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TokuGAF 2016 |OT| Fantastic Beasts and Ghostly Beats


i'm really curious about the Zyuman powers...

just looking at their helmets now, after the ZyuohGorilla transformation, it looks like all their helmets have a second form
wonder how that'll work out...if it actually does







i'm really curious about the Zyuman powers...

just looking at their helmets now, after the ZyuohGorilla transformation, it looks like all their helmets have a second form
wonder how that'll work out...if it actually does
Not seeing it )=

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
OOO technically has a hard time pinning the midseason upgrade, though I guess all of the combos barring PuToTyranno would count as midseason upgrades
Tajador is the mid-season upgrade because it got a toy associated with it (Giga Spinner).

But yeah, the whole medal combo thing makes it hard to pin down. I remember people were still expecting another form after Putotyra on the TV show (not counting Burakawani in the movie) when that came up.


Not seeing it )=

might just be me, but say with this picture
where the yellow and silver meet at the mouth. it just makes me think of Red's helmet lifting up to Gorilla, or World's three-part change.
they all have the silver part under their actual helmets, so it makes me think they all gain a secondary Zyuman power (which is weird enough for a Zyuman to absorb another's power

but could just be me....i think it could work but not sure if it would/will


Takaru was already in on my shit list for that bitch shit he did during the ep. Have a hissy fit but don't live your squad to die.
Makoto had to take the big L because Takeru wanted to be in his feelings.

Even the eyecons were through with his ass. Though, it was nice to see him use base Ghost again. He totally ditched it once he got Boost.

By virtue of having a unique gadget, it's TaJaDor. Sort of.

Also it's the most important one story-wise next to PuToTyra.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
Oh right, I forgot about obtaining it was related to Ankh.

Who do you think will be Ghost's "that super powered villain who isn't actually the final boss", i.e. Roidmude 1, Lost Ankh, Weather Dopant, Jinba warriors/that red overlord dude, etc.?


Takeru actually pulled a Wizard - he went nonsensical bitch mode so his secondary could be the star of the show, like Beast did for the whole last stretch of Wizard.

And then never used that attack again and struggled against random phantoms until he got Infinite.
Wizard never did his REGULAR Rider Kick more than once on the show. Remember all the clone and somersault crap with his feet on fire?

might just be me, but say with this picture
where the yellow and silver meet at the mouth. it just makes me think of Red's helmet lifting up to Gorilla, or World's three-part change.
they all have the silver part under their actual helmets, so it makes me think they all gain a secondary Zyuman power (which is weird enough for a Zyuman to absorb another's power

but could just be me....i think it could work but not sure if it would/will
Oh, I see. The thing is, there is no movable parts at all in those helmets for sure, so, unless it something not in the original plan, don't think it's going to happen.
I think the Eyecon Driver would have been cool if there was a way to clip it to the side of the regular Ghost belt, like Decade Complete.


Takeru actually pulled a Wizard - he went nonsensical bitch mode so his secondary could be the star of the show, like Beast did for the whole last stretch of Wizard.

Wizard never did his REGULAR Rider Kick more than once on the show. Remember all the clone and somersault crap with his feet on fire?

Oh, I see. The thing is, there is no movable parts at all in those helmets for sure, so, unless it something not in the original plan, don't think it's going to happen.

Hahaha I forgot how Wizard use to cry and get powerups.

Folks ought to be happy when Javert shows up, cause that means you about to get something new.


Speaking of Kicks, did OOO TaToBa ever landed a hit with his kick?
Pretty sure he did on the second episode, since he only got the Medalijibur after defeating the monster. But that's a damn good question, I can't remember it outside of the movies.

Oh, here, video uploader says it's from episode 3.


I wonder what the evil Ghost based movie rider will look like? I think Grateful is a good base evil form. And what if his schtick history's greatest villians?

Lucrezia Borgia=Himko
Heinrich Himmler=Edison
Lizzie Borden- Musashi

etc etc etc

Just realized that is dark as fuck


Some more new movie forms for Ghost (or maybe only tied to the Legendary Rider specials, I dunno).


Heisei and Ichigo forms come in one lockseed. One side reading "45" and rotating it makes it read "Sh" (as in Showa).

So basically the former looks like an "All Heisei riders" version of Grateful form.


They're from a DVD-special, not the Rider 1 movie. Anyway, I wonder why they sabotaged the #1 form so hard by not giving it a jacket. The head part looks great, but overall it ends up a disaster due to no jacket.

The Heisei form easily could have looked much better with metallic colors, rather than that plastic look.


They're from a DVD-special, not the Rider 1 movie. Anyway, I wonder why they sabotaged the #1 form so hard by not giving it a jacket. The head part looks great, but overall it ends up a disaster due to no jacket. The Heisei form easily could have looked much better with metallic colors, rather than that plastic look.

I thought ti was a nod to Showa rights being "basic" and not over designed

Tiu Neo

Finished Dairanger.

I'm kinda torn with this series. Its highs were very high, but it's lows were some of the lowest of all the series I've watched.

The very first few episodes were good, if not great. The characters were likeable, and the monsters were entertaining. The series didn't have that problem some of the series from back than had, of too many characters being too similar. It also didn't focus on children of the week, which is one of the biggest problems Zyuranger had, before it.

