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TokuGAF 2016 |OT| Fantastic Beasts and Ghostly Beats


Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.
Amazons 5

Slower episode. The lack of Jin was noticeable.
So is Mamoru supposed to be a child in an adult's body? That scene with the doctors shaking toys was really weird...
Looks like next time is when the girl finds out the truth.

Tiu Neo

Amazons 5

That Mamoru scene, heh.

Slower episode, but that's ok after last week's episode. While I like scarfs on my toku, it looked weird on the MOTW.

Next week is gonna be interesting. Will the sister discover Haruka's identity? What about Jin?

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
I want another OOOs movie chronicling him coming back for good in detail. My favorite character is Ankh.

what does it do I wonder
Amazons 5

Slower episode. The lack of Jin was noticeable.
So is Mamoru supposed to be a child in an adult's body? That scene with the doctors shaking toys was really weird...
Looks like next time is when the girl finds out the truth.

Remember that the Amazons are experiments. They haven't gone into much detail over how they were created, so maybe they are accelerated beings? Nobody knows so far.

Tiu Neo

I saw that scene just as a funny moment, but yeah, that would make sense. Mamoru is the most "innocent" character in the cast.


force push the doodoo rock
Love how they revealed Cube Kuma this week.

"Oh hey what's this giant axe shaped stone I grabbed oh hey its a cube!"
No kidding. Any news about Ryosuke Miura? I thought he was doing something this year.

He was in the last Ruroni Kenshin live-action film.

I can not comprehend why this guy is having such a hard time finding work. You'd think he would've been jdrama bait given his skills.

Sota Fukushi (Fourze) sucked up all the goddamn roles. Shunya Shiraishi (Wizard) is also doing a solid job, with a Netflix show and other stuff under his belt.


The big winners from Gaim were Mahiro Takasugi (Ryugen) and Yuki Kubota (the mighty HawkTiger). Drive looks like he might have some legs.


Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.
Zyuohger 13

Finally caught Sunday Sentai this week.
Leo needs to keep it in his pants. If this wasn't a kids show, he could get arrested.
Finding Cube Bear out of nowhere was way too funny. "My sword's gone, maybe I should try this weirdly shaped rock, oh shit it's actually a Zyuoh Cube!"
Also, the bit at the end. Parakeet Yamato.

Next week looks like there might be some feels.
Zyuohger 13
I was trying to figure out the connection between bears and axes, but then I realised that lumberjacks are big, hairy men that cut down trees with axes, while bears are big, hairy men that do things with wood.

But really it's a reference to Kintaro.


Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.
Amazons 6

Like every Rider, Haruka eventually gets to the "Protect people from the bad guys" part of his career. Now he's focused and the butchering can really begin.
That does seem to explain why Jin is so different from the others. Self-infused Cells and all that.

Tiu Neo

Zyuohger 13

Leo is not good at all with the ladies. New cube animals continue to be random powerups, eh. And that ending, poor Yamato.

Amazons 06 (Whoa, fast release this time)

Again, Mamoru is such a nice guy.
And again, I'll be sad when he inevitably dies.

And so, there are more than the 4000 escaped Amazons, huh. I wonder if this will become a Kabuto situation, where
there were lots of important characters that ended up being worms.

Good turn for Haruka's character. I didn't like his character much at first, but his development is pretty good.

This week's fight was pretty cool, too. And Tachibana is evil/corrupt/an executive? Heh, interesting.

This was a very good episode. Can't wait for the next.


Cross posting from the action figure thread. Some of you might be interested in this.

Just got my Thunder Megazord Gosei Dairen'oh. Getting a modern release of this figure has always been a dream if mine. While it felt overpriced at first the drop to $160 made it easier to swallow.

First thing that surprised me was how huge and good the box looked, really gave it a premium feel. Figures were spread inside a large piece of cardboard. Not the old school Styrofoam but it will do.

Figures themselves are amazing. They're much bigger than what I thought they'd be and are amazingly colored. I love the clear orb on the Black Lion. It's painted silver below so it shines nicely. They even included a base to form "somehow dumber looking than the Dino Megazord tank thing" but I couldn't bring myself to fully form it, looked like the Phoenix was sniffing the Red Dragonzord's butt :p
Still, it does a good job of holding the phoenix and displaying the other neatly so it will do.

