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Titanfall |OT| Titan Online. Signal When Ready.

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Looking at the challenges for Gen 8 makes me not want to play the game.

The fucking semi auto for Gen 7 will be bad enough. Gen 8 looks absurd.

Gen 8 isn't difficult, it's just really long. The only weird challenge is dropping your titan on enemies. That one isn't that hard either with the warpfall transmitter kit and dumb bots that stand in one place and shoot at you if they see you.

One challenge at a time, my good sir. I know I'm not looking forward to the Arc Cannon. As if the Plasma Railgun wasn't fucking enough.

I thought arc cannon was easier to use than plasma railgun. If you got through that I don't think you'll have any trouble with the arc cannon
Hi! Just hit Generation 10 and I still love to play. If any gaffers wanna hang out and play late I'm on most nights after 1 central time. Gt: Derp Dynasty
I'm on xb1
Thanks all!

Ivory Samoan

Gold Member
Titanfall really isn't a game to rock out to for hours on end after the initial excitement wears off. A couple of matches here and there is satisfying enough and then I move onto a game where I feel like I've made progress (single player/story based games)

Then again I'm mostly a single player only person but Titanfall was amazing enough to get me back into competitive multiplayer.

This is exactly how Titanfall fills my MP needs as well.

I hit up around say..... 6 rounds, then turn off the X1 and hit up my usual RPG fare.
Then around 3 hours later I'm jonesing for another TF hit, so I fuel my addiction for another couple rounds pre-bed.


Boom! Bitch-slapped!
One challenge at a time, my good sir. I know I'm not looking forward to the Arc Cannon. As if the Plasma Railgun wasn't fucking enough.

One thing I really liked about the arc cannon is that I could easily rack up 30 or 40 plus minion kills with it. The Capacitor upgrade is also much better than the Railgun's "upgrade" charge shot. If the chaingun wasn't god-tier I would use the arc cannon quite a bit.
Is it true that Titanfall is basically "dead" on pc?

I tend to only play attrition now and I always manage to find a game. Sometimes the numbers can be unbalanced at the start even before people rage quit.

I am playing on European servers.

I was gonna get this game on pc. (Dnt own Xbo) sad to hear really, but im not suprised cause i heard that it gets boring after a couple of matches.

A couple of matches? It took me a lot of matches and hours before my interest wasn't as strong. I think personal play style has a lot to do with how much you get out of the game and thus enjoy it.

I reckon there will be more gen levels in the future. Im hanging for more map packs and weapons.

Yes more gen challenges will do wonders for team play. I say add more.

So the mode I like to play the least is the only populated playlist on PC?


The ballsing around with point distribution in hard point probably hasn't helped matters. I think a fair number of players ditched it.


Titanfall really isn't a game to rock out to for hours on end after the initial excitement wears off.

I've put in more hours on Titanfall than any other game in the last, I don't know 10 years. And you know what? It still doesn't feel old. Others have likened it to a crack habit but unlike crack the buzz doesn't wear off. Still, different strokes for different folks...
I enjoy the game a lot more when I'm not binge-playing it. I can't play during the week, so a few games (maybe an hour or two) every weekend, and I'm usually having a lot of fun.


Boom! Bitch-slapped!
According to Origin I've had the game running for 163 hours. Before that I probably hadn't put more than 10 hours total into all MP shooters I've played the past year. It certainly got it's hooks into me :D


Are satchel charges supposed to insta-destroy a titan with full shields and around 20% health left? It has happened to me twice now.

Just one single satchel charge killing me instantly.


Finished both campaigns in today, it was really good but there somethings that can the experience better:
A match without bots.
A notification that says which map I won in campaign.
Add more statistics like number of kills and deaths after each match (I can see only kills now?)
Things can be fixed by patches, but it's good overall.

Umm .. what is the story? lol.


Finished both campaigns in today, it was really good but there somethings that can the experience better:
A match without bots.
A notification that says which map I won in campaign.
Add more statistics like number of kills and deaths after each match (I can see only kills now?)
Things can be fixed by patches, but it's good overall.

Umm .. what is the story? lol.

You are killing people for the IMC for the IMC campaign.
You are killing people for the Militia in the Militia campaign.

