trailer for the game if its not posted here. As long as the game plays ok and is priced ok, ill probably pick it up.
I might pass on it.
trailer for the game if its not posted here. As long as the game plays ok and is priced ok, ill probably pick it up.
trailer for the game if its not posted here. As long as the game plays ok and is priced ok, ill probably pick it up.
Power Ranger Movie teaser trailer is out. Look..okay? I only see the link on Facebook right now. Waiting on the youtube link.
Power Ranger Movie teaser trailer is out. Look..okay? I only see the link on Facebook right now. Waiting on the youtube link.
Oh shit
Kindly pm me the linkSo, Ninja Steel Pink's instagram. Yeah that ain't g-rated, she wears her color well though.
Mind showing footage of this game please?Mighty Action X is going to bomb on console in Japan, there's no market for action platformers on PS4, etc. Should have been a 3DS game.
Try amazon, they have a lot.Where can I buy authentic Kamen Rider belts online in the US?
He's joking lol. That's one of the games in Ex-AidMind showing footage of this game please?
I like it.
Rough download of the trailer on Twitter.
Largely what I expected given the director and pedigree. Project Almanac/Chronicle + Power Rangers. I like it.
Extreme First Aid?Oh shit
I didnt know we would get a 3rd series
I should watch ex-aid soon
What is the name supposed to mean anyways?
Same here. As I said in the main thread, it should've had some fights in it. Need to see the choreography.
I think most of us had way lower expectations than this. I am still not sold until some action is shown, but at least I'm considering watching it when it hits Netflix now =P
@PR Movie
Didn't know that Austin St. John would make an appearance. That is cool.
Isn't him Jason's father? I admit being awful to recognize faces but it really looks like him.
Isn't him Jason's father? I admit being awful to recognize faces but it really looks like him.
Ah, you are right )=Nah that looks like someone else. The facial hair is similar but it's not him. He doesn't have his awesome goofy voice
I'm feeling that Power Rangers trailer fam, I'm not even going to front.
Yeah the power rangers trailer is pretty much the best I can expect out of that property for a big budget Hollywood flick.
Wonder if it's going to be pg 13?
Welp, Koichi Sakamoto's directing episode 3 of Ex-Aid. That didn't take long.
Welp, Koichi Sakamoto's directing episode 3 of Ex-Aid. That didn't take long.
Ex-Aid's OP has a nice retro feel, reminds me of something from the pre-W era.
Interested in seeing how it'll evolve as the show progresses especially if we get a lot of other Riders.
what I like is that it has TATAKAE written all over it
Oh shit. Reminds me of Kabuto's opening. Which I know very well because I had to typeset that for TV-Nihon.