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TokuGAF 2016 |OT| Fantastic Beasts and Ghostly Beats


Kiva isn't bad. Kiva was a solid, run of the mill Rider series. It wasn't bad, it wasn't great. With the same material, you could've made a much better show. Otoya was the only time it felt like it elevated beyond that.

And entire season of treading water. Not sinking the brand, but not elevating it either. Ghost is like that.

I think I owe Kiva an apology. It was a time when I thought Kamen Rider should be taken seriously compared to Sentai.


Question for you Sentai folk. I'm noticing a lot of neat team up moves between the Rangers in all the different series. From choreographed maneuvers between several rangers mid fight to big finishes as a group.

What sequences do you feel were the best multi ranger maneuvers in Sentai?


Kiva isn't bad. Kiva was a solid, run of the mill Rider series. It wasn't bad, it wasn't great. With the same material, you could've made a much better show. Otoya was the only time it felt like it elevated beyond that.

And entire season of treading water. Not sinking the brand, but not elevating it either. Ghost is like that.

The problem with Kiva is the writing.

Tiu Neo

Whoever described Ghost as Kiva-level, you're right, but Ghost lacks an Otoya.

Yeah, the problem with that is that Kiva without Otoya is just... eh, ok. Which is kinda where Ghost is for me at the moment.

I think Onari had the potential to become an Otoya, in the sense it's a funny, likeable character, but even then I don't know if it would be comparable.

Question for you Sentai folk. I'm noticing a lot of neat team up moves between the Rangers in all the different series. From choreographed maneuvers between several rangers mid fight to big finishes as a group.

What sequences do you feel were the best multi ranger maneuvers in Sentai?

I`m not a big fan of most of the VS. movies, but I remember the Dinosaur Sentai crossover being pretty cool. The Hurricanger episodes on Gokaiger also had some cool moments of both teams working together.

Also, the roll call on ToQGer vs Kyoryuger
where Baron Nero also tries to make a cool roll call for the Shadow Line but fails.


Damn Amazons 04 was all intense. 30 minutes of it. The fights were brutal but mouthless monster headbumping things will never not be goofy.

Also this is a minor Civil War spoiler for those who haven't watched. Nothing story or character related, just some camera framing:
chuckled a bit when they did the All Riders camera pan.


Also this is a minor Civil War spoiler for those who haven't watched. Nothing story or character related, just some camera framing:
chuckled a bit when they did the All Riders camera pan.
My comment is more spoilerish:
During the airport scene my first reaction to Antman's hail Mary was "why Kamen Rider J never looked badass like this in the crossovers!?"

Tiu Neo

Amazons 04

Good episode. Some really tense moments. The fights were good too.

I like how transformed Omega talks like classic Amazon on the second half of the series. The characters are coming together nicely, and even the Amazons were ok this episode.

Now, Mamoru. Such a nice guy.
I'll be sad when he inevitably dies. :(
Question for you Sentai folk. I'm noticing a lot of neat team up moves between the Rangers in all the different series. From choreographed maneuvers between several rangers mid fight to big finishes as a group.

What sequences do you feel were the best multi ranger maneuvers in Sentai?

Go Buster team up movies are usually good.


Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.
Amazons 4

Mmm delicious brutality. Now that's Amazon/Netflix/Hulu worthy gore. Even if it's black blood.
Haruka is slowly devolving into a beast, and it shows.

At least they weren't Chimaera Ants. Then they would really be screwed.


Question for you Sentai folk. I'm noticing a lot of neat team up moves between the Rangers in all the different series. From choreographed maneuvers between several rangers mid fight to big finishes as a group.

What sequences do you feel were the best multi ranger maneuvers in Sentai?

This is one of the few areas where ToQger excelled at. The suit actors went to town in making poses and formations; although they are not as impressive stunts as the ones seen in more action packed shows like Kyoryuger, they had so much charm and whimsy.

Tiu Neo

Finished Sun Vulcan.

Great series. Really recommended if you like sentai in general. It's very old school, of course, but that's part of its charm. The exagerated poses, the evil being just... evil. And even being older than, say, Changeman and Flashman, a lot of the effects did age better than those.

The story is, well, older sentai style MOTW, but it never really got old. Vul Eagle II and Vul Panther in special were very good, plus Chief Arasiyama and Sukehachi were great. Vul Panther in special was the star of the series for me, really fun to watch him... doing anything. On the villain side, Machiko Soga/Queen Hedorian was the star, for sure.

