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TokuGAF 2015 | Japanese live action superheroes hiding in shadows driving cars


Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.
Buy me Goldstorm or go to Hell!

... I haven't actually watched it, I just saw the title and thought it was a perfect Simpsons joke.


I... haven't heard of it. I guess it didn't last long?

Gouraigan was another Keita Amemiya show. 13 episodes ish. Silly little fun, and I don't see it designed around for longevity. There's like only one toy surfaced, which is a shame because it's pretty cool.

It's the only toku tv series deliberately going for an adult audience, rather than attempting to compete with Toei for children's toy sales. Well, I guess there was that one Inoue show, but... Inoue has been pretty much a death sentence for anything he's involved with after Hibiki.

We have Inoue back here again in Gold Storm!

Inoue, that is.

Garo: Gold Storm 01

Weeeelll... it's Garo, but with YamiTera main character. You can pretty much tell it's a from different team compared to YamiTera, though. There's a lot less world building, a bit less off-suit battles, and almost no element from YamiTera made it here outside of Ryuga and Lian. Have to say I'm a lot less excited with this, but more Tokusatsu is fine.

Garo's armor design really looks good, though.


Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.
ToQger vs. Kyoryuger

This was an odd movie.
I did like see the Kid ToQgers fighting, and only shows that the season should have been about them and not "adults acting like kids because they're secretly kids".
The rooftop scene was really good, and it was nice that it had an impact on Daigo (hey look, character development)

... What the fuck was up with the cardboard train monster though? I know Toei is cheap but that's ridiculous. And they waste the Megazords on that while the actual main villain just gets shot by blasters? The direction is all over the place.

Also, if the Ninningers have a shuriken that can shrink monsters, why can't they- ... no, it's just one of those non-canon weird power-ups that goes unexplained. Like Wizard's time travel ring.

What's the next Sentai movie? ToQger follow-up then Ninninger summer movie?


Welp, Proto-Drive looks so much better than Kamen Rider Chase or whatever its name is going to be. Heck, Machine Chaser looks awesome too. What a downgrade.

I hope he gets a suitably dramatic first transformation scene, though. I love those.

A Pretty Panda

fuckin' called it, man
Ok I spent a majority trying to figure out if the place they were filming at was the High School the Megaranger's went to.

Episode was pretty good though. Bunch of call backs to earlier episodes/that extra dvd they gave out for the movie. Makes the show feel cohesive.

Watch Da Birdie

I buy cakes for myself on my birthday it's not weird lots of people do it I bet
So...so many avatar potential here.

I'm thinking of going with Mach Chief, but then people not in the know might not realize it's the same guy I've been using in my Avatars.

Although after Drive ends, my new tag probably means I'll need to switch to Kougami from OOOs...


Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.
Drive 25

No more secret identity nonsense. Feels good man.
The Captain is continuing to be the best character. Figures that he knew all along, he always felt a lot smarter than he let on.

The human-Roidmude fusion element is a nice new touch, and we get a sneak peek at 001.

Seraphis Cain

bad gameplay lol
Drive 25

No more secret identity nonsense. Feels good man.
The Captain is continuing to be the best character. Figures that he knew all along, he always felt a lot smarter than he let on.

The human-Roidmude fusion element is a nice new touch, and we get a sneak peek at 001.

Did you watch Episode Zero? You see 001 pretty clearly there.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
You know, the intro of today's Drive episode doesn't make sense. Do the higher ups didn't know what the fuck just happened in the episodes before?

Tiu Neo

I hate when I have to wait the whole day to watch a new episode :( Pretty hyped up for this Drive episode too.

As for the other series I'm watching...

Kabuto is good. Very good. I'm on episode 13 and it's kinda refreshing how things are happening and being solved fast. Dunno if it will keep doing that, last few episodes were too wtf to be solved quickly. I feel the whole
thing can take some time, but I also felt that would happen with Kagami's brother, and that was solved on one episode, so...

