If you haven't seen Akibaranger, you should see Akibaranger.
It's Carranger S2.
Oh man, I miss AkibaBlue a lot. I miss all of AkibaRanger.
Maybe I should watch carranger.
If you haven't seen Akibaranger, you should see Akibaranger.
It's Carranger S2.
If you haven't seen Akibaranger, you should see Akibaranger.
It's Carranger S2.
Oh man, I miss AkibaBlue a lot. I miss all of AkibaRanger.
Maybe I should watch carranger.
If we do get the Fashion Rider, I wonder if that will continue the idea that cool motif = bad show, weird motif = good show...
Although I'd argue Drive goes for a pretty "cool" and relatively normal motif and ended up doing pretty well.
I found someone with it subbed yes. Also Casshan as well. Both are pretty hard to find in english...they ain't perfect though. Friender is being called Flender in the subs of Casshan. Hell most of these went either japanese, italian , or spanish so I'll take what I can get though. Nice thing is the audio is japanese so the voice acting is pretty well done.
For what its worth...old school Casshan is subbed on hulu.
Does this mean Kyuuemon's a human?
Thank you thank you thank you.Damn shaowebb, I'm still not finished with Gaiking.
So...Chou Climax Heroes...
Where the fuck is Kiva's Arm Monsters? I mean, it was bad enough the show pushed them to the side, but the game totally leaves them out for Castle Doran?
At least Battride War had them, and imo they were some of the best moves to use...especially Bassha Form.
So...Chou Climax Heroes...
Where the fuck is Kiva's Arm Monsters? I mean, it was bad enough the show pushed them to the side, but the game totally leaves them out for Castle Doran?
At least Battride War had them, and imo they were some of the best moves to use...especially Bassha Form.
Polymar you are amazing.Polymar threw them that way on purpose but just couldn't resist fucking up that one guy said:
Whoever did the action for Ninninger 11 should do it more often.
What would Ninnger's greater power be?
What would Drive's Final Kamen Ride be? I imagine Shinosuke being turned into a gokart version of Trideron and being driven into the enemy.
What would Ninnger's greater power be?
What would Drive's Final Kamen Ride be? I imagine Shinosuke being turned into a gokart version of Trideron and being driven into the enemy.
Ninninger Greater Power: Summon Shinobimaru like the lion from Goaranger. Except he doesn't combine with GokaiOh; he just runs around the battlefield wearing a pirate hat.
I don't know, that Neo Fangire thing killed it for me.The ending of Kabuto is gonna piss you off though.
It's really bad. And not even like bad in a good way like Kiva's, it just made me go "that's fucking it?!"
I would party so hard.*sees preview images for next week's Drive*
"Death" means bringing in the Final Form. They already did that with Fourze.
Also, Bruno of MMPR Toys says he heard a rumor that Dairanger and Kakuranger DVDs are happening..
I hope so. I heard Zyuranger actually did pretty decently.
*sees preview images for next week's Drive*
"Death" means bringing in the Final Form. They already did that with Fourze.
Also, Bruno of MMPR Toys says he heard a rumor that Dairanger and Kakuranger DVDs are happening..
I hope so. I heard Zyuranger actually did pretty decently.
The ending of Kabuto is gonna piss you off though.
It's really bad. And not even like bad in a good way like Kiva's, it just made me go "that's fucking it?!"
THIS IS GOOD NEWS*sees preview images for next week's Drive*
"Death" means bringing in the Final Form. They already did that with Fourze.
Also, Bruno of MMPR Toys says he heard a rumor that Dairanger and Kakuranger DVDs are happening..
I hope so. I heard Zyuranger actually did pretty decently.
Everything would be simpler if Tendou told Kagami about the Native's plan beforehand. But nooooo...
Funny thing is, to me, Kagami is more of a main character here than Tendou. I'd say the series is as much about his growth as it is about worms.
He didn't know about their plan though. He was going by a hunch, and only had any evidence that something was wrong with the necklaces after meeting the Hoppers, but by that time he already had been unreasonably antagonistic to his friends.
EDIT: Of course, another huge issue with Kabuto (and Drive incidentally) is how the climatic pre-show event, in this case the Worm Meteor, is often ignored and the world seems relatively peaceful. I mean, we see in Drake's episode him giving makeup to that woman dead in the impact site, but basically scenes showing the destroyed area are few and far between and otherwise everything is hunky-dory.
Keep the Polymar impressions coming.
I had the exact same reactions when I finally watched Accel Returns last year :VThe Accel Movie...0.0
Can't believe I waited this long to watch it.
Don't know if I have much interest in checking out Eternal's movie though, he always seemed sort of a tryhard character...
It's decent at best, and I'd only recommend it if you liked the NEVER group.The Accel Movie...0.0
Can't believe I waited this long to watch it.
Don't know if I have much interest in checking out Eternal's movie though, he always seemed sort of a tryhard character...