Then, Kou showed up. From that point on, every episode focused on him or Rin (which always ended up involving him) was a chore to watch. While his story was kinda interesting, the execution was mostly annoying. Good thing that he didn't show up much on episodes not focused on him! And those episodes, after they met Kou but that were not focused on him, those had some very good moments! The Kamikaze trio. Jetman's Raita returns as Kameo! (And pretty much becomes the 7th Dairanger). Kujaku was ok. And then, there were those awesome Jin Matoba episodes!

And the final 6-7 episodes. I binge watched all of them today, thanks to a holiday here. That final stretch was incredible. The story, which was ok up to that part, became very interesting. The ending was awesome.

So much potential. So many cool/great moments. Too bad the lows bring the series down a lot.


They're from a DVD-special, not the Rider 1 movie. Anyway, I wonder why they sabotaged the #1 form so hard by not giving it a jacket. The head part looks great, but overall it ends up a disaster due to no jacket.

The Heisei form easily could have looked much better with metallic colors, rather than that plastic look.

He looks like he's wearing a hijab and that cracks me up. I understand where they're going, though.

Tiu Neo

I thought the ending was a copout + what the fuck.

Maybe? I kinda expected the
Kaku is a Gouma
twist, and I think the resolution for that was... well, the natural way it should have gone.

That other twist...
every important Gouma but Kaku died 6000 years ago, the current ones are actually a clay imitation of a Gouma that existed
was unexpected, but I think it's the kind of WTF situation that makes the story better.

But, thinking a bit about it, that final twist has some strange implications.
Kou and Akomaru are the sons of a clay doll? Who created the clay dolls? Kaku, to maintain the balance? So, every dead, including about half of Tokyo, is his fault?
Maybe? I kinda expected the
Kaku is a Gouma
twist, and I think the resolution for that was... well, the natural way it should have gone.

That other twist...
every important Gouma but Kaku died 6000 years ago, the current ones are actually a clay imitation of a Gouma that existed
was unexpected, but I think it's the kind of WTF situation that makes the story better.

But, thinking a bit about it, that final twist has some strange implications.
Kou and Akomaru are the sons of a clay doll? Who created the clay dolls? Kaku, to maintain the balance? So, every dead, including about half of Tokyo, is his fault?

I think the part about Shadam was the major WTF part for me. Who was the actual maker of the clay dolls....Kaku is a theory, but yeah ???? Back in '94 when I first saw the ending I think I spent a week or two trying to wrap my head around it, and by then we were already 2 weeks in to Kakuranger *lol*

Tiu Neo

I think the part about Shadam was the major WTF part for me. Who was the actual maker of the clay dolls....Kaku is a theory, but yeah ???? Back in '94 when I first saw the ending I think I spent a week or two trying to wrap my head around it, and by then we were already 2 weeks in to Kakuranger *lol*

Kaku makes the most sense, since himself said that the Gouma needed to exist, to keep the balance.

But yeah, could be any other Gouma, really.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
Maybe? I kinda expected the
Kaku is a Gouma
twist, and I think the resolution for that was... well, the natural way it should have gone.

That other twist...
every important Gouma but Kaku died 6000 years ago, the current ones are actually a clay imitation of a Gouma that existed
was unexpected, but I think it's the kind of WTF situation that makes the story better.

But, thinking a bit about it, that final twist has some strange implications.
Kou and Akomaru are the sons of a clay doll? Who created the clay dolls? Kaku, to maintain the balance? So, every dead, including about half of Tokyo, is his fault?

the second twist I'm talking about

I felt that it took away plenty of the tension

and it felt like a wtf for the sake of wtf

Tiu Neo

I think I'll try to finish Megaranger today. Just 6 episodes to go.

the second twist I'm talking about

I felt that it took away plenty of the tension

and it felt like a wtf for the sake of wtf

I still like it, but yeah, I can see why you feel like that.

WTF is my kind of thing, I loved the absurdity of it all.
I think I'll try to finish Megaranger today. Just 6 episodes to go.

I still like it, but yeah, I can see why you feel like that.

WTF is my kind of thing, I loved the absurdity of it all.

Well, at least this one felt a bit more planned, unlike say, Spielban's ending. -_- THAT one was just absurd.

Tiu Neo

Well, at least this one felt a bit more planned, unlike say, Spielban's ending. -_- THAT one was just absurd.

Don't really remember everything about Spielban (I was, like, 6 when it aired here), but doesn't it involve
everything being reset?
Those kind of endings are always kinda messy.

Or maybe I'm confused and that's Juspion. Both kinda merge on my memories sometimes.


Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.
Dino Super Charge 8

Better than last week. Even if Ivan acted like a dick in the first half, he clearly learned his lesson at the end. He's still one of the best characters on the show though. The bank scene was hilarious.
And they finally paid off the ending of Dino Charge 5 with Spellcaster's pendent being used for Spell Digger. Nice job writers.
And now begins the worst part of the Neo-Saban era. The fucking mandated hiatus from Nickelodeon. Who is running that shit show channel?
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