I just hopped on Xbox and noticed that, it was still 250 on PC as of a couple of hours ago.
Is this a server thing? EU doesn't have this yet, and I don't really want it...
I just hopped on Xbox and noticed that, it was still 250 on PC as of a couple of hours ago.
Can you change your name in Origin, or did he make a new account with that name and buy the game again just so he could emphatically represent his point of view?
Clearly the best option is for everyone to add him and play with smart pistols
Holy shit. I think I played against you today when you were still G9.
Yeah, but the weapon cards are the worst cards. I'm always tossing those first. Vanilla weapons are more than deadly enough.
Attrition really needs an increase IMO, the matches are just to short at 250. Its weird that your saying its still 250 where you are, yet it is 300 for some people - very strange.Is this a server thing? EU doesn't have this yet, and I don't really want it...
That's one heck of a nerf to the defence points as 75 seemed fine, I could have understood perhaps 50 points - but 25 is just silly IMO (I really hope they rethink this one).Defense points nerfed from 75 per tick to 25. Defending the objective not the obvious best choice in Hardpoint now.
Clearly the best option is for everyone to add him and play with smart pistols
Attrition really needs an increase IMO, the matches are just to short at 250. Its weird that your saying its still 250 where you are, yet it is 300 for some people - very strange.
That's one heck of a nerf to the defence points as 75 seemed fine, I could have understood perhaps 50 points - but 25 is just silly IMO (I really hope they rethink this one).
You can add me if you want, I don't care if you suck. And looking at your name, you're alright in my book hahahI need some Gaffers to play with. I suck, so if you do too, add me!
Xb1 UncleSatan08
I really need some cool peeps to play with.
I didn't know where to put this so I hope this is cool.
I know, but its something that helps you level and I just think 25 XP is far to low for actually defending a point (which is a big part of this mode), especially when you consider how much you get for taking a point over. At 25 XP for defending I'd be more inclined to let the enemy take over the point instead, just so I can take it over again and get the much better XP.It's only for EXP and MVPness...
I know, but its something that helps you level and I just think 25 points is far to low for actually defending a point, especially when you consider how much you get for taking a point over.
I know, but its something that helps you level and I just think 25 XP is far to low for actually defending a point (which is a big part of this mode), especially when you consider how much you get for taking a point over. At 25 XP for defending I'd be more inclined to let the enemy take over the point instead, just so I can take it over again and get the much better XP.
Hmm interesting on the point nerf...anything else? I haven't played much lately due to frustrations. Hope they nerf gooser lol.
I don't really think people levelling over Hardpoint is a good idea anyway. Besides, you get SO much EXP from Challenges anyway it was always negligible what you got from Hardpoints.
Hmm interesting on the point nerf...anything else? I haven't played much lately due to frustrations. Hope they nerf gooser lol.
Hmm interesting on the point nerf...anything else? I haven't played much lately due to frustrations. Hope they nerf gooser lol.
What was reduced? attrition being 300 instead of 250 is a good change, have to say I never noticed it change.
Oh defense points? used to be 75 right?
Up for playing tonight? I have to grind wins for Gen 8
They should really lower it. Make it 25. Still annoying enough then.
Guys, I need plasma railgun tips asap.... This gun is awful.
Fuck this gooser challenge. In the last days I only managed to get 3 moreWhy must they include this ridiculously luck based challenge. Now days barely anyone ejects anymore.
They should really lower it. Make it 25. Still annoying enough then.
Just hit level 50, though I haven't regenerated yet. I would have gotten there sooner, but I grew so attached to the R101 that I never used anything else, therefore hindering myself challenge wise. So it took me nearly 20 hours. Only played Attrition as well. After regenerating, I'll start trying out different weapons and modes.
They should just make it 10. It's weird that the anti-titan ones like the Sidewinder max out there while the eject kill is waaaaaay harder.
I shot someone with the plasma rail and it didn't count. :-(
To be honest after I got about 25 the rest came very quickly. It is a difficulty curve rather than a grind.
Its nice to have a confirmation of some new modes.
Not sure if posted - it is a few days old, but I don't recall seeing it posted..
Free For All plz
I had a few not count
I don't know if you noticed, but lately people have not been ejecting or using camo when they do so. It's such a fucking huge frustration. You know how much I love the game, but this one challenge is ruining it for me.
Probably sound like a broken record, but feeling like I won't make progress on my generations for what could be months is very disheartening.
God no.
"Free For All Master - 50g - Win 50 Free For All Matches"
Given some of the challenges people are bitching about in this thread that doesn't sound too hard. It's no "Mile High Club" from COD4![]()
Ah I miss seeing a KD that high, ever since Gen 3 I have been playing in very stupid ways trying to get the challenges done.
3/21/2014 Server Changelog
Balancing adjustments and general changes
- The damage indicator from Electric Smoke is now much more noticeable
- Search Drones will now show up in Classic Modes of Angel City
- Arc grenade/mine effects no longer draw on friendly Pilots and Titans
- Lowered the point value of defensive actions in Hardpoint mode and CTF.
