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Tomb Raider |OT| Lara's Misfortune


Finished it. It is basically a forgettable experience that feels like you just ate some decent junk food or saw the latest Hollywood explosion fest. I'll probably just do some pros and cons thing in order for people to easier understand and counter-argue my assessment.

Things I liked
  • Visuals: Aesthetics and graphics go hand in hand to create an impressive, coherent style. Although I would like more saturation, I understand the decision to go with a grey, washed out look, since it supports the cold, windy and drap island setting
  • Polish: This game has really tight production values with a lot of polished developer-controlled segments.
  • The game successfully achieves setting up Lara as a cold-blooded killer with a side-interest in archaeology, myth and history.
  • Great character design of Lara.

Things I didn't like or care for
  • The plot was throw-away shit. While this criticism could be levelled at the earlier entries as well as other video game narratives, Tomb Raider is much more exposed to it because the game puts its narrative front and center - cutscenes, dialogue, texts, etc. all constantly force the atrocious plot down your throat and you cannot simply ignore it like you can in other games.
  • Loss and restriction of player agency. Many, many times I felt like my controller input hardly mattered in the game. And whenever I wanted to play the way I wanted to play the game, it wrestled the control away to correct my movement or jumping. The amount of scripted sequences also worsened the experience.
  • Straight up offensive supporting cast. Direct and straight-to-the-point black woman? Indian guy with intuition for the mystic? Distant scientist/professor with no regards to ethics? Grumpy Irish drunkard? I cannot for the life of me imagine a creative person sitting in the writing team and saying "okay, so we need a calm Indian, a loud-mouthed Black, an Irish drunk! Let's get started!"
  • The game never comments on Lara's murderous nature, except for that one final sentence by the villain. This is simply a bad cop-out, as one guy briefly and randomly mentioning the amount of kills you have committed as a player is simply insufficient and arbitrary.
  • The game fluctuates in tone - one moment is about the warmth of a friendship with witty banter, the next you're exposed to lots and lots of macabre deaths and corpses bordering on genocide.
  • The game starts off badly and uneven. Characters are immediately thrown into the thick of the conflict without much establishment of their motivations and backgrounds. Although we do receive a straight-forward exposition through a video camera, the game is still fighting an uphill battle in making me care about what happens to its cast.
  • Stupid moment: Let's have this one guy protect the most important MacGuffin for the entire game *and* also have him carry all of Lara's weapons and equipment. How fucking convenient.
  • False sense of urgency. This is a common problem with cinematic games, as they are so incredibly scripted that they have to wait for the player to do something before triggering the coming events. This is especially jarring when the terrible plot tells you to hurry to save someone or escape something, yet the events won't start until you hit that particular cliff/tree/boat/etc.
  • Ludonarrative dissonance.
  • There's a crazy amount of people living on that island.
  • Music is ultimately forgettable and non-distinctive. The restrained tribal drums were cool in some moments, but otherwise the soundtrack fails to provide a unique and distinctive texture to the events in the game.
  • There is simply too much combat. There are certain points in the game where it feels like padding for the sake of padding. Waves of enemies are thrown at you and as a result the encounters become one big blur of blood, headshots, and arbitrary XP.
  • The "THIS IS A VIDEO GAME" crates, boxes, chests, white platform indicators clash with the cinematic style the game is aiming for.
  • Tombs are an exercise in going through the motions without thought - you never care and you never feel like you achieved anything after "solving and overcoming" the puzzle.
  • Camilla Luddington is not a good voice actor in this game. She sounds monotonous and occasionally drift between accents. The one moment on the beach sounded like an entirely new person for some strange reason.
  • Shanty Town and the Temple of Explosions were the lowest point in the game for me. I almost gave up on the game during those parts thanks to the over-excessive combat encounters and idiotically unbelievable explosions.
  • For some reason, the loss of friends never seems to have an everlasting effect on the characters. The characters do react to it in the immediate moments after the death of a couple of important characters, but the plot rushes the player to the next epic setpiece instead of lingering on the dramatic moments. This results in me thinking that the deaths are unimportant and everyone is expendable in order to serve the plot or the next game objective ("character X is here -> Lara goes there -> character X dies -> Lara goes back")
  • The similarities between Mathias and Lara could have been used to mirror the actions of the player against the purported villain. They both think that they cannot leave the island thanks to supernatural powers and they both have to convince their entourage/followers of this fact. This could have potentially been an interesting method for commenting on the mass-murders by Lara and the extents she and the player goes to in order to "break the curse"
  • The game sometimes tries to scream too much at the player, as if he or she was ADHD and couldn't hold their attention if things weren't exploding or characters weren't yelling or over-dramatic events took place. Letting the ambience and consequences of the drama can be very helpful in making those intense moments appear significant, yet the game rushes on to the next explosive attention grabber.
  • By the end of the game I didn't care about any of the characters. The fact that the game quickly glosses over the many, many events of the game and how it impacted the surviving characters frankly punctuated with a big exclamation mark that everything that had happened was of almost no importance.

