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Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE |OT| Do You Remember MegaTen?

Does anyone just have a list of quality end game builds for the characters? I hate having to constantly weigh these options for skills that'll probably all be replaced and can be gotten back anyway...


Question about food and luck, does it help to have high luck when you level up?
What is the food that help most of my "artists"?

There's a drink called Muscle Drink EX that raises every party member's luck by 1 level.
It appears rarely in the Fortuna office vending machine. You can just keep buying drinks from it and it's selection keeps changing.
If you want something more reliable, you should probably just choose a couple of party members that you want to have high luck on and find a food or something that benefits them both.
Unfortunately, I have no idea what luck actually does, aside from decreasing the chance of getting hit with enemy crits.


Maiko got drunk (again) and asked me to "reorganize" her "box".


It'll let you do sidequests mid-chapter, which is a bit weird. Since I had to get the teddy bear fixed for whatsherface and it was in the middle of desolate Shibuya, with dreary music and everything. It was kind of awkward. Your boss is stuck in some bizarro world, and she's asking you to find a stuffed animal.

That's because your boss is drunk out of her fucking mind at all hours.


Lmao as a thanks for completing this task, Maiko gives Itsuki an out-of-print book of smutty photos of her. This game...

Hey man, those pictures are priceless! Just ask Touma!



The unskippable sessions have killed this game for me. Was pretty close to the end (I was getting warning texts from people that I should really talk with everyone soon because it's going to be over). But every time I sat down to play, I'd get two fights in and just turn it off.

What a bizarre decision that really marred an otherwise pretty decent game. I enjoyed my time with it, will youtube the ending (not like's there's much choice that would personalize the ending to me anyway.)

Easily recommend to people who have already played most of the other great jrpg's available, but this is pretty far down the list of the good ones. Really endearing characters but they're all as shallow as a puddle. Combat system becomes a blast approximately half way through the game, then WAYYYYYY overstays its welcome. Really hope they're more considerate of gamers time with Persona 5 though, but tech makes me excited.


Neo Member
Having just finished S2 of Sailor Moon with my wife AND playing FE:Fates I think I'll be grabbing this game soon. I need some Japantics.


Sgt. 2nd Class in the Creep Battalion, Waifu Wars
I don't get it, her bust size is fine. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I mean it's not Tsubasa or Maiko where they stand out, but it's not like it's flat.


Ellie's last side story is sweet. Boy does she ever wanna touch Itsuki's dick tho.

I wish Itsuki had any relationships with women in this game that didn't boil down them being in love with him and him being kind but oblivious.
Ellie's last side story is sweet. Boy does she ever wanna touch Itsuki's dick tho.

I wish Itsuki had any relationships with women in this game that didn't boil down them being in love with him and him being kind but oblivious.

Agreed. Was hoping I'd get to pick a romance option.

<3 Kiria <3


Ellie's last side story is sweet. Boy does she ever wanna touch Itsuki's dick tho.

I wish Itsuki had any relationships with women in this game that didn't boil down them being in love with him and him being kind but oblivious.


So far of the side quests I've finished, Itsuki's and Ellie's were the closest to actually it being a two way street. The dialogue options suggested it. The actions though, lol.

I'll find out with Tsubasa's last quest later.
You're dealing with idols. That means any sort of romance is pretty much ruled out automatically because it would risk destroying their career.


You're dealing with idols. That means any sort of romance is pretty much ruled out automatically because it would risk destroying their career.

Considering how saccharine this game is and how it mainly avoids any controversial subject like that, it probably wouldn't be an issue.


Yeah Kiria is definitely the actual Best Girl. Ellie's Side Stories were lovely but girl just won't ever shut up about Hollywood on Topic. Ellie, it's ok to be interested in more than one thing... Just ask Kool / Kute Kiria.

You're dealing with idols. That means any sort of romance is pretty much ruled out automatically because it would risk destroying their career.

This game isn't at all about accurately portraying the politics of being an idol tho.
Considering how saccharine this game is and how it mainly avoids any controversial subject like that, it probably wouldn't be an issue.

Yeah Kiria is definitely the actual Best Girl. Ellie's Side Stories were lovely but girl just won't ever shut up about Hollywood on Topic. Ellie, it's ok to be interested in more than one thing... Just ask Kool / Kute Kiria.

This game isn't at all about accurately portraying the politics of being an idol tho.

That's actually 100% the reason I think the game would never touch it. Something that's an idealized love letter to the idol industry probably isn't going to break one of the bigger idol taboos. That would be pretty counter to the entire presentation of the game.


