Finished it
Game started as an 6/10, rose up to an end, second half dragged it down to a 7/10(same grade I'd give Spec Ops, DmC, and UC1, for comparison's sake).
In the second half of the game, you see the seams a bit more, and you're not as impressed by everything. The combat is rarely challenging, and the wave format boring. You start to notice how automated everything is, from the press forward set pieces to the platforming where Lara will magically float just that far through the air to make a miraculous grab. This might not bother you so much if you cared about ANY of the characters outside Lara even a little bit, but you don't. At ALL. You pick up things not because you're interested or you had to do some maneuvering around the clever level design to find just...pick them up. Because they're on the ground, and they're shiny. And there's a LOT of mundane collecting if mundane collecting just turns you on, but after awhile it's kinda like lots of tiny pieces of candy spread across the entire game. Eventually you just get sick of the damn things and want something meatier, which the game never provides. Don't look to the optimal tombs for that satisfaction either; I've rarely been stumped for a minute on these one room puzzles, and the reward isn't even worth the trouble to do them. Oooh, more XP and savage, not like the game doesn't throw that at you at every interval.
the last platformer i played was the sands of time on ps2
opinions. everyone has one
Get a new hobby, video games aren't for you.
ya'll are embarrassing. Both of those dudes spends an inordinate amount of effort explaining his position in extreme depth, and this is the response. Fuck off if you don't like discussion on a discussion forum.
Ami where the hell have you been bro?
You have to close both flaps at the same time. Go to the lift, wait for the first flap to open, raise the lift, and you should have the timing right for the lift to be pushed over when the 2nd flap opens.
Working. Stuff. Why, was my presence expected somewhere?![]()
Anyone put any time into multiplayer? I played about an hour last night and I already mentioned this here but it's pretty fun. It's really simple in the sense that there aren't killstreaks and sprinting knifers and crazy ass explosions happening all the time, but that's just the way I like my multiplayer. Most multiplayer games these days are all about being loud and bombastic and giving you a ton of crap to unlock, so I liked that Tomb Raider slows it down and brings it back to the basics of using your gun to shoot other people.
I guess the best thing I can say about it is that I don't get pissed at the game when I die, unlike COD.
That should be on the back of the box.
Tomb Raider craziness, God of War reviews your the hero we don't deserve bro but...blah blah you get it.
New Vegas has a regular FPS aiming option.
Haha, well I figured everyone already heard my Tomb Raider opinion in this topic, unless I finish the product it's not going to be much new to add...
As for God of War, well, we'll see. I generally speaking don't like going into the review topic mix because I don't really give me weight to reviews on anything![]()
Doesn't your favorite game this Gen consist of talking to people and letting VATS shoot for you?
So which one seems to be the better one of the console version?
It's exactly what we'd thought it be. There have been some open areas that are pretty cool to hop around in, but those are few and far between and, as somebody said earlier, it's hardly platforming. It may as well be as automatic as Assassin's Creed for the amount of effort involved on the part of the player.
the last platformer i played was the sands of time on ps2
So which one seems to be the better one of the console version?
I made the mistake of starting Fallout New Vegas and Dishonoured immediately after finishing Tomb Raider. Such ugly games in comparison, lol.
I made the mistake of starting Fallout New Vegas and Dishonoured immediately after finishing Tomb Raider. Such ugly games in comparison, lol.
I've heard there's very little difference between the two. It all boils down to which controller you prefer.
The PS3 version is sharper, the 360 version has better anti-aliasing. I have the PS3 version and I really like the sharpness personally. You're probably better off waiting for the Digital Foundry comparison if you can.
Then you realized they have incredibly superior gameplayand story/writing (in new vegas' case at least) and enjoyed them anyway.
I made the mistake of starting Fallout New Vegas and Dishonoured immediately after finishing Tomb Raider. Such ugly games in comparison, lol.
Then you realized they have incredibly superior gameplay and story/writing (in new vegas' case at least) and enjoyed them anyway.
How does Fallout: New Vegas have incredibly superior gameplay?
Well the RPG stuff speaks for itself, since it's an actual RPG and puts effort into balancing some stuff. Crafting is actually useful instead of superficial weapon mods, although New Vegas has weapon mods too and they actually improve weapons in a notable way. Different ammo types for different kinds of enemies like armored enemies or ammo that increases spread in shotguns for multiple enemies (as in DT, damage threshold, actually means something in the game). Skills actually play a part in the dialog in dozens of different situations. It's not even close, you're talking about the RPG masters and a studio/game that shallowly copies 8 other games.
Haha, well I figured everyone already heard my Tomb Raider opinion in this topic, unless I finish the product it's not going to be much new to add...
I really do wonder what the reactions would be towards this game if it wasn't so damn pretty.
I really do wonder what the reactions would be towards this game if it wasn't so damn pretty.
Then you realized they have incredibly superior gameplay and story/writing (in new vegas' case at least) and enjoyed them anyway.
Most of that was in Fallout 3, but you seem to hate that game. Does the story/writing really make New Vegas that much better?
How does Fallout: New Vegas have incredibly superior gameplay?
Something like the modern Fallout games are kinda a quantity over quality thing on the visual front. "Yeah these characters are ugly, environments kinda Xbox 1 tier, animations kinda spotty and glitchy, but look how big the game it is!" If you're a sucker for big open worlds, I can see the appeal. You can shoot NPCs in the balls and the game will keep going, I respect that shit
Better on PS3 or 360? Might pick this up tomorrow for the weekend.
I think this game's atmosphere is a large part of its charm. If the world weren't so pretty and moody I wouldn't bother trying to collect all the various artifacts and documents.