Any word on patching the OP Shotgun yet?
Any word on patching the OP Shotgun yet?
Congrats on the internship, bro-monkey.My internship starts in a couple of days, which means I'll only be able to play this game during the weekends, and honestly, I don't mind. I haven't played all that much, but I'm already starting to feel a bit burnt out. It's a great game when it wants to be, but between the broken melee, overpowered shotgun, and crappy matchmaking, I'm not always having fun anymore.
Shoutgun and autopistol aren't OP.
I'm wondering the same. The long waiting times and increasingly uneven games are killing my interest in the game. I haven't played it in three days and I'm afraid that if I boot it up, it will be the exact same mess.Has matchmaking been improved this last day?
I'm wondering the same. The long waiting times and increasingly uneven games are killing my interest in the game. I haven't played it in three days and I'm afraid that if I boot it up, it will be the exact same mess.
Lots of waiting, uneven teams (both by player count and skill) and more waiting.
Has matchmaking been improved this last day?
I played Friday and it seemed better; didn't play Saturday but played around 1 1/2 tonight. Matches were close other than one and the fun was definitely back because of this (plus no one seemed to be quitting which helped).
I have had a few glasses of whisky but the match stats do not lie; it was pretty evenly matched throughout; 40 points at very most differentiating scores.
Yes they moved the beta matchmaking into attrition and hardpoint I believe. LTS & CTF still on old method of matchmaking.
Appreciate the tips guys. As a couple of you have touched upon my usual aggressive play is probably part of the problem. The times I've held back though got me assists rather than kills which is of no use to the challenge. Lots of ideas there though, I'm sure I'll get there in the end.
Congrats on the internship, bro-monkey.
Being the reason why I have not played the game in 3 days.
attrition mm was pretty good for me tonightBeing the reason why I have not played the game in 3 days.
I wonder if they will change the gooser challenge on Tuesday, or give 360 players a chance to get to 50/50? I've been at Gen 5 level 50 for awhile now with only 6/50 gooser kills and it is really hampering my enjoyment of the game not being able to regen.
How is it hampering the enjoyment of the game? I am gen 2 or on my first regen and I am not real excited about regenning again. I never aim for any of the goals or challenges in the game and I enjoy every match regardless of my level. Why is there any enjoyment in getting the gens? Am I missing something?
My internship starts in a couple of days, which means I'll only be able to play this game during the weekends, and honestly, I don't mind. I haven't played all that much, but I'm already starting to feel a bit burnt out. It's a great game when it wants to be, but between the broken melee, overpowered shotgun, and crappy matchmaking, I'm not always having fun anymore.
Matchmaking was faster than Thursday, but it still won't fill up games and the balance is the same. The game above was 4v3 for the most part. The only thing improved matchmaking seems to offer is more chaotic team balance, more empty spots and longer waiting times, which can lead to very frustrating sessions.
About to play this game for the first time (XO).
I always suck at aiming with analog sticks, hopefully I'll be able to get a bit of fun out of it anyway.
Btw, any good tips for a first time player? Just looking to have fun, won't care about K/D ratio.
I had some close games, but also stuff like this:
Matchmaking was faster than Thursday, but it still won't fill up games and the balance is the same. The game above was 4v3 for the most part. The only thing improved matchmaking seems to offer is more chaotic team balance, more empty spots and longer waiting times, which can lead to very frustrating sessions.
Oh. Took me about 4-6 months to get my graduating internship. Good thing now is that there is almost light at the end of the tunnel. Soon.Heh, it's mandatory if I want to graduate, no need to congratulate me.![]()
I like melee the way it is. If melee was two or three kills it'd be useless you'd likely be able to gun down your opponent before then.
About to play this game for the first time (XO).
I always suck at aiming with analog sticks, hopefully I'll be able to get a bit of fun out of it anyway.
Btw, any good tips for a first time player? Just looking to have fun, won't care about K/D ratio.
I don't mind the one-hit kill aspect, the problem is in the way it connects. You can be standing straight in front of an enemy, kick him, and nothing will happen, and suddenly he'll kick you in your shin and you'll die. Sometimes it has lunge, sometimes it doesn't, and it's very frustrating when you get killed by someone who just sticks their leg out and hopes for the best.
