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TokuGAF 2017 |OT| Playing Trauma Center in Space and Hollywood

Big One

Ex-aid is only on ep 23? Damn feels like the end game already. That is why I don't think Dan will be around much longer. I think Daddy is coming home
I dunno about his father but I do think the Ministry of Health might take over as antagonists.


We don't really know that for sure, though. Genm's father just said it appeared once the Y2K happened due to one of the computers malfunctioning. It's got to be a hell of a malfunction to create a virus that can break reality. There's definitely something more to it than jut Genm spreading it on Day Zero.
I don't know man, it's tokusatsu. Questioning how a computer virus is a literal virus that manifests digital data through the human body is on par with questioning how the heck did the dancing competitions in Gaim worked. Or what are memories from the Earth in W (and what "Joker" has to do with melee combat). It just is what it is =P


Regarding the future of Ex-Aid, there are magazine spoilers confirming that
Chronicle (the death game, not the Rider) is activated in episode 25, so I don't think the plot is stopping.


Thing is, unless we are talking about extras and their make up, it didn't felt like the alien worlds we saw needed that much budget. If they could just travel to some different areas/towns, it would be enough (I mean, Firefly had tons of planets/moons that were just deserts and it worked pretty well). So I'm going to guess it has more to do with scheduling than budget.

Unless they really want to CG the hell out of places just to make them "alien", but then that industrial planet didn't need that.


Kyoryuger's ending is really similar to Power Ranger In Space's


Not as much as the Gokaiger ending is.

However, the structure of the script to Kyoryuger's is lifted 1:1 from Countdown, scene by scene; although what happens in each scene is not a direct analogue. Gokaiger's ending however is literally the same exact premise.


Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.
Star Ninger has arrived to Ninja Steel. Obviously as the Gold Ranger.

His name's Levi Weston, he's a country music star. Well that's one way to explain the cowboy motif. He was practicing in a field when the Prism thing came up to him. He grabbed the Power Star and got kidnapped by Madame Odius (Kyuemon). She then tried to brainwash or probe his mind, which will likely come back later when the footage shows them fighting. He got saved by the UFO Zord.

Thinking about it, his intro was really rushed. Just felt off to me. Ivan got like 2-3 episodes of build-up but here it's like "Here's your sixth, have fun"


Only thing that stood out to me was that they played the Dino Charge theme song during the UFO Zord finisher. Just complete apathy from the music team.


best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"
Star Ninger has arrived to Ninja Steel. Obviously as the Gold Ranger.

His name's Levi Weston, he's a country music star. Well that's one way to explain the cowboy motif. He was practicing in a field when the Prism thing came up to him. He grabbed the Power Star and got kidnapped by Madame Odius (Kyuemon). She then tried to brainwash or probe his mind, which will likely come back later when the footage shows them fighting. He got saved by the UFO Zord.

Thinking about it, his intro was really rushed. Just felt off to me. Ivan got like 2-3 episodes of build-up but here it's like "Here's your sixth, have fun"

so kyuemon is a woman in this?

Tiu Neo

So, at least this year the special episode will be just an appearance, like last year. Maybe even something smaller, lol.

I really liked ToQ/Gaim, but Drive/Ninnin wasn't done as well, and at a bad time plot wise, so maybe it's better this way.

so kyuemon is a woman in this?

Well, we weren't sure he was a he until that flashback episode, heh.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe



Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.
Ex-Aid 23

Looks like Parad's the main villain now. But damn, Kuroto went out fighting. So long Kuroto Dan you crazy bastard. .... Actually it looks like he didn't get his flowers. He'll be back.

Maximum Mighty X is awesome, reminds me a bit of the Hulk. If that's Level 99 though, what's the endgame power-up going to be like?

Does gold Ranger have a hamburger morpher? Best part of ninnjer

Sadly not. They do seem to try to throw the fans a bone by having Brody and Levi go to a food truck to get burgers, but that's possibly a coincidence.
I liked that new vocal version of that one instrumental we've been hearing for a while that debuted in Space.6.

I really do like this ragtag group of Rangers. Naga has become the quiet scene stealer; little (and the obvious) things he do amuse me.


Best part of the Twitch stream is seeing so many people be so surprised that the show started getting good after they stopped watching as a kid.


Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.
Kyuranger 5

A power-up already? Then again, this was around the point Yamato got Zyuoh Gorilla.
The octopus aliens seem like a good threat, but who knows how long they'll last.

Best part of the Twitch stream is seeing so many people be so surprised that the show started getting good after they stopped watching as a kid.

In hindsight, Saban missed a golden opportunity here by not promoting how the show has grown up and is "better than ever".
Of course now they're all "we don't have to try anymore, more fart jokes" and that's annoying. At least they're letting Sentai come out on DVD.


In hindsight, Saban missed a golden opportunity here by not promoting how the show has grown up and is "better than ever".
Of course now they're all "we don't have to try anymore, more fart jokes" and that's annoying. At least they're letting Sentai come out on DVD.

It's a bad look compared to their new series, which is written and acted for toddlers.

Tiu Neo

Kyuranger 06

This was a funny episode, even if in the end it was just to show how Lucky is special and all those old cliches. The battle using the ending song was fun, and Naga and the commander are funny even as support characters. I like how they give those little funny moments for the characters not in action.

I also like what they are doing with Stinger working alone. I hope he stays like that for some time.

Now that we got all the toys they want to sell out of the way, this episode feels a bit less rushed.

Would be nice if every character got an extra armor, and that Pegasus thing looks cheap, so it probably wouldn't cost much to do other props like that, but eh, probably not happening.

Next episode, Balance focus!


So i have watched all of Kyurangers up until the latest episode. Loving it so far. Especially Naga.

I also can't help but laugh at the "Say the X" phrases lol.

Also love the ending song. It's weirdly addicting.
Caught up to Kyuranger's latest.

I think this might be the jam, folks. Another Gokaiger/Kyoryuger in the works. I'm feeling all the characters.

Big One

Kamen Rider W 1 - 31

So this is my first real watch of the series sicne I dropped Kamen Rider after finishing Decade. My impressions are mostly excellent here.

While the series does feel like a lot of padding is put into it, the little stories and character moments have been absolutely excellent. Phillip and Shotaro are some of the best leads in any KR series I've seen, and W's motif and design is on point. I think for what it is, so far, W is a fantastic soft-reboot for KR. It's a bit fillerish at times but I do appreciate what it's building to.

I'm a bit frustrated that Wakana seeing Phillip for the first time wasn't a bigger deal, and also the fact that they haven't directly met each other yet despite being hinted at nearly 15 episodes ago is frustrating as hell. Regardless it's enjoyable.

Even Accel has been an enjoyable lead so far, though I wasn't a huge fan of him at first the fact that he was able to overcome his need for revenge was great stuff all around.

Nazca's death was also surprisingly pretty brutal and well-done.

While I am watching Ex-Aid I also plan on "catching up" on Kamen Rider, though I might skip Wizard and Ghost like people are suggesting. In the very least I will be watching OOOs and Gaim sometime in the near future.


Definitely watch OOO after W!

By the way, just came back from Kong: Skull Island. Fucking awesome. Ten minutes in and Kong is giant swinging a chopper into another chopper. Post credits scene was hype as fuck too, I actually shouted YES out loud multiple times.


Oh gosh, I just realized it's been nearly 4 years since Akibaranger S2 ended :(

I want a season 3 badly.

Akibaranger is very tied to Bandai's Tamashii Nations (the division that made SH Figuarts). They haven't released Sentai figures in ages (after Akibaranger S2, basically).

In fact Tamashii seems to be slowing down on Figuarts of Kamen Rider series.


Trying my hardest to finish watching Zyuohger so i can catch up on Kyuranger and Ex-Aid.
Of course they introduce Bud/Bard *and I instantly go look up* who his actor was o*nl*y to* find out he played Masato Kusaka, which led to an hour of wiki reading about Masato Kusaka and Kamen Rider 555 in general.

What a dick Masato Kusaka is

Big One

Definitely watch OOO after W!
I defiinitely will. I've watched most of the Hesei riders though I never finished some of them. This is my rider watch history basically:


Hibiki (might keep it like this with how people said it goes downhill)


And of course I've watched the ZX, ZO, J and Shin specials.

