Dragon Knight makes Super Megaforce look like Power Rangers In Space. This is sad.
oh come on now.
The show is bad. Len's pissed because Kit's working with Torque. He beats up some random monster and just lets them run away like that won't be a problem later. This guy can't be serious. And don't get me started on how easily Kit believed Torque. This kid's an idiot. I don't even think the show owuld be that bad if Matt Mullins was given better lines or could act better.
Dragon Knight: Bad story, bad production values
Megaforce: Bad story, respectable production values
Megaforce wins by default, I feel; even though I consider them both the wrong thing to have been produced for both series.
There should be a Toku version of Battle Frontier
Wait, the Pokemon one?
just finished kiva, and i think otoya may be one of my favorite kr characters. aspects kinda lull, but i dont get the reputation the series gets. its a pretty good watch. some character motivations are stupid, and faceless corporations are always stupid, and the reasons that fangires and humans couldnt love was never explained, but it was a pretty good series regardless
It's time to bring Ultraman to the west... again.
Wait, it's Tsubaraya's anniversary today?
I haven't watched Drive since about episode 24 or so. Has it picked up?
just finished kiva, and i think otoya may be one of my favorite kr characters. aspects kinda lull, but i dont get the reputation the series gets. its a pretty good watch. some character motivations are stupid, and faceless corporations are always stupid, and the reasons that fangires and humans couldnt love was never explained, but it was a pretty good series regardless
that wasn't that bad, a little gibberish on the second page
Well you explained it! For me, all of the above plus the fight choreography is really lacking (as I learned now this is probably because the suit was too heavy?). I mean we have the absolutely badass day-turning-into night Darkness Moon Break with the kickass violin, but Kiva only used it, like three times.
Keep in mind that Kiva was THE show for 2008 (and it runs with Go-onger). It just didn't live up to its potential. In rewatch maybe I'll like it more, now that my expectations of what a Kamen Rider show is has been adjusted.
You mean.. like a g-g-g-g-ghost?
Interview with Yoshi at E3
He's so much fun to watch.
Interview with Yoshi at E3
He's so much fun to watch.
Interview with Yoshi at E3
He's so much fun to watch.
Has anyone been playing KR Storm Heroes? F2P mobile game that's actually pretty fun.
(The game actually looks a lot better than this. Combination of Imgur's shitty compression and me running it on a lower-end tablet so I've got it on low settings.)
Can Shinnosuke not use Type Tridoron if he's not right next to the car, like in today's episode?
I don't remember seeing the car anywhere near him today, but since the car "breaks apart" and attaches to his body, I don't see why it can't come flying (or teleport) from the garage.
When was the last time a senti team got a Zoid refresh? New Zoids for everyone
Well I mean I assumed at the end it was probably parked right off screen, but I meant when he was in the building and went with Formula instead, I wondered if like being in a building far from Tridoron blocks him using it.
Banno was so powerful in this episode...it's weird because when he was under Brain, it didn't seem like he had any use really. Like how come he never hurt the Roidmude like that before to escape from them if he can shoot energy beams and float around?
Because Banno is a lazy bastard.
Real answer: Banno was probably a last minute addition.