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Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE |OT| Do You Remember MegaTen?

Pancake Mix

Copied someone else's pancake recipe
What would be the odds of TMS#FE being in the same league or better than Persona 5? <.<

The odds are very high that it will be in the relatively same league and for that matter review about the same too. Different team or not, Atlus isn't huge and these are their first two HD JRPG's ever. Even stuff like the main menu design shares design cues with Persona 5. I forgot where it was, but one of the more funky (non-idol) songs in the game seems almost like it's ripped straight from a P5 trailer too.
What would be the odds of TMS#FE being in the same league or better than Persona 5? <.<

I can easily see myself enjoying TMS more. I'm sure that won't be the general consensus. People seem to love Persona. I think the aesthetic and music is nice, but overall the Persona games are tedious as shit. I much prefer the snappier pace of TMS.


What would be the odds of TMS#FE being in the same league or better than Persona 5? <.<
lol I can safely say P5 will probably have the same drab combat system as 3 and 4. if anything, no one will care if the game has crap gameplay (battle system, dungeon crawling) like its predecessors when the social link stuff is what elevates the game. not really a knock from me because I've made peace with modern Persona and I really enjoy the relationship aspects of it
What would be the odds of TMS#FE being in the same league or better than Persona 5? <.<

I doubt it, P5 already has a better soundtrack and slightly more snappiness to its overall feel (Seriously, it's one of the Snappiest TBS combat systems I've ever seen, it looks addictive as hell in terms of Game feel, close to something like Darkest Dungeon). While the core mechanics might be slightly better in TMS for combat because of the All Out attacks returning in P5. In terms of Narrative, I completely expect P5 to deliver a more interesting one too especially since there's also the Time management aspects which I think add to the overall narrative in terms of temporal progression. TMS is not likely to be better as an experience, but it is a solid experience for people who want old fashioned Atlus TBS combat.

Dungeon Wise, TMS is a lot better than P4, but P5 looks great in terms of Dungeons too at least from a visual flair standpoint. Gameplay wise it might lack behind the more complex TMS dungeons.


I'm looking for an item for a request in chapter 4
I met this girl in Shibuya that is looking for stamp cards, I found the first two, but I can't find the third one in front of 106.
Can anyone tell me where it is? Thanks in advance :)

Still looking for the card for the little girl. Anyone got it since this morning?

Edit: Nevermind, found it a minute after this post
What would be the odds of TMS#FE being in the same league or better than Persona 5? <.<

Mechanically, I doubt P5 will come close to #FE. The combat is fantastic in #FE, and the dungeon design is impeccable too. P5's combat just seems like more P4 combat, so it's not as interesting. P5 seems to have more interesting dungeons than P4 due to the emphasis on stealth, but I don't really believe in P Studio's ability to create complex dungeons like the ones in #FE.

In terms of aesthetics and story though, P5 will easily blow #FE out of the water. It just depends on what you value more, really.


The odds are very high that it will be in the relatively same league and for that matter review about the same too. Different team or not, Atlus isn't huge and these are their first two HD JRPG's ever. Even stuff like the main menu design shares design cues with Persona 5. I forgot where it was, but one of the more funky (non-idol) songs in the game seems almost like it's ripped straight from a P5 trailer too.

But they're still completely different creative teams that handled both projects, with two entirely different backgrounds behind both projects.
What would be the odds of TMS#FE being in the same league or better than Persona 5? <.<

It's going to come down to the player's personal preference, but if Persona 5's social links are just as well-written as P4's, and all that extra production value pays off in substantial gameplay gains, then P5 is still above Tokyo Mirage Sessions. Again, all speculative, but it feels like the production of Persona 5 is far more meticulous and carefully considered than Tokyo Mirage Sessions. The interconnectivity of systems, the story and characters, and the general "meatiness" of P4 were all way more robust to me than Tokyo Mirage, and I say that with all due respect to Tokyo Mirage for being a fantastic game... But if Persona 5 delivers on the promise to be a bigger, better game than P4, Tokyo Mirage gets overshadowed pretty easily in terms of "league" of production.


I think P5 will be better in mostly everything but not really focusing on that right now.

Honestly I didn't expect to enjoy TMS as much as I have so far so I'm just going along for the ride now :)

Dee Dee

I eventually got through chapter 2 - this dungeon was a bit of nightmare to navigate. I have no depth perception and had a hard time understanding that I could sneak by some of the cameras in the right angle. Also, the game camera is set to inverted controls and it's driving me crazy (yet I always forget to set it to normal inbetween battles).

The boss battle was quite the challenge, I died horribly the first time, then figured my best bet would be to keep Tsubasa out of battle as she died so quickly to enemy session attacks. I unleashed her special attack, then barely scraped through with Kiria and Touma and aaaall the beef curry I could bring.
I wish I had remembered to bring some Dis-Seal too...

Anyway, I just got access to Harajuku and am biting myself for spending Melmark tickets before that. Poster gatcha hnnnnng. Also, goodbye useful items and accessories - all my Macca will be sunk into costumes from now on. And the arena is kinda addictive too.
14 hours into this game, and it keeps throwing fun things at me. Nooooo... (only have 2 more days of vacation.........)


