I'm not looking forward to the next episode of Amazons. ;_;
I really hope all of the Amazons do.
Alpha and Omega are alrady confirmed. Just need Sigma (and thus, Omega's non Driver Belt form) to be confirmed next.
when did omega get a spear?
Alpha and Omega are already confirmed. Just need Sigma (and thus, Omega's non Driver Belt form) to be confirmed next.
Yes! The only problems I have with it are the kinda weak supporting cast (which RX kinda fixed, at other costs), and one plot point that was dropped at the ending of the series, at least on the dub I watched.
Thanks man, looking forward to RX after this.
I'm going to base all other watching decisions after that on this YT henshin compilation, which means I'll need to see most of the Showa ones (espec Amazon and Stronger) and none of the Heisei ones except Faiz and Gaim.
Well, that's a way to choose what to watch, haha. But don't ignore Heisei, there are a lot of good series there, even if you are a fan of older Toku.
I raise your henshin compilation with this
Yo, also found while I was futzing around on YT was this sick scene from Taisen GP. Is the movie full of spoilers? I haven't watched any Faiz beyond ep 1 yet, but I don't really care about Blade or Den-O.
The second he said the burger didn't taste very good I KNEW he was gonna be killed soon
I raise your henshin compilation with this
includes side characters, power ups, and other people being the same rider
only goes up to kachidoki arms tho
Yo, also found while I was futzing around on YT was this sick scene from Taisen GP. Is the movie full of spoilers? I haven't watched any Faiz beyond ep 1 yet, but I don't really care about Blade or Den-O.
faiz series still has the best Belt voices.So smooth.
Should I not watch it with my nephew (10)?
While I'm asking you all questions my friend says since I like Black and Hellsing I'll probably like Garo.
Is S1 a good place to start?
Also how much adult content is adult content? Should I not watch it with my nephew (10)?
Just finished Kamen Rider W.
One of the best for sure. Maybe a bit lower than Fourze and Drive for me, but not by much. Great theme, setting,, Shoutarou and Phillip are two of the best main characters.
Aki... was ok at first, but got old fast. One of the weaker points of the series.
The ending was another. The final villain (up to ep. 48) was kinda eh.They either shouldn't have killed Phillip, or should have kept him dead for good. Bringing him back made the whole last episode - which was already not that good - pointless.
While I'm asking you all questions my friend says since I like Black and Hellsing I'll probably like Garo.
Is S1 a good place to start?
Also how much adult content is adult content? Should I not watch it with my nephew (10)?
I realize why I don't like sigmas suit. It's that lack of polish compared to alpha and omega. It sticks out like a sore thumb to me. It's like looking at another attempt at Rey
I heard about this and it seemed serious.
Seems both very unfortunate and quite horribly apt, considering who he played in Fourze.
Amazons 12
So, the other bracelet shows up in some form. And Haruka's mother had some kind of contact with Jin, somehow. And yeah, we knew the president was fucked up from the last episode, but good getting some... confirmation? I wonder if he isn't an Amazon too.
Ok, and now Mamoru is fucked up too. Maybe the other bracelet will keep him under control, but... eh, hard to say. Dunno if there is any way back for him now. Well, he'll be important on the next episode.
Jin is also looking like a goner, at least from the preview. You know, this episode would be a lot more tense if we didn't know a second season existed.
They really should've announced that a bit later than what they did.
Anyone think that gold bracer will end up unlocking a super form for Haruka? I know this is the "adult" show but it's still wants to sell toys.
Ghost 36
Idols... there are times I feel I'm too old for this. Whenever Idols appear is one of those times.
Sooo what are the three things Alain is fighting in Sanzou's training? Some Chinese reference?
The Makoto doppelganger is interesting. ... What happened to Javert?
Amazons 12
Man, nobody came out of this alright. Jin has lost his mind, Mamoru nearly killed one of his friends, giving into his animal nature, and it seems Haruka is tipping off the edge too.
The president of Nozama is crazy too. Reika is all "I'm surrounded by lunatics!"
Anyone think that gold bracer will end up unlocking a super form for Haruka? I know this is the "adult" show but it's still wants to sell toys. I can see a super form happening.
Final episode next week.It doesn't look like Jin will survive.
Sanzo/Sanzang's party from Journey to the West - Son Goku/Sun Wukong, Cho Hakkai/Zhu Bajie (pig) and Sa Gojou/Sha Wujing.
Ghost is kinda eh. Alain and the side characters save the show. Takeru is dull as dishwater, same with the villains. Adel is basically just standing around waiting for the results of plans and the Ganmeisers are just around. Coming off of Drive with Heart, Brain, Medic, and Nira, this is a huge step down.