Boom! Bitch-slapped!
First time using the R97 SMG (for Gen4) and I must say I really like this gun. Reminds me of the P90 from COD4.
Of all the annoying issues with matchmaking on XB1, thankfully this doesnt seem to be one I've seen. Is the player pool for PC significantly smaller?
Of all the annoying issues with matchmaking on XB1, thankfully this doesnt seem to be one I've seen. Is the player pool for PC significantly smaller?
I saw Titanfall for the first time today as my brother played, and when we saw the screen tearing our minds were blown.After taking a break for about a week to play Infamous, the XB1 screen tearing is really bugging me. It's truly nasty shit. I haven't really followed Respawn since the game came out... have they said anything about possibly fixing that?
After taking a break for about a week to play Infamous, the XB1 screen tearing is really bugging me. It's truly nasty shit. I haven't really followed Respawn since the game came out... have they said anything about possibly fixing that?
I'm still getting the extremely long load times.![]()
I'm still getting the extremely long load times.![]()
Wrapped up my Gen 6, which was pretty simple. Gen 7 looks like an absolute cakewalk.
There's way too much waiting in the game. Between the epilogue, load/connect times to lobby, 90s lobby timer (or more if people leave) and the match load time you're probably wasting a good 4-5m. If there's enough players online it's way faster to just leave the match and join a new party.
I would love for them to add a mode that skips all that garbage and goes straight to the next map after a match ends.
Same here! The loading times were pretty snappy close to launch, but lately it takes noticeably longer to get from menu to menu or lobby to lobby. I've seen a bunch of people notice this change, too. (PC)
So got the titanfall bundle last week but didn't play this too much till this weekend since was busy with Infamous.
And my first impressions were kind of muted but after spending a lot of time with it this weekend and after I've getting much better. This game is awesome. Its definitely the next level after COD don't think I can play that game after this.
What really sucks is you don't really get the good weapons till so much later you are pretty much handicapped at the start which is pretty annoying. Especially in the titan.
Does anyone else not go in their titan that much instead of just running around with it? I found that I was doing that a lot before. But now with the triple threat Im using it al to more. I also wish they'd give you a bigger deck of burn cards. Im always "saving" them for I don't know what but my deck is always full now and i just force my self to waste them
What are these gen things you guys keep talking about? I thought that was just a prestige thing like in COD where you just have a special emblem.
Wrapped up my Gen 6, which was pretty simple. Gen 7 looks like an absolute cakewalk.
I said this at first, but going bcd to COD after playing this is still pretty fun. COD is still its own thing. I really like in COD that it is still only pure PVP no creeps. I still enjoy both, and sometimes Titanfall can feel a little adhd and just to fast for me.
What really sucks is you don't really get the good weapons till so much later you are pretty much handicapped at the start which is pretty annoying.
Yes, and it's a nightmare, but being patched soon to be a breeze.Im about to hit Gen 4. The rail gun challenges are a pain in the ass, but not too bad. On the other hand, Ive gotten so I love using satchels. Its fucking hilarious to toss one from up high, watch it land in the middle of 2 or 3 enemies, see them scramble and then KABOOM RAGDOLLS.~ From what I understand the gooser challenges are the ones that people seem to hate for Gen 5...?
It's not basing it on just purely levels but other data like the K/D ratio of said players. A player can be a high gen and still have a weak K/D ratio.
PC.what platform?
Yeah. I've been in touch with Calen here, so hopefully they can track it down, but it looks like an issue that is spreading. Hopefully it's something they can fix easily!Same here! The loading times were pretty snappy close to launch, but lately it takes noticeably longer to get from menu to menu or lobby to lobby. I've seen a bunch of people notice this change, too. (PC)
Not sure if you're joking, ha. It's pretty much identical to prestiging but this time there's requirements for every prestige level - some easy, some brutal.
I don't think Electric smoke is fine. A countermeasure for pilots rodeoing is simply being aware of your surroundings.
Also, I like having frag grenades instead of explosives. They shouldn't be allowed to do that in the first place.
whoa...slow down there.
How did I miss there were required challenges to complete per Gen?
I've missed this completely, although I am only Gen 2.
Yeah. I've been in touch with Calen here, so hopefully they can track it down, but it looks like an issue that is spreading. Hopefully it's something they can fix easily!
Yeah I have long load times too. Abnormally long. I mean, even just loading up the lobby. Very strange.
The starter assault rifle is like my favorite my weapon.![]()
Yeah Im not one to complain about IQ issues (gameplay/UI is far more important to me on balance)...but as much fun as I've had with this game it sure does look like shit. Regularly hitting single digit frame-rates during big firefights just adds insult to injury.
I still enjoy both, and sometimes Titanfall can feel a little adhd and just to fast for me.
Yeah I have long load times too. Abnormally long. I mean, even just loading up the lobby. Very strange.
Me to on PC, glad to here it's being looked into.
The problem is that, unlike CoD, they don't shuffle the teams between rounds. That means when you join a game close to the end like that, you're usually on the losing side.
Not that I've seen. There's also no autobalancing, which is unfortunate when some maps start 6v3.I believe I saw some shuffling in the Beta, but I don't know, if it was automaitc.
Does the Retail game not shuffle or rearrange teams at all?!AIDlt90Pvx4qQb8&ithint=video,.mp4
Silly Pilot Camo, can't fool me
I really love being Gen 10. Hopefully when I get my KD back up from grinding those Challenges I get matched with better players.
I forgot to post the time it took. 3 days 20 hours in game time is what it took for me. Though Gen 9 was over in a snap because I did 50/55 MVP games I played in that Gen.
K/D does not seem to have anything to do with matchmaking.
K/D does not seem to have anything to do with matchmaking.
It should have something to do with it. Either that or there are a lot of new players after last weekend. My last ten games KD is around 12.0 but my overall is 2.0 now...
I think I can get All The Hardware this afternoon, thought up a plan to play Attrition until I have all of the Pilot Kills for each weapon then go to LTS and farm minions, should take about 1 LTS game per weapon after which.
For Titan weapons I'll unlock them as they come haha. Quad Rocket is garbage.
Titanfall has a hidden "skill" stat, hasn't it? That probably factors stuff like win/loss and maybe even k/d. But as far as I know, only the improved matchmaking list uses it.