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TokuGAF 2016 |OT| Fantastic Beasts and Ghostly Beats

Just got done watching Ghost's finale.

Maybe I was a bit more emotional last year because my twins were close to arriving but really, Drive had a much, MUCH better ending. This year was such a letdown.


I think it's universally agreed that Riku Sanjo does emotional story telling better than whatever the aimless crap Ghost tried to be.

I haven't watched Drive but probably should soon.
Maybe I was a bit more emotional last year because my twins were close to arriving but really, Drive had a much, MUCH better ending. This year was such a letdown.

Lord no. Drive's run up to the ending was magnificent. Brain, Gou using Signal Axe, Heart versus Drive at the end? Amazing. Riku Sanjo knows what's up.


I'll never forgive Ghost for teasing me a night battle scene against the final boss right at the start of the episode just to the villain make it become day. Anyway...

Ghost 49
Silly Ghost, you can't become a Fourze in a single episode. We could without the giant CGI Kinnikuman character too, specially when the final boss suit is so cool. Top tier helmet design.

It's actually IMPRESSIVE how unimpressive and anticlimactic this episode is, even with the all spirits going all out against the villain alongside Takeru. Absolutely NO stakes, That last Rider Kick was really good though, last one as good as this was Wizard's-Mech-Dragon-Rider-Kick-Into-the-Sun.

"He almost died a few times", no Akari, Takeru literally died a few times.

Best moment of the episode was the ad-libbed hissing Yurusen's real body did at Onari lol.

Oh, and even though Sage was one of the best things about this season, in the end he was so well written he could be the next Decade. Or the next Narutaki. Speaking in Decade, oh man, how I want him to bully Takeru in a future movie or special, holy shit.

Gemn looks awesome even with the not-so-beautiful suit. Kinda want to see him against Drive, hehe.

""Imma show ya the power of love!" he said, moments before swinging a full 720 motion with his giant hammer right into my eye."


Just got done watching Ghost's finale.

Maybe I was a bit more emotional last year because my twins were close to arriving but really, Drive had a much, MUCH better ending. This year was such a letdown.

Lord no. Drive's run up to the ending was magnificent. Brain, Gou using Signal Axe, Heart versus Drive at the end? Amazing. Riku Sanjo knows what's up.

Drive's end wasn't grand but it was emotional. This was grand, but devoid of emotions.

But who knows! Maybe next week is Ghost's best episode instead!


The big issue with Ghost's ending is that it seems to assume people are really attached to Takeru, even though that was always a weakness of the series. Shafting all the other characters even here was a really bad choice.


Eh, ending wasn't too bad. Javert got a hero moment, Gemns appearance was dope and the falling/flying scene at the end was nice too. Good to see i'm not the only one who thought of Kinnikuman when the giant CGI Monster showed up.

Now that it's over i can say what i liked about it: Alain, Onari and the original Specter and Ghost suits, the hoodies were a good idea imo and i liked the little transformation songs that played when they used the Eyecons. Buuut... that's pretty much it? I think the most disappointing thing to me was the music, besides the opening there wasn't anything i liked.

And Hibiki has been fantastic so far.


Man, if I was ten years old I would be all over Ghost thanks to the designs and nonsense metaphors and plot (that I would think as hard to understand instead of messy writing).

I dropped Ghost at 35. Is it worth trying to finish it?
You dropped at the same point as me. I dunno, it's a mediocre season, nothing offensively bad, but not a lot of payoff. Go with your guts =P
Ghost 49

Finally done...until next week. Episode had a couple of good moments, like Javert and Yurusei cat, but for the most part, it was a lame ending.

What got is they started dropping shit that would've actually been interesting development if introduced earlier.
Takeru was becoming immortal? Couldn't think of anything to do with that? I don't think the fact that his hunger had been mentioned either.

I dropped Ghost at 35. Is it worth trying to finish it?

I had to see what episode that was...man, I honestly don't know. I guess if you want a couple of good character moments, power through it, but the story itself isn't really interesting.


Takeru was DEAD. Ghosts don't eat, feel physical pain or need to sleep. Remember when Alain became a physical body?

Btw, this is the best:


Alain: "Sister, will you fight with us?"
Aria: "No, brother, I prefer to stay here and keep doing nothing."

I think Takeru will be much more interesting if he's ever conflicted between wanting to go back alive or using the wish for greater good. You know, a bit of character flaw.


So... is the link of Earth and Ganma gone?

