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Titanfall |OT2| Press X To Respawn

Shpeshal Nick

aka Collingwood
This is such a fucked opinion i don't even know where to begin really. But lets try-

CTF is the only mode that utilizes all the aspects of the game. Everything matters, everything is vital, all your skills and all the attributes. Parkouring matters, pilot kills matter, minion kills mater, gun skill, titan skill, awareness, map control, burn cards, teamwork, all of it. That's not the case in Attrition.

I'm not saying certain things there don't apply to Attrition as well but a lot of it is much less utilized or of more importance. Parkouring for example in attrition (xbox version, i know how the game is played on PC and it's all crazy parkouring, all the time) is less effective. You don't need to parkour well to succeed in attrition. Majority of kills are coming from your Titan, or you waiting for someone to shoot first and expose them on the map, or seeing them first by them parkouring all over while you sit and wait. This happened in Pilot hunter as well. No one wanted to be exposed. CTF you have to parkour, sure you can defend all day but you won't be a very good CTF player overall. You have to parkour to get across the map offensively, and defensively to get back.

Gun skills matter far more in CTF. Sure, you can sit in a corner and pick people off as they run aimlessly to the flag but you can do this in Attrition as well. I don't know why you keep bringing this up. Pilot skirmish was the same here to. Stay in a certain spot in the map, a centralized point and pick people off as they spawn and attempt to get into position (pilot skirmish) or sit and wait for someone to shoot a minion or farm minions yourself until you get your titan (attrition). The fuck? At least in CTF if you sit in your cozy little defensive area you'll get crushed by any decent player or group of players that know that your'e there or that pick up on what you do. People hide all the damn time in flag grab areas, doesn't stop me from coming in and taking them out. And there's where gun skills actually matter.

In CTF you're going to be facing someone face to face a lot of times, hence vs a defensive foe that is waiting for you to grab the flag. Stim, strafe, and take him out. When do you do this in attrition? Only when you HAPPEN to run face to face into someone. You're running face to face at someone in CTF all the damn time. Gun skills matter. The beginning few min of a CTF round alone has more face to face pilot encounters between teams then all of an attrition match lol (the only other match with more is Pilot skirmish). That's a majority of the fighting in CTF so this "other" engagement you bring up that is pointless is only happening between stupid players that aren't aware of what the fuck to do or what is going on.

Though tracking down a Titan to engage is not pointless because Titans need to be taken out in CTF for obvious reasons. Pointless is chasing some idiot outside the combat zone for a kill for no reason at all. But again who does that besides bad players?

Attrition is a shitty game mode. It turned a lot of people off from Titanfall because (for some poor reason) it was advertised as the first mode in the game that people should play and it is by far one of the least well rounded in terms of TF skills.

I kind of get your point, but I don't completely agree. Team work is definitely important in CTF because you need at least one person defending the flag. So someone needs to camp. That's almost always me.

I reckon I'm one of the best flag defenders on the planet in this game. Seriously. You'll never see my name as the MVP because I don't capture, but I get a ridiculous number of flag returns and my K/D is always awesome. They may know I'm there, but it doesn't stop me from stomping their ass. So I"m not using all of my abilities ot their best.

Whereas in Attrition, if I want to get my team over the line or be the MVP, I HAVE to get out there. I have to go out and score, but also not die. Almost daily, I'm single handedly dragging my team over the line. Something I don't HAVE to do in CTF. I can assist the team by ensuring a minimal amount of flags are taken, which involves little more than camping.
I kind of get your point, but I don't completely agree. Team work is definitely important in CTF because you need at least one person defending the flag. So someone needs to camp. That's almost always me.

I reckon I'm one of the best flag defenders on the planet in this game. Seriously. You'll never see my name as the MVP because I don't capture, but I get a ridiculous number of flag returns and my K/D is always awesome. They may know I'm there, but it doesn't stop me from stomping their ass. So I"m not using all of my abilities ot their best.

Whereas in Attrition, if I want to get my team over the line or be the MVP, I HAVE to get out there. I have to go out and score, but also not die. Almost daily, I'm single handedly dragging my team over the line. Something I don't HAVE to do in CTF. I can assist the team by ensuring a minimal amount of flags are taken, which involves little more than camping.
i'm confused on what you're actually trying to say here. In attrition you carry your team? Or you get out there and slightly help your team win?

Because from what i gather you're really just talking about different aspects of each game. Yes, defending the flag is viable in CTF games. In attrition you have to do something other than camp, you have to kill minions or go for pilots/titans. You don't have to "get out there" in the sense of parkouring. You can stay somewhat stationary and pick off minions until you obtain a titan.

Shpeshal Nick

aka Collingwood
i'm confused on what you're actually trying to say here. In attrition you carry your team? Or you get out there and slightly help your team win?

Because from what i gather you're really just talking about different aspects of each game. Yes, defending the flag is viable in CTF games. In attrition you have to do something other than camp, you have to kill minions or go for pilots/titans. You don't have to "get out there" in the sense of parkouring. You can stay somewhat stationary and pick off minions until you obtain a titan.

Not really. You can be taken down from too many angles in the vast majority of the maps. Standing still is never a good idea, at least not in my experience.

You were saying that you can be pretty stationary in Attrition and farm grunts until your Titan is ready, I'm saying that you kind of can't. That's a strategy that will only get you so far. So you do need to "get out there" in terms of attacking and parkour-ing to be on the offensive.

Again, this is in my experience. I tried to play Titanfall like CoD when it first came out and I got fucked on. It just didn't work for me. But in CTF, you actually can. Going back to the post I originally quoted, you made it seem like CTF was the mode that required action while Attrition didn't, when in most cases it's the opposite.


You've stated your opinion, I've stated mine.

Me calling it an opinion may be confusing to you, but this is because there are a couple of points I find obnoxiously subjective.

1. Parkour is not easier to do on PC, nor does a controller restrict anyone's ability. If you are talking about jumping while firing, that's not parkour. Parkour in Titanfall is purposefully easy and the only difficult is to maintain momentum which is simply hoping when you reach the ground.

- That being said, you stating that Parkour is not useful in Attrition is false. Extremely false. It seems that you want to equate skill to be based on Pilot play: aim, movement, and so on. CTF outside of a team dynamic is straightforward.

But let's talk about the team dynamic first. You are either defending or attacking. Flag carriers show up on the map so they can't wait for people to come to them, like MKD they try to be faster and do their best to get to the base. Whether or not an attacker can cap is based on if their flag is at the base, which it almost always will be so long as you have one or two dedicated defenders, while the rest sit at the opponent base hiding to attack or performing final defence.