It's funny how this could be childish some times, but then the villains try to commit mass genocide or something like that next episode. The series never took itself too seriously (as it should be), but there were some heavy moments that wouldn't be even on more serious seasons nowdays.

The endgame, in special, was very well made, and I didn't expect it to close up everything so nicely. That final plot was kinda unexpected, even.

In the end, it's not my favorite, but it's pretty high on the list. A lot better than I expected, for sure.

(Also, every episode has at least one very GIFable moment. Too bad I don't really know how to make them, heh)


Caught up with Amazons. This is doing more justice to the "karate bugmen" moniker than the actual Rider shows.

Can we please get more? I'm liking how Haruka and Mamoru kinda have aspects of the original Rider Amazon. The plot and characters aren't falling apart or feeling dragged on too, and that is surprising the hell out of me. Some cool shots here and there between the fights.


You know that you got a dirty mind when you notices that the Queen Ant Amazon has nipples. >_<

Anyway Zyuohger 11 was pretty good as was Amazon 4, it's just Ghost that felt meh but Specter is back so that is something.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
she even already got the dreaded bouquet of goodbyes
next ep is about her funeral


I dropped ghost and fell off the Toku train a bit. Gonna watch Amazons and get caught up on Zyuohger but should I get caught up with Ghost yet? I took a break during drive from 17 to 31 and it was totally worth it but idk for ghost

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
I dropped ghost and fell off the Toku train a bit. Gonna watch Amazons and get caught up on Zyuohger but should I get caught up with Ghost yet? I took a break during drive from 17 to 31 and it was totally worth it but idk for ghost

Drive is kinda better than Ghost, but both are still watchable. Both tend to suffer from "shill all toys at the start" phase.


I've just finished watching Den-O.
I really liked its Comedy, Zeronos was good secondary Rider and Deneb has to be the best character ever created. He was definitely the highlight of Den-O for me.
I didn't like that it took so long for something important to happen. It was like what, 35 episodes of just monster of the week episodes and then we got some answers and stuff.

But now that i have finished that, i have to decide on what to watch next. Would you guys recommend Kabuto? Or is there anything that's considered a "must watch"?


I've just finished watching Den-O.
I really liked its Comedy, Zeronos was good secondary Rider and Deneb has to be the best character ever created. He was definitely the highlight of Den-O for me.
I didn't like that it took so long for something important to happen. It was like what, 35 episodes of just monster of the week episodes and then we got some answers and stuff.

But now that i have finished that, i have to decide on what to watch next. Would you guys recommend Kabuto? Or is there anything that's considered a "must watch"?

TokuGAF will usually go "Watch Kamen Rider W" mode but what else have you watched?

Kabuto is...cool, the suits and fights are really cool but the stories kind of goes nowhere. "Nothing happening then in episode 35+ all shit happens" is a very common case for Kamen Riders.

Tiu Neo

so apparently in Ghost this week,
takoyaki granny dies

Damn. Most unexpected twist since those late-RX deaths.

I've just finished watching Den-O.
I really liked its Comedy, Zeronos was good secondary Rider and Deneb has to be the best character ever created. He was definitely the highlight of Den-O for me.
I didn't like that it took so long for something important to happen. It was like what, 35 episodes of just monster of the week episodes and then we got some answers and stuff.

But now that i have finished that, i have to decide on what to watch next. Would you guys recommend Kabuto? Or is there anything that's considered a "must watch"?

Kabuto is fine, but the story is a bit of a mess. It has a cool cast and my favorite secondary rider, anyway. The movie is also pretty good, even if it's not canon.

If you didn't watch Fourze yet, that's also very recommended.


I've just finished watching Den-O.
I really liked its Comedy, Zeronos was good secondary Rider and Deneb has to be the best character ever created. He was definitely the highlight of Den-O for me.
I didn't like that it took so long for something important to happen. It was like what, 35 episodes of just monster of the week episodes and then we got some answers and stuff.

But now that i have finished that, i have to decide on what to watch next. Would you guys recommend Kabuto? Or is there anything that's considered a "must watch"?

I loved Den O. No other series really had that tone and it was amazing. Watch the movies too if you can. They pretty well extend the show a good ways there.

As for other series.

