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TokuGAF 2015 | Japanese live action superheroes hiding in shadows driving cars


I thought there was a group that was subbing Polymar that stopped because it was going to be officially licensed via some crowdfunding, but failed?

Anyway thanks for the heads up!

Universal Quantifier got through like the first 13 and Anime Sols picked up the rest. You can find complete versions of Hurricane Polimar now because have is U-Q and the other half is Anime Sols. Polimar is complete and out there in the wilds. :)


Watched several more Polymar..13,14,and 15. Nothing crazy. Just more show.

In 13 Polymar fought a butterfly gang that used hallucinogens and someone tried to Hire Joe ...his first client! $500,000 if he could find someone. He finds them, calls in the location and it turns out it was the bad guys out to find an informant looking to squeal to Polymar if they could ever find him. Joe got em killed. Polymar fights Butterfly in a hallucinogenic fucking weird fest and wins.

In 14 Joe Keruma didn't wanna play detective because Polymar would just save everyone and he'd get no attention, then he had a dream about putting on a blue bucket he found from a witch to turn into Typhoon Holamar and upstage Polymar, then he wakes up and finds a bucket and hilarity ensues.

In 15 Terumi was told to stay behind as they go looking for Piranha themed pirates, she steals a boat, tries to follow and ends up abducted and betrothed to the fat pathetic pirate leader. Hilarity ensues.

...not really much gif worthy stuff. It toned down. Bit of silly fluff here and there of pushing people off a boat and weird flips etc but nothing like his violent massacres of earlier episodes. However something big is about to go down in episode16...

"Episode 16...the Birth of Hurricane Polymar"


We are about to get some origin story up in this thing. Till now there has been no explanation to how he got his powers, why he turns into vehicles, why he spin changes and wears a helmet and especially why he is avoiding his father (the chief of police) and ran away from home. The chief doesn't even know Takeshi's where abouts much less that he is working with Joe Kuruma who is stealing police cases and trying to solve them for fame.
Things are goin down.


force push the doodoo rock
Another fun ninnin ep this week. Fuuka is totes adorbs.

Next week we get pink in a suit (awwww yeah)

Wooooah wait did i just see what i think i saw with Drive next week? They better not be bait and seitching us with the (preview spoilers)
kiriko as type tridoron

Watch Da Birdie

I buy cakes for myself on my birthday it's not weird lots of people do it I bet
Fan dude going good was the best part this week

Too bad he's going to die soon it seems...
Jesus, kill it with fire!

Wooooah wait did i just see what i think i saw with Drive next week? They better not be bait and seitching us with the (preview spoilers)
kiriko as type tridoron

My body is ready for this though.
I am telling you, there is a guy on the Drive team that comes along and fucks up every design.

I think you might be right. Tridoron looks great from front-on. Whoever thought that it needed headlights and a faceplate that juts out an extra few inches should be fired.


That kills me about Drive suits, just a tweak or two and they would be perfect.
Except Type Formula. That thing needs a complete overhaul.

Technique needed a different shade of green or a different color entirely. Wild, Speed, and Dead Heat are fine, save of course the goofy tires which is a problem with every suit except Formula. Well, it kinda works on Dead Heat and Wild, but it ruins Speed and makes Technique even worse.

A Pretty Panda

fuckin' called it, man
I like the idea of Type Formula, but the part where it juts out looks dumb.

Type Technic's helmet looks like green mechanical Porky Pig so I like it for that


Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.
I'm in the camp of "Drive's suits would be better if they didn't have the damn tire".
I'd also get rid of Tridoron's googly eyes. I know this is a kid's show made to sell toys but come on.

How long until we get info on Ghost?

Watch Da Birdie

I buy cakes for myself on my birthday it's not weird lots of people do it I bet
Chaser's really growing on me though, such a simple design, but it's pretty cool and I love the voice of the Signal Axe.


Except Type Formula. That thing needs a complete overhaul.

Technique needed a different shade of green or a different color entirely. Wild, Speed, and Dead Heat are fine, save of course the goofy tires which is a problem with every suit except Formula. Well, it kinda works on Dead Heat and Wild, but it ruins Speed and makes Technique even worse.
The only suits that need a complete overhaul, are the Dead Heat suits.

Watch Da Birdie

I buy cakes for myself on my birthday it's not weird lots of people do it I bet
Dead Heat for Drive was such a fucking waste.

Wonder when we'll have a season where the main Rider with have the three or so variable starting forms, a first upgrade, a super form, a super-super form, and then an ultimate form.


Dead Heat for Drive was such a fucking waste.

Wonder when we'll have a season where the main Rider with have the three or so variable starting forms, a first upgrade, a super form, a super-super form, and then an ultimate form.

Double was pretty much the perfect way to handle form changes seeing that all of them have different abilities and the fact that the next powerup, Fang, actually had a point to it existing (but at the same time, not overshadowing the other forms). It's not until Xtreme that the audience is thinking "why not just use that for everything?".

Wizard was also pretty nice in how it handled its forms (well, from the start anyways). The problem is that there's no real reason to switching to the normal forms after the Dragon forms were unlocked (I'll admit though, the DragoTimer was a nice alternative to the typical "penultimate form").

In short, I'd love to see another Rider with multiple forms from the outset.

Watch Da Birdie

I buy cakes for myself on my birthday it's not weird lots of people do it I bet
Apparently Ghost is supposed to have that....

I'd also like to see Final Forms that had some rule or limit to their use, so the "why didn't he use that first?" didn't come into play.


I feel like I'm the only one that liked Dead Heat
maybe it's just because I found it convenient that they could literally use the same costume for both riders

Watch Da Birdie

I buy cakes for myself on my birthday it's not weird lots of people do it I bet
Speaking of movie cameos, I've been wondering about the Mr. X in last week's episode...do you think it's possible that's gonna turn out to be a movie tie-in and it's Drive Type Next who is Mr. X?


All the Drive suit hate in this thread makes me a bit sad. I adore most of the suits. The only one I actively dislike is Dead Heat. I don't think Type Wild or Technic are as good as the others, but cool in their own way. I absolutely adore Type Tridoron, Speed and Formula, though. I find them much cooler than anything Gaim put out.

I feel like I'm the only one that liked Dead Heat
maybe it's just because I found it convenient that they could literally use the same costume for both riders

I love the idea of Dead Heat. Mixing the two riders for a cross over form is really cool. The problem is Dead-Heat's mix looks like a mess.

Watch Da Birdie

I buy cakes for myself on my birthday it's not weird lots of people do it I bet
So...apparently the Tire Combination of Dream Vegas, Dimension Cab and Amazing Circus is called American Dream.

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