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TokuGAF 2015 | Japanese live action superheroes hiding in shadows driving cars


Ironically i feel Drive is suffering from the same problem ToQ had in having a story that is going abaolutely nowhere. The chase thing should have honestly ended around when Mach showed up.

So far the reasons for powerups dont really have much impact. Were getting type Formula next week but its kinda like who cares? theres never been a real moment of danger, where Drive has really felt totally powerless against an enemy or couldnt just run away.

Wasted potential so far :/

Bolded. Who really disliked Tokusatsu's handling of "running away"? Like A guy shoots and poof they're gone after the smoke. It's been like that for years and nobody is trying to make it at least look smarter or different.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
the toy is the exact opposite lol.

Wonder if anyone done the comparison... but nininin gives me Ninja Turtle flashbacks, as in having fun, no stealth, being flashy.

Wait, what does the Dragon mode look like in toy?

Also the Turtles do have stealth and they aren't even flashy!


Wait, what does the Dragon mode look like in toy?

Also the Turtles do have stealth and they aren't even flashy!


its better proportioned in the toy.


Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.
ToQger vs Gaim Spring Special

I did plan to watch this back when it first aired, but I wasn't watching Gaim and wanted to save it for when I did, mostly because I knew nothing of Gaim.
Man, talk about whiplash. After an intense few episodes, we get this wackiness. I can just imagine Kouta's mind.

"Sure, I got a new power that helped me destroy the superweapon and get over the fact I killed Yuuya. But the world is still ending in 10 years, Yggdrasil still plans the massive population culling, and now I have to deal with Inves Overlords. What next?"
"... Oh fuck this!"

Yeah, the special was mostly a preview for the Heisei vs. Showa movie, especially the pointlessness of the cameos from the first three Riders. I guess I could see the movie, just for the Fujioka appearance at least.

On the subject of the episodes preceding this... THIS IS A KIDS SHOW?!


best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"
Another person gets rope a dopes by gaim. And the fuckery hasnt even started yet


I think Drive could be summed so far as "really great cast with nothing to do." The Roidmues are probably the worst threat in any Kamen Rider series I've seen. The Imagin were more intimidating than these dorks. It doesn't help that of all the generals, only Heart has been a real threat thus far. And even then, DeadHeat counters him. There's no tension when Shinnosuke and Gou body everyone they come across; the only reason we get two part arcs is because 95% of the Roidmues run away from every fight. Hell, even Kiriko* can give them that work now. And let's not even talk about clown shoes ass Chase. Man started out looking like the real deal; now he's season two of "Young Justice" Superboy.


Just flip out Black Beetle for Drive (or Mach. It really doesn't matter at this point since they both hand him L's on a regular)

And the Roidmues being Puddy Patrol tier would be fine if there were some bigger plot unraveling, but there isn't. Chase's plot is going no where. Every scene with Brain, Heart and Medic is just them lounging around, apparently feeling no urgency while Team Drive murders their troops in the street.

On the good guys side, like I said, they have nothing to do. It feels like every case is just them going through the motions. Granted, for all the bitching I'm doing, I still enjoy the show and it's largely because I enjoy the Special Crimes Unit and the cases they go on are very well written and executed.

Shinnosuke is a great Rider; he hits that sweet spot Kouta and Eiji did of being relatably laid back while still having enough fire and principle to endear you to him. Gou is hilarious and an excellent complement to Shinnosuke, which is what you want in a secondary Rider. Kiriko is the best leading woman in any Rider show I've seen. Rinna, Otta, and Kyu are wonderful. The Chief and Steinbelt play the different mentor roles well. Hell, I even think the Shift Cars are fun.** I just wish there were more driving (no pun intended) these characters at this point.

*Seriously Toei, just make Kiriko a Rider. It's 2015; I don't think boys are gonna go screaming from their TV sets if a girl becomes a superhero. I normally don't care about this with KR cause I know the score, but Kiriko is too great a character and they always have her fighting anyway. Plus it never did sit well with me how they just hand waved why she couldn't become Drive (though I'm sure they'll address in one of those online webisodes).

**Okay another thing that bothers me: the powers. Is there a point to anything? The Shift Cars, the main gimmick of the season, got thrown to the bushes it feels like. Feels as though outside of form changes, we barely see them There's a bunch they've never utilized, and others that I don't even remember what they do. The Signal Bikes flat out suck. Why does Shinnosuke need Type Wild at all? Does he even remember he has Type Technic? And what happened with Gou not being able to be Mach for very long? It really just doesn't come up anymore. Last arc, dude was just chilling in the hideout fully transformed and nothing was bothering him.