- Increased the score limit in Attrition
- Flag Return points reduced
- Flag Carrier killed points reduced
- Explosives detonated by Dead Man's Trigger are now slightly delayed
- Explosives detonated by Dead Man's Trigger now play a warning sound before exploding
- Slightly decreased the damage of the Smart Pistol when not locked onto a Pilot
- Slightly decreased the hip-fire accuracy of the Smart Pistol
- Certain Burn Cards could be exploited to give multiple uses
- Evac Dropships are now more responsive to Pilots entering them
- Hacking a Mega Turret will now restore it's health to full
- Cluster Missiles damage reduced against Evac Dropships
Bug Fixes
- Titan could become stuck in the position he lands in
- Auto-Titan wouldn't stand up until you embarked into it
- Several rare server issues restarting the game in to the lobby
- Pilot could end up out of bounds while rodeoing a Titan as it is destroyed
- Pilot could warp through certain locations when jumping off a Titan
- Rodeoing a Titan that has been doomed by your SMR could kill you
- Players being able to enter some geometry in Smuggler's Cove
- Titanfall will now give proper kill credit when it kills a Pilot embarking into their Titan
- Minions in Attrition now continue to spawn until the Epilogue begins
- Player couldn't hack a Mega Turret console
- Server would sometimes error when leeching a Spectre
- Hardpoints sometimes awarded defense score to players not near the hardpoint
- Rare issue when ejecting from a Titan
- Server would sometimes error after a match while returning to the lobby
- Double XP burn card sometimes not being applied properly
I'm really not liking these ones at all, all defence points reduced? - why?. You get less for defending your flag in CTF, then you get less for killing the carrier who got your flag and then you get less when you return the flag? (I love playing defence in HP/CTF, but with these changes I might just change to going after the enemy flag/captured points all the time) - I really hope they change this back ASAP.Balancing adjustments and general changes
- Lowered the point value of defensive actions in Hardpoint mode and CTF.
- Flag Return points reduced
- Flag Carrier killed points reduced
- Slightly decreased the damage of the Smart Pistol when not locked onto a Pilot
- Slightly decreased the hip-fire accuracy of the Smart Pistol
- Lowered the point value of defensive actions in Hardpoint mode and CTF.
- Flag Return points reduced
- Flag Carrier killed points reduced
It won't count if you exit the mission before it ends. I say this with the Rodeo kills, freaked me out when I had like 7 and they all disappeared.
Remember if they use Auto Eject you should be able to make it consistent with the Arc Cannon, make two loadouts and see what kind of opponents you are up against.
I'm really not liking these ones at all, all defence points reduced? - why?. You get less for defending your flag in CTF, then you get less for killing the carrier who got your flag and then you get less when you return the flag? (I love playing defence in HP/CTF, but with these changes I might just change to going after the enemy flag/captured points all the time)..
As for the SP, I don't get those changes at all - I just don't thing they are really aren't needed. Its a shame they didn't touch the shotgun/carbine (these do need a tweak downwards) and Hemlock (this needs a tweak upwards), these needed adjusting a lot more than the SPs hip firing and non locked on damage.
Wut. Mile High Club is difficult yes, but it's not a bullshit grindfest like some of the challenges and achievements in Titanfall. Mile High Club is for a short 60-second level. If you lose, it's because you fucked up, plain and simple. Meanwhile in Titanfall they want you to spend your whole life playing the game. The 50 wins per game mode is a bit much. Ditto with the 50 ejection kills they want you to do for Gen 5. It's a long tedious process and if you fail, or if your progress is significantly delayed, it's usually because of elements that are outside of your control.
it was OK for hip firing/non locking damage, but it certainly wasn't OP in any way - considering certain other weapons (/cough shotgun /cough), its very strange that they nerfed something like this.Don't really understand the smart pistol nerf. It was already pretty bad in hip fire or ADS.
I would have maybe understood changing one of defence points amount for CTF (though I think they all where fine), but every single one of them? - its like they just want people always attacking/going for the enemy flag (if your after XP)Very weird that they are lowering point values for various things. Doesn't really bother me, but still random. Is Respawn trying to dissuade camping aka defending?.
I'm really not liking these ones at all, all defence points reduced? - why?. You get less for defending your flag in CTF, then you get less for killing the carrier who got your flag and then you get less when you return the flag? (I love playing defence in HP/CTF, but with these changes I might just change to going after the enemy flag/captured points all the time) - I really hope they change this back ASAP.
As for the SP, I don't get those changes at all - I just don't thing they are really aren't needed (I mean the hip-firing accuracy/damage certainly wasn't OP). Its a shame they didn't touch the shotgun/carbine (these do need a tweak downwards) and Hemlock (this needs a tweak upwards) - these needed adjusting a lot more than the SPs hip firing and non locked on damage.
I like most of the other changes (as long as deadmans delay isn't to much), but the above I don't like at all.
Also, not bloomin jump kick change/ajustemnt - this to me is easily the biggest tweak that's needed when it comes to attacking (more than the shotgun even).
I would have maybe understood changing one of defence points amount (though I think they all where fine), but every single one of them? - its like they just want people always attacking (if your after XP)