wants to squad up my tag is GlenChivas.
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