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TokuGAF 2015 | Japanese live action superheroes hiding in shadows driving cars


Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.
Dang, this movie has a ton of product placement. Small hero walking on high-tech gadgets = goldmine for marketing.

Maybe Toei should do more product placement, as in stuff outside their own Bandai toys and the occasional Apple stuff. That would at least finance better FX animation.

The iPhone episode in OOO (and the nature of KR in general) really makes it hard to take the season's theme seriously.
They go on about the horrors of desire while at the same time demanding that you ask your parents to buy every Core Medal and action figure in stores.
I don't know... just seems messed up to me.

Seraphis Cain

bad gameplay lol
The iPhone episode in OOO (and the nature of KR in general) really makes it hard to take the season's theme seriously.
They go on about the horrors of desire while at the same time demanding that you ask your parents to buy every Core Medal and action figure in stores.
I don't know... just seems messed up to me.

Ankh's iPhone shilling was hilarious.

Watch Da Birdie

I buy cakes for myself on my birthday it's not weird lots of people do it I bet
Well, Fourze's little robot bodies were basically McDonald's advertising, although I don't think they ever said that in the show itself outside of the Sponsor Messages during the eye-catches.

Watch Da Birdie

I buy cakes for myself on my birthday it's not weird lots of people do it I bet
That seems to support the rumor about an eyeglass theme (Ghost EyeCon) if legit...

Notice in the logo you can see spectacles (above the Go character), and in the silhouette you can see what appear to be glasses frames on his hip, possibly the "GanGan Sabre".


Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.
Halfway through Dragon Knight. 20 episodes and still nothing has happened.
I'm still trying to figure out how people like this. Were people so blinded by the idea that it's a "matoor" adaptation of Kamen Rider that they willingly threw away criticism?


Halfway through Dragon Knight. 20 episodes and still nothing has happened.
I'm still trying to figure out how people like this. Were people so blinded by the idea that it's a "matoor" adaptation of Kamen Rider that they willingly threw away criticism?

People actually liked Dragon Knight? I remember it getting clowned for the most part.
Alleged silhouette of Ghost along with the logo (which had a Yokai Watch feel to it, lol). Legit? Looks weird enough to be.

Logo looks fine, but the silhouette looks odd because it has cartoon proportions. Look at the fist in comparison to the head.

Then look at other Rider silhouettes.






If it's real, it's not a shot of an actual suit, like most silhouettes are.


People actually liked Dragon Knight? I remember it getting clowned for the most part.

In an old Rangerboard thread titled "RPM vs Dragon Knight"

I'm really digging dragon knights tone and the "IS HE GOOD OR IS HE BAD?" thing they have going. I think RPM wouldn't be so "OMG WOW" if the last 4 years weren't pure crap.

I think I'll go with DK on this one.

I have to give it to DK. I'm loving both shows now, but I'm too addicted to DK.

I voted DK. And why?

Because as with the start of any PR it actualy begins good and turns shit and filler tastic right about the point we are in RPM now.

However DK started off slow and has actualy been building up. Its on episode 13 and i cant wait to watch the episode to see what happens next.

In my mind you cant compare KRDK to RPM. There two awesome shows but there completely different. Its like saying which one is better Heroes or 24.

voted for rpm because nothing can replase power rangers for me.But, kimen rider is in my top ten shows!

DK all the way!

I ammore excited about dk, dont rly know why, but its the first thing i always download afther Decade

It certainly had it's apologists.


best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"
People actually liked Dragon Knight? I remember it getting clowned for the most part.

Where? Most people liked it when it was airing. Mainly due to its villians. It wasnt beating rpm, bit ive seen more detractors in recent years than when it started

Logo looks fine, but the silhouette looks odd because it has cartoon proportions. Look at the fist in comparison to the head.

Then look at other Rider silhouettes.

If it's real, it's not a shot of an actual suit, like most silhouettes are.

pretty much.


force push the doodoo rock
OMG next week ninin, new character looks like Goku? Hes played by the singer of the Gaoranger theme.



Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.
30 episodes of Dragon Knight done. I swear, you could cut out half the episodes and the same amount of story would have taken place.
It's funny how Kit had something of a personality when he was in government custody. Cracking jokes, being sarcastic, he actually acted like a Kamen Rider. But now that he's out, back to boring bland plywood...

Also, a second clip show. Why did this need two clip shows?! Especially when one of the clips was a dream!
Was it really that low?

Budget, time, and footage were the big focuses of the DK shoot.