I know I have listed a lot of negatives, but I would still say that it's a decent cinematic low-risk game with almost no innovations or creativity. It's a by-the-numbers, tickbox game with no heart and no identity, but it executes most of these tickboxes admirably. It takes the Uncharted formula and improves upon the level design, but comparatively falls short in the narrative department.

All in all, the game is worth a play-through if you like some decent empty calories with no thought or heart. It is a well-executed uncreative cinematic game with bad writing, decent combat mechanics, and inane platforms and puzzles.

I'd give this game a 4 or 5 out of 10 (using the whole scale, not the 7-10 bullshit, so please don't misunderstand my quantitative assessment).
Get a new hobby, video games aren't for you.

I'm an expert

Formerly worldrevolution. The only reason I am nice to anyone else is to avoid being banned.
No sir not me.

19 days from now in the Infinite thread though..

Man, I think the backlash for that one is gonna be huge. I called Sim City being a bomb here and people laughed at me. They can keep laughin and not playin the game they paid for. Infinite gonna be so bad toooooooooo..

Get a new hobby, video games aren't for you.

Get a new board? Discussion is apparently not for you.


So yeah here is my final thoughts.

Game is lacking in almost all fronts, everything the game does is just not good enough ,not in the same level of quality of the other games in the market or the games that "inspired" this one, like the open gameplay, explorations,shooting,story and everything,weirdly enough it share many of AC3 issues, if AC3 had a lost sister then it's TR2013.

-Story is predictable mess and full of cliches, C-grade storytelling,dialogue and characters ,if The Asylum ever made a straight to DVD ripoff of Indiana Jones this will be it, it bizarre but it sound like the main story was an afterthought here or at least it was changed completely at some point during the development because many things that happened don't match with eachother, the ending also was completely rushed, did they run of budget or something?

-The new Lara, one of the main focus on this game was the new Lara and how different she is and very real compared to the old one, but honestly aside from the look they both really non-human,if the old Lara was a robot then this one is not a cyborg but a psycho humanoid, the new Lara was just another Hollywood style action hero,that go from a lil girl to untouchable monster in no time, she is still shallow shell,her emotion and how she grew up is completely non realistic.

-Also game got really weak supporting cast/villains, I cant even remember anyone ,it's pretty sad really..even the annoying characters in Legend/Underworld like Zip,Amanda,Natla,yeah it's really pathetic job from the writers here(if the focus on Lara was good one may ignore this, but the focus on Lara was also bad).

-The pacing is all over the place,it start fast then slow down and stay like that till the very end when it just go crazy fast like it need to wrap this as fast as possible same.

-game structure suffer too much, since it forced me to do the same thing over and over, it's you need to go here then here then kill waves of enemies,sneak and get that thing then kill tons of enemies anyway and repeat, its really a boring way to design any video game(sadly many games have this issue)

-Variety problem is also return with the enemies, you fight the same dude over and over again, it's really boring and wasn't a people of any older Tomb Raider games since they used change the type of enemies completely each level.

-while the shooting feel nice, the entire combat stay the same,it's really an average shooter to its core because you don't need to be creative or use the environments for you advantage or anything like that,and because of that I didn't enjoy the long fights at all, they almost feel like a work.

I don't mind the QTE(I'm a Shenmue fan after all)they don't bother me,but the problem on where they throw them at you and here they just take the control from you in the wrong moments

-It is really damn boring game, forced me to stop playing many time,I can't even play for a full hour without stopping, this is also the same problem that I have with Assassin Creed3,there is just nothing that keep me interest here, the way they made the story feel disconnected to the free play/side activities is just wrong and just killed my experience here,they should've learn a thing or two from RDR or New Vegas of how they can mix the two and keep the player going.

-Way to easy,there is no challenge here, they try to cover this by making the fights last for too long but they just made the tons of shooting parts just too long and repetitive as hell, and there is no fun doing them just Shoot,dodge,take cover,shoot and repeate all the time, the stupid AI also hurt it too much, there is just no satisfaction for anything you do, there is just none of it.

