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Tokyo Game Show Survey Report Released


30.11.05 - Die japanische CESA (Computer Entertainment Supplier's Association)
hat den Bericht 'Visitors Survey Report' zur Tokyo Game Show 2005 veröffentlicht:
Auf der Messe wurden 1.084 Personen gefragt, welche Konsolen sie in Zukunft kaufen wollen.

1. PlayStation3: 71,8 Prozent
2. PSP: 35,7 Prozent
3. Xbox 360: 23,0 Prozent
4. Revolution: 20,9 Prozent
5. Nintendo DS: 13,7 Prozent
6. Game Boy Micro: 9,7 Prozent
7. PlayStation2: 5,7 Prozent
8. Gamecube: 3,1 Prozent
9. Game Boy Advance/SP: 2,6 Prozent
10. Xbox: 2,0

source: gamefront.de


The Amiga Brotherhood
TTP said:
/runs for cover

Not really that surprising as Microsoft had big presence at TGS, and Nintendo were nowhere to be seen apart from at the press/industry keynote.


SolidSnakex said:
Holy shit

Begun it has :)


1.) Holy shit, the PS3 is huge! It's as big as that guy's torso.
2.) I would expect the 360 to outpace the Rev considering Nintendo wasn't at the show. (other than the keynote)
3.) I guarantee you this poll was taken AFTER the MGS4 trailer. :)

That trailer pretty much won next generation for Sony again.
Solid said:

Begun it has :)

CES...where are you?

Sony is freaking brilliant. They don't force the issue - they show you a tad, get you hungering for more - then they do it again 4-6 months later. At TGS we got the biggest bites. MGS4. DMC4. More WarHawk. CES? That's where the last few rumblings about the PS3 - the ugly controller, the movies, the lack of games - will be silenced.

Oh god, MS and Nintendo are going to realize a sleeping giant doesn't sleep very long.


Haleon said:
1.) Holy shit, the PS3 is huge! It's as big as that guy's torso.
2.) I would expect the 360 to outpace the Rev considering Nintendo wasn't at the show. (other than the keynote)
3.) I guarantee you this poll was taken AFTER the MGS4 trailer. :)

That trailer pretty much won next generation for Sony again.

First, that you refer to him as "that guy" shows that you are woefully ill-informed.
Second, "that guy" is a very small guy, like 5'1" or something, so it always looks big next to him, this has been well established in discussions here. By E3 measurements it's about the same size as the X360.


teiresias said:
First, that you refer to him as "that guy" shows that you are woefully ill-informed.
Second, "that guy" is a very small guy, like 5'1" or something, so it always looks big next to him, this has been well established in discussions here. By E3 measurements it's about the same size as the X360.
Who the fuck is it? Ken Kutagari? The only one I know is Kaz Hirai, and that's not him.
Guy LeDouche said:
what's the top part translate to? Just "What are you most interested in?"

Hardware the respondents wish to purchase (Multiple answers)

What game machines do you want to buy? *Excluding PCs and mobile phones.

-Unreleased next generation hardware ranked higher. "PlayStation 3" in particular gained considerable supports from over 70% of the total respondents.

-More male respondents wished to have next generation hardware while more females wanted already-released

-"PSP" and "Nintendo DS" won popularity among middle users and "GameBoy Micro" among light users.

you can download the complete 63 (!) pages survey on http://www.gamefront.de (PDF)

They even ask things like "When buying a household game machine, how important do you regard its body color?" (Nearly 60% of the total respondents regarded the body color of a household game machine as "very much" or "fairy much" important.)

Or "Which color do you prefer for the body of a household game machine?" or "Please choose the genre of game you like." and so on.

And Final Fantasy killed Mario :lol

1)Among all the games which you used to play in game arcades or on old-type consoles (household-use consoles or PCs), is there any game you want to play again on the latest consoles?

- Nearly 40% of the total respondents chose "yes", which was higher than the last year's result. Light users in particular gave positive answers.

- The "Final Fantasy" series was selected the most. The average amount of money the respondents were willing to pay was 4,931 yen.

Sounds like more Final Fantasy Remakes are coming :D
This is great :lol

Which game machines do(did) you use to play network games and on-line games?

Dreamcast 13.2

Gamecube 7.1

Xbox 4.2

There're more japanese guys playing online on Dreamcast than on Xbox.


There is a reason why TGS2005 was the lowest attended one in a long while and why this survey is really skewed, these are hardcore gamers and they don't represent Japan, at all.

There is a new breed of gamers in Japan, the hardcore gamers are dying out and being replaced with grannies and business men.
littlewig said:
There is a reason why TGS2005 was the lowest attended one in a long while and why this survey is really skewed, these are hardcore gamers and they don't represent Japan, at all.

This year's Tokyo Game Show saw record attendance, show organizer CESA (Computer Entertainment Supplier's Association) revealed today. Over the course of three days, the show saw 176,056 visitors, approximately 16,000 more than last year's total.



SolidSnakex said:
This year's Tokyo Game Show saw record attendance, show organizer CESA (Computer Entertainment Supplier's Association) revealed today. Over the course of three days, the show saw 176,056 visitors, approximately 16,000 more than last year's total.



I could have sworn this was one of the lowest attended TGS... Maybe they got a higher turn out because they canceled the spring show. :\

Anyway, I still stand by what I stand, these guys do not represent Japan, they are like the Famistu readers, hardcore.


I was just about to hit 'submit' when I remembered to search first...


1,084 people surveyed (effectively)...

Some interesting things in the report, less than 20% of the people who attended TGS05 were women. 22.9% surveyed had PSPs, 26.8% DSs (for comparison...86.1% had a PS2). Very surprising by the low number planning on buying a DS than PSP (no doubt thats changed).

One of the most unusual things in the report was on the colour of choice the respondants wanted their console. Nearly 50% wanted a black console, whilst half that wanted a white console. Nearly 60% considered the colour important when buying a console :S

TGS is increasingly rapidly by 10-15k a year...massive. Next year should be huge.
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