It's going to come down to the player's personal preference, but if Persona 5's social links are just as well-written as P4's, and all that extra production value pays off in substantial gameplay gains, then P5 is still above Tokyo Mirage Sessions. Again, all speculative, but it feels like the production of Persona 5 is far more meticulous and carefully considered than Tokyo Mirage Sessions. The interconnectivity of systems, the story and characters, and the general "meatiness" of P4 all way more robust to me than Tokyo Mirage, and I say that with all due respect to Tokyo Mirage for being a fantastic game... But if Persona 5 delivers on the promise to be a bigger, better game than P4, Tokyo Mirage gets overshadowed pretty easily in terms of "league" of production.

For sure. TMS is a good game and I enjoy it, but Persona 5 seems like everything is bigger, better and more polished.



To me TMS feels like "Persona Lite", a light snack while waiting for the actual main course in September.


The game is definitely a B-grade Persona. That still makes it a fun game, but it doesn't have the same impact as a Persona game.
Not sure if this needs a spoiler tag but just to be safe:
Does this game have different endings and if so, what triggers the true one?


Purple Drazi
Holy heck, there's a character named Kiria. o_O My first long-time girlfriend's name is Kiria. She and I have literally never encountered a pop culture usage of her name.


Pancake Mix

Copied someone else's pancake recipe
Nooooooo. For some reason I naively thought that the constant "is this okay?" from your mirages meant nothing. I just accidentally replaced Tsubasa's media (heal the whole party) with some useless garbage light attack.

Don't make the same mistake I did and just skip those. Ugh, not going back 40 minutes to my last save. Itsuki's single heal will have to save the day, guess I might be level grinding.


For sure. TMS is a good game and I enjoy it, but Persona 5 seems like everything is bigger, better and more polished.


To me TMS feels like "Persona Lite", a light snack while waiting for the actual main course in September.

The wait is too long :(

Dee Dee

To me TMS feels like "Persona Lite", a light snack while waiting for the actual main course in September.

You have 3 unread messages by Touma!! I am revoking your bro license!

Persona 5 will surely overtake anything seen in TMS production wise and will of course be the better Persona, if you see TMS as a "Persona Lite".
There are Persona elements in it, so naturally a true pure Persona is the better Persona.

I appreciate TMS doing its own thing, and being a lot of fun for what it is. Personal preference galore, but I never played a Persona game and can't really compare it to an unreleased game that I really haven't looked into. Seems a bit unfair to compare it though - I wouldn't know what to pick between Fire Emblem Fates and TMS for example, they seem completely different beasts to me.

Astral Dog

Mechanically, I doubt P5 will come close to #FE. The combat is fantastic in #FE, and the dungeon design is impeccable too. P5's combat just seems like more P4 combat, so it's not as interesting. P5 seems to have more interesting dungeons than P4 due to the emphasis on stealth, but I don't really believe in P Studio's ability to create complex dungeons like the ones in #FE.

In terms of aesthetics and story though, P5 will easily blow #FE out of the water. It just depends on what you value more, really.

Plot an Characters, yes, aesthetics ? Persona 5 is better of course, but im not sure it blows #FE out of the water, both are pretty games, depends if you are ok with the distinct much more vibrant color choices of #FE and slightly more simplistic environments, but both look ok.

Anyways, i think its too soon to incite a war comparing two RPG Atlus games :p


Nooooooo. For some reason I naively thought that the constant "is this okay?" from your mirages meant nothing. I just accidentally replaced Tsubasa's media (heal the whole party) with some useless garbage light attack.

Don't make the same mistake I did and just skip those. Ugh, not going back 40 minutes to my last save. Itsuki's single heal will have to save the day, guess I might be level grinding.

Wait, if you swap out a skill do you lose it forever?

I thought the nagging was annoying but I could totally see me screwing it up sometime.

Also, I'm going to take the idea that we are entertaining a #FE vs. P5 discussion as a huge positive for #FE.


Wait, if you swap out a skill do you lose it forever?

I thought the nagging was annoying but I could totally see me screwing it up sometime.

Also, I'm going to take the idea that we are entertaining a #FE vs. P5 discussion as a huge positive for #FE.
you do lose the skill forever, but you can relearn them through another weapon or by upgrading

man, I see it more as an insult to the team that developed this game
Plot an Characters, yes, aesthetics ? Persona 5 is better of course, but im not sure it blows #FE out of the water, both are pretty games, depends if you are ok with the distinct much more vibrant color choices of #FE and slightly more simplistic environments, but both look ok.

Anyways, i think its too soon to incite a war comparing two RPG Atlus games :p

#fe looks like dogshit outside of artstyle, its really awfull. Like go to bloom palace and just appreciate the blurry mess.


Can anyone tell me which chapter you get Eleonora in?
I kinda want to get her in the party before I do some more serious grinding.
I dislike most of the Fire Emblem characters used.