-Can't believe myself saying this because I'm a pro long games,but this is one of few games that needed to be shorter, it just overstayed its welcome,I really wanted it to end after 5 hours.

-Exploration, how I can say this..it's umm a horizontal game, the design of the areas just feel completely flat.

I wont compare it to the classic Tomb Raider games because it's just unfair since this game is not a classic Tomb Raider(let be honest here they are from different genre of games),but let say to game that let you explore stuff like Assassins Creed games or even Demon's Souls/Dark Souls and even compared to them this game do bad job, really limited exploration you can't go up and down and climb everything, the design of the area is just..again..completely flat, in Souls series you can see how complex and layered the areas are that force you to go and look but here they are not like that.

The other problem is the design of the island itself, as someone who live on an island with see everywhere this is really a poor design,the different areas look the same most of the time, there is not enough variety of locations,hell even the island in Risen 1 was more interesting than this,islands can be cool place for a video game..not here tho..really missed opportunity.

-Collectables,optional "tomb" and side stuff are useless and sadly there is no satisfaction of doing any of them.

-Really jerky animations in many places (not sure if this is a PC port problem)

and speaking of the PC port..PC port was total garbage, crashed on me just too many times,too many problems and bugs,it remind my of the bad era of PC ports (like in 2005-2008) the worst port by Nixxus so far.

and please tone down the damn TressFX ffs, it's unrealistic, real long hair don't move like this(it move like team of angry snakes on Lara's head)kept breaking the immersion experience, and it impact the framerate too much,had to disable it.

uninstalled it,because I don't see myself playing it again anytime soon if maybe ever I wont buy any future DLC or anything.

5/10 No depth in gameplay or shooting,lacking everything it try to do,it's just not fun.

opinions. everyone has one


Man, I think the backlash for that one is gonna be huge. I called Sim City being a bomb here and people laughed at me. They can keep laughin and not playin the game they paid for. Infinite gonna be so bad toooooooooo..

Get a new board? Discussion is apparently not for you.

No, no no no no.
the more I play this game the less I like it, it started out really strong though! the first two hours were awesome. I think I am towards the end now
just got the nade launcher


Fuck,the hate for Bioshock is starting already in a Tomb Raider thread...sigh...

Another nice touch is the little narration Lara does every other camp as you sit and take a break from the adventure...


-Also game got really weak supporting cast/villains, I cant even remember anyone ,it's pretty sad really..even the annoying characters in Legend/Underworld like Zip,Amanda,Natla,yeah it's really pathetic job from the writers here(if the focus on Lara was good one may ignore this, but the focus on Lara was also bad).

-game structure suffer too much, since it forced me to do the same thing over and over, it's you need to go here then here then kill waves of enemies,sneak and get that thing then kill tons of enemies anyway and repeat, its really a boring way to design any video game(sadly many games have this issue)
I wonder if the fog of time is making you remember the side characters in the old games as more interesting than they really were. They seem exactly the same in the new game to me.

And out of curiosity, what game would you said nailed it 10/10 in the game structure department where you don't do the same thing over and over again?


Man, I think the backlash for that one is gonna be huge. I called Sim City being a bomb here and people laughed at me. They can keep laughin and not playin the game they paid for. Infinite gonna be so bad toooooooooo..

Get a new board? Discussion is apparently not for you.
That's funny, because SimCity is actually a solid game that certainly isn't bombing, considering the sheer amount of people wanting to play. And Infinite?

You must be on something.


I wonder if the fog of time is making you remember the side characters in the old games as more interesting than they really were. They seem exactly the same in the new game to me.

And out of curiosity, what game would you said nailed it 10/10 in the game structure department where you don't do the same thing over and over again?

The difference is the other games didn't throw the story at you or make it as much of a focus. That they're the same with so much more time spent on narrative is a failure for this game's storytelling.

I'm an expert

Formerly worldrevolution. The only reason I am nice to anyone else is to avoid being banned.
That's funny, because SimCity is actually a solid game that certainly isn't bombing, considering the sheer amount of people wanting to play. And Infinite?

You must be on something.

I have a feeling returns will eat into its overall sales, those that can get them at least. As for Infinite, we'll just have to see. Don't worry, I have zero interest in Bioshock so I won't be in that thread. =P


Man, I think the backlash for that one is gonna be huge. I called Sim City being a bomb here and people laughed at me. They can keep laughin and not playin the game they paid for. Infinite gonna be so bad toooooooooo.