What is Javert gonna do now, be a policeman?
How did Yurusen got hit by the rubble? How did Gemn could see the Ganma? How nobody found Sage's body? Whatever was Sage's motivation? Why Yurusen became a talking spirit-thingie when he went to an Eyecon? Why did Kanon lose her body and couldn't manifest a Ganma body when she became an Eyecon? Why the Great Eye granted wishes, and why did it require the 15 Heroic Eyecons if they were manufactured by humans? What ARE the people from the Ganma world in the first place, and why all of their technology revolved around the Great Eye if they just discovered it later? Was Sage from the Ganma world or Earth? How did Boost worked and why did it kept Takeru "alive"? What is Captain Ghost, how Yurusen knew how to summon it and how it worked? Why Takeru's bike transformed with him? Why Makoto had a bike if he was in the Ganma world all those years? How Narita still seemed more important than Kanon even though he had less focus than any other character?

So many questions.


best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"
Have they shown monster designs for ex aid yet? I don't think I could deal with such cheap designs again

Watch Da Birdie

I buy cakes for myself on my birthday it's not weird lots of people do it I bet
Still bummed Specter didn't get a Kanon Eyecon powerup called Imoution Soul.

Man Specter kind of suffered the same problem Mach did, awesome introduction but then he got sort of lame---but different reasons. Mach was cool when he was a nice dude and then there was that long string of episodes where he became an asshole. Specter was cool when he was antagonistic (I fucking laughed at Movie Wars where he hangs out at the wedding despite still being in his "you're soft!" phase) and had awesome music and suits but it seems like they sort of ran out of things to do with him and introduced some dumb plots that went nowhere like hijacked Specter and clone Specter, which was the lamest plot in all of Toku honestly. The "death" of the clone last episode was so lame I just couldn't care.

Mach ended up redeeming himself by the end, but poor Specter kind of just lost anything cool about him---and being tied to Kanon, the weakest character in the show by far, also hurt. Maybe he'll get a cool DVD special or something in the future, like exploring how he got Nobunaga and Tut, but I left disappointed when I was so hyped at his first appearance.


How did Yurusen got hit by the rubble? How did Gemn could see the Ganma? How nobody found Sage's body? Whatever was Sage's motivation? Why Yurusen became a talking spirit-thingie when he went to an Eyecon? Why did Kanon lose her body and couldn't manifest a Ganma body when she became an Eyecon? Why the Great Eye granted wishes, and why did it require the 15 Heroic Eyecons if they were manufactured by humans? What ARE the people from the Ganma world in the first place, and why all of their technology revolved around the Great Eye if they just discovered it later? Was Sage from the Ganma world or Earth? How did Boost worked and why did it kept Takeru "alive"? What is Captain Ghost, how Yurusen knew how to summon it and how it worked? Why Takeru's bike transformed with him? Why Makoto had a bike if he was in the Ganma world all those years? How Narita still seemed more important than Kanon even though he had less focus than any other character?

So many questions.

One thing I learned from watching Kamen Rider for all these years is never ask about their bikes.


Man, I'm watching Jetman for the first time and it has this serious vibe going to it but the monsters are definitely doofy despite all the wanton mass killings.


How did Yurusen got hit by the rubble?
Well, if you go back to episode 5, it seems like they need to concentrate to phase through stuff. Ghost had to be reminded that he was a ghost in order to phase through the giant rock crushing him.

How did Gemn could see the Ganma?
Maybe he was well trained? Hongo could quickly tell that Takeru was a ghost when meeting him in the movie and Takeru's father also seemingly was able to fight against Ganma.

Whatever was Sage's motivation?
Initially he wanted to fix the problems with the project of Alain's father, but later he just wanted to stop it altogether and stop the Ganma's attack on the human world. He lied to Takeru because he wasn't sure if he'd fight for the Eyecon if he wasn't forced to.

Why did Kanon lose her body and couldn't manifest a Ganma body when she became an Eyecon?
She was allergic to the Ganma world's atmosphere. She was basically dead with her soul kept in the Eyecon to avoid disappearing.

Why the Great Eye granted wishes, and why did it require the 15 Heroic Eyecons if they were manufactured by humans?
It was explained that the 15 Heroic Eyecons were just meant to stop the Ganmizer from getting in the way to contacting the Great Eye, but it worked only once since afterwards they adapted to them.

What ARE the people from the Ganma world in the first place, and why all of their technology revolved around the Great Eye if they just discovered it later?
The flashback didn't make clear. It didn't even sound like they were originally from the Ganma world. They apparently were a cult for the Great Eye, then made a wish for an ideal world and it took them there (which is why Alain's mother died only at that point). It's not clear if their original world was Earth or some random parallel dimension.

Was Sage from the Ganma world or Earth?

Ganma world. He was with Alain's father from the start and Alain's father was the one that made the wish for the Great Eye that took them there.

How did Boost worked and why did it kept Takeru "alive"?
It was the soul of Takeru's father. He gave more power to Takeru which kept him from disappearing for longer.

