A Pretty Panda
fuckin' called it, man
Put out blurays damn it
Masked Rider isn't fondly remembered. It's the reason Steve Wang fought tooth and nail to have Dragon Knight called "Kamen Rider" instead of "Masked Rider", it was that bad.
But if they do release KR DVDs, they should still release RX and likely not mention its connection with Saban's sad attempt.
SDCC is in a couple weeks. Last year, Shout Factory announced Zyuranger on DVD. Think they'll announce Dairanger & Kakuranger this year?
This also got me thinking, if Shout Factory got the rights to distribute Kamen Rider, what should they start with?
Black: Not too old, but old enough to likely appeal to the 90's PR audience. Then they'll release Black RX, to tie it into Masked Rider (though I doubt anyone wants to remember that)
Kuuga: Beginning of the Heisei era, good jumping off point.
Ryuki: Ties into Dragon Knight.
Den-O: Because Japan won't stop pushing it.
W: Beginning of the second Heisei era, another good jumping off point.
Original series: Why not? Just go all out.
Oh, that bad, huh?
As someone who watched RX first, I couldn't stand one episode of Masked Rider when I was younger. Felt too strange to me.
I wonder. Wasn't there a rumor a few pages back that Dai and Kaku were next?
Yeah, it was from Bruno of MMPR Toys. He's a good source so it sounds likely.
The other thing I always wondered... did Shout tease it all the way back during the release when they left the previews for Dairanger in? Was it really just "part of the set" or was it intended to be a full out "here it is, but we ain't sayin nothin till next SDCC" type of thing.
Dekaranger 1-5
[Over-Time] Dekaranger 1-5
And then Dragon Knight was just as bad if not worse, what a horrible series.Masked Rider isn't fondly remembered. It's the reason Steve Wang fought tooth and nail to have Dragon Knight called "Kamen Rider" instead of "Masked Rider", it was that bad.
And then Dragon Knight was just as bad if not worse, what a horrible series.
...I think I remember something like that.
Anyway, Kiva is pretty good. The supporting cast isn't as good as Kabuto, but there are some pretty cool characters. Ootoya is awesome, and I like Wataru's weird personality too.
Just watched the episode where Ootoyatransforms into IXA.
Kiva loses thousands of points because the one girl who hangs out with Wataru, Shizuka I think she's called, is literally annoying as hell. Like I actually think Shunpei is an okay character, but she flat out sucks. Also Kengo starts off cool but he also ends up sucking for most of the series.
But, on the other hand, Kiva does have Nago, the awesome Arm Monsters (who sadly sort of get less focus as the series goes on), and or course Otoya. Also I love Kivat and Tatsulot.
If Ghost is horror-themed, I wonder if we'll have any Kiva actors appear in new roles to sort of homage that.
oh hey it's Tackle
what is that?
Cold open to the first episode of Dekranger is seriously just the red screaming at the top of his lungs for 3 minutes.
Yep, Shizuka can get annoying sometimes. Still, she has a few good moments, up to now . Mostly interactions with Wataru and how he reacts.
Nago... I don't really like him that much, right now. Too much blind rage and angst, but I can see how he can get better.
So...someone watched Men In Black when making Dekaranger, right? Total M.I.B. vibes during the scene where they were interrogating undercover aliens...even a talking dog alien.
Shizuka gets worse, though---there's one scene I recall that puts a ton of people off her where she's like extremely jealous and vindictive when Wataru is with a girl. Also calling herself his "mother" is creepy as shit.
Nago and Kengo basically switch places though, Nago becomes a total bro and Kengo devolves into a prick. There's some great Nago moments to come.
Doggie is best.
Dragon Knight is a 20 hour long Kamen Rider fanfilm; and it is as bad as it sounds.
Shizuka gets worse, though---there's one scene I recall that puts a ton of people off her where she's like extremely jealous and vindictive when Wataru is with a girl. Also calling herself his "mother" is creepy as shit.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UCqM1SLvc6Usprsk said:Damn't I forgot to record thissssssssss. I wonder if it's on youtube anywhere...
6 episodes in and yeah it reeks of incompetence. So. Much. Recaps.
Also, "Kamen Rider" is the lamest morphing call. Even Masked Rider got that right with "Ecto-Phase Activate".
I know that using "Henshin" wouldn't work (not that it stopped Capcom) but they could have put more original thought into that.
Episode 7: Recap shows scene of Kit yelling at Len, then we see Len thinking about that scene.
Who... who the fuck made this? This is terrible.
That's Gaim, Decade, and Marvelous on the top. Ryuki on the bottom, I believe. Who's the rest?
Bottom is Agito, TimeRed, and Ultraman Dyna
Oh, that's true, more people will know the awesomeness of Doggie now.
Kinda makes we wish I waited a bit more to watch it, but eh, TV-N wasn't that bad on Deka. Not Gekiranger levels, at least. (Judging this by the movie, I probably would have dropped Geki if the only option for the episodes was them)
The only ones I liked are Scissors for his dumb lines ("You look like a million bucks! You should be flipping burgers!").
I told you it sucked, keep watching, it gets worse.11 episodes into Dragon Knight now. A bit more than 1/4th through the series.
Nothing has fucking happened.
I guess two Riders have died, sorry Vented, but only the first one really mattered as he was to show what "Venting" is. From what I've read, the second wasn't even in the main Ryuki series, he was in the movie/13 Riders special.
But in the overall scheme of things, nothing has really happened. I guess Kit found his dad but I don't care.
The characters are all so bland, all the "Evil Riders" have the same "grr I'm angry" personality and tone of voice. Kit is about as fun as a board of plywood. Len is the same "grr I'm angry".
The only ones I liked are Scissors for his dumb lines ("You look like a million bucks! You should be flipping burgers!") and Xaviax for devouring the scenery (he actually seems to understand the show he's in).
But... I survived Wizard. I can survive this.
I told you it sucked, keep watching, it gets worse.
When you're done with the series visit rangerboard to read this post:
It's really long but very good, it completely destroys the show, detailing every screw up and mistake and explaining why it sucks. it obviously includes spoilers for the entire series.
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I told you it sucked, keep watching, it gets worse.
When you're done with the series visit rangerboard to read this post:
It's really long but very good, it completely destroys the show, detailing every screw up and mistake and explaining why it sucks. it obviously includes spoilers for the entire series