Will you please stop bringing this shit into this thread. You've done it a few times now.


Hey now I think Ive only brought it up twice =P Its all good.

When Bioshock Infinite is crowned the best game ever made by God himself, and Ken Levine is given a Knighthood by the Queen, he'll be eating those words of his :p

On topic: Tomb Raider is cool.

Double D

So I started playing last night and couldn't stop playing, really. Played through to where I got the fire arrows in one sitting. Can't remember the last time I've played a game for that long of a session.

Strange seeing that people think the pacing is crap. I felt like I couldn't put it down.


I love the little animations details. Like Lara shaking away water or when you jump from a higher up place she falls to the ground.
Fuck,the hate for Bioshock is starting already in a Tomb Raider thread...sigh...

Another nice touch is the little narration Lara does every other camp as you sit and take a break from the adventure...
I like it too, although I'm not completely sold on Luddington's VA performance. Some cases it sounds like she's just reading the lines and in others she sounds more natural.

I do like that they added voice to the treasure stuff. I think Uncharted Golden Abyss did this as well. It is a good improvement if you are going to have that in your game.
I love the little animations details. Like Lara shaking away water or when you jump from a higher up place she falls to the ground.
I like the way her muscles twitch when opening the chests in the optional tombs. Every time she shivers I just want her to pick up one of the enemy parkas. There's more than enough of em lying around ;P

Small touches make a difference.


opinions. everyone has one

Yeah just like the mindless cheerleaders in this thread.
At least people like Toto give fair explanations about why they don't like something.Unlike others who are only able to write "DAT GRAPHICS","DAT ATMOSPHERE".But i didn't noticed you (and others) have a problem with them. ;)


Yeah just like the mindless cheerleaders in this thread.
At least people like Toto give fair explanations about why they don't like something.Unlike others who are only able to write "DAT GRAPHICS","DAT ATMOSPHERE".But i didn't noticed you (and others) have a problem with them. ;)

You conveniently skipped all the people who give praises with detailed info why they like it?
Get a new hobby, video games aren't for you.

I can't believe I was ever concerned about Tricky being condescending or dismissive.

I think we should all apologize to him for even considering that he might be a low bar for the posts in this thread.

I formally apologize for doubting you Tricky.


I can't believe I was ever concerned about Tricky being condescending or dismissive.

I think we should all apologize to him for even considering that he might be a low bar for the posts in this thread.

I formally apologize for doubting you Tricky.
To be fair, he has more reaction GIFs than coherent sentences in this thread.


You conveniently skipped all the people who give praises with detailed info why they like it?

No i didn't but maybe i should have skipped them just like most ass kissers here skip the detailed criticisms of the game and post shit like "don't post here","stop playing games" etc.


I can't believe I was ever concerned about Tricky being condescending or dismissive.

I think we should all apologize to him for even considering that he might be a low bar for the posts in this thread.

I formally apologize for doubting you Tricky.

You got 1 skillpoint for this post. Visit your CP to upgrade your skills.


A link to my Tomb Raider pics. I've been screenshotting randomly as I play. I've played through shantytown, so spoilers up to that point.


You conveniently skipped all the people who give praises with detailed info why they like it?

There's been a few people who haven't and done throwaway comments shitting on a poster for a negative opinion. There are posts on this page itself. BACK YOUR OPINION UP. At least with many of the negative posts, people have detailed why they don't like the game.

Who gives a shit that Derrick has a negative opinion on something. If he can back it up, then actually argue against those points instead of being a bunch of schoolchildren and saying that he's wrong. If you think someone's opinion is wrong then state why the combat is good or why you think the narrative works.

I had to deal with him in the ME2 threads and we actually had arguments there instead of throwing up an Oprah gif.


No i didn't but maybe i should have skipped them just like most ass kissers here skip the detailed criticisms of the game and post shit like "don't post here","stop playing games" etc.

Man, am I really a simple minded ass kisser and part of "that crowd"? :(


So yeah here is my final thoughts.

Game is lacking in almost all fronts, everything the game does is just not good enough ,not in the same level of quality of the other games in the market or the games that "inspired" this one, like the open gameplay, explorations,shooting,story and everything,weirdly enough it share many of AC3 issues, if AC3 had a lost sister then it's TR2013.

-Story is predictable mess and full of cliches, C-grade storytelling,dialogue and characters ,if The Asylum ever made a straight to DVD ripoff of Indiana Jones this will be it, it bizarre but it sound like the main story was an afterthought here or at least it was changed completely at some point during the development because many things that happened don't match with eachother, the ending also was completely rushed, did they run of budget or something?

