Thanks, are there anymore enemies to kill after you complete? Respawns I'm guessing
The Root of the problem
Does Shanty Town murder the frame rate on consoles, too?
It's literally worse than Blight Town on PC. Going from normally locked 60 down into the 20s, even. I'd say about 40 average, unless I'm staring at a wall.
UC2>Tomb Raider>UC1>UC3
So I am about the halfway point (at least I think I am).Lara just fell into the blood pool. Is it bad the first thing I thought is her probably having HIV now. I assume a lot of bodies must have been dumped there to create that much blood. And statistically speaking, one of those peeps probably had HIV. Man, I feel bad for Lara now; she's going to die young.
Please elaborate.
dumb question but is their another option to download this game (without steam or origin)?
Shanty Town is fun as hell to explore. The waves of enemies are also pretty fun thanks to the dodge + shotgun combo. Game remains amazing so far.
So I am about the halfway point (at least I think I am).Lara just fell into the blood pool. Is it bad the first thing I thought is her probably having HIV now. I assume a lot of bodies must have been dumped there to create that much blood. And statistically speaking, one of those peeps probably had HIV. Man, I feel bad for Lara now; she's going to die young.
Beat it, 100% everything, loved it; however:
- Cover shooter without a dedicated button to snap into cover gave me some issues
- This game has the worst soundtrack ever
- Solarii Fortress checkpoints were terrible
- Game really needs a survivor mode where you need food, water, medicine, less ammo
- Damn that soundtrack was fucking gross
Loved it! More games should adopt this kind of formula.
They definitely nailed combat, all the weapons so far have gotten use and all of them feel good. Plus I love the cat like agility of Lara's dodge and her shove/pickaxe swing.I really found the combat fun in this game.. the cover mechanic works fairly well, Lara is pretty agile and the open levels (where alot of the big fights go down) reward you for staying on the move.
That would be an awesome incentive to replay. Im playing on hard at the moment, and its pretty much the equivalent of normal difficulty.Game really needs a survivor mode where you need food, water, medicine, less ammo
That would be an awesome incentive to replay. Im playing on hard at the moment, and its pretty much the equivalent of normal difficulty.
Does another difficulty option open up after you beat the game, I just started on Hard seems kind of easy though.
Beat it, 100% everything, loved it; however:
- Cover shooter without a dedicated button to snap into cover gave me some issues
- This game has the worst soundtrack ever
- Solarii Fortress checkpoints were terrible
- Game really needs a survivor mode where you need food, water, medicine, less ammo
- Damn that soundtrack was fucking gross
Loved it! More games should adopt this kind of formula.
same composerThe main theme is pretty great. Anything beside that though, is just forgettable percussion mashing à la Dead Space. That's too bad :/
The main theme is pretty great. Anything beside that though, is just forgettable percussion mashing à la Dead Space. That's too bad :/
Do I even need to bother? Kinda goes without saying.
same composer
The music is not something I would really listen to on its own, but I feel it does a great job of supporting the atmosphere and the setting, much like in Dead Space.
I know how you feel. After listening to the OST, I only noticed one track that made use of taiko drums.Yeah, maybe I'm being too harsh because I'm musicguy, but the damn percussion... I mean, we're talking ancient Japan here! There's like 200 variety of percussion they could has used! And chants! And all of the... fuck, I'll just shut up.
Also, I'm probably going to try to get through puzzles without using survivor's instinct. Haven't had to use it once yet no matter how much the game demands me to.
That I asked would indicate that I prefer to read the details.
In this game, 21. I agree with you.I really need to stop saying that phrase.
It's stupid, and predictable seeing on there will always be some idiotic mods like this, even more bothering seeing as she's a underaged girl possibly? I don't remember her age here.
It's stupid, and predictable seeing on there will always be some idiotic mods like this, even more bothering seeing as she's a underaged girl possibly? I don't remember her age here.
Lara looks so hot all covered in blood.
All depends on how long the blood has been there. I don't think HIV can survive outside of the body for more then a day.
Lara is going through a lotand its her first adventure, how did the other tomb raider games happen, if i were her i would have quit
Oh yeaah.Lara looks so hot all covered in blood.
same composer
The music is not something I would really listen to on its own, but I feel it does a great job of supporting the atmosphere and the setting, much like in Dead Space.
Oh yeaah.