If you're rich and white you can do literally anything with no consequence. The Learning Channel is staying true to its name.
If you're rich and white you can do literally anything with no consequence. The Learning Channel is staying true to its name.
So if they ban him from the show, what's the big deal if it keeps going? Besides the parents being somewhat non-assertive when they found out, depending on the evidence so far.
And besides it being utter drivel?
The statute of limitations has already passed, so nothing is going to happen.Pretty gross.
I'm wondering how this will play out since he was 15 at the time.
Somewhat non-assertive? They straight covered it up with the help of his father's molester friends.So if they ban him from the show, what's the big deal if it keeps going? Besides the parents being somewhat non-assertive when they found out, depending on the evidence so far.
And besides it being utter drivel?
So if they ban him from the show, what's the big deal if it keeps going? Besides the parents being somewhat non-assertive when they found out, depending on the evidence so far.
And besides it being utter drivel?
It would be morally iffy because it still features the parents that covered it up and the girls he abused.
So if they ban him from the show, what's the big deal if it keeps going? Besides the parents being somewhat non-assertive when they found out, depending on the evidence so far.
And besides it being utter drivel?
Michael Seewald is now defending the duggars
This might have been posted (and sorry if it has), but if you wanted to see some of the RNC presidential hopefuls take pictures with a creep that molested his sisters, here you go:
I know it's kind of cheap, because he was "famous" and they didn't know that he was a "child molester" yet, but when your bench has a high enough percentage of creeps that this happens, maybe you need a better farm system. Also, Jeb knew something was up:
Well these are the from the curriculum that was supposedly used so judge for yourself:
Mother Jones
oh boy5 kids and counting
Nowadays?Child molesters can still meet Jesus. All they have to do is ask forgiveness. That's what religion teaches us nowadays, huh?
I don't know if it's that I know Josh Duggar is a pedophile or that everyone in those pictures is creepy as fuck, but those pictures look like some disturbing pedophile club.
Yes? It's always been that way- pretty core doctrine stuff.Child molesters can still meet Jesus. All they have to do is ask forgiveness. That's what religion teaches us nowadays, huh?
If it didn't sink Bill and Hillary, I doubt it'll hurt Jeb.
Who said anything about sinking anything? I was just commenting on how they all look like pedophiles.
Gosh, Mike Huckabee has a lot of compassion for white straight Christian males.
Jeb looks like a pedo? I'll give you Duggar. You can tell something's rotting him away from the inside.
Is Huckabee on record not having compassion for black gay Satanist females?
It's probably because I know that Duggar is a pedophile but they all look creepy in those pictures.
He's referring to this:
is he not?
Yes he is wrong and a hypocrite. So you agree with him? Think Mike Brown was a "thug"?Is he wrong? Not saying it's "right," but it's hard to argue he's wrong.
Yes he is wrong and a hypocrite. So you agree with him? Think Mike Brown was a "thug"?
I didn't say he was a "thug." That's subjective and I wasn't onsite. But according to everything to come out of Ferguson, his actions towards the police officer played a role in the incident. I'm not saying it's right he was shot and killed, but I'm not exonerating him of any culpability.
I wonder what the response from all these "Christians" would be if this was the son of John Q. Democrat who was a big Obama contributor.
You don't have to go that far. Bill Clinton's affairs is enough to burn him to stake.
This whole thing is sad.
2) I wonder what type of effect this has on his sisters and even the other girls this was done to?
Haha WOWGawker pointing out that the father's old campaign site from his senate run had the following statement on his views on incest and rape:
Gawker pointing out that the father's old campaign site from his senate run had the following statement on his views on incest and rape:
I'm gonna guess bad. Particularly his sisters and any victims within Quiverfull, since their counseling began with putting them in the seat as the instigator who probably should have dressed more modestly so their own brother didn't come to them at night. And if the timeline checks out, his youngest victim was 4 or 5 when he started. It's abnormal.
Also this isn't just some "we all sin" level screw up. This is the 'log in your own eye' that the bible says to take out before judging another person that the Duggar's conveniently ignored in order to paint LGBTQ people as monsters for most of their lives, including Josh himself. People are being straight up mean because as Christians themselves, the Duggar's walk the walk only when it benefits themselves but ignore their own creed when they know they can hurt non-Christians. Nobody should be soft on these guys, particularly if they plan on campaigning against LGBTQ rights after this as though nothing's happened.
And you're right. I do hope he's learned something from all this because he has children of his own now. The limited actions his parent's took to address this sends the signal that he might not have learned jack.
I'm a good guy, I just don't believe certain rights should be extended to certain groups of people.
Funny how religious tolerance only applies to making sure your beliefs are kept status quo.
This whole thing is sad.
1) what he did was wrong, and completely inappropriate but we have to remember that he was 14 to 15 years old.... so he was still underage himself.
2) I wonder what type of effect this has on his sisters and even the other girls this was done to?
3) I just hope that he is able to learn and overcome this. Reading some of the comments on here (and I know this is Gaf) but some are just straight up mean and a lot of this has to do with them being Christians. Everybody sins... and no one person should be thought to be any more spirtiual or purposfull than anybody else.
Gawker pointing out that the father's old campaign site from his senate run had the following statement on his views on incest and rape:
So Joshua Duggar should be executed. His parents ask for forgiveness rather than execution.
I doubt they can keep the current format by just acting as if Josh doesn't exist, because his parents were also directly implicated in this whole mess.