If/When Digital Foundry does their analysis it'll get it's own thread, right? It's hard to follow this one lol.
Bring the popcorn. There's going to be enough salt to go around.
If/When Digital Foundry does their analysis it'll get it's own thread, right? It's hard to follow this one lol.
New news = new thread, right?If/When Digital Foundry does their analysis it'll get it's own thread, right? It's hard to follow this one lol.
bone could be holding ps4 back though
i can see how this is controversial, ps4 fans are having to spend 35 pounds for a superior product, while pc gamers cling onto the fact that they bought it for 10 pound on a steam sale, although they probably spend 1500+ on their pc to even pleay it maxed out.
Now on the other hand, if this comparison in the link is a proper indication than the PC version has its its pro's as well:
Yeah if no one creates it, I will. The meltdowns would be too good to get buried in here.New news = new thread, right?
indeed.Same, I feel bad for the people that follow me on twitter lol So many pictures.
I've got both systems and I really wanted to throw my x1 a bone.
I'm kinda impressed that this doesn't seem to be a quick and lazy port.
It seems like a fair amount of effort went into it and the improvements (when added together) are not insignificant. Still unsure if I want to pay full price for this though.
Instead of being overly bias you could just admit that both versions have their benefits.
If this comparison is anything to go by than its clearly evident that the console version defiantly has its pro's
It strikes me funny how this example gets ignored in favor of 4k resolution over 2k resolution.
I am not saying its unimpressive, it looks visually great on playstation and xbox, especially considering the price of the consoles I agree, however in no way shape or form does it match PC on ultra settings at 4k at 60FPS that is just a fact nobody can deny.
My point is, I do not understand why console gamers cannot wrap their heads around the fact a 400-500 console will NEVER have better visuals than a PC that costs 5 times more and has far better specs.
That is not really an argument on my part I am just stating the obvious, I also have a PS4, nothing visually has matched any games I have played on my PC rig.
This response is much more useful than that "sick burn". Great to hear.
However I think I took "Rival" in a more literal sense than I should have when in reality the poster was just saying "it does not look much different" in which I can agree.
I am not saying its unimpressive, it looks visually great on playstation and xbox, especially considering the price of the consoles I agree, however in no way shape or form does it match PC on ultra settings at 4k at 60FPS that is just a fact nobody can deny.
My point is, I do not understand why console gamers cannot wrap their heads around the fact a 400-500 console will NEVER have better visuals than a PC that costs 5 times more and has far better specs.
That is not really an argument on my part I am just stating the obvious, I also have a PS4, nothing visually has matched any games I have played on my PC rig.
is this game coming to psn and if so, when? i hope so, reading this thread got me exited.
Anyone else had the game randomly pause on PS4? A quick google mentioned it may be voice recognition picking something up wrong. My kids were playing in the room at the time, so it was noisy at times, but not sure anyone said 'pause' or something similar. Will have to look in the options and see if I can turn off voice recognition.
Meant to say, I have the camera which is plugged in.
some pc players are out of touch with reality i have a i7 with a gtx770 and i cant get the game to run at 1080p at 60 fps with the hair effects activated and you talk me about 4k?
come on dude.
its funny how the new battlecry of some pc users is 4K 4K when there is a lot of pc games who need a beast of a pc to run at 1080p and 60fps with at ultra settings ( arma3 im loooking at you)
Playing it on the PS4. If I have to fault it for anything it's that Tomb Raider Definitive Edition is almost too good. It lacks the cinematic feel of 30 FPS.
Dude, you're ridiculous.
Think about the amount of people that have a fucking beast of a rig that is able to run this at 4K on unltra settings at 60FPS. Or even own a 4K monitor. It's completely laughable.
Rivaling PC does not mean "shits all over every PC ever" like you seem to think it does, it means that it's rivalling PC. Which it is right now.
I bit the bullet and picked one up today from GameStop for the PS4. I already finished it for the PS3 but I didn't get all trophies, so maybe this time I can do a more complete play through.
Plus I am completely bored with the PS4 and need something to play bad.
Luckily in my area the GameStop is never sold out of anything. They even have PS4 in stock now.
Anyone in Canada seen the game in stores yet? Thinking I might go looking for it.
Huh? Runs around 60fps, 1080p, tressfx, and tessellation enabled on my Gtx 770 and I was just playing it last night. Maybe you had MSAAx8 enabled or something?
Huh? Runs around 60fps, 1080p, tressfx, and tessellation enabled on my Gtx 770 and I was just playing it last night. Maybe you had MSAAx8 enabled or something?
You'd only need SLI titans for that - doesn't everyone have those? http://www.tomshardware.co.uk/pq321q-4k-gaming,review-32782-9.html
16x aniso is not antialiasing. The PC version has Fxaa and two levels of super sampling for antialiasing options. It's also very processor dependent.16x aniso but even with a titan i have seen the game lose frames with tressfx activated
Lol. Same story here! I was trading in some games and preordering Tales of Symphonia and said oh what the hell. To me (had Ps4 since launch) I'm getting to that point where it's about time to get a new game. Enjoying it so far!
Gaming on my pc is simply not as comfortable as consoles.
Here you go!Tomb Raider Definitive Edition was made by different teams on PS4 and XBox One: Nixxes for the PS4 version and United Front Games for the XBOne. Original source in portuguese, couldn't find it in English http://www.eurogamer.pt/articles/2014-01-24-tomb-raider-ps4-e-one-feitos-por-equipas-diferentes
Unfortunately I have been at that point for about a month, ever since I finished AC4. I have been playing Knack with the kids, but that is not very fun for me.
Were you on the fence about getting it? I wasn't so sure I wanted to pay full price for a double dip, but then again.. boredom wins. If they released this game after Second Son, I imagine it would have sold much less.