Disappearing vehicules is the most annoying shit ever. I plan a exit helicopter up in the mountains, go down on the village take the targets out, get my skill point and intel, climb up and still see the helicopter icon (and can still hear it) and it just disappears when I'm 120m out. It's like there's a 5-6mn timer of vehicule despawn, pretty ridiculous for an AAA open world.
I remember in the Witcher 3 some corpses stayed after hours and hours of play and just came back to loot what was forgotten and here you have vehicules which is a key element of the gameplay just disappearing in front of your eyes :/
Besides that I'm just taking in the sights, going through little towns collecting intel and I'm enjoying myself while I wait for a buddy to get the game. The friendly AI is ridiculous and I had one guy just stroll around the camp while having 3 narcos around him, the camp was on alert and they didn't shoot him and he didn't shoot back either, just when I got there shit started happening lol.
Oh yeah.
Once I figured that the guy was dead I literally stopped moving and went
lol. While the Itacua banter between the guys can get annoying (because I went through both betas and already heard it) I gotta say they really seem to have fleshed out the cartel and the people you have to take out giving you info about them through various means like intel files to read, videos and convos. I liked that in Horizon and I'm liking it here too. Makes me more invested in the missions I have to complete.