Gonna overstep a bit here and bump this for discussion on the link.
I didn't know I was being that evil for paying to listen to music ad-free on Spotify. Am I also evil for having a Netflix subscription?
Gonna overstep a bit here and bump this for discussion on the link.
You're essentially killing the entertainment industry.I didn't know I was being that evil for paying to listen to music ad-free on Spotify. Am I also evil for having a Netflix subscription?
Wow. I mean, his "argument" was already severely flawed to begin with, but to have pretty much 100% contradicted his current view in the past? Definitely goes to show he's had a change of heart, and now his money is more important than sharing his "art" (haven't listened in a while, so can't say if it's worthy of that label or not) with the masses.
Why do some people get so defensive when a musician comes out as against music streaming services? There's a weird level of attachment.
Because they are against a technology that allows better but much lesser known artists being heard. People who say stupid things like this are usually perfectly happy if the mass have to go back to MTV and radio to find new music.
Because the "industry" he loves so dearly is exploiting everyone except those who are at the very top, like this guy.
I think people are reacting more to his incredibly bad analogy.
If you read the Taylor swift spotify thread, yes. Yes you are a pirate basically. Because reasons.I didn't know I was being that evil for paying to listen to music ad-free on Spotify. Am I also evil for having a Netflix subscription?
The Spotify's and the Wimp's and huehuehue are the devil!
... And the record companies are the good guys that overwhelm you with money.
That's the made up reality of Mr Blink and a whole lot of others.
Has anyone noticed how most artists who complain about shit like this and piracy are usually once-popular artists who lost relevance years ago?
P2 didn't deliver to the levels of P1, but it was still pretty good.Love Part 2 was such garbage. Not getting my hopes up.
This is going to be a frequent occurrence now, ain't it? Established artists coming out of the woodwork to slam music streaming services?
Hey, it's a bad predicament for them, but them's the breaks. One might say that the iTunes boom brought about a natural progression to music streaming services such as Spotify. This is the inevitable trend society is heading in. You can't stop it. You certainly aren't going to get many people buying frequent music albums as they used to.
Is this and the Taylor Swift thing labels laying the groundwork for pulling out of Spotify?
It'll be sad, but hilarious to watch.
Is this and the Taylor Swift thing labels laying the groundwork for pulling out of Spotify?
It'll be sad, but hilarious to watch.
Why do some people get so defensive when a musician comes out as against music streaming services? There's a weird level of attachment.
You people mock him, but imagine a world without the amazing creative input of people like Tom DeLonge and Taylor Swift. Just imagine if those two never existed. What would your life be like then?
Try imagining.
What's that? It looks exactly like today with no noticeable change whatsoever? Weird.
There are tons of bands that exist because of Blink 182 and their influence in their scene and on some popular bands is pretty big.
Like who?
What if I told him that I use a streaming service to easily sample large amounts of music to help me decide which music to buy and that I still buy great music?
Everyone's got bills to pay. I figured Spotify would be the new boogeyman when it got big.
They don't want you to sample large amounts of music. They want you to buy the stuff record labels spoon fed you.
What's his age again?
Okay, I laughed.