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Ubisoft is quitting Tokyo Game Show 2024





They only do it because they feel they need to defend the game cause it has a black gay guy and a female. This is coming from people who banned threads or even mention of Hogwarts Legacy, fuck the hundreds of devs working on it, just cause Rowling said something. They take this much more seriously than "chuds", they just think they have a responsibility to defend AC Shadows. Disingenuous fucks.

I saw this is a common deragotary epiteth on people they don't like on Era and I take offence at that as a Finno-Ugric person.

Wtf have Finns and Estonians done to Era to deserve it?
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Gold Member

Earlier today, Ubisoft canceled its online appearance at the Tokyo Game Show due to “various circumstances”; however, Insider Gaming has learned that Ubisoft has also canceled its press previews of Assassin’s Creed Shadows.
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I still find it hilarious that AC Shadows is a pure form of western attitude towards Japan. Like from figurines to the characters. Absolutely hilarious.

I wonder if Ubisoft is so used to bastardisation of the western history (without backlash) so they thought that it would with Japan. I dare them try them with China (the game would be banned from the market altogether probably).
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Have you figured out whether your message is that it's completely fictional or as authentic as possible yet, Ubisoft? Is every hater still a bigot and foreigner faking it? Ready to admit your expert wasn't actually an expert? What about the architecture, customs and seasonal discrepancies? No?


That's good because I hear honour and shame are very important to the Japanese market.

Ubi had no humour so now they must feel shame.
Ubisoft just shot themselves in the foot.

I don't know how much the rest of you know about Japanese culture (I'm an expert), but honor and shame are huge parts of it. It's not like it is in America where you can become successful by forcing DEI into historical fiction. If you screw someone over in Japan, you bring shame to yourself, and the only way to get rid of that shame is repentance.

What this means is the japanese public, after hearing about this, is not going to want to purchase AC: Shadows for either system, nor will they purchase any of Ubisoft’s games. This is HUGE. You can laugh all you want, but Ubisoft has alienated an entire market with this move.

Ubisoft, publicly apologize and make Yasuke Japanese or you can kiss your business goodbye.


Gold Member
They've quit entirely? This close to it starting? :messenger_confused::messenger_neutral::messenger_smiling::messenger_grinning_smiling::messenger_tears_of_joy:

I thought it was just the Ass Creed bit, not the whole thing.
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For $500k/year I'll advise them on how not to have the worst PR of all time. I've been to the Sanno Jinja Torii in Nagasaki. It has a lot of cultural significance related to the atomic bombing. What a blunder.

Evilore unrelated comment from my part, but is there anyway for people to post picture from tweets? There nothing I can do to see them from my country. So everytime someone brings a tweet I can't see them.


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
Evilore unrelated comment from my part, but is there anyway for people to post picture from tweets? There nothing I can do to see them from my country. So everytime someone brings a tweet I can't see them.
Hmm. Your best bet is probably to use a VPN while browsing. Hopefully the situation between the government and Twitter can be resolved soon.

Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community

We laugh about it, but Ubi is in a dire situation, it's shares have fallen in value 3-4 times in 3 years and the entire market cap of the company is less than 2 billion. They just cannot afford to fuckup anymore and they really needed this year to turn around with a star wars license and assassins creed in japan.
so they canceled it even though it's just an online stream? It must be really shit then even by their standards (and they have none).



As someone who has been playing these games since the first game I'm still in disbelief how they fucked up their "research" to this degree. It's comical and doesn't feel real. Almost like they had a team of interns that didn't give two shits about anything and decided to plaster the game with stuff that just looks remotely asian. AC was never historically accurate, but there was a certain level of accuracy that was always maintained. To say that that aspect has completely flown off the window would be an understatement. NOTHING in this game seems accurate whatsoever. It feels completely out of character for AC developers. I really would love to know the behind-the-scenes for this game. Like how the fuck is any of this even real?


Gold Member

That’s what you get when your typical western game studio which is probably 90% white people do their DEI push thinking they are minority know it alls.

Most of them are women try hard a who think they know the world by doing a google image search. Suddenly they are Japanese experts based in Montreal! It’s like when you hear about an incorrect national anthem at a track and field event because the guy working at the stadium found something on YouTube and thought it was correct.

That’s video game employees for ya.

I bet they didn’t even have one Japanese person working on the game. They game was made by UBI Quebec. You aren’t going to get many Japanese people in Montreal.
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Gold Member
Looks like the game was made by UBI Quebec based in Quebec city, not Montreal.

Based on a quick census check, the Quebec metro area only has about 500 Japanese people.

Who knew a bunch of French people knew so much about Japanese culture.


That’s video game employees for ya.

I bet they didn’t even have one Japanese person working on the game. They game was made by UBI Quebec. You aren’t going to get many Japanese people in Montreal.
Hey, no need to say that, here at Unisoft we have a diverse diversity team with soo many backgrounds, sure we don't have any actual Japanese people on the team but we can ensure our DEI team is top notch! Some if them are that dedicated that they even watch Anime! Some of it Subbed too, so you know it's authentic.