In any role, there is less room for uncertainty than Attrition. There are hotspots. Base, middle, other base. Anything other than that is determined by Titans. The 1v1 aspect of Titanfall where two people fail to drop on each other almost never happens. One always gets the drop in one way or another, ttk is too low for being able to attack back after the first few hits and speed is too fast so getaway is perfectly possible. 1v1 in Titanfall is best played with Titans.

2. Titans are the true test of 1v1 you can have. Whether you can get crits better or such, if you are even equipped for Titan battles, and positioning of electric smoke, big punch and cluster etc. This is less cared about in CTF than Attrition. In Attrition you never sacrifice a Titan for positioning. In CTF you are given the ability to carry a flag carrier far or have your Titan explode purposefully near a cap point for strategy in team dynamics, and this takes away from the fact that Titans in a mode like Attrition carry score. If your Titan dies it is worse than a death in Attrition.

- Minion kills are the only thing that stop players in Attrition from sitting and waiting. If you wait a couple of minutes hiding in Attrition, you're not benefitting the team. Minions force battles to happen. No team wins because it had the most Minion kills on its own.


I understand you like CTF and may think it fits Titanfall's gameplay the most, but it doesn't mean Attrition is shit. There is no way Attrition caused people to play less Titanfall when the vast majority of players played a bunch of Hardpoint in the Campaign, and every DLC variety pack peaked with players. If people liked CTF more, they would play it.

CTF is incredibly easy to win in Titanfall pub. PC matches I found were much easier, I don't know why, but players on PC seem to be worse in public games (or maybe it is a ranking issue I had).

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pAnG98OjOy0 -- here's some small clip that could be in any mode.

P.S. You cannot stay in the same place in Attrition and farm minions because minion spawns swap several times in one game.

Pegasus Actual

Gold Member
1. Parkour is not easier to do on PC, nor does a controller restrict anyone's ability. If you are talking about jumping while firing, that's not parkour. Parkour in Titanfall is purposefully easy and the only difficult is to maintain momentum which is simply hoping when you reach the ground.
Of course parkour is easier with kb/m, and it's more useful in general on PC where most of the players aren't using aim assist. Don't get me wrong, Titanfall plays pretty well with an Xbox One controller. But kb/m > controller is pretty much FPS science.

As for CTF vs Attrition... Uhh, CTF is better IMO, but there's nothing wrong with Attrition. I think you might be overstating how pure of a Titanfall experience it is compared to CTF though. Parkour is definitely a bigger factor in CTF, every bit you can shave off your flag route is huge, and more free-form parkour is also hugely important since you need to be able to quickly cut off enemy flag carriers. In Attrition so long as you know to hit a couple of walls here and there to get speed boosts you're pretty much good to go.

It's a shame just how much the Attrition player count dwarfs all the other playlists. Variety Pack should be listed at the top of the list to funnel more players to it... for their own damned good.


So I've been out of the online FPS game for a while but I'll be jumping back in this Christmas on PC.

I only really have time for one FPS and although I enjoyed BF3, I didn't think much of 4.

Titanfall seems like a good bet, though, and it's dirt cheap on disk at the moment so I'm erring towards that.

How's the general PC game? Is voice chat built in?
Again, this is in my experience. I tried to play Titanfall like CoD when it first came out and I got fucked on. It just didn't work for me. But in CTF, you actually can. Going back to the post I originally quoted, you made it seem like CTF was the mode that required action while Attrition didn't, when in most cases it's the opposite.

By stationary i mean not visible. Not parkouring freely. It's probably not even the modes fault, it's just the nature of the game on console. Parkouring is way easier on PC. CTF requires more movement than Attrition on average. It doesn't mean you can't camp the flag grab spot. You can, but it will take you a longer time to rank up doing that.

1. Parkour is not easier to do on PC, nor does a controller restrict anyone's ability. If you are talking about jumping while firing, that's not parkour. Parkour in Titanfall is purposefully easy and the only difficult is to maintain momentum which is simply hoping when you reach the ground.

This alone could kill your credibility. That and of course your ridiculous past argument that the 40mm cannon was better than the arc cannon or something silly like that. But i'll spare you the embarrassment this time.

- That being said, you stating that Parkour is not useful in Attrition is false. Extremely false. It seems that you want to equate skill to be based on Pilot play: aim, movement, and so on. CTF outside of a team dynamic is straightforward.

Yes, usually the better the pilot the more viable the player. Why? because the better pilots get Titans first (minus burn cards). In the case of CTF this is huge, especially Pub CTF (if at least 1 of your teammates is aware of the situation and goes for the damn flag with you). Parkour is useful in attrition, it can be if the player is REALLY good, but on average it is not required like it is on CTF. To be a good player you have to parkour in CTF. You don't need to in attrition to be a good player. You even admit as much (below) saying Titans dominate the play.

Furthermore, and this is a funny one, in your video you're not even using extended parkour ability! You use enhanced explosive pack! lol. Not many people use that in CTF, almost anyone good uses the extended parkour ability, some people choose power cell (mainly defenders). Your video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GACaYPLqfiQ

But let's talk about the team dynamic first. You are either defending or attacking. Flag carriers show up on the map so they can't wait for people to come to them, like MKD they try to be faster and do their best to get to the base. Whether or not an attacker can cap is based on if their flag is at the base, which it almost always will be so long as you have one or two dedicated defenders, while the rest sit at the opponent base hiding to attack or performing final defence.

This seems like you're making my case for me that parkouring in CTF is more important than attrition but i think it's safe to say that this is settled now.

1v1 in Titanfall is best played with Titans.
In attrition yes it is but not in CTF. CTF pilot vs pilot is huge and therefore your gun skills really matter. It can mean the difference between winning and losing. My video: http://gameclipscontent-d2005.xboxl..._=1417786874_1658a9c84aa4863017466ebdbd213ab1 Don't know why there's no sound

2.In Attrition you never sacrifice a Titan for positioning. In CTF you are given the ability to carry a flag carrier far or have your Titan explode purposefully near a cap point for strategy in team dynamics, and this takes away from the fact that Titans in a mode like Attrition carry score. If your Titan dies it is worse than a death in Attrition.

Titans are just as important in both playlists. You can sacrifice a titan in Attrition if you're taking out more than one titan with a nuclear ejection. It may slightly be more valued in attrition than in CTF depending on the map. I'll give you that.