Gekiranger is still fun. I like how the villains get as much focus as the main character, and how the three main characters kinda share the spotlight evenly. May be a 3-person sentai thing. The fight scenes and gimmicks are also pretty cool.

Flashman... I'm watching it only on weekends, so I'm not that far on it, but it still holds up today, even if the effects and costumes didn't age that well.


You know, the intro of today's Drive episode doesn't make sense. Do the higher ups didn't know what the fuck just happened in the episodes before?

Yeah I was like "Even if they somehow didn't know Kamen Riders and Roidmudes exist, they still can't ignore the fact that the Special Crimes Unit brought in a ton of high profile criminals."


Kamen Rider Drive 25

Not much to say here. Good episode. Just the scene of Shinnosuke as Drive putting handcuffs on the criminal is so satisfying. It's what the show should've been from the beginning.

Though it still bugs me that the Chief knew all along (though it makes sense in a way). That means that the secret identity mumbo jumbo was just to keep things from Kyu and Gen...

Next week is the next big thing to cross off the list of things I want to see in Drive.

Tiu Neo

Drive 25:
Easily the best episode in this series, up to now. This changes everything, probably for the better. The whole secrecy thing was silly, glad they dropped it.

Also, next episode will finally conclude the whole Chase thing. Fuck yeah.

And figured Chief would already know Krim lol

Best part! Even if it's a bit silly that he hid it from Shinnosuke, Rinna and Kiriko all this time.


(crossposting TokuGAF/Drive thread)

Drive 25

Reeally best episode. The chief knowing all along was the twist we all hoped for and it's satisfying to see it unfolds. Really hoping he gets a glorious scene of brilliance hidden in the eccentricity.

Kamen Rider Chaser still looks like a downgrade from Machine Chaser, but I'm glad he didn't do an instant 180.


Drive 25,

I actually liked this episode and I liked how they handled Sinnosuke being Drive and didn't try to hide.

Also loved it how Gou just casually went along with it.

Can't wait for next week episode featuring
Kamen Rider Chaser

Just waiting for Shuriken Sentai Ninninger subs to be released, they are a little late.


Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.
Ninninger 07

You know, we could have at least had a scene of Sasuke questioning the Yokai's existence, at least the existence of Kibaoni since the Yokai leader he fought was Daiomao. Or at least a scene where he questions why the giant Gashadokuro looks so different. But if Toei didn't care, why should I?

At least it was cool to see past Ninja Rangers again. Plus Akaranger out of nowhere (who wasn't wrong about Sasuke and Yosuke never actually hiding). I'm hoping they use those two new Shuriken again and maybe get more a/la Gokaiger. Though considering the toy catalogs don't mention that...

It sounds like Taka is slowly improving. He still can't scream that he's "fired up" but his other lines seem to be getting better.

Next week:
The cat monster again? What is this, Kamen Rider?

A Pretty Panda

fuckin' called it, man
I enjoyed the instrumental themes that played throughout the episode.

The time travel plot was really unnecessary especially when they undo it right after they set it up

Tiu Neo

Ninninger 07:

Weird episode. The whole story was kinda bullshit, but the fanservice more than made up for it. It was nice how they used background music from both sentais, and while the whole story is kinda inconsistent with Kakuranger, it was still nice how both Reds were not too out of character. The special attacks and shurikens were ok, and Sasuke and Yosuke trying to show off was funny.

This episode made me glad that I watched both Kaku and Hurri before Nin. I wonder if someone who didn't will like it as much as me.


Ninninger ep 7
How is it that short spar fight between NinjaRed and Hurricane Red has better fight choreography than the previous fights scenes in Ninninger? Why can't they do the same for the previous fight scenes? Man, it's so nostalgic to hear the old BGMs from the previous old sentai and what a forced phone in with Akaranger.

That Yokai monster.....it's a orange yokai watch monster.....was that a reference to Yokai watch?


Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.
Ninninger ep 7
That Yokai monster.....it's a orange yokai watch monster.....was that a reference to Yokai watch?