-The new Lara, one of the main focus on this game was the new Lara and how different she is and very real compared to the old one, but honestly aside from the look they both really non-human,if the old Lara was a robot then this one is not a cyborg but a psycho humanoid, the new Lara was just another Hollywood style action hero,that go from a lil girl to untouchable monster in no time, she is still shallow shell,her emotion and how she grew up is completely non realistic.

-Also game got really weak supporting cast/villains, I cant even remember anyone ,it's pretty sad really..even the annoying characters in Legend/Underworld like Zip,Amanda,Natla,yeah it's really pathetic job from the writers here(if the focus on Lara was good one may ignore this, but the focus on Lara was also bad).

-The pacing is all over the place,it start fast then slow down and stay like that till the very end when it just go crazy fast like it need to wrap this as fast as possible.

-game structure suffer too much, since it forced me to do the same thing over and over, it's you need to go here then here then kill waves of enemies,sneak and get that thing then kill tons of enemies anyway and repeat, its really a boring way to design any video game(sadly many games have this issue)

-Variety problem is also return with the enemies, you fight the same dude over and over again, it's really boring and wasn't a people of any older Tomb Raider games since they used change the type of enemies completely each level.

-while the shooting feel nice, the entire combat stay the same,it's really an average shooter to its core because you don't need to be creative or use the environments for you advantage or anything like that,and because of that I didn't enjoy the long fights at all, they almost feel like a work.

I don't mind the QTE(I'm a Shenmue fan after all)they don't bother me,but the problem on where they throw them at you and here they just take the control from you in the wrong moments

-It is really damn boring game, forced me to stop playing many time,I can't even play for a full hour without stopping, this is also the same problem that I have with Assassin Creed3,there is just nothing that keep me interest here, the way they made the story feel disconnected to the free play/side activities is just wrong and just killed my experience here,they should've learn a thing or two from RDR or New Vegas of how they can mix the two and keep the player going.

-Way to easy,there is no challenge here, they try to cover this by making the fights last for too long but they just made the tons of shooting parts just too long and repetitive as hell, and there is no fun doing them just Shoot,dodge,take cover,shoot and repeate all the time, the stupid AI also hurt it too much, there is just no satisfaction for anything you do, there is just none of it.

-Can't believe myself saying this because I'm a pro long games,but this is one of few games that needed to be shorter, it just overstayed its welcome,I really wanted it to end after 5 hours.

-Exploration, how I can say this..it's umm a horizontal game, the design of the areas just feel completely flat.

I wont compare it to the classic Tomb Raider games because it's just unfair since this game is not a classic Tomb Raider(let be honest here they are from different genre of games),but let say to game that let you explore stuff like Assassins Creed games or even Demon's Souls/Dark Souls and even compared to them this game do bad job, really limited exploration you can't go up and down and climb everything, the design of the area is just..again..completely flat, in Souls series you can see how complex and layered the areas are that force you to go and look but here they are not like that.

The other problem is the design of the island itself, as someone who live on an island with see everywhere this is really a poor design,the different areas look the same most of the time, there is not enough variety of locations,hell even the island in Risen 1 was more interesting than this,islands can be cool place for a video game..not here tho..really missed opportunity.

-Collectables,optional "tomb" and side stuff are useless and sadly there is no satisfaction of doing any of them.

-Really jerky animations in many places (not sure if this is a PC port problem)

and speaking of the PC port..PC port was total garbage, crashed on me just too many times,too many problems and bugs,it remind my of the bad era of PC ports (like in 2005-2008) the worst port by Nixxus so far.

and please tone down the damn TressFX ffs, it's unrealistic, real long hair don't move like this(it move like team of angry snakes on Lara's head)kept breaking the immersion experience, and it impact the framerate too much,had to disable it.

uninstalled it,because I don't see myself playing it again anytime soon if maybe ever I wont buy any future DLC or anything.

5/10 No depth in gameplay or shooting,lacking everything it try to do,it's just not fun.


I disagree with just about everything you said.

Companions are flat, though, but I'm ok with that. This game is about Lara, screw them.
Man, am I really a simple minded ass kisser and part of "that crowd"? :(

Naw. The problem is. No matter what you refute back and give reasons up. It's your reason. You can't change someones view point and shouldn't bother. People can be stubborn, myself included. What matters is your thoughts and enjoyment on a game. It's good to hear other's stances but I have a hard time agreeing with alot of people and I'm sure vice versa.
There's been a few people who haven't and done throwaway comments shitting on a poster for a negative opinion. There are posts on this page itself. BACK YOUR OPINION UP. At least with many of the negative posts, people have detailed why they don't like the game.