The second thing is that you will find that the answer to quite a lot of your questions will boil down to the same two things – budget and time. Kamen Rider Dragon Knight was not a show with a lot of money. I don't know exactly what the $ per episode was, but I would guess it was close to half what it was for a typical Power Rangers episode. Because of the low budget, we didn't have a lot of time. We shot each episode in three days, again, roughly half the allotment for a Power Rangers episode. Considering those limitations, I think the directors, cast and crew did an incredible job, but it did mean that there were some things we wanted to do that were just not feasible, and that some things that we did do that could have been done better if we had only had the time and money to do them over.

1 – Was the clip show finale neccersary? I think a third part for “For Ventar and The Earth” would have given the series enough leverage to have a feature-length conclusion 4Kids could have hyped better. Clip shows are usually reserved as an introduction for a new viewer, and a waste of time for existing ones. Surely you could have taken the small percentage of footage that was relevant to the conclusion and applied it to the proper final two episodes, because if a new viewer saw that episode FIRST, why would he/she need to see the remainder of the series at all?

NL – Ah, the clip shows. Nobody liked the clip shows, and to be honest, neither did we. We would have much rather shot more straight ahead story and action shows, but again, it comes down to time and budget. So why did we do it? It was like this.

The producers asked us to do 40 shows, but did not give us quite enough money to do 40 shows, so we had a very difficult decision. Do we spread the budget evenly and do 40 underfunded shows, or do we find a way to do 3 cheap shows and use the saved money to have 37 better funded shows. As you know, we picked option two.

Regarding the finale. We really wanted to shoot an all original epilogue for episode 40, but Steve told me he only had enough budget to shoot 1 day on the episode so we came up with the idea that Maya would wrap up the main storyline by telling us about the book she wrote. Trust me, we were very frustrated that we couldn't do a proper final episode, but Steve felt it was important to spend more money on episodes 38 and 39. We've always considered episode 39 to be the big finale and 40 to be the epilogue anyway.

You see that pop up in many answers.

1 – Why did Eubulon choose Chance, Price and Hunt out of the other Ventaran Kamen Riders?

NL – Because those were the costumes that we had the most Japanese fighting footage of.

4 – Were any of the other Ventaran Riders planned to have screen-time, they were only there during the finale without dialogue?

NL – Unfortunately, due to budget constraints, we couldn't give any of the other Ventaran riders much screen time. The only riders we had sufficient Japanese fighting footage of were Torque, Strike and Axe, so those were the ones we brought back.

1 – Plot wise, were there any changes to the script as filming began or did it mostly remain the same as it was written?

NL – There were a number of times when this happened, all usually down to budget or time or some real world problem we had to work around. For instance, toward the end of the show the actress who played Lacey had to take some time off for personal reasons, so we had to go back and write her out of a lot of the later episodes.

Early on, we had several different ideas for what story we were going to tell in episodes 31 – 40, including one where Kit and Len go across the ravaged wasteland of Ventara to reunite the scattered Kamen Riders and rebuilt the Kamen Rider headquarters, but these ideas were thrown out because of budget limitations. There was no way we could build or shoot all that.



The design matches up somewhat with the silhouette photo earlier. I love the fact that they're going with purple as the (somewhat) primary color if it's true.

Also, are those black parts bandages of some sort (well, either that or are ripped) with the white part being the inner layer and the black part being worn over it?


Axel Hertz
I know I'm super late, but I finally watched the Gaim × Drive movie and damn, it's a great entry for both series.

The entire movie felt like two separate and really well done episodes, joined together by a quick conclusion later. I think this was VERY well done, to the point wheer I forgot I was watching a movie a couple times.

The Gaim episode felt like a natural continuation of the Zangetsu and Baron V-Cinemas and really made me notice how I miss the series. Interesting how they got some characters back, even though they no longer have belts to fight and only served as background characters.

The Drive episode seemed completely compartmentalized and a decent story too. I found it interesting how every Kamen Rider in the series so far was based off the Car/Racing motif, while Kamen Rider Lupin was more based on the other facet of the series: The police/thieving part of it. I also found it super interesting how all of Lupin's attacks were based off Movie Strips, which is yet another reference of the old Japanese detective movies. I was pretty surprised with it and didn't expect such care to be put into it.

The over-arching enemy is quite literally the Borg and the enemy themselves gave the information necessary for the heroes to destroy them (oh, we opened a portal to our home planet for NO REASON WHATSOEVER, and we'll also tell you that it's the origin of our consciousnesses. It's not like you can use that information against us anyway!). I found strange that there's very little inter-rider conversation and they basically just immediately identified each other as the "good guys", but I liked the interactions between Kouta and Shinnosuke, with each one explaining the other one how to use their attacks and being surprised about the differences between them.