What is Captain Ghost, how Yurusen knew how to summon it and how it worked?
It seems to be something from the Ganma world's army. There's more of them in the movie used by the villains.


Part of me wants to like Gai but he's such an entitled creep, god. At least I know he'll go through character development though.

also Kaori is pretty awful for kicking Raita's balls out of amusement. What the hell?

Tiu Neo

Ghost 49

Enemy normal form looked cool, even if fighting it was kinda meh. I'm just happy it's finally ending, really.

Kinda meh ending. It's not inconsistent with the rest of the series or anything, it's just... a boring solution. Well, it's on par with most of Ghost, I guess. The Heroes Souls fighting were cool, too, wish the series focused a bit more on them.

You know, the "I am a ghost" angle of the series could be a bit better explored. It kinda was, some episodes, but not very well, imo. All this talk about turning back into human could have more impact, that way. But eh, on the other side, one of the last things this needed was Takeru whining even more.

Next week, crossover episode, I guess.

Man, I'm watching Jetman for the first time and it has this serious vibe going to it but the monsters are definitely doofy despite all the wanton mass killings.

Yes, and it's great. I love this silly/dark mix that older Sentai had.


So what did end up being Ghost's big bad's plan?

Adel initially wanted to trump his father in creating an utopia, but lost sight of his goal and end up just wanting to "win" against ones who stood in his way, even if he was the only survivor in the end.

The Ganmizer were pretty much just a defective program that ran out of control. They didn't really have any solid goal. They talked about evolving and rebuilding the world a bit, but it wasn't clear what they intended to do.

Tiu Neo

I thought it was Inoue's writing dripping into Sentai though I haven't watched the other classics. It definitely has a different feel to it though compared to modern Sentai.

Jetman in special was a bit darker sometimes, but a lot of sentai from back then had that feeling. Liveman, for example, is a bit lighter, but has a similar feeling to it, imo.
How did Yurusen got hit by the rubble? How did Gemn could see the Ganma? How nobody found Sage's body? Whatever was Sage's motivation? Why Yurusen became a talking spirit-thingie when he went to an Eyecon? Why did Kanon lose her body and couldn't manifest a Ganma body when she became an Eyecon? Why the Great Eye granted wishes, and why did it require the 15 Heroic Eyecons if they were manufactured by humans? What ARE the people from the Ganma world in the first place, and why all of their technology revolved around the Great Eye if they just discovered it later? Was Sage from the Ganma world or Earth? How did Boost worked and why did it kept Takeru "alive"? What is Captain Ghost, how Yurusen knew how to summon it and how it worked? Why Takeru's bike transformed with him? Why Makoto had a bike if he was in the Ganma world all those years? How Narita still seemed more important than Kanon even though he had less focus than any other character?

So many questions.


Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
Inoue's grandmother characters are always based.

Also are captain ghost a bunch of iguanas in those ganma pods


Overlaying his face over other actors using crappy effects.

Take over the world by becoming one with everyone on the planet.
ok, now I need your avatar with Adel's face

btw, I completely forgot about the crossover movie (and Chase's movie!), going to get on that ASAP


Jetman 11

These episodes have been fun...but we went from mass destruction and human mass killings...to juices changing people's personalities.

So i did finish gokaiger the other day and i just have to say
the fact that silver gets the deliver the final blow makes me so happy and the fact that he did it fight his the bad guys chest makes me even happier


Adel initially wanted to trump his father in creating an utopia, but lost sight of his goal and end up just wanting to "win" against ones who stood in his way, even if he was the only survivor in the end.

The Ganmizer were pretty much just a defective program that ran out of control. They didn't really have any solid goal. They talked about evolving and rebuilding the world a bit, but it wasn't clear what they intended to do.

Overlaying his face over other actors using crappy effects.

Take over the world by becoming one with everyone on the planet.

So much potential


So I watched Ghost's finale...it's erm a thing but I never got the feeling that this was the final episode.

I would compare it to Wizard final episode but I don't remember much of it.

Tiu Neo

So I watched Ghost's finale...it's erm a thing but I got the feeling that this was the final episode.

I would compare it to Wizard final episode but I don't remember much of it.

Next episode is a crossover thing, kinda like Drive. This was the series finale.

Kinda underwhelming, huh?


Next episode is a crossover thing, kinda like Drive. This was the series finale.

Kinda underwhelming, huh?

Yep, I think Ghost biggest problem was that Adel plot just kept getting dragged with very little happening.

Had Adel been defeated earlier then the rest of the season could have dealt with Grandmister being the big bad villain rather than being subjected to a villain of the day.


Ghsot had a lot problems with writing. The Shit with Mr.Busted Mouth going nowhere. The shit Spectre's heel face turn could have been done quicker. Flushing out Eyeball World sooner and better.
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