- Minion kills are the only thing that stop players in Attrition from sitting and waiting. If you wait a couple of minutes hiding in Attrition, you're not benefitting the team. Minions force battles to happen. No team wins because it had the most Minion kills on its own.

I already clarified what i meant by being stationary, it's not the same as camping the flag grab spot.

I understand you like CTF and may think it fits Titanfall's gameplay the most, but it doesn't mean Attrition is shit. There is no way Attrition caused people to play less Titanfall when the vast majority of players played a bunch of Hardpoint in the Campaign, and every DLC variety pack peaked with players. If people liked CTF more, they would play it.

Ok, i'm being harsh calling it shit but it isn't the best Titanfall experience and Respawn is slicing themselves short by promoting it at the forefront of the experience. Vast majority of any population is stupid. I'll never back down from that. The "majority" never know what's good for them. Guys like Steve Jobs knew this best (just a point of reference lol) . Objective game modes in Titanfall console is the best overall experience in this game. Until parkouring can be done as effectively on the console as the PC version it will continue to be this way.

Bottom line is CTF is way faster and skillful than Attrition. It uses all the varied aspects of the game to it's fullest. Even the average duration of a CTF match is longer.

CTF is incredibly easy to win in Titanfall pub..

No it's not. I rarely, and i mean rarely ever not dominate a match in CTF and i still lose. I lose because of really bad teammates. I'm sure that goes for Attrition as well. Technically, i should never lose a single CTF match because i'm always the first with a Titan down. I have 4-5 pilot kills before someone even has 1. There was a time i partied up with 1 other pretty good guy and we went on some ridiculous winning streak.

I think it's safe to say theres a lot of really bad Titanfall players no matter what playlist you're playing.

Pegasus Actual

Gold Member
Furthermore, and this is a funny one, in your video you're not even using extended parkour ability! You use enhanced explosive pack! lol. Not many people use that in CTF, almost anyone good uses the extended parkour ability, some people choose power cell (mainly defenders).
Huh? Enhanced Parkour Kit is junk. You're better off chaining wallruns together quickly to build up speed, and power cell + stim will make you faster.


Your clip link is broken, but since you're on XBL we can talk there.

CTF on XBL is very easy to lead a team but very few know proper routes. I massively disagree about extended parkour kid. And I massively disagree that that parkour is more important in CTF than Attrition, it's just as important. Parkour is simply getting to A B fast or dodging damage. In CTF unless you are flag carrier you are rarely targeted.

Let's side step this because I think I remember now. Pilot Kills doesn't mean you are the better player in Titanfall. The only playlist where that shit is the only thing that matters is both Pilot Hunter and 8v8. The "skill" of Pilot vs. Pilot battles is silly, Titanfall allows you to get the jump on everyone of you position yourself right, that's why no one camps. Outside of objective based games you can constantly move around. The only game mode where you really can test all Titanfall skill in a confrontation sense I guess is MKD, where both the mark and you can see where each other are.

Side stepping even more, you brought this up, if you want to state that somehow Arc Cannon is better than 40mm, 1v1 me. 40mm just simply does more damage, has more range and doesn't lose charge upon dashing. If you think somehow Arc Cannons are better vs. Titans, invite me to a match.

And I played CTF when I wanted wins etc. In memory I have lost a handful of CTF matches since DLC2 hit, it's easy because not many players use the parkour well, not because it's "more important".
Huh? Enhanced Parkour Kit is junk. You're better off chaining wallruns together quickly to build up speed, and power cell + stim will make you faster.
In CTF it is not junk.

Your clip link is broken, but since you're on XBL we can talk there.

CTF on XBL is very easy to lead a team but very few know proper routes. I massively disagree about extended parkour kid. And I massively disagree that that parkour is more important in CTF than Attrition, it's just as important. Parkour is simply getting to A B fast or dodging damage. In CTF unless you are flag carrier you are rarely targeted.

You barely parkour in your entire video, what are you talking about?

Let's side step this because I think I remember now. Pilot Kills doesn't mean you are the better player in Titanfall. The only playlist where that shit is the only thing that matters is both Pilot Hunter and 8v8. The "skill" of Pilot vs. Pilot battles is silly, Titanfall allows you to get the jump on everyone of you position yourself right, that's why no one camps. Outside of objective based games you can constantly move around. The only game mode where you really can test all Titanfall skill in a confrontation sense I guess is MKD, where both the mark and you can see where each other are.

Side stepping even more, you brought this up, if you want to state that somehow Arc Cannon is better than 40mm, 1v1 me. 40mm just simply does more damage, has more range and doesn't lose charge upon dashing. If you think somehow Arc Cannons are better vs. Titans, invite me to a match.

Pilot kills matter in CTF. And Arc cannon destroys 40mm cannon on average. Dealing with 2 arc cannon titans is horrible compared to dealing with 2 titans using 40mm cannon.
The game doesn't do those 'briefings' between campaign missions anymore? That's a shame. Took me long enough to get in one as it is. :lol

No more sticking to teams too, huh. Went from playing the first mission as militia to the second as IMC.


If I own all map packs and I select basic attrition as my game type (since that's what everyone is playing), will it make use of my map packs?


If I own all map packs and I select basic attrition as my game type (since that's what everyone is playing), will it make use of my map packs?
Yes. The matchmaking will try to put you into games with people who own as much of the DLC as possible, since everyone in the lobby needs to own a DLC pack for the maps to show up in the rotation.

In practice, all nine DLC maps show up all the time in Attrition (at least on PC - I presume the season pass attach rate is even better on XB1 with the recent sales).

Pegasus Actual

Gold Member
Yes, with 500+ hours into this game at Gen 10/50 and D5-5 i think it is useful for the way i play. Anyone is more than welcome to come join me on Xbox live:
Digital Atheist

Well I'm D5-5 Gen 10 with 600 hours played and I say it's still rubbish. Feel free to make an actual counterargument. This video does a pretty good job of laying out the case for why Enhanced Parkour sucks:

Well I'm D5-5 Gen 10 with 600 hours played and I say it's still rubbish. Feel free to make an actual counterargument. This video does a pretty good job of laying out the case for why Enhanced Parkour sucks:


Ok, first off this guy isn't very good. I've seen his videos. Second, this is PC. PC is a completely different fucking beast. Bunny hopping, and parkouring is a lot easier on PC, you know that. I'm going to assume you're on PC.

