Can't even drop kick a puppy without hitting a white pedophile.
I don't know how much you know about white evangelical culture, but I'm an expert...
Ok, no joking now. I don't care what someone's religious beliefs are. They can believe any kind of mythical bullshit they want. They can believe truly hateful disgusting garbage for all I care.
The very second it infringes on another persons rights. The second it's used to cover the abuse of children. They have no excuse in my eyes. Believe what you want in silence. Use it to marginalize, abuse, and you are an enemy to the common good.
And you get no leeway from me. You get no respite. You become a disease on our very existence. Largest of boils on the ass-cheek of society.
Why do I get the feeling that all the people who tried to tie Obama by association to his "crazy pastor" and Bill Ayers will remain silent on this one.
Well that's a bit different and I think we all know why...
Yes I really dislike white people. Yes I'm white. But it doesn't take a genius to see how fucked up we've made this society. Standards for white anyone are very different from everyone else. I broke windows as a child playing with a realistic BB gun, never got shot. When I was young and stupid I drunkenly argued with cops, never got shot. I can walk down the street stinking of pot, long hippy hair, never get searched.
It invades every aspect of this society, from the poor to the president and everywhere in between.
So no, they won't act like Jeb being in the presence of a monster means anything. Because a white christian extremist pervert isn't as "scary" as a black pastor. And Ayers doesn't scare them, as much as our black president being in his presence. It's one thing for a white person to think "radical" things. It's another entirely in this society for Obama to.
Sorry for ranting guys. I've been letting some of this anger build for too many days. Needed to get it out.