They only do it because they feel they need to defend the game cause it has a black gay guy and a female. This is coming from people who banned threads or even mention of Hogwarts Legacy, fuck the hundreds of devs working on it, just cause Rowling said something. They take this much more seriously than "chuds", they just think they have a responsibility to defend AC Shadows. Disingenuous fucks.
No, they absolutely don’t give a fuck. My guess is still on an exec just molesting some Japanese gal and having to quit Japan asap.
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I saw a youtuber having a good point about Ubisoft ditching a Japanese convention which is one of the world's biggest shows where they were going to show their first AC game that takes place in Japan.

There must be a huge reason they ditched it just a couple of days before. Some people try to downplay it, but it's a fuckup of the highest magnitude and gives incredibly poor optics. I can't see any other reason for it other than them feeling like it would risk being a clusterfuck they couldn't afford this close to release. And that possibly speaks volumes at the state of Ubisoft and the whole mess they've created.


Cancelling further public appearances of the game is probably the best move they could have made as a form of damage control. I think with this latest entry and current climate, they might be better off keeping it in the 'shadows' until it launches so they can maximize on milking all the pre-orders and blind buys they can.

Optimus Lime

(L3) + (R3) | Spartan rage activated
People in here defending the protagonist of AC Shadows are missing the point.

Ubisoft, who were woke before it was woke to be woke, with their 'multi race, multi faith team' disclaimers, and their smug, condescending statements, and their flat chested ugly women, have elected to create a game about Japanese history and culture by finding the ONE black guy who kinda sorta maybe might have been a little bit possibly there, so that they can appeal to the US market, to game journalists and woke idiots on Reddit, and can have the built-in justification of 'iTs hIsToRiCaLly AcKuRaTe'.

This is the equivalent of making a game about the history of Africa, finding the one white guy who may have been there at the time, and using HIM as the protagonist, by claiming that it's all good, there's nothing to see here, it's just about 'history'.

It's fucking ridiculous. They couldn't just write a story about a Japanese protagonist, who is visibly Japanese - they have to appeal to the race hustlers in America, because apparently, everyone on the entire planet has to give a fuck about black Americans at all times. The optics are ridiculous, the character LOOKS ridiculous, and it's Ubisoft's horribly misguided left wing obsessions coming up against Japan - a place where they don't give a fuck about this stuff, and getting a massive backlash that cannot be placated by paying Eurogamer to call people chuds and nazis. It's a perfect storm of stupidity, rank hypocrisy, and the final form of the weird racial politics that these companies and their blue haired conspirators have been peddling for a decade, and I can't fucking wait to watch this piece of shit fail. I am going to openly laugh as people lose their jobs over it.
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Looks like the game was made by UBI Quebec based in Quebec city, not Montreal.

Based on a quick census check, the Quebec metro area only has about 500 Japanese people.

Who knew a bunch of French people knew so much about Japanese culture.
Don’t even try. France is the second largest manga market after Japan, I go to Fnac i see ROWS OF manga all translated into French.

Don’t put it on us when it’s the Canadians (fake French) that fucked up.


Exposing the sinister cartel of retailers who allow companies to pay for advertising space.
That’s what you get when your typical western game studio which is probably 90% white people do their DEI push thinking they are minority know it alls.

Most of them are women try hard a who think they know the world by doing a google image search. Suddenly they are Japanese experts based in Montreal! It’s like when you hear about an incorrect national anthem at a track and field event because the guy working at the stadium found something on YouTube and thought it was correct.

That’s video game employees for ya.

I bet they didn’t even have one Japanese person working on the game. They game was made by UBI Quebec. You aren’t going to get many Japanese people in Montreal.

The one Japanese expert they did hire was an expert on classic Japanese literature featuring gay pedophile relationships...

Important bit of the article here is this part:

They were supposed to let people play it and post their previews after an embargo. Not that was cancelled. This game might actually get delayed?

If they delay it I wonder what they're gonna do?

IMO the answer's easy: just add Nobunaga as a playable character. So now there are 3 playable characters: Nobunaga, Yasuke, and the Japanese girl (sorry I forgot her name, it's it Naoua or something like that?). Preferably where for any mission you can switch between the three and they have 3 distinct playstyles and areas of missions only they could access.

However, if it's a significant delay, preferably they'd be adding a character like Nobunaga AND reworking the story to where their being there makes sense. That'd probably require a lot of new cutscenes though in addition to other stuff. Ubisoft could've avoided all of this by just goin with a 3-character playable roster from the jump that included a Japanese male samurai, but they conveniently went out of their way to exclude that type of character in a game based on a history where 99% of the people were Japanese men.

Absolutely bizarre they took that approach and thought they were going to get away with it. And I'd be questioning their intent if they did the same with some AssCreed set in Ethiopia or another African country but they didn't have an African male playable character, or one set in the Mayan or Aztec period, yet they completely avoided a male protagonist of those groups. The only way you could avoid a male protagonist in those types of games is through agenda, same as what happened here with Shadows.

No. Assassins Creed are fun games. Enjoyed Immortal Fenyx Rising as well. I don't care about their business practices or whatever. All I know is they have sales constantly which makes all of their games very cheap very fast. Couldn't care less about what they do as long as I'm saving cash and enjoying the games. And I sure as hell don't care about the woke stuff...this company was using minorities in its games long before anyone else.
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