  • Kamen Rider W-great balance of comedy and a building overarching sinister mystery brews between an organization, their motivations, one of the main character's background, the other main character's mentor, and even the side characters. Other than Chief the show is pristine and flawless.
  • Kamen Rider OOO's- Another incredibly well balanced duo of main characters between Ankh and Eiji but this time its different. This isn't a bromance, but blackmail. Ankh is self motivated and is one of the bad guys. A wildcard and he gives Eiji power to serve his own goals. Watch as their relationship and goals evolve. Great action, great lighthearted moments and comedy and one of the best all around cast of characters and plot twists ever.
  • Kamen Rider Gaim- How do you take fruit, Samurai themes, and dancing and make it work? You hire the writer from Madoka Magica. On the surface it seems like kids are dancing to express their spirit against a society that is becoming more monopolized by corporations, but this slowly evolves into turf wars. To cull the violence battling with lockseed monsters is introduced as an alternative to the dance crews. It takes off...folks start showing to see the fights more than the dance. It becomes bought by the corporations and a league of standings for turf and sponsorships ensue...then folks start going missing. Monsters start appearing. And it slowly builds up evidence that the corporations are using everyone and these lockseeds are not what they seem. One of the DARKEST Kamen Rider shows ever. Its ever ominous plot contrasts what on the surface was a lighter take on Rider themes and settings. Cast is amazing and there are TONS of Riders all at war. The ending literally is something that affected all life. The stakes are that high in Gaim and its incredible to watch this harsh truth slowly unveil to the viewer in ever scarier ways as the show goes on. Everyone in the show grows...but not everyone is who they seem.


I should've added what i already watched lol, feel kinda dumb for forgetting it.
I already watched Gaim, Drive, W, Fourze, OOO and well, Den-O.


I should've added what i already watched lol, feel kinda dumb for forgetting it.
I already watched Gaim, Drive, W, Fourze, OOO and well, Den-O.

You should check out Kuuga, it has a slow start but once it gets going the show is pretty good to watch.

Agito is also a good one to watch after Kuuga.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
I've just finished watching Den-O.
I really liked its Comedy, Zeronos was good secondary Rider and Deneb has to be the best character ever created. He was definitely the highlight of Den-O for me.
I didn't like that it took so long for something important to happen. It was like what, 35 episodes of just monster of the week episodes and then we got some answers and stuff.

But now that i have finished that, i have to decide on what to watch next. Would you guys recommend Kabuto? Or is there anything that's considered a "must watch"?

Ruuki and Blade are pretty good shows.


I've just finished watching Den-O.
I really liked its Comedy, Zeronos was good secondary Rider and Deneb has to be the best character ever created. He was definitely the highlight of Den-O for me.
I didn't like that it took so long for something important to happen. It was like what, 35 episodes of just monster of the week episodes and then we got some answers and stuff.

But now that i have finished that, i have to decide on what to watch next. Would you guys recommend Kabuto? Or is there anything that's considered a "must watch"?

Kabuto was my first show I say go for it!
I've just finished watching Den-O.
I really liked its Comedy, Zeronos was good secondary Rider and Deneb has to be the best character ever created. He was definitely the highlight of Den-O for me.
I didn't like that it took so long for something important to happen. It was like what, 35 episodes of just monster of the week episodes and then we got some answers and stuff.

But now that i have finished that, i have to decide on what to watch next. Would you guys recommend Kabuto? Or is there anything that's considered a "must watch"?

I should've added what i already watched lol, feel kinda dumb for forgetting it.
I already watched Gaim, Drive, W, Fourze, OOO and well, Den-O.

Given that list, I'd go with Blade or Agito next.
Shout Factory is doing a Dairanger marathon on May 21st. When they did the Zyu marathon Kakuranger was announced, so this could mean Ohranger announcement is very soon?


Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.
Shout Factory is doing a Dairanger marathon on May 21st. When they did the Zyu marathon Kakuranger was announced, so this could mean Ohranger announcement is very soon?

It would make sense, by then Kakuranger would be officially out (May 18th).

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
So I just finished Ryuuki Hyper Battle vid


It just made my day.
Never heard about this series, looked it up. Damn that was 1996? looked dated as hell

you look dated as hell.

Nah just kidding. It's an old show, shot on tape at 60fps, during a time when Japanese fashion sense was questionable. It also had weird 30fps shot on film interludes for some of the mech shots. Overall a really weird show that was sponsored by Sega and was cancelled early. I kinda liked it, it had some neat quirks, but it came out during a year of Carranger, B-Fighter Kabuto, Ultraman Tiga and Guyferd. This and Guyferd got the axe. Guyferd could have been something too, but that got canned even earlier.
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