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TLC cancels 19 Kids and Counting after oldest Kid admits to molesting children

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no, you have to imply that the person suggesting you be tolerant to the person who says that, is not simply misguided -and here's why- but is, in fact, a shitty person in real life. Which is okay for you or those whom agree with you to state outright based on what little he's said, but not for him to get close to implying about anyone else in any context, because reasons. Expectations of empathy are just something to hold other people to, anyway, you know? I'm not defending jorge so much as bombassador because the ways you guys are addressing his posts are pretty goddamn combatative bordering on petty.

There's nothing inherently wrong with being combative, especially if you feel strongly about an issue and when the person in question here (the Duggar) is an objectively, demonstrably bad person. In addition to the continued molestation of his sisters, he went on to actively campaign for the retraction of rights for gay people. That people in first world nations would still come to his defense over "differing beliefs," even when those beliefs turn into reprehensible actions, is not just baffling but also troubling.

I didn't address Bombassador at all but I suppose I'm in the dick camp too.

>Someone says he doesn't thinks gays should have equal rights and that it's understandable than Duggar raped five girls.

>Posters say "what the fuck is wrong with you, dickhead."

>bomb says: You have to be tolerant of the child rape defense force poster.

>Posters: "Fucking hell."

>You: "The problem is that we don't have empathy for those that have tolerance for people defending child rape."


I never said to be tolerant of someone tolerating child molestation.


Different beliefs. I can't have mine?

I think you can have your beliefs, but beliefs and religion are personal matters. Gay people getting married shouldn't change your relationship with God anymore than divorce rates did out of wedlock births, freed slaves, and interracial marriage did.

If you're actively supporting gay people not being able to get married then you need to ask your political representatives to introduce bills that stop divorced people from getting remarried and also stops single mothers who had sex before marriage from getting married since those too ruin the sanctity of marriage.

If we're being logical about your beliefs and all

Yeah, all he did was say that certain people he could name are idiots, why does everyone gotta get so combative over such a non-confrontational post?

More like Tenuous Samus

Again, I'm DIRECTLY called a "piece of shit," but when I respond with I'm not a "myopic idiot," we have an issue? Lol
I am a good guy. We just have different beliefs. No I don't agree with marrying someone of the same sex. But I have nothing against homosexuals, most are actually good people. Again tolerance, respect and acceptance, does not equal approval :)

I'm Christian, but HELL no about that. If we are talking the religious ceremony, fine, I can understand. But the way that Marriage has become a governmental/societal thing through taxes/other issues, to go "they can't get married" is stupid.


If you "practice tolerance" around gay people, then you shouldn't have any issue with their marriages either. Sorry but they deserve the same equal rights as individuals under the law. Just don't go to their weddings, I guess.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
My heart is truly sad for these girls. As a parent of a little girl I can't even fathom why their own father didn't protect them. I listen to Focus on the Family every morning heading into work and they had 2 gentlemen on on their who were sexually abused as kids. Very sad story. But through prayer and the help of Jesus they were able to heal. Very good listen/read if anyone is interested


I pray these girls aren't turned away from the Lord due to their parents twisting the Word of God. I will keep these girls in my prayers.

Everyone twists the word of God. Sometimes for good and sometimes for evil, but mostly for a shitty self-serving banality of obvious if archaic morality and worse, simple commerce.

No two brains even interpret color or peripheral vision the same way. Asking people to obey a four steps removed translation of dozens of Bronze Age middle eastern cult scripts in exactly the same way seems like a recipe for dissonance.


I in no way supported the Duggarts, Jorge, or enacting "anti gay" legislation. Nor am I using my siblings as "some of my best friends are black." I've experienced everything 2nd hand and it has had an impact on my worldview.

I just pointed out forcing people to approve and even advocate gay rights when the original push was for tolerance is seen by many as "moving the goal posts." I DO NOT support ANYONE imposing their beliefs on others. The almost militant approach some of you employ I believe actually hurts the cause.

Cool. So we'll just stand around and sing kumbaya until the bigots decide to stop being assholes? Fuck that. To hold those views is fucked up and they should know it.

It's nice having a straight guy tell me how I should act around people that don't think I deserve to get married though!
Cool. So we'll just stand around and sing kumbaya until the bigots decide to stop being assholes? Fuck that. To hold those views is fucked up and they should know it.

It's nice having a straight guy tell me how I should act around people that don't think I deserve to get married though!



I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Cool. So we'll just stand around and sing kumbaya until the bigots decide to stop being assholes? Fuck that. To hold those views is fucked up and they should know it.

It's nice having a straight guy tell me how I should act around people that don't think I deserve to get married though!

I'll disagree with you to an extent.

I subscribe mostly to the live and let live mantra. If someone thinks gay people are an abomination, so be it. If the person is up to reasonable discussion, I will converse with said person. I will avoid that person if they are incapable of having a rational discussion.

On the other hand, If that person stands in the way of progress, that is where the line is crossed. At such point it's no longer live and let live, it's we are all going to live my way. This includes voting for candidates that are impeding rational progress, supporting groups that end goal is to prevent or take away rights that have no rational basis.