best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"
I think Drive could be summed so far as "really great cast with nothing to do." The Roidmues are probably the worst threat in any Kamen Rider series I've seen. The Imagin were more intimidating than these dorks. It doesn't help that of all the generals, only Heart has been a real threat thus far. And even then, DeadHeat counters him. There's no tension when Shinnosuke and Gou body everyone they come across; the only reason we get two part arcs is because 95% of the Roidmues run away from every fight. Hell, even Kiriko* can give them that work now. And let's not even talk about clown shoes ass Chase. Man started out looking like the real deal; now he's season two of "Young Justice" Superboy.

damn. i felt that down here. but its true. how does he have less emotion, but get worked over more than before.

and i agree with kiriko. theyve pretty much groomed her to be one. just give her a belt and special shift items and call it a day. but i guess having two riders styling on folks might be too much.

i do have one problem with roimudes. what happened to the violently cutthroat dudes we had in episode zero and the beginning? that was ruthlessness worthy of gaim, and now we have them slinking and doing whack shit. its like the leviathans of supernatural all over again
I'm going to have to echo all he complaints with Drive. The main cast being charming is mainly what's keeping me watching. The villains aspiring to nothing outside of that "promised number" crap that was mentioned ages ago is very underwhelming. And since we're close to having a quarter of the Roidmudes dead now the generals are coming off as super-incompetent. They should have just spent the teens going through Chase's recovery and the Roidmudes upping the ante as a response. Right now Chase is reminding me of Regina from Dokidoki Precure and anybody who watched that show should know that's not a good thing.

Watch Da Birdie

I buy cakes for myself on my birthday it's not weird lots of people do it I bet
I like Drive.

I think it's pretty solid, honestly liking it a bit better than W and Fourze. Actually, some parts of it I like better than Gaim too.

Biggest problems are definitely the overuse of Chase, and Mach---he was cool in his introduction, but I feel like since then he's gotten really lame and annoying, where I don't like him stealing spotlight from Shinnosuke who I find to be a great MC. Maybe because I like the MC, it's a reverse Beast situation here.


I just wish Mach's powers didn't suck so bad.

Beyond that I was starting to get annoyed at how he was better and faster than the police at everything. So I did like how the last two arcs started to show the weaknesses in his way of doing things.


A question to those that have bought SF's Zyuranger set, how is the quality of the subs?
They're perfectly fine, I've read some complaints that some flavor is lost compared to the fansubs but I have no idea what that's supposed to mean exactly.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
Honestly my only gripe so far in Drive is Chase. They played his role a bit damn too long that it feels like his character is dragging it.

And how long are they really playing the "Drive should be a secret to everyone in the team except they probably know who Drive is" shtick?


its better proportioned in the toy.

Yeah it's much better there (wow, talk about reverse-ToQ). I wonder why they couldn't make it like that in the show?


dont really get what type Wild's role is these days.

It's basically Drive's most balanced form. Theoretically, it should increase Drive's power at the cost of his speed, but Type Speed is meant to be a speed form, not a balanced one, so Wild ends up more balanced. However In the show itself though, it just seems to be an all around power up for Speed, due to Type Speed rarely using any actual speed abilities.

Right now Chase is reminding me of Regina from Dokidoki Precure and anybody who watched that show should know that's not a good thing.

Chase being brainwashed to become a villain again and pointlessly extend his story was pretty much Regina. However, at least Chase's plotline as a villain likely will end in the next month or so
due to the Kamen Rider Chase previewed in the toyguides)

Drive really needs better villains though. I guess we'll have crazy medic in the next few episodes, but I can't see her lasting too long like that. And, if she does, she'll just become another joke like Chase. The Roidmudes just seem directionless. Their plan is to basically evolve, somehow, in order to launch a worldwide attack again and somehow this time win. That basically isn't a plan at all, just their wishes. There's still the 001 Roidmude though, who could be used to add a real threat to them, but we probably won't see it until Medic's current story is over, and he could be just a disappointment too.


Drive honestly feels like its one important character plot point from taking off. If it could add an overarching element to the show's character development that they have to deal with on more than just 2 episodes it'd come together well for Shinnosuke. He just needs more conflict to deal with personally.

Tiu Neo

Drive is my first Kamen Rider in years, so I can't compare with the older ones, but my main complaints with it are some pointless two-parter episodes (Oh, he ran away! See how they'll get him on the next episode!), and Chase. He was cool on the beginning, but got old by the time Medic erased his memory.

The series had a few great moments (Heart fight and Dead writer episodes, imo) and a good cast (Even Gou, that I didn't like that much, grew on me after some episodes).

The best thing they could do with him now is killing him and giving his Kamen Rider powers to Kiriko. That'll never happen, of course.
Eh, maybe he'll be better when they make him the third Rider or something like that.
A question to those that have bought SF's Zyuranger set, how is the quality of the subs?