Looking into it, I believe that's the intention. The Yokai Watch mascot is also a Nekomata.
Oh hey, he was voiced by Tomokazu Seki, that's neat.


Axel Hertz
It just hit me.

I like Drive better than Ninninger. I just finished watching Drive and went "Man I wish I had another episode to watch and.... ohh, ther's Ninninger.... sigh..."

It's not like I don't like Ninninger. But still...

I guess I've always been a Kamen Rider guy at the end of the day.

Also, why couldn't Kiriko wear the new belt... cmon...

Edit: Ninninger 7 was still pretty good, and I'm glad Toei is using old Sentai members more and more. It never made sense to me why they would just disappear.


It just hit me.

I like Drive better than Ninninger. I just finished watching Drive and went "Man I wish I had another episode to watch and.... ohh, ther's Ninninger.... sigh..."

It's not like I don't like Ninninger. But still...

I guess I've always been a Kamen Rider guy at the end of the day.

I feel exactly the same hence why I prefer watching Ninninger first and Drive second.


I just realized how ironic and dumb Sasuke and Yosuke talks about ninja striking evil unseen from men and hidden from the world. More than half the time these ninjas blatantly fights monsters in the city where everybody sees them and see them piloting giant mechs. No wonder Takaharu say they're ninja can't be bothered to hide because they get exposed to public regardless.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
I feel like whenever crossovers are made with Ninninger, you have to downplay the earlier team due to Taka.


Takaharu is lame as fuck and it's partly because the show is so desperate to prove to us how cool he is at the expense of everyone else on the show.


I just realized how ironic and dumb Sasuke and Yosuke talks about ninja striking evil unseen from men and hidden from the world. More than half the time these ninjas blatantly fights monsters in the city where everybody sees them and see them piloting giant mechs. No wonder Takaharu say they're ninja can't be bothered to hide because they get exposed to public regardless.

Doesn't Akaranger pretty much points out that they were just like them before?

Takaharu is lame as fuck and it's partly because the show is so desperate to prove to us how cool he is at the expense of everyone else on the show.

What? But the show is constantly downplaying him and making him seem dumb. It highlights his surprising power, but that's it, and even that power has limits. He even gets punished by the story for attempting to have a one vs one duel with an enemy general. He drags the show down just because his actor is really bad and can't pull the "hotblooded red" type.

Tiu Neo

I just realized how ironic and dumb Sasuke and Yosuke talks about ninja striking evil unseen from men and hidden from the world. More than half the time these ninjas blatantly fights monsters in the city where everybody sees them and see them piloting giant mechs. No wonder Takaharu say they're ninja can't be bothered to hide because they get exposed to public regardless.

Yosuke didn't want to stay hidden, at least on the first few episodes. A lot of people had to have their memories erased to make them forget about what they saw.

But then, again, by the end of the show they kinda embraced the shadows. Save for the whole giant robot fighting in the middle of the city thing.

Takaharu is lame as fuck and it's partly because the show is so desperate to prove to us how cool he is at the expense of everyone else on the show.

At least on this episode the senpai members made him look dumb some times. But yeah, he's what is dragging the show down, imo.


What? But the show is constantly downplaying him and making him seem dumb. It highlights his surprising power, but that's it, and even that power has limits. He even gets punished by the story for attempting to have a one vs one duel with an enemy general. He drags the show down just because his actor is really bad and can't pull the "hotblooded red" type.
Except the show doesn't downplay him at all. He's been the focus of the most episodes thus far, is constantly referred to as the strongest member of the team, and his trouble with studying is rendered a moot point by the "he does better in actual battles" thing. So we watch him suck ass at tests and what not, but that means nothing when he's showing everyone up against the motw. Even his struggle against the general is weird because he performs better on his own than the other four do as a group and the general is still only interested in fighting him despite it taking all five Ninninger to fend him off last time.

And yeah, it's sentai and you expect Red to get most of the focus. But we're only seven episodes in, so it feels excessive to have this much of the show be about red.