I was hoping for more of the series being used.
But then again, who am I to say what characters to use, the Dev team might have wanted these guys.
I thought for sure that girl was Lyn.

Oh well, the game is pretty fun, I'll buy a sequel.


I've reached what is undeniably the endgame, I've completed everyone's side stories a while back, and yet...

(Not really a spoiler, but to be safe):
"It is too soon for you to begin Yashiro's side story. You must progress further in the main story before it will become available."

Interesting. I've already done 2 of his, and yet that's the only one that's still locked away like that.


So, I am now in the chapter 3 dungeon. Beat the midboss and completed some of the tasks in order to continue. I probably have to grind my ass off in here either now or in the next intermission. I can still craft so many weapons (1 or 2 for each character) and I am missing many, many Radiant skills. I just lack the drops at the moment (especially the 3-star prestige thingies).

I am also pretty happy Tsubasa has her Stage Rank 8 skill and Touma just reached Stage Rank 8. This will make leveling all characters a bit easier.
Finally started playing (nightmare handling my Special Edition) and so far I'm loving it. I had a feeling this was going to be a sleeper hit and it's not letting me down after a few hours. Can't wait to sink more time into it and finish the second dungeon.


So I'm 3 hours in based on my save file, and playing on the medium difficulty. I'm in my second "dungeon" and noticed the difficulty jumped up once i walked thru the huge costume sleeves. My question is, do I need to grind to level up on medium difficulty, or should i be able to just progress without grinding?

Velcro Fly

So I'm 3 hours in based on my save file, and playing on the medium difficulty. I'm in my second "dungeon" and noticed the difficulty jumped up once i walked thru the huge costume sleeves. My question is, do I need to grind to level up on medium difficulty, or should i be able to just progress without grinding?

probably just fight the things you come across. i feel like this game is more than just about raw level. doing character specific side quests and being able to craft/master weapons and have a good skillset helps. also helps to remember this is an SMT game and to have plenty of items and remember your buffs and debuffs.

i beat the chapter 1 dungeon on normal just fighting what i saw and i never felt like my level was a hindrance. the savage fights are meant to be hard and of course bosses you need to react well to what they do.
Could someone help me with some side stuff? I'm on the intermission after chapter 3.

Can't find the headphone wearing girl with the donuts for the Tiki side story.
Also don't know where to go for a request. "In front of the second floor of Green Park." Where is that?


probably just fight the things you come across. i feel like this game is more than just about raw level. doing character specific side quests and being able to craft/master weapons and have a good skillset helps. also helps to remember this is an SMT game and to have plenty of items and remember your buffs and debuffs.

i beat the chapter 1 dungeon on normal just fighting what i saw and i never felt like my level was a hindrance. the savage fights are meant to be hard and of course bosses you need to react well to what they do.

Ok thanks. So far i've upgaded the weapon for Chrom and Caeda, but haven't found all the items for Cain. I'll probably just stock up on more EP drinks.


I really don't think it's a weird mix at all. Awakening takes place in the same world as Archanaea (as does Gaiden and technically depending upon sources Jugdral), and they're by far the most successful games that were released (IF was still in development at the time)

A lot of Awakening's popularity is that its so referential to 1/3/11/12; Lucina is 100% a genderbent Marth; they have Tiki in both games, amongst many other references. And hell FE12, was the first game to introduce the playable avatar as well.

They struggled picking famous archers from both of the games (tbh IF/Fates probably has the most famous archer in the series now), and while I think Draug is probably the most famous armor knight ( I don't consider the black knight to be one). It's not really a popular class.

Awakening is a sequel in a literal sense but story-wise, and more importantly, character-wise it's a very different kind of game. Lucina may look like Marth, but as far as I've played, her character arc is nothing like Marth's.

I guess what it comes down to is the fact that you've got characters like Cain and Navarre up there, who are not really characters so much as they are archetypes. They represent the broader trends throughout the series as a whole. But the more archetypal characters from FE1 only make up half of the cast and the other half really clashes with that whole idea.

I haven't played the game so I won't be too critical of their choices, but it seems like they could have easily gone either full FE1 or full FE13. I imagine they made use of the characters they did pick, but it's still a weird mix. I'm sort of split between the characters I appreciate and the ones I really don't like.
Could someone help me with some side stuff? I'm on the intermission after chapter 3.

Also don't know where to go for a request. "In front of the second floor of Green Park." Where is that?

That's the request from the fortune teller girl in
Harajuku, correct
? If so, that one is somewhere in the
Shibuya 106 Idolasphere
. It's one of those quests where you have to
find something shiny on the ground.
Sorry for the vagueness. I'm having a hard time remembering exactly where it was lol. Think it's somewhere on the second or third floor?
That's the request from the fortune teller girl in
Harajuku, correct
? If so, that one is somewhere in the
Shibuya 106 Idolasphere
. It's one of those quests where you have to
find something shiny on the ground.
Sorry for the vagueness. I'm having a hard time remembering exactly where it was lol. Think it's somewhere on the second or third floor?

That's fine thanks. Was kind of at a loss so knowing the general area is enough.
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