Who gives a shit that Derrick has a negative opinion on something. If he can back it up, then actually argue against those points instead of being a bunch of schoolchildren and saying that he's wrong. If you think someone's opinion is wrong then state why the combat is good or why you think the narrative works.

I had to deal with him in the ME2 threads and we actually had arguments there instead of throwing up an Oprah gif.

Can't be stressed enough.

If you liked something I didn't like, that doesn't mean I'm right and you're wrong. It means that we have different perspectives on the same thing and maybe one or both of us could be enlightened by something the other has to share.
It is a bit sad that Lime and others need to defend their right to criticise something. If he didn't articulate why he thinks the way he does it would be one thing, but he did.

I wish more negative posts on forums didn't contain as much venom and were more relaxed, but I don't think the posts in this thread are very guilty of that.
I know I have been down on this game and I feel it really fell short in a lot of ways but I can't say enough how perfect I think Lara is. Really a great reinvention of the character and a breath of fresh air.


I'm at 60% completion now and having a great time going back to pick up all the little shit I missed or couldn't get at the beginning. I rarely do this in games.


pls update me, any fix for nvidia users released yet?

Someone posted patch notes here

Just got through an area where enemies shouted and scrambled nervously for cover after seeing Lara, after which she shouted something like "Run. I'm coming for all of you." Straight up killing machine.


Is this game what Uncharted is like? I never owned a PS3, so I never got any exposure to that series. But Tomb Raider sounds a lot like I've heard it described -- lotsa cover shooting, lotsa big scripted setpieces in exotic locales.

I doubt TR is the first game to do it, but GOD DAMN it sure is nice having a cover system that just intuitively works. No cumbersome bullshit like "Press A to get into cover, Press B to get out of cover, Press X to to hop over cover." You don't get stuck to cover either.....you just move in and out of it at will. The designers trusted you to know what the hell you're doing, and that's pretty nice.

Are there other games with a cover system that is this easy and fluid? I'd probably play more shooters if there were.
Is this game what Uncharted is like? I never owned a PS3, so I never got any exposure to that series. But Tomb Raider sounds a lot like I've heard it described -- lotsa cover shooting, lotsa big scripted setpieces in exotic locales.

I doubt TR is the first game to do it, but GOD DAMN it sure is nice having a cover system that just intuitively works. No cumbersome bullshit like "Press A to get into cover, Press B to get out of cover, Press X to to hop over cover." You don't get stuck to cover either.

Are there other games with a cover system that is this easy and fluid? I'd probably play more shooters if there were.

Gears of War, it's all attached to one button.

Uncharted is more linear movie like experience. Cover is also one button for most things in Uncharted as well.


well not really...yet
Uncharted is a lot more linear, and the combat is not as fun as Tomb Raider's I think. Much more fluid in TR thanks to the dodge and auto-cover. Uncharted is more or less entirely a cover shooter, you can play TR like that, but the mechanics also make it so going head on into the fray is also viable, and frankly a lot more fun.

Also feel Uncharted is more devoted to being that kind of "cinematic experience." Tomb Raider has its share of cutscenes, but the vast majority of the time you're in control. It's much more gamey thankfully.


Solaris Fortress
mission was garbage. Dudebro Michael Bay COD style mission to the max. I think that mission alone had about 60% of the EXPLOSIONS of the entire game thus far.

Geothermal Caves
were nice though.

the mechanics also make it so going head on into the fray is also viable.
I would've said so too until I reached
Solaris Fortress
. No way can you run n slash against 20 armed men sitting behind cover and 3 shotting you even during your evade or tossing dynamites and shit. Before this mission I had like 2-3 combat deaths but after this I had like 10+ deaths all within like 2 combat set pieces. You had to spam the grenade launcher in that area because enemy formations were so god damn dense.

I want to see the receipts on the people who said they beat Tomb Raider on Hard only dying 3 times. Not saying the game is hard but you would've gotten extremely lucky not dying in the game where one automatic fire round usually kills you.
I want to see the receipts on the people who said they beat Tomb Raider on Hard only dying 3 times. Not saying the game is hard but you would've gotten extremely lucky not dying in the game where one automatic fire round usually kills you.

Yep, I had a hell of a time during some combat parts on hard.
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