..that's about it.
The IMC helped to pioneer exploration of the Frontier. A lot of wars happened in the Core Systems (where most people live), which drew the IMC's attention away from the Frontier for a bit. When the wars (I believe they're referred to as the Titan Wars) ended, resources were running low in the Core System and the IMC noticed that the pioneers and ex-soldiers (something called the GI Bill allowed people who served in the IMC combat situations beforehand to get incentives to start businesses and stuff in the Frontier) in the Frontier were flourishing.

IMC declares eminent domain and tries to take back the resources and such on the Frontier. After diplomacy doesn't work, the ex-soliders and such in the Frontier form the Militia and try to repel the IMC.

That's my understanding. Argo can clarify or correct if he wishes.


Oh shit. Blowing by Gen 5. 4 goosers in 3 games. Carbine is my main weapon anyway and Sidewinder kills are no sweat. Too low of a level to have the Arc Cannon but I will get kills with in in LTS.

Love for game renewed. :)
The idea this gets boring after a few games is bankers. My brother and I play regularly every other night and still have as much enjoyment as I did when it launched.
Oh shit. Blowing by Gen 5. 4 goosers in 3 games. Carbine is my main weapon anyway and Sidewinder kills are no sweat. Too low of a level to have the Arc Cannon but I will get kills with in in LTS.

Love for game renewed. :)

I found getting titan kills is way easier in Attrition than in LTS. There are more auto titans and less competition for kills. I hate ending up with 15 assists and 1 kill in LTS.


Or read my post.



Umm .. what is the story? lol.

Ridiculously enough, to really get any backstory you have to get the Prima Guide (or know someone who doesn't want their code for the electronic version of the guide *wink*). This level of information isn't even on the official Titanfall site, where you'd think it would be.
Don't sue me, Prima!

The Frontier
In Titanfall, many generations of humanity live in the deepest reaches of explored space. This vast region is known as the Frontier. It contains many well-known and inhabited solar systems, but many more worlds remain uncharted. Most people will never travel this far away from normal civilization, the Core Systems closer to Earth. But for pioneers, explorers, mercenaries, outlaws, and soldiers, the Frontier offers both adventure and opportunity.

Planetary systems in the Frontier are separated by distances that can normally be traversed within days to weeks, by ships capable of making a series of “jumps” through space. Each jump is separated by a recharging period during which only slow speed travel is possible…with hopes for no harassment by the IMC or the many bandit groups in the Frontier.

Many systems within the Frontier were discovered and settled by the IMC and its various subsidiary branches. There were many conflicting economic, military, industrial, and political motivations behind the settlement programs.

One major influence on the Frontier was the IMC Servicemen’s Readjustment Act (a.k.a. the IMC’s so-called “G.I. Bill”). This was awarded to veterans of IMC-backed military campaigns in the Core Systems of human civilization. This gave veterans various benefits: loans to start businesses and farms on the Frontier, low-cost mortgages, and guaranteed property rights on Frontier worlds to start new lives. Therefore, many homesteaders arriving at the Frontier still have combat skills from their time in the service, and know how to handle firearms and Titans.

In the Frontier, most systems with a naturally occurring Earth-like planet have only one such planet—mass and distance from the local star(s) are usually the critical factors. The rest of the planets within such a system are usually not suitable for immediate habitation. In some cases, a planet can be altered through 60-100 years of terraforming to give it the breathable atmosphere necessary for unassisted human survival.

The earliest colonized systems were selected for their suitability for human habitation, possessing at least one Earth-like world (not too hot, not too cold, and capable of sustaining human life). Some of the criteria were: a breathable or terraformable atmosphere, safe geological and cosmic conditions, and roughly 1g of gravity. While habitable planets do exist throughout known space, the systems containing them are rarely clustered near each other. The Frontier is quite unusual in this regard, and how this came to be remains a mystery.

History of the Conflict
When the Frontier was first discovered, the IMC funded numerous expeditions to explore and colonize the new worlds. Over time, the novelty of these initial discoveries wore off. Without a steady stream of constant revelations, interest in Frontier exploration waned amongst the majority of humanity in the Core Systems, and IMC support for Frontier development went into decline.

