Boss Doggie
all my loli wolf companions are so moe
well, at least it's a single ep
Elements would work far better as an Insert Song, like how it's used in Battride War when you use King Form rules.
I gotta agree Brave Blade is catchy as fuck. said:Miyuu Sawai (沢井 美優 Sawai Miyūportrayed Erika Mitsuki in Kamen Rider × Kamen Rider W & Decade: Movie War 2010, Aya Yamamoto in Kamen Rider Wizard, and Mika in episode 9 of Kamen Rider Amazons. said:Usagi Tsukino (PGSM)
Actors: Miyuu Sawai
The problem with Brave Blade is that it has a bad singer. The song has a sound composition. Like I said earlier, the Rider Chips cover is a massive improvement.
Jin was the guy who invented the Amazons program, and is obviously disgusted by it and wants to kill off all Amazons to stop them harming humanity. Maybe he's a bit torn up inside over the whole being-a-monster thing too, though he isn't showing it, but his tough guy exterior might be hiding that for now.
How is that somehow confusing? I don't see how Jin is tripping at all. He's very clear in his character.
Haruka isn't really troublesome either. He didn't see the restaurant diners actually commit crimes, its quite obvious that they're looking for a way out, to be repentant. There was nothing fearsome, suspicious or scary about them in that dining room. They don't even transform when it becomes apparent that they might die, instead they act scared, cowering. However, the chef is very obviously commandeering, a danger, someone who is beginning to embrace the dangerous side of being an Amazon, and that's why Haruka has no issue killing him.
"I will protect humans by letting one that's a serial killer live so he can kill more humans."
I get that maybe he's seeing himself as not human anymore and don't want to meddle with the human affairs, but then don't say you're protecting humans.
watched up to eps 6 of amazons and just realized how little CG is used compare to modern toku. Could be a budget thing? Enjoying that aspect, was worried for a second when dude got on his bike.
watched up to eps 6 of amazons and just realized how little CG is used compare to modern toku. Could be a budget thing? Enjoying that aspect, was worried for a second when dude got on his bike.
No need to show flashy effects when kids aren't watching and you're not pushing new gadgets that much.
The CGI blood is a bit eh though. Imagine if Keita Amemiya is designing the monsters and suits instead.the last boss will be a pair of boobs
No need to show flashy effects when kids aren't watching and you're not pushing new gadgets that much.
The CGI blood is a bit eh though. Imagine if Keita Amemiya is designing the monsters and suits instead.the last boss will be a pair of boobs
With a noh mask attached
Isn't that the point of Toku?
Zyuogher 17
So, how would I rate the Zyuohgers efforts against the Sixth Ranger? Absolutely MUDA MUDA MUDA MUDA MUDA MUDA MUDA MUDA!
The stuff with the cards was kind of weak, but then The World showed up and that was some next level ass beating. I am so looking forward to more of him, and his eventual turn to good. Next week looks awesome too.
All with a fishing rod.
Just watched the first episode of Amazons. This show is GOOD. I shouldn't have put it off for so long. Glad I was able to finally watch it.
Just watched the first episode of Amazons. This show is GOOD. I shouldn't have put it off for so long. Glad I was able to finally watch it.
I'm jamming with it. Half-tackling moral questions in the last two episodes is making me think it's an Inoue show though.
Well the group does work out of the Inoue building so...
As a weapon it works a hell of a lot better than I thoughtI haven't seen the episode, but the fishing rod sold me.
I'm not feeling The World's fighting style. His costume and voice's great but his movements felt...awkward? Then again he didn't have much change in hand to hand combat this episode and went straight to the gadget with the cheapest choreography.
Dat voice, though. It feels like Bakugou transferred from My Hero Academia to Zyuohger.
I couldn't look past the fact that his weapon is a fishing rod. Like, I know it's toku and corny stuff like that is what I signed up for, but....a fishing rod. That clashes with his color scheme.