Enhanced Parkour Kit is a Tier 1 Pilot Kit that appears in Titanfall. It is unlocked off the start and as the description implies, allows for 2 times as long wallrunning and wallhanging. It allows you to Wall-Hang for 22 seconds instead of 11 seconds, and Wall-Run for 3.5 seconds instead of 1.75 seconds

For the console where it's not easy to parkour as well i find this to be a pretty big benefit. What other kit would you replace it with? The only other one i'd even remotely consider is power cell.

Pegasus Actual

Gold Member
Ok, first off this guy isn't very good. I've seen his videos.
Nah, he's pretty good. I guess you're the best and thus only your opinion matters though.
Second, this is PC. PC is a completely different fucking beast. Bunny hopping, and parkouring is a lot easier on PC, you know that. I'm going to assume you're on PC.
I play on both, more on Xbox One though.
For the console where it's not easy to parkour as well i find this to be a pretty big benefit.
That's still not much of an argument. Remember where you started, you basically declared that people who don't use enhanced parkour kit are scrubs. Now it's "well, I'm not good at parkour so it helps me".

The biggest problem with EPK is gravity. The extra parkour time is spent bleeding height as you start sliding down. Even if you are just trying to run on one wall, you're going to save altitude by timing a double jump back onto the same wall at the end of your normal parkour time. The clip you posted made no use of EPK, I skimmed through some of your other clips on xboxclips.com and didn't see you wall-run for more than a second on a wall once. Do you have any examples of you using it effectively?
What other kit would you replace it with? The only other one i'd even remotely consider is power cell.
Explosive kit is decent. In CTF specifically it's nice since usually I'll use two arc grenades to get a kill, and having one left over would help clear arc mines off the flag when I get there. An extra arc mine is probably pretty good for playing defense.

Power cell is great, the tactical abilities are all pretty powerful, and getting to use them more often is good. I think power cell plus stim is the best use of tier 1 for CTF and really most game modes.

Run and gun is pretty limited.

Stealth kit is very good for anti-titan as it makes rodeoing much more effective against good players. I use it mostly for LTS w Spitfire/Slammer, but I could see it being not half bad for CTF paired with an R97. Pretty versatile.
That's still not much of an argument. Remember where you started, you basically declared that people who don't use enhanced parkour kit are scrubs. Now it's "well, I'm not good at parkour so it helps me".
No i did not. I declared that CTF requires more parkouring than Attrition. No one on Xbone is truly good at parkouring because of the inherent limitations of playing TF on the console.

The biggest problem with EPK is gravity. The extra parkour time is spent bleeding height as you start sliding down. Even if you are just trying to run on one wall, you're going to save altitude by timing a double jump back onto the same wall at the end of your normal parkour time. The clip you posted made no use of EPK, I skimmed through some of your other clips on xboxclips.com and didn't see you wall-run for more than a second on a wall once. Do you have any examples of you using it effectively?

That's why i wanted EPK in the first place. That extra take builds up speeds. Yes, the CLIP doesn't show much parkouring just like a majority of yours don't or anyone else not on PC. PC is the only form of the game that uses constant bunny hop and parkouring because it's so much easier to accomplish. Another reason why i like EPK. There's plenty of scenarios where a combination wall jump can't be achieved and that extra time you get to create speed can be helpful, especially in CTF. But the point was that in Izunando's entire clip he barely parkours at all. If i recorded an entire CTF match that wouldn't be the case.

Explosive kit is decent. In CTF specifically it's nice since usually I'll use two arc grenades to get a kill, and having one left over would help clear arc mines off the flag when I get there. An extra arc mine is probably pretty good for playing defense.
Eh. For defensive purposes sure an extra Arc mine would be valuable, i guess. But it's still outweighed by Power Cell for strictly defense.

Power cell is great, the tactical abilities are all pretty powerful, and getting to use them more often is good. I think power cell plus stim is the best use of tier 1 for CTF and really most game modes.

This is the only thing i could ever see myself replacing EPK with and i do equip it with my sniper class. But most of the time considering i have EPK mapped and i don't need that extra boost on the wall or by connecting jumps it doesn't matter for me there. Stim is something i activate in tough situations or gun battles, so it would help there but i dunno. EPK seems more valuable to me because if i ddi replace it i'd have to spam the Stim button just to parkour and connect jumps instead of mainly using it for the times i really need it, encounters.

Run and gun is pretty limited.
agreed. And you forgot quick reload, another wasted ability no one uses.

Stealth kit is very good for anti-titan as it makes rodeoing much more effective against good players. I use it mostly for LTS w Spitfire/Slammer, but I could see it being not half bad for CTF paired with an R97. Pretty versatile.

Nah. Stealth kit in this game sucks. Period. If you're in a room with really good players, and i mean every member of each team is decent the game becomes so bat shit crazy that even the silencers don't matter. It's too fast, too hectic, and you're better off with more fire power or a useful kit.

Pegasus Actual

Gold Member
No i did not. I declared that CTF requires more parkouring than Attrition. No one on Xbone is truly good at parkouring because of the inherent limitations of playing TF on the console.
Not quite:
Furthermore, and this is a funny one, in your video you're not even using extended parkour ability! You use enhanced explosive pack! lol. Not many people use that in CTF, almost anyone good uses the extended parkour ability, some people choose power cell (mainly defenders).
"almost anyone good uses the extended parkour ability", and that's not true at all, you say parkour is hard on console, and I'll grant it's tougher than PC, but it's hardly impossible. As for bunny hopping, that's mostly an issue of button-press timing, not of aiming. There's no reason you couldn't have bunny hopped at the door in the clip you posted instead of wasting momentum on a double jump.
That's why i wanted EPK in the first place. That extra take builds up speeds. Yes, the CLIP doesn't show much parkouring just like a majority of yours don't or anyone else not on PC. PC is the only form of the game that uses constant bunny hop and parkouring because it's so much easier to accomplish. Another reason why i like EPK. There's plenty of scenarios where a combination wall jump can't be achieved and that extra time you get to create speed can be helpful, especially in CTF. But the point was that in Izunando's entire clip he barely parkours at all. If i recorded an entire CTF match that wouldn't be the case.
I'm not exactly sure what you're saying here. But running along one wall with EPK doesn't give you any more speed than just a regular wallrun. The speed boost you get from running on a wall is pretty much instant. So the only difference there is you need to restart your wallrun a little more frequently. And you don't get as much speed doing a single wall run as you would by bouncing to another wall.