Rationality is the key point. Preventing Gay Marriage has no rational basis. Preventing pedophiles from having kids is rational. If a group was advocating Pedophiles the right to adopt or have kids, there exists a rational reason to prevent such rights from being granted. People are welcome to have such views, even though they would be in miniscule minority. However, when they start advocating for such a right to be granted, is once again where that line would be crossed.

I hope this goes, at least partway, towards explaining the difference between holding views, and being proponents of said views. The situation can get muddy, because on some issues there exists a sufficient rational argument for two opposing views, and this is not to say such a mantra can be applied to everything easily.
I'll disagree with you to an extent.

I subscribe mostly to the live and let live mantra. If someone thinks gay people are an abomination, so be it. If the person is up to reasonable discussion, I will converse with said person. I will avoid that person if they are incapable of having a rational discussion.

On the other hand, If that person stands in the way of progress, that is where the line is crossed. At such point it's no longer live and let live, it's we are all going to live my way. This includes voting for candidates that are impeding rational progress, supporting groups that end goal is to prevent or take away rights that have no rational basis.

Rationality is the key point. Preventing Gay Marriage has no rational basis. Preventing pedophiles from having kids is rational. If a group was advocating Pedophiles the right to adopt or have kids, there exists a rational reason to prevent such rights from being granted. People are welcome to have such views, even though they would be in miniscule minority. However, when they start advocating for such a right to be granted, is once again where that line would be crossed.

I hope this goes, at least partway, towards explaining the difference between holding views, and being proponents of said views. The situation can get muddy, because on some issues there exists a sufficient rational argument for two opposing views, and this is not to say such a mantra can be applied to everything easily.

Not everything or everyone deserves equal consideration. There are fairly easily determined boundaries but people are so averse to common sense and critical thought that they'd prefer to make it all or nothing. People that hold beliefs like being gay is an abomination are standing in the way of progress. There is no need to protect or coddle them, only to inform them that they are wrong and keep it moving. If some very patient peiole want to try to convince them that they are wrong on top of that, then that's wonderful but it comes second at best.

You should know that when you have to use some unrealistic example like a pedophile adoption lobby that your argument is weak not to mention the extremely unnecessary conflation of homosexuality and pedophilia that so many people fall back on for no good reason.
I am a good guy. We just have different beliefs. No I don't agree with marrying someone of the same sex. But I have nothing against homosexuals, most are actually good people. Again tolerance, respect and acceptance, does not equal approval :)

If you don't approve, how can you be tolerant, respectful and accepting of homosexual couples?


if you notice bigotry, you are the real bigot
if you notice sexism, you are the real sexist
if you notice a dog, now you are the real dog


This rabbit hole goes to the depths of the earth.


The family's faith healer/mentor Bill Gothard resigned last year after allegations from 30 women of sexual harassment and abuse.

STOP THIS!! I'm sure god already forgive him, why we have to judge him! We're the real hatens!!!!!!

He's not saying anything crazy but I loooove how he suddenly cares about and recognizes that teenagers can't make mature decisions. Does Huckabee recognize that when it comes to incarcerating them? Does he mention it when he talks about police treatment of them?

He's perfectly fine with throwing teens into the prison system and cops beating the shit out of them for talking back, but this case is suddenly all about how teens aren't mature enough to make the best decisions. Josh just has to get some counseling and ask Jesus for forgiveness and he's all set! No mention of the fact he committed a crime. Funny how that works.


Well these are the from the curriculum that was supposedly used so judge for yourself:


Mother Jones

Stuff like this genuinely makes me feel queasy....

Also, as for Josh, I don't defend what he did and I'm pretty disgusted at what people like Huckabee say, but I think blaming all of this on him as a person is not only somewhat disingenuous but also not addressing a large problem at hand. That problem being that the southern extremely fundamentalist religious/Christian communities and social systems foster and create an environment in which pedophilia is taken this lightly, children are not properly sexually educated, and being homosexual is seen as one of the worst things possible. This is why Josh molested children and then later campaigned for anti-gay rights under the guise of protecting the family; because the system he grew up in indoctrinates and rewards this behavior.


So that's 3 TLC shows where cast member are rapists? Might wanna investigate the people who are giving these kind of shows the greenlight at this point.

To be fair, the child molester from Honey Boo Boo wasn't ever on the show. He was in prison for molesting the older daughter at the time, and TLC pulled the plug when the mom starting up with him again. I guess you could call the mom a molestation enabler though, as Honey Boo Boo is the same age as her other daughter that he molested.


At this point in a decade we'll need a reality show starring all the people that got a show cancelled because they decided to do something incredibly heinous or stupid in real life.


It seems that a fair number of these anti-gay foks are huge hypocrites who demagogically condemn a marginalized group in order to cover for themselves. Recently I read about an anti-gay pastor in Michigan (Matthew Makela, I think) who had a gay dating app profile (Grindr) despite being married with five children.