I know I was terrible at the game at first (now I'm just bad), but I had a lot of fun and learned a lot switching between base weapons. Using the smartgun helps practicing wall running without bothering too much with gunplay, using the carbine helps practicing your aiming, and the shotgun for close quarter combat. Use grunts as target practice, and enjoy the Titan rides. Pilots will probably kill you a lot before you get better, but Titanfall is still very entertaining even when you get slaughtered.
Stick to the walls/rooftops. Half the fun is chaining together sick dash combos
That's fair, though I haven't had too many problems with netcode issues.
I like melee the way it is. If melee was two or three kills it'd be useless you'd likely be able to gun down your opponent before then.
Should only be a one hit kill from behind.
Should only be a one hit kill from behind.
Oh boy how I hate the damn melee netcode. Many times I got executed (the neck breaking stuff) when the other player is clearly in front of me and as usual the killcam shows the fellow manage to circle around me to perform the execution.
It's been awhile since I play Valve's own Source engine (CS GO and TF2) and rarely use melee in both games (except for Heavy KGB which still need to power up to get one hit kill).
If I rodeo a titan and get it to turn to the the red and yellow bar, am I supposed to jump off right then? I don't know when they actually explode?
About to play this game for the first time (XO).
I always suck at aiming with analog sticks, hopefully I'll be able to get a bit of fun out of it anyway.
Btw, any good tips for a first time player? Just looking to have fun, won't care about K/D ratio.
Played this for really the first time yesterday. Only went through the campaign, but man does it seem like militia is at a disadvantage. I think I only won 2 of those matches in campaign, but when I switched over to IMC side I won the first 5 straight. I guess it was because it looked like the same militia team (with a couple level 1s) hung in there the whole time, but I thought the flip was crazy.
Really like the game though. Finally got an idea of how to use my titan and keep it alive more than 30 seconds in-game and climbing out and shooting pilots that climb on mine makes me laugh every time.
If I rodeo a titan and get it to turn to the the red and yellow bar, am I supposed to jump off right then? I don't know when they actually explode?
It is not the net code. It is the fundamentally inconsistent nature of latency. It's a complicated thing to explain without a white board but here's the quick version:
Due to lag, everybody sees everybody where they were, not where they are. You are effectively in the future, and everybody is trying to hit the you in the past.
When somebody melees you, they are hitting you where you were at the time their foot extended, but keep in mind this is where you were awhile ago, because they are trying to hit a version of you in that is in the past.
When you die in a melee battle, it is because they hit first. Due to lag, you may have hit too, but they hit first, so they get the kill.
This is why you can run around a corner and still die. Overall though it works well for bullets and projectiles and player movement.
Our current melee feels laggy because it has some intentional delay before it connects. This was to counteract the high speed of pilots. We didn't put the usual instant-kill melee in because it is too strong with high speed. It's not ideal though, because of the nature of latency.
You can, you've "doomed" it and get points for it's death. You can stay on and keep shooting it to make it die faster, and possibly kill the pilot - you will get propelled into the air when it explodes. However, you will die if you stay on it and it is having a nuclear explosion (white light, vibrating).
It is not the net code. It is the fundamentally inconsistent nature of latency. It's a complicated thing to explain without a white board but here's the quick version:
Due to lag, everybody sees everybody where they were, not where they are. You are effectively in the future, and everybody is trying to hit the you in the past.
When somebody melees you, they are hitting you where you were at the time their foot extended, but keep in mind this is where you were awhile ago, because they are trying to hit a version of you in that is in the past.
When you die in a melee battle, it is because they hit first. Due to lag, you may have hit too, but they hit first, so they get the kill.
This is why you can run around a corner and still die. Overall though it works well for bullets and projectiles and player movement.
Our current melee feels laggy because it has some intentional delay before it connects. This was to counteract the high speed of pilots. We didn't put the usual instant-kill melee in because it is too strong with high speed. It's not ideal though, because of the nature of latency.
Honestly, I'd be fine without a melee.May as well have no melee.
Honestly, I'd be fine without a melee.
Man any ETA on the Gooser update? Been trying to farm them for days now and only at 26 or so. Motherfuckers and their cloaks.
I still got 49 more left to go lol. Busy doing damn arc cannon challenge which after I'm done with it means chaingunning any ejected pilot that doesn't cloak.