Again I'll ask for an example, it doesn't have to be a video clip, just maps and walls/routes where enhanced parkour actually helps.
This is the only thing i could ever see myself replacing EPK with and i do equip it with my sniper class. But most of the time considering i have EPK mapped and i don't need that extra boost on the wall or by connecting jumps it doesn't matter for me there. Stim is something i activate in tough situations or gun battles, so it would help there but i dunno. EPK seems more valuable to me because if i ddi replace it i'd have to spam the Stim button just to parkour and connect jumps instead of mainly using it for the times i really need it, encounters.
I'll use stim if I'm going into a wall run, I'll use it if I'm in an encounter, I'll use it if I'm stuck on open ground... Pretty much if my stim is ready to go I'm about to use it. I try to save it or wait for it to regen when it's time to breach the flag room, but for the most part I'm spamming that button.

Nah. Stealth kit in this game sucks. Period. If you're in a room with really good players, and i mean every member of each team is decent the game becomes so bat shit crazy that even the silencers don't matter. It's too fast, too hectic, and you're better off with more fire power or a useful kit.
It lets you rodeo good players. It goes well with cloak for doing anti-titan. Granted, it's not the best way to play CTF, but it's probably the best tier 1 for LTS, a cloaked pilot with stealth kit and a spitfire/slammer is a complete nightmare to deal with.
agreed. And you forgot quick reload, another wasted ability no one uses.
I did forget it, but I do actually like the fast reload kit. If power cell didn't exist it probably would be my go-to kit. Reloading your main weapon fast is always good, and the somewhat hidden benefit is that it works with the Archer giving you better anti-titan ability.

My opinion it's Power Cell >>> Quick Reload > Stealth Kit > Explosives Pack >>> Enhanced Parkour = Run N Gun.


Is currently on Stage 1: Denial regarding the service game future
No i did not. I declared that CTF requires more parkouring than Attrition. No one on Xbone is truly good at parkouring because of the inherent limitations of playing TF on the console.

Out of curiosity, what are these limitations?


Wait your reasoning was that I didn't parkour in my video? I was playing on Sandtrap. I saw your clip and thought to myself "this the best example for his argument?"

I posted that clip for a different topic, which was if I just went and only killed minions in attrition. I posted another clip when you said parkour was never needed to get points or anything. I took out specific clips to tackle specific points and you find other problems with them. However, your clip showed nothing of what you wanted to address, it shows you running with the flag, stopping to shoot a few dudes with terrible aim and strategy, and then scoring. You used that as your example that CTF shows skill, where Attrition can't.

I did once put up a clip where it shows me using nuclear ejection in such a way that sacrifices my titan for both a titan and pilot kill (which is only ever worth doing in Attrition) and using parkour to get out of where I was so I could fight the guy rematching without having people looking at the radar come after me. And then you took that clip, dismissed it silently and talked about something it didn't show.

And THEN you even had the balls to pull the classic counter argument I got tired of before when it comes to the 40mm. I stated why it is better in 1v1, then you talk about how Arc Cannon was better in 2v1 as a counter.

Look, I'm happy that Titanfall rewards different playstyles, but there is no reason why you have to say whatever it is you do is somehow the best when you're not even willing to put it to the test.


Let's not forget how this started though. You said how reaching D5 was easier in Attrition than in CTF. Initially I thought this was innocent, but now I accuse you of saying that and continuing this argument to showcase how much of a better player you are. It makes sense considering the rudeness in your language and inability to tackle the argument with more honestly without pulling up different points side track from others.
Enhanced parkour has its uses and that youtube video doesn't cover it.

First point I'll make is that traversal is not all about speed. In fact, the faster you go, the less information you can take in from your surroundings and the more likely you'll be spotted. Running across 1 wall actually lowers your profile quite a bit, especially a longer ranges. People are less likely to spot you and in a game like this, your position being unknown is an important aspect - I think we can all agree on that at least.

Second is that enhanced parkour will allow you to make longer jumps, allowing you to chain wall jump from farther sections. This definitely nets you a speed increase, double so if you have stim. I am mostly basing this off my personal experience and I can definitely notice its impact when I have used the perk in the past. Maybe I am wrong though and it is all in my head. Can't quite say for sure, I'll have to mess around with it again.

I don't really use it much any more though, but largely cause they decided to reduce the AR's mag size (like minus 10 shots with extended mag is a pretty big deal) and I find myself reloading more often in combat situations due to that. And that quick reload perk kind of just carried over into other weapons for whatever reason.

Also I am pretty sure stim doesn't let you absorb more shots, you just regen quicker. Against bad players who can't kill you quick, it is like immunity. Against good players, and weapons like shotguns and smart pistol, it is relatively much less worth it.

Back to enhanced parkour, I would use it 100% if I knew I was gonna run the flag each time. It plus stim makes you very difficult to catch and while it may not be necessary it is an advantage you can have over other players. Sure if you keep jumping wall to wall like a maniac, you might not benefit at all from it. But not every map is like that and I am willing to bet there are long jumps you can make better with enhanced parkour.

Pegasus Actual

Gold Member
Enhanced parkour has its uses and that youtube video doesn't cover it.

First point I'll make is that traversal is not all about speed. In fact, the faster you go, the less information you can take in from your surroundings and the more likely you'll be spotted. Running across 1 wall actually lowers your profile quite a bit, especially a longer ranges. People are less likely to spot you and in a game like this, your position being unknown is an important aspect - I think we can all agree on that at least.
The faster you go, the harder you are to hit, and the more likely you are to escape anyone who does spot you. Also... you get to the flag quicker. It more than balances out.
Second is that enhanced parkour will allow you to make longer jumps, allowing you to chain wall jump from farther sections. This definitely nets you a speed increase, double so if you have stim. I am mostly basing this off my personal experience and I can definitely notice its impact when I have used the perk in the past. Maybe I am wrong though and it is all in my head. Can't quite say for sure, I'll have to mess around with it again.
I'm not 100 percent sure I understand what you're saying, how far you can jump is based on how much velocity (and height) you have. EPK doesn't make you jump farther in and of itself.
I don't really use it much any more though, but largely cause they decided to reduce the AR's mag size (like minus 10 shots with extended mag is a pretty big deal) and I find myself reloading more often in combat situations due to that. And that quick reload perk kind of just carried over into other weapons for whatever reason.