Now this Duggar idiot was a teenage incestuous serial rapist, despite being raised in a righteous religious household overflowing with heterosexual fecundity, but he has the gall to oppose state recognition of committed gay relationships. Add Westboro Baptist Church and their picketing at military funerals as well as anti-gay politicians seeking gay sex in bathroom stalls to the mix and the anti-gay zealots sure paint a pretty picture. They might be helping to sway the more neutral folks who grew up in an atmosphere of homophobia away from that point of view.

By the way, claiming that failing to be tolerant of being discriminated against is intolerance is a truly diabolical perversion of the meaning of tolerance. That's like saying it's unjust to punish a murder convict because it will be painful. (Unfortunately people actually say that too so it doesn't even sound as ridiculous as it should.)

Basically, when you willingly violate a principle of harmonious living it grows teeth and hunts you down in order to restore a balanced state. This is why it's possible for a person to kill another in self-defense despite murder being a crime. Once you become a threat to peace by theatening another life you can be justifiably killed to restore peace. Isn't it nice how that works. Nobody has an obligation to be tolerant of being denied rights, denied service, being attacked or killed for no rational reason. So if you're going to be an intolerant bigot please understand that some people might not tolerate you.
I feel bad that Josh didn't receive the treatment he needed whe he was younger, sure. He grew up in a restricted environment that makes this type of behavior possible and I remain convinced he's not the only male in the family guilty of this. My problem is that this was swept under the rug, he never received treatment, and there's no guarantee he didn't continue molesting.


Spoilers, guys: Christianity is a two thousand year old religion that represents two thousand year old morality in its every aspect.

Believing in Christianity is stupid. Go become a deist if you still want to believe in God, just don't promote this fascist anachronism anymore.
He's not saying anything crazy but I loooove how he suddenly cares about and recognizes that teenagers can't make mature decisions. Does Huckabee recognize that when it comes to incarcerating them? Does he mention it when he talks about police treatment of them?

He's perfectly fine with throwing teens into the prison system and cops beating the shit out of them for talking back, but this case is suddenly all about how teens aren't mature enough to make the best decisions. Josh just has to get some counseling and ask Jesus for forgiveness and he's all set! No mention of the fact he committed a crime. Funny how that works.

Just because someone asks for forgiveness from God, doesn't mean they'll receive it. They need to repent. God's mercy does run out and shouldn't be taken for granted/taken advantage of.

Confess vs. Repent. What's the difference?:

Spoilers, guys: Christianity is a two thousand year old religion that represents two thousand year old morality in its every aspect.

Believing in Christianity is stupid. Go become a deist if you still want to believe in God, just don't promote this fascist anachronism anymore.

From Adam to now people have believed in the Trinity/God. So it isn't just 2000 years old.

In the Old Testament they were waiting for the Messiah Jesus Christ and now we are waiting for his return because he came 2000 years ago to die on the cross.

The Trinity in the Old Testament:



From Adam to now people have believed in the Trinity/God. So it isn't just 2000 years old.

In the Old Testament they were waiting for the Messiah Jesus Christ and now we are waiting for his return because he came 2000 years ago to die on the cross.

Objectively looking at this, countering a claim that the morality of Christianity is 2000 years old and therefore archaic by asserting that Christianity is even older just makes it seem more archaic.

In my opinion, religious institutions are not above review and revision. That attitude leads to the corruption of the deeper meaning by miring it in greed and bigotry. Revising scripture so that the true message of tolerance and charity are not obscured by the ignorance of ancient people should be encouraged. To stand against such progress is to do your god a disservice, to twist their love to foul ends. It is the people who use scripture as a tool to malignant ends that are truly killing the religion as well.

Christianity is all about rebirth, and I think it's time for Christianity to shed the bigotry that is so caustically eroding it away and be reborn, not as a complex institution but as simple rules about loving and caring for others. That would be in accordance with the true wishes of Jesus.

EDIT: To angle this tangent back to the topic, I posit that the perversion and corruption of Christianity indoctrinated and enabled Duggar to commit the horrid rapes. Using what is supposed to be scripture of love to commit atrocities and then justifying them using the mistranslated musings of primitive cultures is the ultimate crime against what this religion is supposed to embody, as well as being a horrid crime against those poor girls regardless of context.


"19 Kids and Counting" may survive the Josh Duggar molestation scandal, but Josh might not.

Connected industry sources tell TMZ, TLC is considering a number of options, weighing the pros and cons. One is to cancel the show outright, the other is to just go full steam ahead, but there is real talk about continuing without Josh.

As for cancelling the show, our sources say there is significant concern that big advertisers will bail. TMZ broke the story, General Mills has already pulled the plug.

On the other hand, we're told TLC believes the show has a strong, loyal evangelical base and so far support has not wavered.

But removing Josh could be a good middle ground for TLC.


Whitewash the whole thing. Ignore that his parents enabled him and are monsters on their own right. Keep giving money t9 this family. Lovely.
What we need is news agencies, advertisers, and social media to go all in on TLC if they try to put this shit back on the air.
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