In terms of the translation, well, I already said this earlier in the thread, but honestly, it's... accurate. Perhaps lacking flavor and edited for brevity, but accurate. I might as well compile what I've found on my DVD set (which is basically all from episode 1):

When Barza is calling upon the Guardian Beasts, the translation makes them "guardian dinosaurs", which isn't correct. Geki and Dan DO have dinosaurs as their guardians, but Goushi and Boi do not. And... for some reason I don't particularly like the way they handle dialogue. For a literal translation of his opening speech here, it would be

"O great Guardian Beasts, the time has finally come to awaken the five holy warriors from their slumber!"

Shout's translation is correct, but it just lacks the punch it should have. The next line however... the translator didn't bother with the phrase "seigi no yaiba", and just put "Justice will prevail over evil", which while it keeps the meaning, it isn't what is being said.

"The blade of justice shall smite evil and defend the peace on Earth!"

As you can see, it doesn't take away from the MEANING of what Barza is saying, but his actual dialogue is far more dramatic than the translation lets on.

And when he starts awakening the Zyurangers, the dialogue gets further abridged. The only one that really jumped out at me was when he awakens Boi, as he says in the SF translation "Wake up already!", when the line is more along the lines of "How long are you planning to sleep for?!"

Like I said, it's not bad, at all. But it just lacks... something.

When Mei and the others are trapped in the cage, Gouki asks her to shoot an arrow, and she replies with (in the SF subs): "Okay, I got this!". This is a perfectly fine translation of "makasete", and I don't mind it... but you also have to remember that Mei is millions upon millions of years old. I would not expect her, nor any of the Zyurangers AT THIS POINT to know the phrase "I got this". Maybe later in the series when they've been exposed to the modern world a bit more? Fine.

In terms of lines that were translated oddly... there's really only one that stands out. And that's when they're first caught. Dan says, "That was so sneaky!"... Which... isn't exactly what he's saying. I mean, it COULD be translated that way, but he's calling them out on their cowardly tricks. The tone of the line just makes this read weird.

This isn't including timing errors or possible spelling errors (and typos really hurt the set sometimes, like in episode 5, when they put a typo in the riddle about the owl so it's phrased oddly and you can't guess what the riddle is asking for).

tl;dr They're fine. Character voice is sort of neglected in favor of being brief due to DVD practices, but they're accurate and convey meaning, so it's a perfectly serviceable set.


Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.
The issue with Drive is that we're 20 episodes in and nothing has really happened.
The show is just spinning its wheels without providing anything of substance.
I agree, the Roidmudes are a lame threat. I think only once has one of them actually beaten Shinnosuke, the rest of the time they ran.
Gou has gone from awesomely hammy, to an annoying little twerp. His need to upstage everything is getting tiresome.

I really expected better from Riku Sanjo. Maybe Kyoryuger burned him out.


When Mei and the others are trapped in the cage, Gouki asks her to shoot an arrow, and she replies with (in the SF subs): "Okay, I got this!". This is a perfectly fine translation of "makasete", and I don't mind it... but you also have to remember that Mei is millions upon millions of years old. I would not expect her, nor any of the Zyurangers AT THIS POINT to know the phrase "I got this". Maybe later in the series when they've been exposed to the modern world a bit more? Fine.
But you would expect them to know english in the first place?
Realistically they shouldn't know a single word of english (or japanese), obviously they do for the audience's sake but if you accept that they speak anything resembling a modern language you have to accept it completely, arbitrarily deciding that a certain phrase is too modern doesn't make sense considering shakespeare's english would be too modern for them.

But thank you for explaining what flavor people were talking about, I honestly don't care about that and prefer the shorter translationd, I don't need dramatic writing when the actors performance is already dramatic for example. Of course it's nice to add detail but it becomes annoying if I have to pause the episode to read a long sentence.


napkin dispenser
The awesome music, Mach, the captain and the fact that I'm totally shipping Shinnosuke and Kiriko...although we know she has the hots for Chase /sigh (are the things that keep me watching.)


Chase's arc definitely should have been solved by now and be made into a main rider or killed off or something.

He pretty much only exists because the MOTW are all freaking terrible at combat that he is needed to drag arcs into 2 eps.


I will agreed that Chase being evil is starting to wear out it welcome and the Roidmudes don't feel like a big deal villain, especially when Heart, Medic and Brain is the only one that seem to be a threat.

I also wonder if the writer is holding back on solving crime because Drive might come off as being similar as W.

But despite that I am still enjoying the show and the cast keeps me in.

Bolded. Who really disliked Tokusatsu's handling of "running away"? Like A guy shoots and poof they're gone after the smoke. It's been like that for years and nobody is trying to make it at least look smarter or different.

I don't usually mind it but it got really annoying in Wizard as I feel it was badly handled.


Would be nice if they can work finisher moves more elegantly into the flow of fights.

Like more often than not, things just feel like " we are running out of time! Let's just end it now!".