The Red Dragon Zord RyuseiOh has decent articulation in the upper body and can do some neat stuff with it arms. Unfortunately it can move its legs and waist much. Dragon form is super long and has really nice shelf presence I feel. Squeezing it inside the white background was super difficult.

I also want to point out how amazing the sword looks. The details on it are fantastic and the gold chain really adds a lot to the look. The blade itself is painted chrome and while it looks nice now I'm worried ti will peel off with time and repeated sheathings.

The megazord is colossal, I can't stress that enough. It looks really nice overall despite how limited its articulation is. Only flaw is how the helmet doesn't fit snugly enough and it's a bit front heavy, especially with the spear.

Hope they one day make a Shogun Megazord Muteki Shogun.



Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.
Drive Saga: Kamen Rider Chaser

Nice little movie. A good exploration of Chase's character and his lack of humanity. Though it's bittersweet knowing that Chase dies at the end of Drive.
Toei really took advantage of "direct-to-DVD" standards with more blood (bullet holes and Chase stabbing himself) and lewdness (Angel stripping and Medic's outfit at the end). Keep it up!
Awesome to see Terui again, even if it was a brief cameo. I wish he did Accel Trial though, that was always one of my favorite finishers. Good on him and Akiko having a kid.

A Pretty Panda

fuckin' called it, man
I was about to stop the Chase movie about a half hour in until I saw this shot

which made me almost close it faster cause I thought it was Kamen Rider Lupin. Only reason I kept watching was for the cameo.

Brain is a ham and is great.

The cameo and Chase stuff felt like two separate movies but I don't mind since neither would be that great on their own.

Chase's new suit looked great, but I didn't like the tease of him using Proto-Drive again because I wanted to see that.

It was good overall, I expected it to be something boring that I just watched over obligation

Everyone was shirtless

Tiu Neo

Kamen Rider Chaser

I missed Chase. That smiling scene, hahaha. I kinda expected something more serious, but there were a lot of fun moments.

"Human" Chase (and how he weirded out everybody) was great, too. I miss the Roidmudes too. They are so good on this.

Accel part was fun, even if I'm still watching W. Kinda spoilery but not really (since I still don't understand the reference), at the end.

I didn't know Roidmudes bled.

Chase :(


I will love anyone who can gif me the moment where Alain walks in dramatically eating takoyaki.

Anyway, in case anyone missed it, Ghost 30 was directed by Koichi Sakamoto, which explains the wire-fu, wide shots, dutch angles, shaky fight cam, and actual explosives.


Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.
Ghost 30

Probably the best episode of Ghost yet, and honestly one of the finest KR episodes ever made.
Awesome fight scenes, actual bike stunts (when was the last time that happened), that scene of Alain's takoyaki beatdown, feels all over, such a damn good episode.
*looks up* Aah, no wonder this felt different. That Sakamoto insanity.

The Heroic Legend of Alain 1

*opens in 1950* HOW OLD ARE YOU?!
Oh hey, it's the guy from the beginning of the series that ended up not being important.
Considering those opening scenes, I can see why they waited until now to release this. Sooo spoiler-y.


Kamen Rider Skull Avatar you have been dethroned.


Watch Da Birdie

I buy cakes for myself on my birthday it's not weird lots of people do it I bet
So, yeah, it's pretty obvious who the girl Alain met in the past ends up being
Takoyaki granny, since she mentioned how she painted as a kid last week...

Broke my heart when I figured that out. You know I tease Ghost for being kind of weak but stuff like this turns my opinion around, also LOL at Saionji being reduced to comic relief. I totally forgot he was even a character till this.

Tiu Neo

Alain 01

Interesting episode. Lots of backstory on pre-turn Alain.

Lots of fun moments, too. The Takoyaki scenes. Oh god.

I hope O-T translates all of those. We never got all the Drive ones, did we?

Ghost 30

Grandma :(

Dat New Clothes, Takoyaki Eating entrance.

But Alain really needs to have a more varied diet. Eating only Takoyaki can't be healthy.
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