"Spoilers for the Kamen Rider Fourze novel has surfaced online, this take place in an alternate universe. The novel was released December 30 and written by Toshiki Inoue and Naohiro Okamura, with Inoue as the editor for the novels.
The basic plot remains the same, except much more condensed and many of the minor students such as Cancer and Aquarius are referenced simply as students who have awoken as Horoscopes. In addition to using Amanogawa as a testing ground for Zodiart Switches, Gamou is involved in human trafficking. Sonoda and Kou are former child slaves who suffer Stockholm syndrome, Hayami is a sexual predator who goes after younger students. Emoto is the true villain who manipulates both sides and turns into "Cosmic Libra" in the finale by absorbing all the Zodiarts and wishes to ascend to Godhood, due to suffering from gender identity issues which caused him to isolate himself.
The Kamen Rider Club are much more dysfunctional than in the show, with Gentarou being the only character who stays basically the same, except he does not try and befriend the villains. Ryusei is an Anti-Human Trafficking agent who was a child slave himself who grew up working for Chicago gangs, which gave him a love of disco, and is Sonoda's long-lost brother as they were separated when they were kidnapped. Ohsugi is absent from the novel. Kengo is deaf, mute, and blind and must use a computer to communicate with others, with Yuki being his chaperon. She often relieves herself by masturbating with a scale model of the Challenger. JK and Tomoko are dating and are on the fringe of the school system, barely showing up for school and have multiple disciplinary problems. Miu suffers from anorexia and cuts herself with Burgermeal at one point as the other cheerleaders run a smear campaign focusing on her weight. Shun has issues with his father like in the show, and at one point takes advantage of and rapes the Powerdizer."