Can't remember the last time the hero starts off with a finishing move.


Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.
Gaim 30: Kikaider Commercial

They picked the worst time to air this episode. 29 ended with Demushu escaping into the human world, and then "Sorry, we have to promote this movie. Even though the target audience likely doesn't know who Kikaider is". It didn't pay off as I heard the movie flopped at the box office.

Watch Da Birdie

I buy cakes for myself on my birthday it's not weird lots of people do it I bet
Good to see people have wised up to the greatness that is THE CHIEF.

Gaim 30: Kikaider Commercial

They picked the worst time to air this episode. 29 ended with Demushu escaping into the human world, and then "Sorry, we have to promote this movie. Even though the target audience likely doesn't know who Kikaider is". It didn't pay off as I heard the movie flopped at the box office.

I remember people praising that episode and bashing the ToQ x Gaim crossover, but for real, that crossover was fun, the Kikaider episode dragged on and bored me to death.
Kiriko in civilian clothes has been the highlight for me

For reals she looks better with her hair down...but I like Drive. I wasn't expecting Gaim 2.0, and quite frankly, despite the issues, I'm enjoying it.

Doesn't mean I like that we're back to the 2 episode plots again or the many many shift cars (or the clunkiness of the upcoming Type Formula). Maybe if the main villains did more than just hang around abandoned warehouses/theme parks and gushing over Heart-sama like a harem, things would be different.

The recent episode with the Kyu clone was nice though and glad that it was just a one episode affair without stretching it.
Too much to agree with in a single quote about Drive. Love the cast but finding it hard to pay attention to the entire episode since around 14ish. Tons of potential but its not really going anywhere exciting at the moment, and Kiriko's brother needs to die or something and pass his power to her, cause this guy derailed it a lot.

I figure they wanted to tone it down after Giam but this is like castrating a bull, level tone down. Hoping the usual mid 20's episode shift from bad guys to holy shit these are the real badguys! is good at least.


That's because starting off with a finisher is a defeat flag~

Not like a finisher is 100% foul proof, I am pretty sure we had some riders that got interrupted during a finisher or at least a monster that survived it.

Though feel free to correct me if I am wrong, I haven't actually watched all Kamen Rider series so their is a chance that I might be wrong.


lol has there been a toku where the hero actually "builds meter" that powers a finisher?

None of the Sentai or Riders do from what I can recall, but I haven't seen much Showa stuff so I don't know for sure.

Not like a finisher is 100% foul proof, I am pretty sure we had some riders that got interrupted during a finisher or at least a monster that survived it.

Though feel free to correct me if I am wrong, I haven't actually watched all Kamen Rider series so their is a chance that I might be wrong.

Oh yeah, we've had plenty of both of those.


Man I miss Go-busters' logical approach to Sentai. Having to finish a monster quickly because a bigger one is coming was great.


Wait, ToQger was supposed to be a comedy like Carranger? I've only seen the first epuside of Ninninger and it's already funnier than all of ToQger.I hope they keep it as alighthearted one like this, cause if it stays like this, Ninninger has the potential to get into my top 10 Sentais.

I would like to see an outcome where Red isn't the Last Ninja.


I'd like to see someone like White be it; I liked in shows like Timeranger where the major plot points didn't revolve around Red (instead he was simply the audience surrogate), or in shows like Magiranger (also a team where everyone is the same family) where all the Rangers had equal claim (red was the youngest, so he got to emote the most as per protagonist rules).

Well, the whole white, the woman is the real leader thing predates Timeranger and started in Kakuranger, which is another Sentai about Ninja. I'm not sure if they'd be that blatant.


Man, I think I'm falling out of Sentai and KR, guys. Drive isn't interesting to me and I could barely pay attention to this episode of Shinken 2.0. =/


a kinder, gentler sort of Scrooge
You may simply need to take a break. Nothing wrong with leaving for a bit and trying again later. Likewise, these two shows may simply not be for you, and nothing says you have to love or enjoy every Kamen Rider or Sentai.

You can try another show, by another network or even from another nation. Plenty out there.

Wait, ToQger was supposed to be a comedy like Carranger? I've only seen the first epuside of Ninninger and it's already funnier than all of ToQger.I hope they keep it as alighthearted one like this, cause if it stays like this, Ninninger has the potential to get into my top 10 Sentais.

Nay. Toqger was light hearted to be sure, whimsical even, but essentially child like. It's comedy was never more than most shows with how it still treated itself as serious (in the confines of the characters), even if it's more in line with what the target audience will giggle at.

Ninninger on the other hand is seeking a more comedic style, including in the actions of certain characters like the grandfather who has certain behaviours akin to that of variety show hosts. The platfalls, the falling objects on heads, the double act routines (perhaps?), the sight gags of walking a giant robot dog, etc are there to make everyone laugh.
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