Also I am pretty sure stim doesn't let you absorb more shots, you just regen quicker. Against bad players who can't kill you quick, it is like immunity. Against good players, and weapons like shotguns and smart pistol, it is relatively much less worth it.
You're wrong, test it yourself. If you're stimmed up a full lock of smart pistol won't bring you down. It gives you a continuous health regen. Probably one reason gun damage values are what they are. Ever notice how you'll often die to someone with 1% health when you're shooting them with a CAR or something? It will take a little bit of time for a stim user to regen enough to make the next shot not be a kill. Most of the guns are like that, but Smart Pistol a 3 hit kill with very little overkill. Obviously a 1hk with a shotgun is never not going to be a 1hk since stim doesn't add to your max health.
Back to enhanced parkour, I would use it 100% if I knew I was gonna run the flag each time. It plus stim makes you very difficult to catch and while it may not be necessary it is an advantage you can have over other players. Sure if you keep jumping wall to wall like a maniac, you might not benefit at all from it. But not every map is like that and I am willing to bet there are long jumps you can make better with enhanced parkour.
Like where? What routes does EPK open up that I can't do without it? I'm still waiting for an example from someone instead of 'feelings'.
Wait your reasoning was that I didn't parkour in my video? I was playing on Sandtrap. I saw your clip and thought to myself "this the best example for his argument?"
My clip was referencing how pilot vs pilot in CTF matters. And how your gun skills matter and is the difference between winning and losing, hence why i posted that clip where those guys couldn't aim for shit in multiple 1v1 encounters as i ran the flag back.

I posted that clip for a different topic, which was if I just went and only killed minions in attrition. I posted another clip when you said parkour was never needed to get points or anything. I took out specific clips to tackle specific points and you find other problems with them. However, your clip showed nothing of what you wanted to address, it shows you running with the flag, stopping to shoot a few dudes with terrible aim and strategy, and then scoring. You used that as your example that CTF shows skill, where Attrition can't.
I don't remember your other clip addressed to me. Maybe i over looked it. And my clip did address exactly what i was talking about, maybe you should go up and reread it.

And THEN you even had the balls to pull the classic counter argument I got tired of before when it comes to the 40mm. I stated why it is better in 1v1, then you talk about how Arc Cannon was better in 2v1 as a counter.
40mm doesn't beat arc. You can state whatever you want to state. I've never once encountered a 40mm user that frightened me, where as if i see an arc cannon player i tighten up a bit, and if there's more than one i know i have no other choice but to use arc cannon myself.

Let's not forget how this started though. You said how reaching D5 was easier in Attrition than in CTF. Initially I thought this was innocent, but now I accuse you of saying that and continuing this argument to showcase how much of a better player you are. It makes sense considering the rudeness in your language and inability to tackle the argument with more honestly without pulling up different points side track from others.

Coming from the guy that constantly uses the "derp derp"....right. I have no desire for a piss measuring contest, and i never intended it to be one. My gripe is with Attrition being the mode pushed to the forefront of the game when it's the least one other modes do a better job highlighting what's great about the game.
Anyone have any thoughts on where Respawn and/or Titanfall goes from here?

Will they quickly release a sequel? Will they shift focus to the rumoured 3rd person action/adventure?

The game was critically well received (86 on MetaCritic) and if it was re-reviewed, given all the content updates, I would suspect that score could creep up higher.

Vince has been pretty open about the fact that he would like to go multi-platform, so where does Respawn go from here?

Given EA announcing their 'rotation' plan, I wouldn't expect to see a new Titanfall until at least 2016 if not 2017.

This would give Respawn critical development time to take the game to the next level and multi-platform. My only concern is it could be 'forgotten' by the time those years come around.

Could the 3rd person action/adventure game be related to Titanfall? Maybe not an online multiplayer, but something in the same story arc. Could that work as the 'campaign'? Or will they go completely different?

I was delighted with Titanfall and still enjoy playing it to this day. I hope they come out with some exciting announcements next year to get me hyped for the future.

Pegasus Actual

Gold Member
I may as well weigh-in on the 40mm vs Arc Cannon monkey-poop flinging fight. It's ridiculous to be so scared of the Arc Cannon that if you see someone using it you immediately change from a 40mm class to an Arc Cannon yourself. C'mon man.

1v1 I probably give the edge to 40mm. Arc Cannon is just a bit too slow when dealing out hull damage. The Arc Cannon does have a lot going for it in other situations, the splash damage effect is great, and it's MUCH better for killing pilots even with Capacitor (which is required to make it a competent anti-titan weapon in my opinion. For Last Titan Standing Arc Cannon clearly stands alone as the best weapon option since you're dealing with groups of Titans and the Pilots have nothing better to do than to try to rodeo you or poke you with the Charge Rifle or the Archer.

In other modes 40mm is probably the best anti-titan weapon, but not necessarily the best titan weapon overall.

Anyone have any thoughts on where Respawn and/or Titanfall goes from here?

Will they quickly release a sequel? Will they shift focus to the rumoured 3rd person action/adventure?

The game was critically well received (86 on MetaCritic) and if it was re-reviewed, given all the content updates, I would suspect that score could creep up higher.

Vince has been pretty open about the fact that he would like to go multi-platform, so where does Respawn go from here?

Given EA announcing their 'rotation' plan, I wouldn't expect to see a new Titanfall until at least 2016 if not 2017.

This would give Respawn critical development time to take the game to the next level and multi-platform. My only concern is it could be 'forgotten' by the time those years come around.

Could the 3rd person action/adventure game be related to Titanfall? Maybe not an online multiplayer, but something in the same story arc. Could that work as the 'campaign'? Or will they go completely different?

I was delighted with Titanfall and still enjoy playing it to this day. I hope they come out with some exciting announcements next year to get me hyped for the future.

Well, obviously they need to add a Pegasus class Titan chassis in my honor with some sort of flight/hover ability.

On a more serious note, I really don't know what the third-person thing is about. I guess that was based on a job listing or something? I'm still under the impression that they're a smaller studio which probably isn't going to be doing two titles at a time. I also can't believe they didn't go straight into Titanfall 2. Keep in mind the pattern Infinity Ward before they Respawned. COD->COD2 was a refinement that took two years. COD4 two years after that which was a pretty major improvement. MW2 two years after that, another refinement release. Now dev cycles are constantly getting longer, COD studios have all moved to three year releases. So who really knows, it's all a guessing game. Plus they were doing more post-release work on Titanfall than they ever did on a COD title.

So that puts my guess at 2-3 years starting from either March release, or maybe end of October when they pushed out what I assume was their final post-launch content patch, and maybe final patch overall for the first Titanfall. Considering the post-launch support I don't see a Titanfall 2 in March 2016, that seems a little too quick. November-ish 2016 would be an interesting time. That would be the next scheduled Infinity Ward COD, which frankly is perceived as the weakest of the COD studios right now. If you want to go into direct competition against COD, that's when you'd do it, right? March 2017 seems like all the development time in the world, and maybe Titanfall just carves out that part of the year as its own thing. I don't know. I guess November 2016 is my vote.