Soon thereafter, a number of major conflicts in the Core Systems took priority over the IMC’s interests in the Frontier, and the IMC effectively abandoned all investment in its Frontier expeditions. For several generations, life on the Frontier continued with minimal connection to the IMC and the Core Systems.

When the IMC finally turned its attention back to its original colonies on the Frontier, their envoys had discovered that the descendants of the pioneering expeditions had flourished independent of support from the IMC. Many worlds on the Frontier had been colonized and access to plentiful resources was commonplace.

Struggling to meet consumer demands in the Core Systems, and seeing a wealth of new resources on the Frontier, the IMC declared eminent domain, citing their investments dating back to the original expeditions. They sent large fleets to establish control of the region, building new manufacturing and mining operations, often displacing established Frontier citizens in the process.

After years of failed diplomacy, the citizens of the Frontier had endured enough. They put aside their differences to fight the IMC, and formed the Militia. Today, the many branches and factions within the Militia continue the fight for independence from the IMC’s exploitation of the Frontier and its people. While the question of who is right and who is wrong in this conflict is arguably a matter of historical perspective, one thing is certain: this conflict will continue until either the Militia is wiped out, or the IMC withdraws from the Frontier.

As for specifics, Sarah (Militia) had her family killed by the IMC and wants revenge. MacAllen (Militia) disliked what the IMC had become and lead a mutiny before joining the Militia. The IMC doesn't really have any notable stories for their characters except that Graves is the chief in command for the Frontier and dealt with MacAllen's mutiny. Generally the IMC just wants to suppress the uprising by any means necessary.

There ya go, there's the ENTIRE story leading up to the dialog within the missions.
Yeah, I got a code yesterday for it and was summarizing as best I could. Tawpgun, do you have it on the 360?

Just hit seventh gen. Perpetual double XP ahoy!


Are satchel charges supposed to insta-destroy a titan with full shields and around 20% health left? It has happened to me twice now.

Just one single satchel charge killing me instantly.

No. You should, at least, go into doomed state. If possible, make a video (including obit).
Got nasty stuck in a wall on Outpost today. Had to call in enemies to kill me, but I knocked out some grunts lol. Couldn't even zoom the gun.

And also during that session, my friend kept "losing connection", even though he was fine and was stuck playing in that blurry mode for a prolonged time. So yeah, we got stomped.


I've started playing this over the weekend on the 360.
Frame rate is shit but hey the game is pretty fun.
Got to gen 2. YAY!
Best game so far was 151 on attrition. I killed over 60 minions.
Triple threat is insanely good, nothing comes close to it.


Finally a (junior) member!

Got the deluxe edition on Origin for $56 through a mexican VPN.

Tried it yesterday, and holy crap what chaos. I am fairly good at multiplayer FPS's, but half the time I didn't know what the hell was going on.

Also, screw minions. I would prefer more human players. Killing canon fodder"bots" is not very satisfying. Please tell me if I have missed something..

Anyways, game seems like great fun and will hopefully keep me occupied for a month or two.


Anyone else getting horrible pings the past few days? Even the local Aussie servers are returning like a 300+ ping and the Asian data centres are best at around 200?

Whats going on?


Matchmaking went haywire for me last night. Had several matches of 3 vs 6 LTS and one where my teammates disconnected leaving me all alone versus six titans.

Oh how I laughed
Finally a (junior) member!

Got the deluxe edition on Origin for $56 through a mexican VPN.

Tried it yesterday, and holy crap what chaos. I am fairly good at multiplayer FPS's, but half the time I didn't know what the hell was going on.

Also, screw minions. I would prefer more human players. Killing canon fodder"bots" is not very satisfying. Please tell me if I have missed something..

Anyways, game seems like great fun and will hopefully keep me occupied for a month or two.

Killing them adds +1 point to the team score in attrition so contributes to the final score. And killing them knocks of (3 seconds?) from your Titan build time or core ability (Titan special power) so is well worth it.


I've started playing this over the weekend on the 360.
Frame rate is shit but hey the game is pretty fun.
Got to gen 2. YAY!
Best game so far was 151 on attrition. I killed over 60 minions.
Triple threat is insanely good, nothing comes close to it.

The Accelerated Chaingun would like a word.
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