Didn't realize the savage fights in older idols spheres would be leveled up the same way. Just lost about 90 minutes of play time as I was doing older stuff including some side quests...fuck.

No more for me tonight.


Elie and Tsubasa is the ultimate waifu in this game here.^_^

I mean, i do like Kiria but man Tsubasa and Elie is just soooo Moe.^_^ Why CAN't i hold all these Waifu?T_T Comicket, please bless me with some TMS doujin pleaseeeee.T_T


With three elements you'll almost never run into this. And if you do it's generally better just to swap to someone that can hit a weakness.

Well, sometimes swapping had the risk of putting chara which had weakness to enemies attack in frontline so i use Almighty to ensure that i really wanted save condition.


Didn't realize the savage fights in older idols spheres would be leveled up the same way. Just lost about 90 minutes of play time as I was doing older stuff including some side quests...fuck.

No more for me tonight.

Yeah, I went back to the 106 sphere thinking I could finally take them on. Noped the heck out of there.


Ch3 midboss was kinda giving me a tough time. Ended up cheesing with some Bead Chains and was surprised when Kiria's special actually confused everyone, including the boss.

Also, Kiria just got the ability to
session in the sub cast
and now I see things getting crazy.


I just completed chapter 3, and gained the ability to use
class change
. Who should I use this on first? At what level? Most of my characters are around level 33 or 34, except for Touma who is at 29.


Sgt. 2nd Class in the Creep Battalion, Waifu Wars
I just completed chapter 3, and gained the ability to use
class change
. Who should I use this on first? At what level? Most of my characters are around level 33 or 34, except for Touma who is at 29.
Do it whenever, no downside.
Nothing to lose at all from doing it at my level? Good to hear!

Is there a character that's recommended to do this first with, or will anyone do?

Probably Itsuki since you can't take him out of your active party, but it doesn't really matter a whole lot.

Also you get enough Master Seals from treasure boxes and rewards to class change everyone into both classes.


Probably Itsuki since you can't take him out of your active party, but it doesn't really matter a whole lot.

Also you get enough Master Seals from treasure boxes and rewards to class change everyone into both classes.

Good point, I'll use it on him first. Also, good to hear that master seals are easy enough to find.

Astral Dog

Finally got to play this, first couple hours, and im impressed, the presentation is lovely, areas are lively crafted with alot of little details to see,combat is slowly ramping up, music has been good so far (with a few annoying songs) animation on the character models gives them alot of personality (for example that epic brofist when you upgrade your skills :O).

There are some roughs spots that will become annoying (like no off tv, that sucks, i can tell the story progression will become repetitive with the "level select" map, im not sure whats up with the first strike attack, sometimes just works or not, plot and theme is going to be very divisive, etc.)

And personally, im enjoying the modern "old school* feel this game has, like the descriptions on the items/environments, the whole group of kids form a group to fight crime, and the modern, everyday feel, it reminds me a bit of a series i liked years ago before turning a bit poor.
Megaman Battle Network.
I know its supossed to be formula similar to "Persona" too, but i have not played that series, or any SMT for that matter, until next year hopefully :p

Its very different, from XenoX for example as that game just focuses on the exploration of the world, and the combat. Kinda different strenght and weaknesses.

And also, while the overall game wont remind too much of Fire Emblem, its nice to see (and hear) the little touches like the themes/music from the series,characters,etc.

Overall this has been a nice surprise im glad it was brought over :)


since, the thread about the localization changes is closed, does anybody have the concrete list of the changes?

because i just found out that
the outfit tsubasa uses to impress certain fotographer
is totally different lol, im really curious now to see what else changed,

i know about the infamous bride dress, but id like to know the whole deal

Dee Dee

Holy fuck Yashiro's appearance on Microwavin' With Mamorin is increeeeeeeedible.

I went back to Fire Emblem Fates after finishing the game, and it boggles the mind how he displays this range in TMS and is also the Japanese voice of Shigure too (check some videos of him in Japanese). If there were real life mirages, I can totally see them flock to this guy's talent.
His singing isn't half bad either.


Does his best thinking in the flying car
since, the thread about the localization changes is closed, does anybody have the concrete list of the changes?

because i just found out that
the outfit tsubasa uses to impress certain fotographer
is totally different lol, im really curious now to see what else changed,

i know about the infamous bride dress, but id like to know the whole deal

I think the gamefaqs thread about it is still active
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