Ninninger 12
I don't think this episode was bad, it was just very... mediocre, in the actual true meaning of the word.
Sure, we basically got the end of the Raizou arc, a new Shuriken, a new finisher move (I believe that technically anybody can use it, but I wonder if we'll ever see anybody other than Red using it), a new Gattai and the revelation of a possible past pupil of the Last Ninja but.... I don't know. I feel that big things happened in this episode, but there wasn't any "big" feeling about it.
Takaharu×Raizou fight was well done, but it would be better if I actually liked the characters, any of the two really. Raizou seemed like a powerful character, but his obsession with killing RedNinger and this quick defeat of his were disappointing to me (Dogold and Schwarts were pretty cool characters with actual development). We do have a bunch of other enemies to show up, and if they're all as strong as Raizou it would explain why they have to kill one to bring another, but still.
I also noticed that the all around good times and good feeling that Ninninger episodes have was, weirdly enough, absent from this one. There were only two light-hearted scenes: the food grilling part (your usual Takaharu scene) and Fuuka being Fuuka (when Takaharu showed up for the Raizou fight). I know it was a intensive episode story-wise, but still.
Why didn't StarNinger go help the other members? The way Kasumi was researching and talking to StarNinger, I was hoping we would get a breather from Takaharu and get a Gold Leader and new combination with RodeoMaru being the "controlling" part of Shurikenjin for a couple episodes, while Takaharu recovered (and came back stronger, like he did, but with an actual reason, to then kill Raizou). A wasted opportunity.
Good news is: More Mecha nonsense with Shinobimaru and Rodeomaru next week!
Drive 30
I don't understand how Chase lying to Kiriko is better. "Then maybe he had a reason to get close to them". Sure, but what about attacking both Chase and Shinnosuke? Where's the reasoning in that?
Could it be because Chase thinks/knows that there's no way to get those memories back? I would think that knowing Gou is doing something against his will/because he doesn't have the entire scenario in his mind is better than not knowing why the fuck he's basically betraying all of his friends but hey, that's just me. I miss fun Gou...

I was starting to worry that he was gonna go all the way bad, Micchi-style, but since his memories were altered, I hope he goes back to being the fast Kamen Rider. I also hope that they somehow explain his "I'm running out of time" thing - maybe they forgot?
Also, these two episodes seemed useless: The whole point of talking to the girl is to see if she knew if 001 was behind the attacks, so we could have a clue of who he is/where to find him, but Kiriko had the answer in her pocket for the past 2 days or so.
Another thing: For those that missed it, Over-Time's last "seasonal update" pretty much confirms that they won't do any of the remaining Gaim things, while discussion in the comments mentions that Magenta really "quit the scene". Good thing that BananaArms exists.