I'm going to pretend that Bleach ended after Soul Society.
Aizen vanished and was never heard from again, Rukia and Ichigo got together to have a couple of kids, Ichigo took over as a Captain and they all lived happily ever after.
It still blows my mind thinking about how much potential Bleach had since the original concepts were all great, Kubo just has no story telling talent. Aizen, for the most part, was pretty enjoyable through most of the arrancar arc's final battles. It's just that the ending was the most contrived shonen BS ever which ruined any potential it had of making the arc memorable outside of Aizen being a lovable smug asshole. It would have been so easy to fix too, just make Gin's attack be the thing that weakens Aizen enough to be taken out, none of that Deus ex Final Getsuga Tensho garbage.