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Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE |OT| Do You Remember MegaTen?

Also I'd recommend that anyone who has finished a SMT/Persona game consider starting on Hard. Although I'm not a hardcore SMT guy Hard feels just right for me. I'd say Hard is a touch harder than PS2 Persona 4 Normal.

This. Hard feels Just Right - your'e punished for being stupid/careless, but it never feels hopeless. If you've played any MegaTen everything except the Sessions is old hat.

My wife's playing on Normal (she's only played P3 on Easy) and that's about right for her. I can only imagine Easy in TMS is essentially 'push X to win'.


I tried but could resist NO MORE!

This OP title is the most festive of all OP tiles in GAFTOM.

..there it is, I stepped into this thread and said my peace.


Neo Member
This. Hard feels Just Right - your'e punished for being stupid/careless, but it never feels hopeless. If you've played any MegaTen everything except the Sessions is old hat.

My wife's playing on Normal (she's only played P3 on Easy) and that's about right for her. I can only imagine Easy in TMS is essentially 'push X to win'.

Same here. My wife is playing on normal also as she's only played parts of persona 4 and a couple hours of fire emblem games. She loves the art style of the game and she's slowly getting the hang of the battle system after I figured it out a little bit and explained it to her. We only got past the prologue, but I'm glad she is enjoying it.

N° 2048

Really impressed by how much I like the cast so far. Everyone's really likable. Kiria is probably my favorite at this point.

Kiria's carnage form got falling in love like

Trying to hold back and not nab it. I went from no hype to UNSTOPPABLE levels on release day but I should really...not be buying things.

Is the OST with the Fortissimo edition comprehensive? Or even any good? Worth it?

...I'm quasi-asking the OT of a game to talk me out of buying a game that I already want to buy.


Is there a way to change performas? I feel like ive unlocked a bunch from leveling up but dont know much about them. Thanks.
You should be using the various performas to create new weapons and skills using the unity ritual. Performas aren't personas. The *mirages* are the special helpers, and you stick with your one assigned mirage the whole game as far as I can tell. No swapping around like in Persona / SMT.


Christ, I just unlocked class changes. The amount of systems going on in this game now is getting a little daunting haha


I'm missing something about getting the first strike or whatever. Beat the dungeon in the prologue, I knocked down the shadows and then walked into them but I only got the advantage a few times even though I did this for every non scripted fight.

Do you only get the advantage randomly?
I'm missing something about getting the first strike or whatever. Beat the dungeon in the prologue, I knocked down the shadows and then walked into them but I only got the advantage a few times even though I did this for every non scripted fight.

Do you only get the advantage randomly?

Seems to be random
I like this too, I imagine it'd be close to real life with getting excited by checking friends remarks and reminders if I had any friends in real life.
That went dark quickly

I don't think you're one of the few. The Gamepad integration is fantastic in this game! The smartphone idea has been done in other Wii U games as well (such as Pikmin 3 and Lego City Undercover), but this game enhance it in so many ways.
I also like how you receive regularly text messages that do not contribute to the story or gameplay. Adds to the immersion of the whole thing.

Do you only get the advantage randomly?

Considering my experience thus far, it seems random.

I'm considering switching to hard mode, do we get more drops/items/money in this ?


Is it just me, or does playing on easy jack up the savage enemy spawn rate? I'm watching my wife run through the
Shibuya 106 dungeon
on easy and she's running into way more savage foes than I saw on normal.


Just got a large gold bar as a reward from the
Urahara Arena
. Sold it for 316,000 yen. I'm buying some outfits with that money!


Does anyone else find the camera to be a little janky? Any tips on adjusting it? I changed everything to normal already, but it just seems really shaky and unstable IMO.
Does anyone else find the camera to be a little janky? Any tips on adjusting it? I changed everything to normal already, but it just seems really shaky and unstable IMO.

I tend to use the B button to center the camera behind myself most of the time. Much faster than dealing with it. I find the camera controls pretty awkwardly too.


So I'm about to go into this almost 100% blind. Is this game pretty doable without a guide or will I be missing a bunch of things? Also, how are the difficulties? I know people say hard is a good starting point but I also know that SMT games have a tendency to have some crazy boss fights later on with big difficulty spikes.


The issue with the text system is that Itsuki barely ever replies to anyone and, when he does, it's not a dialogue choice. That's not too much of a problem, but it'd be neat if it was a more active mechanic than passive.

Catherine's system was neat; maybe Persona 5's texting mechanic will be more active.