Except the show doesn't downplay him at all. He's been the focus of the most episodes thus far, is constantly referred to as the strongest member of the team, and his trouble with studying is rendered a moot point by the "he does better in actual battles" thing. So we watch him suck ass at tests and what not, but that means nothing when he's showing everyone up against the motw.

But that's mostly just reinforcing how he's strong and little else. He is good in combat because he's strong, it's not like he's suddenly smart and shows leadership qualities in combat. For example, even when he jumped and went by himself against the radio wave guy, it's not like he did anything in the end. Kasumi was the one who stopped his interference against their mecha, while Yakumo was the one who broke his attempt of using the attacks against himself. In the episode where we were introduced to his rivalry with the general, Yakumo was the one who figured out the monster of the week's weakness, while Kasumi had to drag Takaharu out of a losing battle, even if he was doing better than the other team members.

Really, the only undeserved focus Takaharu has received was the debut of the auxiliary mecha, but considering the preview that seems to have been just for their debut and now we'll get the others piloting them too.

Even his struggle against the general is weird because he performs better on his own than the other four do as a group and the general is still only interested in fighting him despite it taking all five Ninninger to fend him off last time.

I think Ninninger is just being more consistent than most Sentai series. At least so far, they've established Takaharu as the one strong guy who wanted to become a ninja from the start, unlike the others. So, he's strong in every episode, not just in arbitrary "character focus" episodes, but at the same time he has clear weaknesses and is called out for them all the time, and even his strength has a limit.


Ninja Sentai Kakuranger episode 54
Really loved the remastered Kakuranger songs this episode. While Taka is still a bit unbearable, the possible addition of the Kakurangers and the Hurricangers to the show's universe has me excited for the eventual team-up movie.

(On a side note, I'm excited for next week featuring a White focus with the Yokai Watch Yokai showing up again.)


So I'm not alone in not liking Takaharu, that's good.

I can barely enjoy Ninninger at the moment, Takaharu's actor is so bad it makes me uncomfortable.

There's a german word, fremdschämen. It means being embarrassed on behalf of someone else, I get that feeling every time this poor guy has to "act" fired uuuuup when he's obviously not fired up at all. It's like a scene from a comedy where a character is supposed to be a bad actor and reads his lines from a sheet of paper in the most awful way the real actor can imagine. It's like that except it's real.

Would Toei consider recasting if he doesn't improve? I hope they do because he drags the entire show down. There must be another cousin somewhere who can take over as Akaninger.
So I'm not alone in not liking Takaharu, that's good.

I can barely enjoy Ninninger at the moment, Takaharu's actor is so bad it makes me uncomfortable.

There's a german word, fremdschämen. It means being embarrassed on behalf of someone else, I get that feeling every time this poor guy has to "act" fired uuuuup when he's obviously not fired up at all. It's like a scene from a comedy where a character is supposed to be a bad actor and reads his lines from a sheet of paper in the most awful way the real actor can imagine. It's like that except it's real.

Would Toei consider recasting if he doesn't improve? I hope they do because he drags the entire show down. There must be another cousin somewhere who can take over as Akaninger.

I'm pretty sure the only recast for a Red we've ever gotten was for VulEagle (had a singing career so his contract wasn't for the full show), and that was 35 years ago so I wouldn't hold my breath. Maybe they'll just cut down on the hotblooded screams instead.


Would Toei consider recasting if he doesn't improve? I hope they do because he drags the entire show down. There must be another cousin somewhere who can take over as Akaninger.

Recasting is really unlikely. They have tweaked characters to fit the actors better though like GoseiYellow in Goseiger, who was initially portrayed to be extremely proud of her tribe and didn't like to hang around with people outside of it. She also disliked training... but suddenly was part of a cheerleading team with random humans in one episode just because her actress herself had cheerleading training, and then they dropped all those early characteristics.

They really should tone down Takaharu's act... although Ninninger is actually doing very well in ratings compared to Kyoryuger and Toqger, so they might fear touching a "winning" formula.
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