Never played the old Tomb Raider games, but I'm enjoying this one so far on the 360.
Woot finished!Damn fun from start to finish, but I kept getting the craziest bugs...
I only got one bug but it actually stopped the game from continuing. The sound went out completely and a scene where wind is supposed to blow off some wood panels, allowing you to arrow pull the rope underneath never triggered.
I was there for about 10 minutes trying to blow the panels off with explosives or get around it some how, until I rebooted the game to fix the sound and it fixed that too.
Have to say, as someone for whom Tomb Raider: Anniversary is one of the greatest games of all time, I was really skeptical of this reboot's direction. Although all the praise its getting for atmosphere is making me want to reconsider. It's a shame it's coming out in the same month as God of War and Bioshock. Is there anything in this game an original fan of the franchise will enjoy or should I just go into it pretending it's a different IP?
Luckily, I didn't encounter any bugs at all. Very polished game in my experience.
If you live in the US you can rent it from Redbox for $2 a night. You may only need 2-3 nights depending on how much time you dedicate to it.
Ahh that sucks. Your best bet would probably be to wait it out like you plan on doing, or catching a sale if you have a PC.I don't I'm afraid... Live in Ireland, and pretty much every videogame retailer (HMV and Game) has shut down except for GameStop, which are pretty shit. They wouldn't sell me a copy of Ni No Kuni on day 1 because I didn't have a preorder, and all games are 60 euro at launch. I might get it off Amazon when it gets cheaper - I'm too invested in both GoW and Bioshock franchises not to get them straight away
You don't say! That's very similar to what I was experiencing as well, although the worst instance was at a different point.
The sound cut out as I was in the middle of combat. A stunned enemy was hobbling weirdly on the ground and when I tried to finish him 3 times, he zipped away and disappeared. Lara became absolutely frozen while enemies fired at her, but took no damage from their attacks. Eventually, they tried to melee her but after making contact would just sort of dance around and through her.
After a few minutes of that, I gave up trying to make her move and restarted my game which fixed the freeze and the sound for me as well. Were you also playing on PC?
GAF is really weird place.
I think most of people's mind are so contaminated with the "review culture" and all this words like "gameplay", "technical issues", "story this, story that" and people actually forgot to tell about how they FEEL playing the game.
I wish they didn't change this scene (early game spoiler).
I thought it worked a bit better before the change. Ah well.
I FELT offended and bored by the crap narrative shoved down my throat, idiotic excuses for setpieces and the massive restriction of player agency.
At this point I'm surprised you persist. Not saying that you shouldn't but, it must be bothersome to lay out arguments only to be met by, "I don't care - it's fun." No one is genuinely arguing the opposing opinion to yours.
Damn there are moments in the game that look like it came straight out of that Star Wars 1313 preview.
Looks amazing on PC.
At this point I'm surprised you persist. Not saying that you shouldn't but, it must be bothersome to lay out arguments only to be met by, "I don't care - it's fun." No one is genuinely arguing the opposing opinion to yours.
I FELT offended and bored by the crap narrative shoved down my throat, idiotic excuses for setpieces and the massive restriction of player agency.
I started collecting them... but a few chapters in, you'll run into problems:How are you guys treating collectibles? I usually like finding them as I go, but I'm thinking I might fast travel back later and get them.
Correct.Am I also right in thinking some are inaccessible till you get certain equipment later? I see ropes tied around some trees.
You expect too much. It's a fucking game. Go read a fat novel or something.
Sorry I wasn't being persistent. I'm fine with the game only being average at best and I'm glad that other people like it. It was mostly a reply to dokish's weird statement that critics of the game didn't explain how they felt about the experience.
I know I'm not saying anything mind-blowing here, but there's plenty of dismissal on both sides going on.
Arh, the bullet-proof "go read a book" argument.
I think Underworld is still my favourite Tomb Raider :|
The problem is that people are combative with their opinions, as if they have any real objective basis. Just because is fine, you can't argue with because, that's just how it is. When someone comes in and says, "I liked the game for these reasons..." or, "I disliked the game for these reasons", nothing good comes from attacking those opinions which is pretty much what this whole thread has been about. Especially if it's a plain, "This game is shit." What can you genuinely say to that? "Fuck you"? A laughing gif? It's dumb. Ideally people would raise points and we can address those points and not each others underlying opinions.
Whenever someone rolls in with something, a segment will be like, "Hey, look at this guy!"
Torment: ToN shall be the balm that soothes.
I actually know what parts he is on aboutDo you seriously think that?
For the most part the main detractors do post their reasons and I don't see anything wrong with them. The game is too hand-holdy, not hard enough, pointless puzzles, whatever. I don't think anyone will walk in here and say the game is shit though. Although on gaf people will genuinely call games like FF13 or ME3 or whatever DA WORST GAME EVAR so sometimes people really are just trying to incite something or be dense.. I might actually get some flak for this next comment..!
(Planescape is unbelievably boring..I'd actually rather read a book)
Arh, the bullet-proof "go read a book" argument.
My reaction to that part from this thread a few days ago
I wish they didn't change this scene (early game spoiler).
I thought it worked a bit better before the change. Ah well.
Getting it tomorrow, can't wait !
I'd give this game a 4 or 5 out of 10 (using the whole scale, not the 7-10 bullshit, so please don't misunderstand my quantitative assessment).
Some of these collectables are tough to find. I still can't find all of them in the first area![]()
I hope you gave the same score to Uncharted 2 because all your negatives apply to it as well other than the supporting cast maybe.