As far as needing more time to do the PS4 version as well, I'm not sure how much I buy it. XBO and PS4 are so similar, and the eSRAM thing probably means the XBO version is the more complicated of the two. My amateur opinion is that it's easy. Or at least easier than doing both an Xbox 360 version and a PS3 version.
I may as well weigh-in on the 40mm vs Arc Cannon monkey-poop flinging fight. It's ridiculous to be so scared of the Arc Cannon that if you see someone using it you immediately change from a 40mm class to an Arc Cannon yourself. C'mon man.
I don't use 40mm. Period. I've never once encountered a 40mm canon in a regular match (i don't play LTS) that worried me. I have been worried about someone using the arc cannon EFFECTIVELY.

1v1 I probably give the edge to 40mm.

Da fuck. I don't even worry about 40mm cannons while even using the chain gun. Maybe all the 500-600 hours i've put into the game i've just never in all that time ran into someone using it to it's potential, hey who the fuck knows. In my experience the 40mm loses out to arc majority of the time. What options do you fantastic 40mm players put on it?

Pegasus Actual

Gold Member
I don't use 40mm. Period. I've never once encountered a 40mm canon in a regular match (i don't play LTS) that worried me. I have been worried about someone using the arc cannon EFFECTIVELY.
Umm, ok, so you never use it. That kind of limits how much insight you're going to have in the weapon.

Da fuck. I don't even worry about 40mm cannons while even using the chain gun. Maybe all the 500-600 hours i've put into the game i've just never in all that time ran into someone using it to it's potential, hey who the fuck knows. In my experience the 40mm loses out to arc majority of the time. What options do you fantastic 40mm players put on it?
Extended Magazine, Big Punch, Particle Wall personally.

But 40mm over Arc Cannon is not a hard argument to make. I did a quick TTK comparison. The Arc Cannon just doesn't do good hull damage. Sure, there are other factors at play with ordnance, and tactical abilities, but the bottom line is if you're both hitting your shots, the arc cannon is going to lose. Is it easier to get a hit with the Arc Cannon? Sure, but if you have good accuracy with the 40mm even if you are missing some shots you are going to win that 1v1.
Umm, ok, so you never use it. That kind of limits how much insight you're going to have in the weapon.Extended Magazine, Big Punch, Particle Wall personally.
Ok? I've done all the regenerations, i've used the gun enough to know what it's like. I also use it as a burn card for fun. If it was the better gun between arc, chaingun, i would surely use it but it's not.

But 40mm over Arc Cannon is not a hard argument to make. I did a quick TTK comparison. The Arc Cannon just doesn't do good hull damage. Sure, there are other factors at play with ordnance, and tactical abilities, but the bottom line is if you're both hitting your shots, the arc cannon is going to lose. Is it easier to get a hit with the Arc Cannon? Sure, but if you have good accuracy with the 40mm even if you are missing some shots you are going to win that 1v1.

Well, there it is. Plus the visual damage it does is a big factor why it's a pain to deal with. I'm not debating the merits of the two in a vacuum here, it's within match with other shit going on around you.

Pegasus Actual

Gold Member
You're not debating anything, you're just declaring that you're the grand expert of Titanfall. I mean you are literally arguing that the 40mm is bad because you don't like it. As for other shit going on around you, that's not what 1v1 means, so, whatever.
You're not debating anything, you're just declaring that you're the grand expert of Titanfall. I mean you are literally arguing that the 40mm is bad because you don't like it. As for other shit going on around you, that's not what 1v1 means, so, whatever.

No dude. I've already made my points, you just gloss over them and ignore it. And i base my opinion on my experience with the game. You're just blabbering. It's like saying because the hemlock does more damage it's a better gun than the carbine. It's asinine. You're entire argument is asinine.

So when a majority of players start using the 40mm effectively i'll come right in here and post about it. Until then go ahead and argue till your blue in the face.


TTK comparison actually had a couple of crit misses.

Also Arc effect and when 40mm hits you is very similar, it messes up your aim the same, vision changes don't mean much when you can still see the Titan due to the name.

20-18 seconds vs. 6-8 seconds is a huge difference. Also with the 40mm you can get into range and you will always get the first shot unless the Arc Cannon breh kept its charge up, which it needs the capacitor for.

Also the 40mm range is very important. Stryder class can get out of Arc Range with 2 dashes.

Here is a clip I posted before: http://xboxclips.com/Izuna+Lasky/c2121b3f-8dcb-4037-b6b4-048e8373a3f3

This argument is silly really. Real world experience means nothing unless you are willing to play 1v1 or something. Assuming 40mm users can't hit crits is matter of stupid opinion.

And btw, Hemlock is better than Carbine for Pilot vs. Pilot, which is why it is favoured for Pilot only games. It just has far too much time between shots of starburst that with multiple targets you fnd yourself dying while reloading or in between shots.


Just trying out the free gametime on Origin for PC version. Sorry if this has been asked a billion times already -- my Google searches didn't solve my problem -- but I'm getting brief pauses during gameplay, like the game is hitching as it loads something up (might not be the cause, but that's what it feels like). It's disorientating as the game appears to be following my inputs, so if I swing my mouse around during the pause, when it resumes I'm facing somewere else, etc. Cost me two deaths in my first match, left me feeling a little cold.

Kinda hoping this is a known issue with an easy fix, maybe, perhaps? For what it's worth, Origin-In-Game is disabled already (saw this mentioned when Googling the problem).


Anyone have any thoughts on where Respawn and/or Titanfall goes from here?

Will they quickly release a sequel? Will they shift focus to the rumoured 3rd person action/adventure?

The game was critically well received (86 on MetaCritic) and if it was re-reviewed, given all the content updates, I would suspect that score could creep up higher.

Vince has been pretty open about the fact that he would like to go multi-platform, so where does Respawn go from here?

Given EA announcing their 'rotation' plan, I wouldn't expect to see a new Titanfall until at least 2016 if not 2017.

This would give Respawn critical development time to take the game to the next level and multi-platform. My only concern is it could be 'forgotten' by the time those years come around.

Could the 3rd person action/adventure game be related to Titanfall? Maybe not an online multiplayer, but something in the same story arc. Could that work as the 'campaign'? Or will they go completely different?

I was delighted with Titanfall and still enjoy playing it to this day. I hope they come out with some exciting announcements next year to get me hyped for the future.

