Man Black Condor seemed super cool, I kinda wanna know what happens in Jetman now.
For real. We're approaching our fourth Sentai release and still no word on Kamen Rider.
I feel it's more likely we'll get Metalder or Spielban before we get any Kamen Rider.
Man Black Condor seemed super cool, I kinda wanna know what happens in Jetman now.
Jetman's op is so catchy too.
And the ending is memorable. It was good enough that I used the karaoke version in part of my wedding.
And the ending is memorable. It was good enough that I used the karaoke version in part of my wedding.
I don't watch many movies, to be clear, but God Speed Love (I've only seen the Director's Cut) is probably one of the weirdest I've seen. Rather, it left me feeling weird after watching in a way I can't really describe. A lot of it was nonsense in a dark setting, without actually being edgy, which I liked, but... that sure was nonsense.
Since we're talking Fourze- it was my first Rider show so I do have some bias, but it's my favorite. Goofy and fun with a lot of heart, and a really enjoyable cast. I had no points of comparison for the suits, so I was into all of them too.
I don't watch many movies, to be clear, but God Speed Love (I've only seen the Director's Cut) is probably one of the weirdest I've seen. Rather, it left me feeling weird after watching in a way I can't really describe. A lot of it was nonsense in a dark setting, without actually being edgy, which I liked, but... that sure was nonsense.
Since we're talking Fourze- it was my first Rider show so I do have some bias, but it's my favorite. Goofy and fun with a lot of heart, and a really enjoyable cast. I had no points of comparison for the suits, so I was into all of them too.
Man Black Condor seemed super cool, I kinda wanna know what happens in Jetman now.
It's fun seeing people's different entry into Kamen Rider/ Super Sentai. I saw a lot of "this isn't what Kamen Rider is supposed to be" comments everytime a new Rider is revealed dating since Ryuki, 14 years ago. People started with Kabuto will look for sleek designs in Rider and disappointed when the gimmicky new ones are revealed.
It reminds me of a comment in Kamen Rider Spirits manga that "whatever your first entry to Rider is will be whatever Kamen Rider was supposed to be in your mind".
I wonder if the internet was a thing during Black RX reveal, people would go "No scarf = not true Rider" or "WTF he's not supposed to have a car".
This thread is making me want Ex-Aid to start already so I can discuss it with y'all. My wife has been burnt out on toku lately and I feel weird watching Rider shows on my own. Hopefully watching Ex-Aid live will assuage her worries about me going into binge mode...
I think most of us want Ex-Aid to start already because Ghost is just...well, Ghost.
I still wanna know...why did live mans friends do that to them D:
I still wanna know...why did live mans friends do that to them D:
One can only dream at this point.Hopefully one day we'll get a mysticism heavy Rider series that isn't bad.
Finished Go-Onger.
It's a fun series. The characters are a bit too exaggerated in the first few episodes, but they are toned down a bit later, and the show benefits from it. The partners were fun, and added to the series. The villains weren't complex at all, but fun to watch. Then there was that Idol episode, which was kinda wtf, but very funny.
I wonder how many toys this sold, must have been a lot. Three types of transforming devices, almost 30 "souls", different weapons for each member, plus something like 16 partners/mecha parts/mechas/things.
I don't know if my expectations were too low, but I liked it a lot more than I expected I would.
As I understand the behind the scenes narrative; Go-Onger was such a massive financial success it created the modern Toku merchandise machine, it's concepts of 3D collectible trinkets led to Kamen Rider W and then to all the other toys that define Rider (and a few of the later Sentai ones).
Are you hinting of a dream based kamen rider O:One can only dream at this point.
Are you hinting of a dream based kamen rider O:
Are you hinting of a dream based kamen rider O:
So I just finished watching Kamen Rider Ichigo
Without spoiling anything I just have one thing to say, and i'm not sure this is true or not. If this is Hiroshi Fujioka final role as Kamen Rider Ichigo, I will be upset cause I feel like this was a bad farewell to the character.
So it's a shit movie? Disappointing.
Hopefully one day we'll get a mysticism heavy Rider series that isn't bad.
I feel even the later sections of the movie were bad i feel,thats just my short thoughts on the movie thoughi felt the relationship between Ichigo and the girl couldve been explained better since i had no idea what kind of relationship was being shown? Like was is an teenager in love with an old man or a teenager who sees ichigo as an father figure since she had none. Honestly it felt like the former and it kind of creeped me out. Also the new bad guys plan made no sense since it was dropped half way into the movie. Honestly the best parts of the movie were the opening scene, ichigo returns, the neo heisei eyecon show case, and the credits
Yeah thats what i meant by drop, and as for the other stuff about hongo, i guess i can see that but it still felt odd to me.Regarding Nova Shocker, it depends on what you mean by "drop".They force the government to buy their Nova Energy, but afterwards tune it up and it starts destroying everything, both technology and even the environment. Then they force the government to buy new technology that supposedly would be able to control the Nova energy and would allow them to create a nation vastly more powerful than any other one on Earth. However then... there's no follow up to that at all. The movie changes focus to Shocker and Nova Shocker going after the Alexander Eyecon, and then the Nova Shocker guys are all killed. Their plan makes sense, it just goes nowhere since they're all killed midway through during something completely unrelated to it.
Regarding Mayu and Hongo,it's actually interesting how they avoid stuff like honorifics or any direct expression that explained their relationship, which would be very easy to drop in Japanese. Still, at least from Hongo's side, it's directly said that he was doing that for everyone, not just her, when he returns. It's only left ambiguous if she had a teen crush on Hongo or saw him as a father figure.
At least the OST (bar no insert songs makes me sad) is always really nice with these shows, Ghost's is out and it's really nice---there's a cool rap song made of the Eyecon jingles by m.cat that's pretty tight.
Not sure why you guys are talking about the theme, you could barely hear it.
And Ghost lost me 3 episodes in, but it's theme song is one of the best in Rider.
Regarding Nova Shocker, it depends on what you mean by "drop".They force the government to buy their Nova Energy, but afterwards tune it up and it starts destroying everything, both technology and even the environment. Then they force the government to buy new technology that supposedly would be able to control the Nova energy and would allow them to create a nation vastly more powerful than any other one on Earth. However then... there's no follow up to that at all. The movie changes focus to Shocker and Nova Shocker going after the Alexander Eyecon, and then the Nova Shocker guys are all killed. Their plan makes sense, it just goes nowhere since they're all killed midway through during something completely unrelated to it.
Regarding Mayu and Hongo,it's actually interesting how they avoid stuff like honorifics or any direct expression that explained their relationship, which would be very easy to drop in Japanese. Still, at least from Hongo's side, it's directly said that he was doing that for everyone, not just her, when he returns. It's only left ambiguous if she had a teen crush on Hongo or saw him as a father figure.
-Genm's gashatto (Shakariki Sports) is themed after extreme sports
-Thus Kamen Rider Genm attacks people with a neon-colored bike
Words can't describe how beautiful this is...