I watched everything up to Faiz nearly a decade ago, took a big break, then caught up somewhat whenever Den-O came out, then took another big break after Decade, lol. It's weird how things in life end up coming back around to you interest-wise after years of not being involved with it.

Tiu Neo

Akibaranger is very tied to Bandai's Tamashii Nations (the division that made SH Figuarts). They haven't released Sentai figures in ages (after Akibaranger S2, basically).

In fact Tamashii seems to be slowing down on Figuarts of Kamen Rider series.

They could at least do an Akiba Rider before they stop. D:

Tiu Neo

Ex-Aid 23

So, the death flags were true? No flowers yet, so he'll probably be back at least once more. So, now the ministry will be a new faction in this? Pallad will be the new main villain?

And it was nice to see Dan going all out. RIP, you will be missed.

That new costume is ridiculous even for Ex-Aid's standards, lol. And it's so bulky that most of its scenes are CG, hah.

I like how, even dead, Kiriya is still important for the plot.

Big One

As this is my first time seeing Ninja Storm, this definitely crossed my mind the farther along the show has gone. Makes me more depressed about what happened with Carranger's actual PR adaptation.
To be fair it was kind of too early to parody the series at that point. They probably should've just skipped it like they do with every few sentai seasons like they do nowadays, lol.


Kyuranger is at a strange place for me. I wasn't sold on it before the debut but some ideas were cool, plus I enjoyed the hell out of Zyuohger. First couple of episodes really got me into it - the mechs, that I thought of as joke from the toy previews, are actually awesome and a great concept.

But everything after those initial impressions is feeling really bland and not exploring the new ideas or concepts at all. To quickly expand on that: the different designs and materials on the suits or the different connections between backstory and constellation motifs are cool and a great direction for the franchise, but they aren't doing anything with them. Except Spada hitting people with his face a couple times. The mechs may as well not be there, every season the first fights are all about showcasing how cool they are or trying to do new stuff (remember the first ten-ish episodes of Zyuohger and how they used the individual mechs and rolling cubes?), but Kyuranger mech fights already are feeling like the fights in the last third of a season. I can't even tell what the designs of the mechs look like because they appear in a fucking flash and then are gone. The finishers are awful too.

Not a fan of how they keep pushing the same 4-5 characters while doing such a poor job balancing all the current ten. Champ does nothing all the time (dumbbells!), barely has a personality and got over his backstory in literally two seconds. Garu is sucking on Lucky all the time and has no personal interests (isn't he from a warrior clan? Why not explore that during the latest episode after Hammy mentioned being from a shinobi family!?). Lucky is the blandest of the bland. Naga and Balance barely have lines since their debut (and they got cool, non-transformation based powers too). Spada feels like he should be the Red, but also keeps getting sidelined, though he at least has some participation in every episode. Raptor is cool beans and the biggest exception to all that (so far). Sasori is being the lone wolf who does his thing, that is cool - but then again, why can't the Kyurangers who stay at the ship have those moments too?

I know it's super early in the show to complain but episode 6 annoyed me. It was supposed to be Hammy's focus episode, but all we got was Garu being a Lucky fan, the most generic shonen justification to Lucky's "skill" (and a power up because of that) and more time was focused put on him and Pegasus than in Hammy. The only "development" she got was "oh ok, I'll just not complain about Lucky anymore". And her being annoyed at him was not foreshadowed at all before this episode. The fact that Xiao completely cut off the impromptu voting with the idea of electing leader whoever "contributed more" but then the judgment on that was completely unclear (and not obvious, since everybody did more or less the same) felt weird and somewhat heavy handed too.

I saw people on some other forums comparing Kyu with Gokaiger (as MHWilliams did) and while I can see the general vibe being similar (it certainly feels like the production crew is trying that intentionally), I can't compare the two at all. Gokaiger oozed with charisma since episode 1 and everybody felt relevant and fun without stealing the spotlight. I want to like Kyuranger as much as I like Gokaiger but it's like Kyuranger is blueballing me for no good reason.


I was thinking, it doesn't make sense for Paradx to be Chronos. Not with perfectknock out coming.

I have 2 theories. The M Persona will be Chronos, leading to Paradx switching sides because he can play against Emu

Or Hiro becomes Perfect Knockout. Then the axe makes sense
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