So I'm about to go into this almost 100% blind. Is this game pretty doable without a guide or will I be missing a bunch of things? Also, how are the difficulties? I know people say hard is a good starting point but I also know that SMT games have a tendency to have some crazy boss fights later on with big difficulty spikes.

I've been playing on Normal, and that can have some significant difficulty spikes going from random mobs to bosses. Normal can actually kick your ass if you aren't careful, so it's no walk in the park.


That moment, when you see a Savage Enemy in the first dungeon and think it's gonna be easy.

Yeah, well, I didn't survive that encounter.


The issue with the text system is that Itsuki barely ever replies to anyone and, when he does, it's not a dialogue choice. That's not too much of a problem, but it'd be neat if it was a more active mechanic than passive.

Catherine's system was neat; maybe Persona 5's texting mechanic will be more active.

Well outside of few fairly similar dialogue choices (and you do get the occasional dialogue choice in texting), Itsuki is pretty much a character with his own personality so adding too much dialogue choice would veer him more towards a Persona or Devil Survivor protag. Even his dialogue choices largely all fall within the window of his personality, its just worded in different ways.

Or at least that's how its come off to me, so, ya, I am not actually surprised by the lack of dialogue windows.
Sölf;208397070 said:
That moment, when you see a Savage Enemy in the first dungeon and think it's gonna be easy.

Yeah, well, I didn't survive that encounter.

Thanks to all the warnings on here I haven't even bothered with one. Are they there to grind for Performa later in the game or something?


Well outside of few fairly similar dialogue choices (and you do get the occasional dialogue choice in texting), Itsuki is pretty much a character with his own personality so adding too much dialogue choice would veer him more towards a Persona or Devil Survivor protag. Even his dialogue choices largely all fall within the window of his personality, its just worded in different ways.

Or at least that's how its come off to me, so, ya, I am not actually surprised by the lack of dialogue windows.

Yes, but Itsuki still doesn't respond much to texts regardless.

Thanks to all the warnings on here I haven't even bothered with one. Are they there to grind for Performa later in the game or something?

I'm pretty sure Savage Mirages scale to your level regardless of the dungeon you're at, so they're pretty much there for the challenge and the reward for beating them.


Sölf;208397070 said:
That moment, when you see a Savage Enemy in the first dungeon and think it's gonna be easy.

Yeah, well, I didn't survive that encounter.
I had that and didn't save for like 30 minutes before...yeah, now i save too often in dungeons.


The only fight I won so far against Savage Enemies was the very first, and even there only one character survived. But since then? I am pretty much dead before I manage to kill a second one of that 4 mob party.

Also, exchanging Zio+1 for Mazio was probably not my brightest idea, orz.


Right but what I meant was that that is... how I'd expect him to act. He responds to Touma more than any of the girls, for instance, and Tiki too.

I guess I can see that, though it still makes for a pretty passive experience for the player. Which is fine, but I enjoyed how it involved the player more in a game like Catherine.
I'm pretty sure Savage Mirages scale to your level regardless of the dungeon you're at, so they're pretty much there for the challenge and the reward for beating them.

Oh, interesting. Well I'll give at least one a go, see what it's like.

I still can't get over how pleasantly surprised I am with this game. I'm generally not crazy about Persona, SMT, cliched anime, or JRPGs, but everything about this is just coming together in a very enjoyable way.

Whoda thunk DOOM and TMS would turn out so damn good?


I like the new trailer


Loving the game. I'm about 8 hours in and I've got to the intermission after chapter 2. I'm going to do a couple of sidestories before I move on.

I have a question about the chapter 2 idolsphere. I plan to do some grinding in there for materials. Spoilers

I haven't tried yet but since the cameras teleporting you were a metaphor for Tsubasa's fear of modelling do they still teleport you after you finish chapter 2?


I have a question about the chapter 2 idolsphere. I plan to do some grinding in there for materials. Spoilers

I haven't tried yet but since the cameras teleporting you were a metaphor for Tsubasa's fear of modelling do they still teleport you after you finish chapter 2?


Though the pictures displayed across the dungeon change.


I guess I can see that, though it still makes for a pretty passive experience for the player. Which is fine, but I enjoyed how it involved the player more in a game like Catherine.

That's fine, I actually like his character/defined existence.

This whole texting thing, and the way their personalities clash/compliment, really reminds me of Tales of Vesperia for some reason.
Sölf;208397808 said:
The only fight I won so far against Savage Enemies was the very first, and even there only one character survived. But since then? I am pretty much dead before I manage to kill a second one of that 4 mob party.