The final climax was also a goddamn Deathstar trench run, but I think the movie was very well done as a whole and kept each series feel as they do in the tv series.

I wonder how they'll treat the next V-Cinemas for Gaim. Can't wait!



Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.
Kamen Rider Dragon Knight

That was terrible! I was completely bored through the whole thing, whether it's the slow as hell action scenes, or the wooden acting, or the non-existent story. Well, they finally did give us a story in the last 10 episodes. This show could have been done in like 25 episodes not 40.
And THREE clip shows. I get the budget was low, but that is painful. Hell, the final episode was one of the clip shows.

I'm reading the long dissertation on why Dragon Knight is terrible (this one right here) and it is right in so many ways.
Plots just start, but never conclude. Characters are given arcs but are never fleshed out (Chris being the worst, his asthma is miraculously cured), and the main thing of Kit's character, his missing dad, just disappears. Hell, Kit becoming Onyx for the last fourth of the series was such a writing misstep. Let's get rid of the protagonist we spend most of the series building up, and replace him with his double who is in every way a horrible person. Also, he gets away with everything. He betrays his people, but no consequences!

I am so glad that someone is subbing Ryuki (still refuse to watch TVN).

It's funny, Dragon Knight was set out to be the anti-Power Rangers, to go "Power Rangers is kiddy, our show is mature and dark!". Yet it was airing at the same time as RPM, probably the darkest season of Power Rangers. Despite that, RPM still had plenty of levity, thanks to good writing and a bit of self-awareness. Dragon Knight was such an inept slog that it felt like a bad fan film (yep, there's that comparison again).
I know Tzachor followed RPM with some of the most juvenile seasons of PR, but that's another point entirely and doesn't matter here.


Even with that, that year was the best year of Toku in a long time.

You had:

and Dragon Knight

But yeah, Dragon Knight was going to be the savior, ended up being nothing more than a bunch of amateurs doing their weeabo show as if they were some legit thing. One of the worst parts was the actual Adness logo, which was literally just the Toei logo with the letters changed around. It would have been mocked even if it was released on Youtube (here stuff of it's caliber, and usually of FAR better quality is posted), let alone aired on broadcast TV.


Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.
Even with that, that year was the best year of Toku in a long time.

You had:

and Dragon Knight

But yeah, Dragon Knight was going to be the savior, ended up being nothing more than a bunch of amateurs doing their weeabo show as if they were some legit thing. One of the worst parts was the actual Adness logo, which was literally just the Toei logo with the letters changed around. It would have been mocked even if it was released on Youtube (here stuff of it's caliber, and usually of FAR better quality is posted), let alone aired on broadcast TV.

Indeed. The year that gave us W, Shinkenger and RPM is one to be remembered.
The whole show did feel like "we're cool, like us!" But by removing all the fun, you're just left with a joke. As I said before, the villain seemed to actually understand the show he was in. Hamming it up appropriately.

Also, I love how there was a sequel hook. Maybe he could have encountered the Kamen Rider that presses the 5 button on his phone three times, or the other one that uses cards, or the one that hits things with giant sticks, or the speedy bug man. Pffftt


The Gaim episode felt like a natural continuation of the Zangetsu and Baron V-Cinemas and really made me notice how I miss the series.
Wait, are those out and subbed? Not sure if I watched them!

So much stuff to catch up after I finally get my vacation D=

Watch Da Birdie

I buy cakes for myself on my birthday it's not weird lots of people do it I bet
There's a rumor from one of the "reliable" 2ch trips that Ghost is going to be an "all CG Rider"...

Watch Da Birdie

I buy cakes for myself on my birthday it's not weird lots of people do it I bet
That's kinda hard to believe unless the CG team is willing to work paid in peanuts.

I do wish Takaiwa's not the main Rider this time, though.

Well, the rumor was along the lines that they were given a bigger budget and it was competing with Yokai Watch lol.

But, I've seen speculation about the "Glasses" collectibles that are rumored, and how the main character putting them on might allow them to see some other world expressed through CG-animation or something.


Well, the rumor was along the lines that they were given a bigger budget and it was competing with Yokai Watch lol.

But, I've seen speculation about the "Glasses" collectibles that are rumored, and how the main character putting them on might allow them to see some other world expressed through CG-animation or something.

Well holy shit then lol. Though I don't see KR competing with Yokai Watch is a good idea.

Maybe an all-CG partner? Now that reminds me of Kivaala, which was downgraded to prop mid-season.
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