EDIT: ZyuOhger promo:
EDIT: ZyuOhger promo:
This is not happening, but would be so sweet.Is this leading to a Sentai series where Toei doesn't need to bother with actors, only suit actors?
I'm hoping ZyuOhger is more Kyoryuger fun silly and less NinNin/ToQGer stupid. The toys for the series look like iredeemable crap, but that preview makes the show look like it could actually be fun. We'll see.
Okay.EDIT: ZyuOhger promo:
God dammit. Chaser is in Battride War Genesis but you have to buy the Chaser movie to get him.
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That's been the hustle for every Battride War.
At least I don't have to buy more Kamen Rider Girls singles for DLC codes for complete bullshit.
I'll be OK spending some cash on the Chaser movie.
Yeah, but the previous exclusive DLCs were included in CD singles (much cheaper) and were just equippable figures (not a big deal). This is a whole character included in a much more expensive movie.
That said, I was already planning on getting the limited edition of the movie solely because it's the cheapest way to get a Break Gunner these days (damn aftermarket prices).
It was for me because now knowing how exclusive that DLC stayed makes me know that I made the right call in getting it.
Where are you getting the LE from? I might have to put down on one knowing what'll be in it. I was able to pick up those singles on eBay after the fact but I think this won't mirror that experience at all.
Is this leading to a Sentai series where Toei doesn't need to bother with actors, only suit actors?
Juohger's red looks pretty convincing.
And lose all those housewives? Nah.
This is going to be weird one.EDIT: ZyuOhger promo:
I'll likely be getting it from Amiami whenever they put it up for preorder. Hopefully that's soon. Otherwise CDJapan, probably.
My friend wants to watch Wizard, after his appearances on Fourze. Since she's the one who will select the next series... eh.
Do me a favor and let me know if AmiAmi gets it. I took a look at CDJapan and what they want for it seems fair so I'll wait and see.
Everybody wants to watch Wizard after Fourze, since Fourze was so good.
Do not watch Wizard.
Yes, I know. He looks cool, but it's a trap, if what everybody says is true. But it's her time to choose next, since I choose both Gaim and Fourze. Well, let's see.
Go into Wizard with no hope and you and your friend won't fall into despair.
We've all taken our shots at Wizard around here.
The hangup for me after it has been said and done is that the show had much promise and took advantage of none of it. Why Rinko, Why?!?!?!?!? Why, Why?!?!?!?!!?Mage
The hangup for me after it has been said and done is that the show had much promise and took advantage of none of it. Why Rinko, Why?!?!?!?!? Why, Why?!?!?!?!!?Mage
The last fifth of the show was actually pretty nice, I thought; but the preceding 40 or so episodes are just so awful it's not worth it.
The suits are amazing, the spell rings could actually be used out-of-suit (a first if I'm not mistaken), and Haruto's actor was actually quite charming in the right circumstances.
It's a shame a show like Wizard turned into a total joke (occasionally showing flashes of goodness from time to time).
Wizard let me down so much I didn't watch the movies. Defended that show until episode 30ish, but GOD DAMN.
The episode where the victim of the week is. The heck was that.Haruto's teacher
EDIT: ZyuOhger promo:
Aww HOPR is skipping Dino Charge? But it's one of the better seasons, wish he'd at least consider doing it.
The problem was Haruto himself in that arc.You know your hero is inept when even Shunpei is pointing out how bad they're doing their job.I feel Haruto's teacher was actually one of the better one-off characters.
Reading Twitter, seems Ninninger is going to be off for two weeks, coming back January 17th.
No. He'll be doing it once it ends.
I shouldn't have watched the Megaforce one. All that shit I wished to forget plus stuff I didn't even catch on my own just to make what I remembered worse.
EDIT: ZyuOhger promo:
I'm not saying I didn't enjoy Wizard but it could've been so much more. Just so much promise for them not to take advantage of it in a way that we could look back on and appreciate more.
The movie brought closure for Haruto & Koyomi and for Wizard that's all you can ask for.
Okay, correction on the Chaser in Battride Genesis thing. You don't have to buy the movie to get him. He'll be released as free DLC sometime after the release of the movie.
My apologies for the misinformation, was going on bad info from a friend and I didn't think to verify it myself. Oops!
Oh, nice!
Still have my Japanese PSN account set up from the original Battride though I never got around to picking up the DLC though.
So Chaser's DLC---I'm betting Spectre probably is too, and maybe Ghost's Toukon Boost?
Wonder if they're going to remix all of the Showa suits?
Wonder if they're going to remix all of the Showa suits?
Looks like... a modernized Kamen Rider 1.
Btw, it'll be just a Kamen Rider Taisen again? Damn, I kinda wanted another SHT with sentai.![]()
The movie seems to be called just "Kamen Rider #1" although it seems to be basically a Rider Taisen movie, since Ghost is in it too. That pamphlet mentions that this is the "Super Hero Year" with the Rider and Sentai anniversaries and that the first part will be this Rider movie. So, I guess we'll see a separate Sentai movie or Sentai x Rider movie afterwards.