Also, exchanging Zio+1 for Mazio was probably not my brightest idea, orz.

I generally tend to favor single target spells over ones that target a group in these games. Nothing's worse than running into a mob with one enemy weak to an element while another reflects it or something lol. They're cheaper too so they're usually better for boss fights.


That gamefaqs post was legit (well some of it) lol. 2 6th elements in 6 minutes total (slow down field item + encounter up item is gooood).
Time to farm up Macca Converters


Do the level ups eventually even out? The main character just got a +1 on defense at level 5 and nothing else. His HP/EP gain was pathetic also. I certainly hope he isn't super weak and having trouble later.

Love how they play the Fire Emblem level up music though.



Finished chapter 1 (the one about Ayaha). First Intermission. All my characters are level 14 and I don't have any side stories. Would it behoove me to grind up my Stage rank a little more and reap the side story rewards before pushing on? Or not a big deal? Game made it seem like I should be doing them but seems I might be a tad under leveled?


Neo Member
Do the level ups eventually even out? The main character just got a +1 on defense at level 5 and nothing else. His HP/EP gain was pathetic also. I certainly hope he isn't super weak and having trouble later.

Love how they play the Fire Emblem level up music though.

It is fire emblem... so doubt it. But i guess you can save before next battle/lvl up, and try to reroll the stats.


I don't think you're one of the few. The Gamepad integration is fantastic in this game! The smartphone idea has been done in other Wii U games as well (such as Pikmin 3 and Lego City Undercover), but this game enhance it in so many ways.

I hate it because I'm playing with the Pro Controller because I just cant deal with holding the Gamepad for more than half an hour. So I can play the whole game with the Controller but have to switch to the Gamepad every 40 minutes to read through 6 text messages.

Adding to that is that there is absolutey no reason the mini-map couldn't have been on the TV. Now I have to put the Gamepad on its stand on my table and look at different screens just for the map. So silly.


I hate it because I'm playing with the Pro Controller because I just cant deal with holding the Gamepad for more than half an hour. So I can play the whole game with the Controller but have to switch to the Gamepad every 40 minutes to read through 6 text messages.

Add to that the fact that there is absolutey zero reason the mini-map couldn't have been on the TV. Now I have to put the Gamepad on its stand on my table and look at different screens just for the map. So silly.

I prefer the Pro Controller too, but better to just give in and use the Gamepad in instances like this :p they should have made it more Pro controller friendly, which would have made Off-TV mode doable as well

Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!
The issue with the text system is that Itsuki barely ever replies to anyone and, when he does, it's not a dialogue choice. That's not too much of a problem, but it'd be neat if it was a more active mechanic than passive.

This. I would appreciate the texting FAR more if Itsuki had a lick of personality on display. Instead everyone is just talking at you and outside of the (very rare) response, it feels like my gamepad is buzzing me for no good reason. And it is constant.

A scant few clever comedic moments (most are already spoiled on GAF), but the bulk of the texting is rather dull meandering thoughts posited by the characters(usually overemphasizing the obvious), or incessant reminders of the current objective(s).

It does make a great first impression though, but by the end of Chapter 1, I grew weary of even checking the gamepad every few steps.

I hate it because I'm playing with the Pro Controller because I just cant deal with holding the Gamepad for more than half an hour. So I can play the whole game with the Controller but have to switch to the Gamepad every 40 minutes to read through 6 text messages.

Adding to that is that there is absolutey no reason the mini-map couldn't have been on the TV. Now I have to put the Gamepad on its stand on my table and look at different screens just for the map. So silly.

This for me too. It's nice how both this and Xenoblade are attempting to utilize the gamepad gimmick, but I loathe that these features aren't optional(needlessly too!). Let the users that admire the gamepad enjoy the added functionality of finger-tapping text messages, while the rest of us could have been provided a sub-menu(where a button could have sufficed to scroll the latest).


This. I would appreciate the texting FAR more if Itsuki had a lick of personality on display. Instead everyone is just talking at you and outside of the (very rare) response, it feels like my gamepad is buzzing me for no good reason. And it is constant.

A scant few clever comedic moments (most are already spoiled on GAF), but the bulk of the texting is rather dull meandering thoughts posited by the characters(usually overemphasizing the obvious), or incessant reminders of the current objective(s).

It does make a great first impression though, but by the end of Chapter 1, I grew weary of even checking the gamepad every few steps.

Yeah. I'm starting to batch process them instead of being a slave to my mobile device
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