I'll disagree with you to an extent.
I subscribe mostly to the live and let live mantra. If someone thinks gay people are an abomination, so be it. If the person is up to reasonable discussion, I will converse with said person. I will avoid that person if they are incapable of having a rational discussion.
On the other hand, If that person stands in the way of progress, that is where the line is crossed. At such point it's no longer live and let live, it's we are all going to live my way. This includes voting for candidates that are impeding rational progress, supporting groups that end goal is to prevent or take away rights that have no rational basis.
Rationality is the key point. Preventing Gay Marriage has no rational basis. Preventing pedophiles from having kids is rational. If a group was advocating Pedophiles the right to adopt or have kids, there exists a rational reason to prevent such rights from being granted. People are welcome to have such views, even though they would be in miniscule minority. However, when they start advocating for such a right to be granted, is once again where that line would be crossed.
I hope this goes, at least partway, towards explaining the difference between holding views, and being proponents of said views. The situation can get muddy, because on some issues there exists a sufficient rational argument for two opposing views, and this is not to say such a mantra can be applied to everything easily.