I'd like the sequel to have player vs player modes only. If that means ditching the titans for that specific mode, then so be it. I'm a competitive person, so not a single mode in TF was fun to me. Too much focus on killing AI fodder, and with the maps so large (I understand the need to be large because of the Titans), chasing six human players made the game feel like a ghost town, especially if most of those six players are in titans at any given time.

It's like Battlefield, when it's 64 players, it's nice, but then they would do those 24 player games, 12 vs 12, half of the other team would be in vehicles, leaving hardly any infantry to fight on the ground.

Titanfall's gameplay mechanics are simply amazing, but they need to really re-think their game modes. Gamers want to compete against other players, not AI.
Why do I suck so much with the Titans? I die almost instantly every singletime. Speaking of which I can never kill Titans because everytime I jump onto one, I get killed by someone instantly but, everytime someone does that to me nobody is around to help.
Tired of the bad server connections lately. I used to get a decent ping, now it doesn't even connect me to the East Coast server anymore. WTF.

Pegasus Actual

Gold Member
Just trying out the free gametime on Origin for PC version. Sorry if this has been asked a billion times already -- my Google searches didn't solve my problem -- but I'm getting brief pauses during gameplay, like the game is hitching as it loads something up (might not be the cause, but that's what it feels like). It's disorientating as the game appears to be following my inputs, so if I swing my mouse around during the pause, when it resumes I'm facing somewere else, etc. Cost me two deaths in my first match, left me feeling a little cold.

Kinda hoping this is a known issue with an easy fix, maybe, perhaps? For what it's worth, Origin-In-Game is disabled already (saw this mentioned when Googling the problem).
For me setting process priority in Task Manager to High helps a lot, but I tend to have a lot of extra junk taking up CPU time. Or just close all your other programs. If that doesn't apply or doesn't help then I don't know. Core i7 930 plus GTX 770 is smooth as butter with mostly high settings (some new AA options they added in a later patch can bring my system to its knees though).

Why do I suck so much with the Titans? I die almost instantly every singletime. Speaking of which I can never kill Titans because everytime I jump onto one, I get killed by someone instantly but, everytime someone does that to me nobody is around to help.
You can't expect much help from randoms. Usually when you get punched off of someone a second or two after hopping on it's because you're playing against a party and they know how to communicate. Or the other Titan saw you going to rodeo to begin with.

When you move to rodeo there are a lot of things you need to consider. How many Titans are on the field? How many enemy Titans? Are there any enemy Titans near to the one you are trying to rodeo? If so you need to try to keep track of him. If he moves at you before you rip off the hatch and start firing it's probably time to get out. If that extra Titan is reacting to me rodeoing his buddies I will usually try to hop onto him, and hope the guy he was helping is oblivious. That works more than you would think.

If he pops smoke, it's probably time to go, but if he keeps moving and leaves the smoke cloud, stick around a bit and force him to go back in. If he pops out to deal with you himself, you're at a pretty decent advantage. If you react to the Titan exit noise quickly enough you'll know exactly where he is while he has to find you, and the penalty for him losing that gun fight is that he'll probably lose his Titan as well (while you get a bunch of build time reduction).

He might start looking for a good wall to cluster missile for a backscratch. The cluster can kill you very quickly if you're not anticipating it. Once you're off be ready to hop back on because he's not going to want to sit in his cluster for very long.

Decent players will hear your rodeo right away, before they're even notified by their Titan OS. Stealth Kit will make it unlikely for them to notice before you rip their hatch. Pair that with a Spitfire Slammer and it's a death sentence for any Stryder you can rodeo without being spotted. Even a full health Atlas won't have much time to react.

And the best time to rodeo an enemy Titan is when he's fighting some of your Titans. Most of his ways of dealing with you involve standing still which will get him killed against a Titan, making it a very lose-lose proposition for him.

As for the other side of the equation... if you need to deal with guys rodeoing you, it helps to have teammates that you communicate with. Know where your friendly Titans are and if they are likely to help. If you're in an Atlas or an Ogre learn how to do the fast exit by crouching before you hold the exit button. Remember the pilot will always be on your right shoulder, which is to the left as you're looking back at your own Titan after exiting.

If you don't know how to get backscratch kills, learn. If you're not comfortable popping out of your Titan to win that 1v1 gunfight, you can always try abruptly stopping. Sometimes that will fool them into thinking you are popping out and they'll hop off.


I have the PC version of this, but haven't touched it since launch.

What's the general consensus on the XB1 version? A buddy and I both have XB1's and I am contemplating this for us to play together since I had a good experience with the PC version even though it was deprived of content imo.
I have the PC version of this, but haven't touched it since launch.

What's the general consensus on the XB1 version? A buddy and I both have XB1's and I am contemplating this for us to play together since I had a good experience with the PC version even though it was deprived of content imo.

Population has increased and it's the best experience out of the three platforms (360,X1,PC). Considering the price you can get the game and DLC it's a no brainer for an xbox owner.
man this fukin connection sucks. i get full green bars but there is always someone on the server who has 1 bar so it feels like u are playing in mud. so fukin frustrating


Boom! Bitch-slapped!
I have the PC version of this, but haven't touched it since launch.

What's the general consensus on the XB1 version? A buddy and I both have XB1's and I am contemplating this for us to play together since I had a good experience with the PC version even though it was deprived of content imo.

X1 is still alive and kicking, I jumped back in for a few minutes last night. The game is still tremendously fun and fresh. You and your buddy will enjoy playing together because teams with just a few players that are communicating with one another can roflstomp randoms all night long. Also buy at least the first map pack, if not the season pass. Wargames is such a cool map to run around on.
How is the game on 360? Just noticed the Deluxe Edition available on Games on Demand

I went ahead and bought it. Hoping LTS can keep me busy for a while


Idk if I want to drop $50 for Deluxe Edition, but I feel that's the only way to get the full experience at this point.

LTS is everything I thought it would be

It's so damn great

Its the only mode I play. It's amazing, closest thing to CoD4 SnD since that game was around.

Has anyone used a Roll the Dice card? It's 55k which is a shit load of monies. Seems like it would be useless in a LTS match.

Pegasus Actual

Gold Member
Roll the Dice is pretty useless across the board. The most annoying part is you have to sit at it waiting to see what it's going to be at the start of the match since the countdown doesn't expire until the first spawn. Blah. Maybe if you keep your card population low and only keep stuff useful to your game mode you can squeeze out a little utility from one. But mostly it will just offer you crap that you don't want to use at the moment. Spend that money on a premium pack instead.
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