Boss Doggie
all my loli wolf companions are so moe
Caught up with Drive. It's pretty fun, better than I thought it would be. Didn't like MA-HA at first, but now I think he's kind of a likable idiot. Hope Chasedies or is converted soon, since his fights were fun at first, but now they are getting more annoying than fun to watch, imo.
Also, Ninninger 1 subs are out. Now that I understand it a little better, I can say that I like the characters, at least from the impressions I got on this first episode. Hope this doesn't become too red focused, anyway. The mecha fights are fast, dynamic and fun, hope they continue like that. Normally they bore me to death, but the vehicles and specially Shinobimaru fighting were very fun to watch.
Dekaranger... I'm at episode 20 right now. I like the few things this series has done differently from the ones I watched, and the narrator still reminds me a lot of Metal Heroes. Also, I can see why some people call Torin a watered down Doggie. While I like Torin, Doggie is a whole new level of awesomeness.
Yeah Chase is already getting annoying now. Hope they do with him quickly.
At this point I'm always expecting Red focus, though the relationship between characters seem to be important here so there's that.
And yes. Good to know you see now the truth
Ninnin was pretty fun. Not too much going on so far but it's only the first episode so I'll let it slide.
This thing was great. Really liked the introductory shot. And yeah, the mech fight was good but that's only because one of them had a costume that wasn't restrictive so it can move around as if it was a ground fight.
Got strong Daigo vibes off the Red and how the others reacted to him, which I don't mind. But if you hated that you might be in for another year of that.
The suit actors do the dance the best.
I dunno, he feels more like a slightly looser Takeru.