You guys should feel sorry for Linkara. He'll never, ever get to experience any of the great stuff from Go-Busters.
Ninninger is probably mid tier for me. The fights and the weekly episodic plots are all pretty entertaining, but the overall plot and the villain generals are kinda lacking.
You know I got bored of ToQ pretty fast, but from what I saw it had an interesting set-up with the villains and such...
Ninninger, on the other hand, really doesn't.
First, there's Kyuemon. She (or he---apparently Megumi Han said on Twitter that the character's gender is unconfirmed, and I actually think Kyuemon's meant to be a guy because the voice is deep and the body looks fairly masculine) is pretty much just the requisite "Monster Overseer", and while there's hints she'll be more important later on since she's a former student of Igasaki, they really, really haven't been focusing on that enough to keep my interest. She's likely gonna play a big role in the end game, but they need to give her more development now!
Gabi Raizo was cool (just realized he was Zanki/Jiro), but dude got offed fast as fuck and his death really didn't change anything at all---and I can't think of any reason to bring him back really.
Tsugomori is like Medic, basically. He popped up, showed off his strength through that Fusion Yokai Nue, and then basically was shoved aside and hasn't done shit since then. He seemed like he was gonna be the calculating backstabber that might have his own agenda, but we haven't seen that.
Ariake is really funny and an enjoyable character, but that's it.
The Western Yokai Generals gave me hope, but they're probably just going to die in one episode---bar Werewolf who might get two since he apparently factors into Kin's story.